It means JD Vance is one of those stupid racist barefoot in the head motherfuckers that is terminally online but still has no idea how the internet works, and he ran to Elon for damage control because he knows he got absolutely pwned.
The USA declared trade wars against most of the world today and all I can think about is JD Vance melting down on Twitter because the fucking helldude called him soft
JD Vance is the biggest, stupidest pussy to ever get a job with the federal government, much less be vice president. He probably got some Russian guys with Novichok who are currently terrorizing some computer store in Missouri:
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought but... it's looking like... this says "sarcastic tweets and washed emoji?" that can't be right.
Now now JD Vance is born and bred of simple hillfolk stock, he don know which fork to use, taint never tasted fancy sparkling water, and he probably reckons this Jeff Computers feller is a feller what computes and such
im like completely out of the loop on who helldude is and what all these various bits people are talking about can someone PLEASE inform me because i have a sneaking suspicion its really funny
*WasBappin in discussion with Clarise Starling searching for AllahLiker*
"you still wake up sometimes, don't you? You wake up in the dark and hear the tweeting of the helldude!" "Has the helldude stopped tweeting Clarise?? Has he stopped tweeting?"
if any historians are looking back on these posts in 10 or 20 years please make note i'm the one who first said Jeff Computers would be a good helldude bit
Buy your favorite toilet paper.
way to show them who's the boss
Also, they’re kids
To them any hotel room is private
Thanks FBI!!
"you still wake up sometimes, don't you? You wake up in the dark and hear the tweeting of the helldude!" "Has the helldude stopped tweeting Clarise?? Has he stopped tweeting?"
Let the jeff who has insight calculate the number of the computer for it is the number of a poster, and that number is 666."