There are many existing scientific studies that show SpaceX cannot take humans to Mars anytime soon. SpaceX has never exceeded 870 miles altitude, the Moon is 238,855 miles and Mars is 140 million miles away. Elon is trying to get 100's of billions for something he can't do. Grifting Nazi lunatic.
The worst part of that would be finding out just before the explosion that it was happening on purpose, because you said "Gulf of Mexico" instead of "Gulf of America".
Same subject, different teams, but my area SIUE (Edwardsville, IL) made the tournament for the first time in school history.
Wanna place any bets on this one?
SIUE - #16
Houston - #1
There’ve been real NASA plans to get people to Mars by now that date back to like 2005 and at least expected crewed lunar landings by 2020. So SpaceX isn’t really alone in that regard anyway
NASA will be lucky to get people to the moon in the early 30s, never mind Mars, orders of magnitude harder.
Christ, they love these fantasy stories. It's the old AM/FM from early SF: actual machines vs fucking magic.
We know what Elon & NASA are increasingly selling.
Trip to mars. 🤣
These jackasses are aware they can’t even get to the moon, hell they can’t even get out of the earths atmosphere at the moment, this mars shit is beyond ridiculous.
“Rules apply… for instance- we can’t get to Mars… and there’s nothin on Mars… and quite frankly, we can barely keep Earth running so we probably are just going to use the whole ‘going to Mars’ thing as marketing… I mean, I doubt we even get off our hands, let alone outside our own atmosphere”
Dear Elon,
Although your offer sounds generous, get a grip:
No one alive today will still be around by the time anyone is running manned spaceflights to Mars.
It would be awfully odd to be obliterated over the Gulf of America (sheesh)...... Just sayin'...... & of course I'm kidding!!! I'm just wondering what happened to Gonzaga... Heehee!!
The fact that Musk genuinely believes this achievable, given that, what, 11 of his rockets blew up in recent times, tells you everything about just how crazy and fucking shit he is
The way things are going winning actually sounds pretty sweet. It’s gotta be a pretty instantaneous death and my ashes are automatically scattered over water per my wishes. BRB gotta go bet.
I'm thinking more inline with a "free" trip to Mars and the genetic damage resulting from exposure to radiation during the trip.
[like going through a CAT scan two dozen times, which is almost 15 times higher than the radiation exposure allowed for workers at a nuclear power plant]
I think that all 68 teams should play to make sure Trump's bracket is the winner. Trip "to" Mars is the prize. It says nothing about a trip back to Earth.
I don’t know. Lisa hopefully said “Houston we have a problem.” Just before the rocket rapidly disassembled. She was able to obtain her life goal of hanging at international quilt festival as well.
Imagine being proud of being one of Musk’s little meat puppets.
I wish more people in the press would call out Elon Musk’s cowardice…Why hasn’t he been up in one of his rockets? Even that unbelievable pipsqueak Bezos has been up in one of his own.
There are two cities in the US and several around the world named Mars. Wanna bet the winner will end up in Field of Mars, Russia? “If they no like, we silence with potato.”🥔
Well society certainly has become shit potatoes here on earth as well. 🤣 Only for everyone but rich white men and the pick-me women that pander to them. Never thought society could regress so much so fast. And all because people want equality. My brain can’t fathom that level of narcissism
There’s no nothing but rocks and ice. I personally also don’t think humans can survive physically being off the earth. It’s to foreign. Astronauts age rapidly. Our technology isbt advanced enough. And aliens aren’t going to share that. Humans are parasitic to planets currently
You'd be lucky to explode at 11,00 ft. It would be a quick death. Going to Mars would be like camping at Chernobyl for 6 months, and then getting stuck in the middle of monument valley with limited food and water while you slowly die from Cancer because your car broke down.
Nice change of pace for them.
Anyone with the intelligence and foresight to pick a perfect bracket has to be disappeared.
just a minute...
Wanna place any bets on this one?
SIUE - #16
Houston - #1
Elon never cared about rules before. What's up here?
“NASA aims to launch astronauts to Mars by the late 2030s or early 2040s. Making that vision a reality will be challenging.”
If a billionaire wants to go to mars, good luck, but not with the people's money and resources and so much to be done here on Earth.
Christ, they love these fantasy stories. It's the old AM/FM from early SF: actual machines vs fucking magic.
We know what Elon & NASA are increasingly selling.
Trip to Mars on the Bomb.
He's prob gonna seed the most likely 500 brackets with entries.
Get it right or it’s off the gulag!
These jackasses are aware they can’t even get to the moon, hell they can’t even get out of the earths atmosphere at the moment, this mars shit is beyond ridiculous.
Although your offer sounds generous, get a grip:
No one alive today will still be around by the time anyone is running manned spaceflights to Mars.
Actually, you won’t be either.
How about a submarine ride to the Titanic? Diving in the Mariana Trench? OPTIONS!
Which coincidentally are roughly the same as the odds that Elon will ever fly anybody to Mars
No, send him to Mars so he can be exiled like the great Napoleon!
And realizing you are now sterile due to radiation.
[like going through a CAT scan two dozen times, which is almost 15 times higher than the radiation exposure allowed for workers at a nuclear power plant]
Bon voyage, asshole!!
Survival and return are not mentioned.
I wish more people in the press would call out Elon Musk’s cowardice…Why hasn’t he been up in one of his rockets? Even that unbelievable pipsqueak Bezos has been up in one of his own.
He’d gladly send some people off to die, I know.
What could possibly go wrong?
Second place: Trip to Mars with Elon.
It's all a scam just like everything Elon Musk does
I worry about the 2 coming back from the Space Station on Space X. Hoping for the best