Holy shit are we fucked, pack it in.
Reposted from
gene hackman, molecular biologist
Ignorance, incompetence, malevolence, eugenics all rolled into one RFKJr statement.
Feeding the Hens Sushi or bathing them in Sheep-dip
“Let the bodies pile high”
Where is this grabbed from?
He doesn’t make COMMON sense!
Perhaps don't bother with cancer treatment in humans.
Let it run through the population and just keep the humans who are immune.
It worked so well for Covid. 🤦
This is one of the dumbest things he ever thought of.
If the stupidest contingent of us all wants to kill themselves to prove a contrived point they've been told is important, that's just natural selection my guy
That his policies are gaining renewed interest in Russia today is a very bad thing.
Let's just let the species become endangered and turn vegan.
I am considering just saying FUCK IT and partying like the missiles have been launched; they probably will be soon anyway.
If they all die, we know that RFK was right. Who goes first, your children or your parents. #dumbcunt
They want to cause riots, then they'll impose martial law.
The same approach to not reporting on Covid hospitalizations or deaths, would make the USA look healthy.
It's dangerous being American.
It also needs more pictures.
At best? Chicken costs $40 a lbs and all the chicken restaurants close
The only two that lived out of my flock
Stupid asses could ask the farmers
They just ain't educated enough
Sparrows were okay but lately
House Finches started to make a comeback last summer
after being decimated 3 years ago
Wear a mask
Don't eat eggs for a while
…or - Y’know any number of diseases that’s communicability is on par with its preventability.
….what a potato.
His brainworm left…
True story.
I wonder if he was thinking about his own birds when he said this, and whether they would survive or not.
I hope you guys are looking at this shit? The minute you get a sniff of this thing, ☠️ DONT LET ANYONE IN OR OUT. WE ARE A ISLAND. 🙏
Please and thank you have a nice day 😉
In fact, they actively seem to be striving to purge the administration of those who are not fools.
It's also a way to signal contempt for the mission of most gov't departments -- let McMahon "body slam" the Dept. of Education, for example
... just ask the millions who died on dicktraitors last watch from covid...
...studidity runamuck AGAIN...
virus, disease, bacteria, mold, fungus...
it all thrives and spreads in warmer climates.
frost cycles help us live
*me pulling a fuckin boulder out of my fridge* yeah essentially
($5 per egg)
1. USDA "accidentally" lays off Bird Flu employees, making the problem worse.
2. USDA takes stance that bird flu should run its course
3. Food companies raise prices, never to return.
Trump's rich friends get richer.
What he's calling for is the greatest Malthusian check of all time.
How about we stop the practice of medicine? Let the strong survive. Oh yeah, we had that for hundreds of thousands of years, but still die from stuff.
It's an incredible story. I'll paste a link below.
An English village quarantined itself during the black plague.
Centuries later, researchers were able to link a slight resistance to HIV to plague survivors.
But not because...
The exact opposite. A town self quarantined and kept such thorough records that decendants of survivors could be tested.
They didn't refuse treatment. They quarantined and cared for each other as best they could, and they left us a legacy of data. Because of their...
The resistance is an accident of nature, but it is one we may never have known about if if a small village had not taken it upon themselves...
This is the opposite of whatever RFK thinks, which is to purposely harm people and hope for a miracle.
He's a monster. And an idiot.
We'll find out who is naturally immune to ebola or marburg. It will be a vanishly minute number, but hey...at least we'll know!
"It'll be gone by summer."
All I can do is vote (until they take that from us), survive till it's over, or die.