A Turning Point rep (Charlie Kirk’s org) tweeted this out and look at the response.
A Turning Point rep (Charlie Kirk’s org) tweeted this out and look at the response.
and also run elections
More self-aware people might ask themselves if they were really a majority. Instead, these folks conclude they're being cheated.
Hope this helps. No really!
But otherwise yes, he's honest and awesome.
Wonder what her real residence address is.
It's an awful lot of work to vote twice; are there enough motivated to do all that to vote twice? People, just stop with that foolishness.
I imagine the person who runs the election knows better than you.
Still might, the response might be too many total words for her to process
They’re prepared to believe that everyone is voting twice because they want to do it themselves
Bystanders are reported to have said "damn..."
She got murdered twice in the same thread.
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Also: LOL.
If only it happened every day.