I’d say this banned-books story horrifies me because I’m queer, but honestly I don’t think I’d be less horrified if I were straight. It’s the kind of insanity that should worry anyone who cares about a) living in a free society or b) other people. https://popular.info/p/florida-school-district-orders-librarians?mibextid=Zxz2cZ&fbclid=PAAaYuTwJ41f7t7CfePjAApmjP7KNWFMlF4DXA1fSobcAMq8jBKZ1CgDcwZw8_aem_Abyvex2J4YQpmrJeVJheknXVrpeEnMhQ8IAlVKmXdGuVxaKikjL0Z2BEU55LxV-dnCw
Not just a little. This is not even how it starts, it's how it continues. This is almost end game.
I am (mostly) straight and this certainly horrifies me.
And it cannot be treated as something else than this.
Time for queer friendly black Market libraries in the area?
Also, public libraries are one of the most visible democratic institutions out there. Imho, book bans are a way to delegitimize democracy.
How fucking backwards
Thank FUCK I'm an adult in MA
(SPOILER: Well, I guess book 7 passes the test.)
I worry for my kid and her friends that they might have less than I did. Seeing my adult friends starting to understand themselves, I want THAT for kids. And democracy/freedom.
is near in the valley of decision.”
- Joel 3:14.
When do the book burnings start?
Very naziesk
History matters and those that stand back when it is being rewritten by the far-right need to fight back #GTTO
Florida keeps becoming worse and worse.
So they're banning the Bible then, right?
I don't know when the people will wake up over there, because what is happening in the US lately is the same as in pre-Nazi Germany.
They never ever end there.
Everyone is, or will be, affected at some point in time.
The level of stupidity and ignorance is baffling.
It's insane that they're banning books that dare to have gay couples to HIGH SCHOOLERS. I hate this state so fucking much, can't wait to be able to escape.
Weird how conservatives claim to care about lives and children but their actions continuously say otherwise.
“Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other”
When they take away one group’s rights, they chisel away at everyone’s. When they try to erase part of our history, we understand ourselves less. Education is the only way we know, hence why it’s being attacked.