50% tariff on Canada. Is Trump even crazy enough to even do that. Like even he must somehow know that’s just stupid. I know I’m trying to ask too much of him but…. My god.
That’s the scariest part my dude. Is you’re right. We can’t put anything past him. There’s no lines he won’t cross. I’m not trying to fear monger either. But that’s how we are viewing things right now.
Just like you never turn your back on a wild animal, you also never turn your back on a delusional crazy person.
Trump is proving himself to be untrustworthy, completely devoid of any empathy and totally bent on getting his way every time.
But I have sworn that if he pushes for an annexation by force, I will make it my life’s mission to end as many invading Americans and quislings as I possibly can before I draw my last breath.
Last year at this time, I would’ve thought that that would’ve been the craziest thing I could ever say.
And yet now I said it with absolute clarity and complete presence of mind.
I have resigned myself to the fact that if my country’s sovereignty is challenged, I will hold up my old oath to protect and defend. /3
More of this and less the bothsidesism bullshit.
The tariffs are INSANE and there are no winners.
I don't know what kind of idiot is advising the orange turd but just wow
Nah. This is Trump working stuff out for himself. He's concluded that the type of experts he semi-listened to in his first term led him astray (hence his loss in 2020), and is defaulting to what he knows from his business methods.
No he is not doing this on his own
Putin is pressuring him via Musk. Steven miller's is writing a lot of this, too Then there is the 2025 agenda crowd pushing this economic theory
Then the billionaires who are suddenly furious, were envisioning a capitalistic society w them in charge of us pheasants
I'm sure Putin is happily enjoying the chaos but Trump has been talking about these sort of policies and methods for decades. He didn't need encouragement, just self-confidence.
Putin is only one. He made a deal with the devil—Musk, Project 2025 billionaires, and finally Putin. They rigged the election for him to keep him out of jail, Musk is tearing America down, pocketing the money, Putin gets the West destroyed, & Project 2025 gets to set up the US not as a Democracy.
I mean, that was basically the idea from the outset... he's done an amazingly good job of it in comparison to every other enterprise he's ever attempted, presumably because the puppetmasters know what they're doing.
Because he had to pay back his handlers for rigging the election for him to keep him out of jail. Musk, Project 2025, and Putin, they’re all demanding payment. Putin wants to bring down the Western world, Trump doesn’t care, he’s gonna die soon.
You go, Steve Liesman! Finally!! Someone on CNBC with the guts to call it out. So many commenters on CNBC dance around the obvious, thinking viewers are stupid. No one likes uncertainty, and DJT is insane (cuz he is!) trying to sell tariffs as a good thing for the US stock market and economy.
The trouble is, there is a 'but what if it's a strategy' argument that's valid.
Unfortunately that argument is 'he's not crazy, he's working directly for Russia to wreck all our shit and so his actions are malicious, not arbitrary'.
That's a real strategy that we will not like, one bit.
It's a mix. Most of the things being done are deliberate sabotage, but I think there's no small amount of actual crazy in there (sociopathy), and a large dollop of age-related dementia. No rational person would handle an evil coup the way 47* is handling his.
And next question is- strategy to what end? Is it a strategy to allow the president, his family and the 13 billionaires in the cabinet to accumulate stocks and other assets at a discount? How much are they going to own by the end of the term?
Note that the ones most needing to grift money are gone now. You can't just go by 'grift' when the plan is to destroy everything, and that's actually the flaw in their plan: it has to LOOK like grift as long as possible, but it is going to destroy MAGA. They're probably meant to switch to Gavin N…
Finally saying the obvious. Trump is ruining the US and its economy. Why? He is an idiot but who is telling him to do all this? Elon? Putin? We are being destroyed from within and quickly. No Republican standing up for their principles. Cowards or traitors?
The US media (and not just Faux News) is working hard to turn this into a 1984 situation where words can mean anything and therefore they don't mean anything.
With noting how similar this is to what the UK media did before Brexit.
The depths that the US has plunged is highlighted by the fact that someone’s livelihood is jeopardised by offering an opinion. An opinion that’s a highly accurate interpretation of the batshit crazy state of the US at the moment.
At least for white people. Blacks in Jim Crow south lost their jobs just by registering to vote. It’s what federal civil service is important. Job can’t be threatened by opinion.
The USA has taken the mask off. Say it right. This was always the natural course. Trump got away from punishment just like the Dixiecrats because white people wont punish each other properly.
If you came from where I’m from and knew the history I knew you’d agree. Go read about the failures of Reconstruction and then about how white Americans filled the pools so they didn’t have to swim with black people. Read about how the remove trees from our neighborhoods.
This is not a “white people” thing…this is a “RICH people” thing and until we all realize this, we’ll continue fighting with each other while they continue to plunder and destroy our country
Then you don’t know shit if you think that. Poot white people helped get us here. They have excluded black workers from movements and when we were let in they used us and closed the door behind themselves. White women are the most guilty of this…
You miss the point completely. The rich are using their wealth to stoke cultural issues to drive a wedge between the people. I’m not saying or excusing the racism involved in that, I’m just tryin to point out the folks who are actually the root of the problem
No. White people feel they are superior and they can be manipulated to harm themselves and others. I don’t see anybody else living like that.
White people are the problem until white supremacy is dead. Rich or fucking poor, you’re all running cover for each other’s bullshit. Go fucking read a book
And yes, we’ll continue fighting until people like you realize that telling Black people to meant whites, holding onto white supremacy, in the middle is a losing strategy. We have enough history to share to see that white people fuck over the movements for their own gains…
I have spoken about it at lengths today with plenty of information and even other people to back me up. You need to come meet Black people were they’re at now. Not the other way around!
Trump should have been arrested the day after October 6th for inciting a coup. When that didn’t happen, we were screwed. It proves they wanted the coup to succeed.
Who are they? These Musk billionaires, that’s who.
When there wasn’t RICO charges implicating Justice Thomas and his wife I knew what granny told me to be true: white Americans will sell their mothers for another dollar. (People’s parents are being affected negatively by this regime.)
Granny was right and it’s heartbreaking she fought for nothing.
Never have! We can’t hurt white feelings. And black people have a higher pain tolerance so it’s okay if they suffer. /s (in case it’s not thick enough)
It's understandable that People wouldn't know it by following the "news" media infotainment... But ALL of Trump's unlawful & unconstitutional actions are being challenged in courts, with 119 lawsuits going thru the Courts by last count today. ⬇️
As an outside observer, I see 2 problems: 1. Constitutional matters will presumably be repeatedly appealed until they get to SCOTUS, which will back Trump (notwithstanding the recent judgement); 2. There's every chance that Trump will simply ignore the law.
50 state governments that will uphold it? Where? You are not speaking to facts. He IS ignoring the judgments that have gone against him. Example, the USAID defunding continues despite explicitly being blocked. And the states? Most are GOP led and are backing his illegal actions
The administration has been upholding the court orders so far... and of course the Court rulings will stand regardless, and 50 States governments will enforce them on their part.
It is worth noting that court cases, and even court judgements, are not the test here: it is whether those judgements are adhered to by the administration. Time will tell.
Correct. The enforcement of the rulings, has failed for god knows why, with Trump. No accountability. He gets away with almost everything. They tinker at the edges.
Legal action takes time, and those who suffer injustice might have difficult time until the Courts gets to rule on making them whole & correcting the injustices.
The system is not supposed to work like this, the Admin should respect the laws & that is the challenge here.
Barely hanging in there, isn't that the whole problem? With Trump taking over the Justice dept, will the Constitution hold? Isn't that what we're watching unfold?
It is being challenged, yes. Severely challenged, yes.
But that doesn't mean that the law doesn't exist, or the Constitution doesn't exist.
The Constitution does exist, Courts of all levels uphold it, and State governments in every inch of the United States uphold it still & will keep upholding it.
“At risk to my job” is some deep shit isn’t it. Is this America? Do we have the right to free speech? No, we lost that Jan 20 with our whole country. Flushed down the Trump toilet by MAGA. Never forgive and never forget
Trump never had a normal job in his life. He probably never even bought his own groceries, even once. He has NO IDEA how difficult life is for most Americans, even the ones who have good jobs.
What infuriates me is his co-host saying “Well, he’s mad about the electricity tariffs” acting like it’s sane reasoning + omitting completely that he started this trade war in the first place. Feels like everyone in American media is compromised, complicit or incapable of doing their fucking job!
I don't think he's insane, he is however a genuine malignant narcissist. He's so in love with himself he truly believes he is a genius and can do no wrong.
Various psychiatrists have reported major concerns, but they get in trouble for not examining him in person. Still enough of his life is on video for a pretty damming picture.
The answer is you will never get a clinical diagnosis, and even if you had one, I'm not sure the republicans would act.
Many of the republicans in dc know full well Trump is a lunatic. They aren't there for him.. Look at all the payoffs, in high level Govt jobs, he makes to people for being loyal. Power and $ ... even for drunken dopes like Hegseth.
Without snark or sarcasm, as a research psychologist, I assure you that trained observers could (and have) evaluated his actions and words to determine if they agree with recognized psychological maladies, as described in the DSM. It's no different than diagnosing any other medical issue.
beautiful. the experts, the adults in the room, have reached the limit. he kicked ass. "insanity is not a strategy". and everything he said was 100% correct.
This is Steve Liesman. Boy, do I miss him. He was willing to stand up to the right wing nuts at CNBC including Joe Kernan and Rick Santelli (who is credited for starting the Tea Party with a rant from the floor of Chicago's Board of Trade). He's an excellent economist.
He's impossible to watch. I don't see how he even has a contract. I mean he's not even a good broadcaster. He's constantly missing cues, going off script, interrupting people... and he's not even that bright! Plus old, nasty, and out of touch.
And with all due respect to Kelly Evans, who is a sharp hard working woman, she tends to follow the lemmings. Although she should and probably knows how insane they are. As an example, she got on the "soft landing" wagon and would not drop it although it was obvious it wasn't going to happen.
Fingers crossed that his words will wake a few people up and start a major push back from those in Congress, business, the farmers, the legal immigrants who have managed to maintain sanity and know what Trump and Musk are doing are WRONG.
How can we survive the idiocy of Trump and Musk. Is he trying to create a world depression/collapse, then claim he needs to invoke martial law because people are protesting in the streets? This is beyond any James Bond drama.
**Keep the pressure on Tesla**
The reason he's speaking out is not because our rights are being ripped from us, he's speaking out because what Trump is doing is harming the wealth of the ultra-rich in America. His argument is strictly business.
It appears that he's trying to devalue USD. USD is down 5% compared to EUR in the past month, which is the steepest drop in years. Inflation, recession, markets plunging, tariffs, chasing away foreign investment-- all devalue USD. Why? Maybe to replace it with a Crypto scheme.
Acolyte Asset Trump doesn’t understand much more than the TV ratings of the past. It’s always been me destroying your Order & life. Investing government subsidies in bitcoin on Tesla balance sheets years ago. My chaos implosion will take the Dollar & Crypto down with a single shot …
Folks will argue me, but they're wrong... crypto is, for all intents and purposes, pegged to the USD. Tanking USD takes functionally all crypto down with it, so this incompetence isn't about switching for a crypto base. Further, there isn't a functioning crypto to take the place of USD.
Most are either too slow, have too many additional fees, or both. They lack the liquidity. They lack the adoption. It's simply not feasible at this point.
Not yet. The Treasury has been considering it. They like the transparency of the public ledger for tracking every transaction. I think they will create a new scheme, and Trump & Phony Stark will hold 50% of the float and become instant multi-trillionaires-- After USD loses reserve currency status.
You know I recall his son saying, in the immediate aftermath of the election, that this time his Dad wouldn’t be surrounded by people who’d stop him doing what he wants. It was a chilling moment that is undoubtedly his MO now.
Wow. CNBC is basically a pr arm for Trump. Joe Kernen and most others at cnbc (not all tho!) WORSHIP Trump. Worship him. They’ve been re-writing reality to help prop him up even tho markets are being destroyed since he was inaugurated. Bravo to Steve Liesman for speaking the truth.
Imagine if Obama or Biden got someone fired for criticizing their policies on TV. The right would be apoplectic. And yet they're all for firing anybody that goes against trump.
Since Trump confirmed his grand tariff plan in early February, the Dow Jones has fallen by 10 per cent, wiping more than $US1.5 trillion from its value.
That's because Trump IS demented. Great job sane washing, you guys in the corporate media... and always nice to see someone tell the truth on TV... 'at risk to his job'? WTF...
You know what’s super interesting about this is that he starts with, “I’m going to say this at the risk of my job,” and the reason he says that is that we in journalism are still struggling with maintaining the appearance of objectivity vs. telling the truth. We have to start siding with the truth.
This is how BBC news fell over following the politicisation of the top ranks in editorial. Balance vs Objectivity.
Both sides of any story given equal weight produces flat earthers and vax-deniers.
IWY the very best of luck in finding your way out of the conundrum.
I’m in the US so I don’t know what happened at the BBC, except I remember there was direct interference by the Blair government during the Iraq war. Is that what you’re referring to or is there something else?
To quote Trump's Press Secretary, "Tariffs are a tax cut for the US citizens." That is total elephant crap she is peddling to the Mega base. More reporters need to call her out. Maybe even bring a Webster Dictionary for her to look up what tariffs really are.
Bravo! Final someone in the news with some balls! Hey Jim Cramer. Grow a pair! Call a spade a spade. Trump is trying to crash the economic at the direction of Putin.
When leaders and subject matter experts are fearful of telling the truth, that’s a big, open sign that we are beginning to live in a fascist state. When they speak out anyway, they are democracy heroes.
A large percentage of our population is very accustomed to going along to get along, so somebody saying they're risking their job by speaking truth to power doesn't even raise an eyebrow. It's the norm.
We need more sanity and courage in the media!! Too many are afraid of losing their jobs. This is not a democracy without a free press! @mcuban.bsky.social maybe you can start something we can all use and subscribe to?
Trump has a long history of getting people fired for telling the truth. In 1990 financial analyst Marvin Roffman predicted, pretty much to the hour, when Trump's Atlantic City operations would go belly up. Trump leaned on Roffman's employer to fire him, and they did.
I stand by this anchor. Trump is insane. At this point, I don’t think even his billionaire oligarchs could rein him in. He’s proven in the last 8 weeks he’s not only corrupt and a liar. He’s not right in the head. He’s insane.
It's as if Nelson Muntz was in the Oval Office, with a firm grip on Trump's arm, mocking, "Stop hitting yourself". Only, Trump is managing to punch himself repeatedly in the face, without anyone's help at all.
Well, we all know Kelly is Maga, Joe Kernan literally said it like a month ago on TV. So while she’s defending the insanity, steve is speaking the truth.
The bosses want them to help Trump. Most media figures did not get a high paid TV news gig by having the integrity to tell the truth if it's not a truth the boss wants told.
its like life now - disprove some idiotic MAGAt nonsense, then they throw up another idiotic defense, disprove that, then you're back at square 1 again.
@steveliesman.bsky.social is truly one of the good ones at CNBC. Was always a realist and was bullish after the Great Recession at the start of the Obama presidency. He was proven right again and again.
Trump is pretty rough with the ways of destruction...people should be unified but he is inspiring division and chaos to his MAGA Cult Republican followers unfortunately speaking...Kamala Harris would've been...
of tremendous assistance to the USA empire much more than Trump is doing right now. I am eager for Trump's reign of self styled tyranny to friggin end bros, lol.
There is power vested in the Exec branch, but not to the extent that it runs over those given to the judiciary or the Houses or bureaucrats. Hopefully folks remember this more.
What I find disturbing (well, in addition to the economic disaster) is the legitimate fear he believes he can lose his job for simply stating what we all know…insane
The freedom of speech is gone. Freedom of the press is gone. Democracy is gone. It hurt my heart when I read he thought he may be fired. People are living in constant fear of losing their jobs, not receiving SS & Medicare, being shunned and hated for being different and the list goes on.
Steve is one of the few rational people on CNBC. I always listen to what he has to say. Others like Joe Kernan? As soon as they start to talk I switch it off.
And yet by crazy, you mean “sane” —because when someone actually speaks the plain, sane truth these days, it sounds crazy.
What Liesman is saying is the most straightforward, obvious, reasonable stuff imaginable. But the overpowering normalcy bias of the media makes it sound crazy. Bad times.
On CBC here in Canada panelists now openly muse about if the US government is just too stupid to wage a trade war properly lmao. CBC is NOT known for sensationalism, let me tell you.
He normally would be for Trump and R’s in general for nothing more than “tax cuts”. However Steve Leisman is not a dummy. He knows how bad this is and what is coming for the economy.
It was from a phrase attributed to Khrushchev, quoted by JFK-
"as Chairman Khrushchev warned the Communist Chinese, ‘the survivors would envy the dead.’ "
People are answering this question, but they're leaving out the crucial detail that "deadhead" typically refers specifically to fans who followed the band on tour, often living out of vans and attending as many shows as possible. They had notorious associations with counter culture.
Canadians have pretty much given up thinking a resolution is unattainable with the current administration in the United States. The negotiations are in bad faith and bad actors are constantly pushing their undue foreign influence. We are now diversifying and sending our goods elsewhere.
Tell that to Doug Ford. He is still committed to this policy, announced on Jan 28. It’s on the govt website, and he’s down in the US trying to make it happen.
We wanted the alliances to hold here in Canada too. That’s what so heartbreaking. We were proud of our cross border decades long friendship and successes. 🇨🇦♥️
Think of the cheap stocks. They'll make a killing.
I mean, until the under classes get desperate and hungry enough to turn the tables and bring the other meaning of the word, but surely that won't happen AGAIN.
That's plausible. A handful of people made a lot of money in the great depression, but those people owned businesses that made stuff people needed to live.
Trump is proving himself to be untrustworthy, completely devoid of any empathy and totally bent on getting his way every time.
I have few fucks left to give in this life.
Last year at this time, I would’ve thought that that would’ve been the craziest thing I could ever say.
I have resigned myself to the fact that if my country’s sovereignty is challenged, I will hold up my old oath to protect and defend. /3
The tariffs are INSANE and there are no winners.
I don't know what kind of idiot is advising the orange turd but just wow
Putin is pressuring him via Musk. Steven miller's is writing a lot of this, too Then there is the 2025 agenda crowd pushing this economic theory
Then the billionaires who are suddenly furious, were envisioning a capitalistic society w them in charge of us pheasants
He is building his gigafactories in China and other countries while our country is being destroyed.
The two will fall out because of precisely that conflict of interest.
treasolini is heavily invested in China. Heck, Ivanka holds 7 copyrights there. Everything he makes is from there
Also - fuck Kelly
We need more of this!
Unfortunately that argument is 'he's not crazy, he's working directly for Russia to wreck all our shit and so his actions are malicious, not arbitrary'.
That's a real strategy that we will not like, one bit.
WTF are we doing! Trump is a traitor and useful idiot for Putin!
Remove all Traitors!
Our President is an active agent for Moscow.
[economist] "Insanity is not a strategy."
[host laughs]
With noting how similar this is to what the UK media did before Brexit.
The USA has fallen.
Get your facts straight, homeboy!
If you came from where I’m from and knew the history I knew you’d agree. Go read about the failures of Reconstruction and then about how white Americans filled the pools so they didn’t have to swim with black people. Read about how the remove trees from our neighborhoods.
White people are the problem until white supremacy is dead. Rich or fucking poor, you’re all running cover for each other’s bullshit. Go fucking read a book
Who are they? These Musk billionaires, that’s who.
Granny was right and it’s heartbreaking she fought for nothing.
I'd remind you of the last 4 years of severe criticism of Joe Biden, and the 4 years before that of severe criticism of Donald Trump himself.
This is STILL the United States of America, the Constitution is still in force.
It's understandable that People wouldn't know it by following the "news" media infotainment... But ALL of Trump's unlawful & unconstitutional actions are being challenged in courts, with 119 lawsuits going thru the Courts by last count today. ⬇️
The courts will save us!
Legal action takes time, and those who suffer injustice might have difficult time until the Courts gets to rule on making them whole & correcting the injustices.
The system is not supposed to work like this, the Admin should respect the laws & that is the challenge here.
But that doesn't mean that the law doesn't exist, or the Constitution doesn't exist.
The Constitution does exist, Courts of all levels uphold it, and State governments in every inch of the United States uphold it still & will keep upholding it.
thx for saying that :)
Doing Is Insane."
One symptom being super arrogant.
The answer is you will never get a clinical diagnosis, and even if you had one, I'm not sure the republicans would act.
Dementia is, after all, an unavoidable symptom of end stage tertiary syphilis.
Though I'm pretty sure tertiary syphilis is doing some fine work in there, as well.
People JUST NOW realizing (some never will) that the felon is insane.
He's impossible to watch. I don't see how he even has a contract. I mean he's not even a good broadcaster. He's constantly missing cues, going off script, interrupting people... and he's not even that bright! Plus old, nasty, and out of touch.
That woman reporter actually tried to cover for trump by calling insanity a "STRATEGY".
This person should not be allowed to cross the streets by herself.
She is DAMAGED. Sorry.
**Keep the pressure on Tesla**
Faber, Liesman, Quintanilla and Sorkin
The rest are swine, or worse.
When House Republicans vote for this rule today, they will also be voting to support Trump's tariffs and all the resulting damage to the US economy
More please.
He said that like 3 weeks ago.
“Insanity is not a strategy”
"It's so dumb"
"Oh, it's so dumb it's brilliant!"
"No, it's just dumb!"
Both sides of any story given equal weight produces flat earthers and vax-deniers.
IWY the very best of luck in finding your way out of the conundrum.
Love this guy
Tariffs are a tax ON US citizens, the countries sending goods to the US don't pay them, the end consumer does.
And what is scarier is a large percentage of our population doesn’t find that worrisome at all.
Farther afield, we've seen the acrimonious departures Paul Krugman, Ruth Marcus, Jim Acosta, Charles Blow, Peter Coy, Alex Kaufman, Gene Lyons...
Yo, CONGRESS-CRITTERS, take note and grow a spine!
“Insanity is not a strategy.”
its like life now - disprove some idiotic MAGAt nonsense, then they throw up another idiotic defense, disprove that, then you're back at square 1 again.
Who’s insane?
Now if other people would just get in line with you . That would be great.
Insanity needs to be institutionalized
"Off with his head!"
He's 100% right.
What Liesman is saying is the most straightforward, obvious, reasonable stuff imaginable. But the overpowering normalcy bias of the media makes it sound crazy. Bad times.
Heartfelt thank you🥰
He normally would be for Trump and R’s in general for nothing more than “tax cuts”. However Steve Leisman is not a dummy. He knows how bad this is and what is coming for the economy.
"as Chairman Khrushchev warned the Communist Chinese, ‘the survivors would envy the dead.’ "
I mean, until the under classes get desperate and hungry enough to turn the tables and bring the other meaning of the word, but surely that won't happen AGAIN.
He's great always.
But this was epic.