This Monday I'm just about to start Incidents Around The House by Josh Mallerman
What book(s) are you reading this week?
💙📚 #BookSky #MondayReads #TBR
What book(s) are you reading this week?
💙📚 #BookSky #MondayReads #TBR
I bought it when it first came out and it ended up on the TBR bookcase, really enjoying it and wish I’d pulled it out sooner x
Also still reading The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet which is *so* good.
Number Go Up, Faux (yes, really), excellent explanations of how crypto actually works and how SBF operated in particular.
I'm currently reading the third book in the "Hard Boiled" trilogy by Jack Quaid. Some over-the-top action pulp, it's a nice break between some of the heavier fiction.
The last week to struggle through before some time off & I'm quite tired/run down so not sure how much I'll read.
For fiction I have Elphie (the new Wicked novel) plus The Wager and the Bear on the TBR pile.
For non fiction next up is probably Autocracy Inc
Happy reading!
💙📚 #BookSky
As I often do, I’m falling back into the realms where Horror and early 20th century Sci-Fi meet to soothe the terrors of reality.
Currently reading Artificial Condition aka Murderbot 2 by Martha Wells and The Black God's Drums by P.Dèjelí Clarke. Both great reads so far.
I should also mention Jonathan Aycliffe's 'Shadow on the Wall', which I've just finished. An excellent, unsettling Jamesian ghost story.
by Louis-Ferdinand Céline
"It's true," I admitted.
"But they'll treat you here?"
"There's no treatment for fear, Lola."
Quite cynical, like Camus, but unbelievably funny.
A young woman gets a job in the oil industry as climate change ramps up.
#BookSky #MondayReads #TBR #JoyofReading
Btw, great new profile pic!
Thanks! It's more reflective of how I feel at the mo than the usual smiley pics.
Totally understand about the lack of reasons to be smiley atm ...
Excited to read A Spy At War by when the kindle drops next week!
It’s the next book club read. Thanks’s for my copy.
I took a photo of my favourite passage so far and realised it's exactly the same one you posted! She has such clarity and warmth. Thank you for the recommendation ❤️
together with my son, a chess fan haha.
I wouldn’t saw I’m a massive Tolkien devotee, but I am finding his approach to good and evil quite comforting in these troubled times.
I know some people don’t particularly gravitate towards short stories, but I think they’re such an amazing craft & in #ShowDontTell Sittenfeld creates a string of complete little worlds, a glimpse into someone’s life, if you like!
I'd been hesitant to read it as I love Shirley Jackson and I wasn't sure about a return to Hill House. But I'm giving it a go.