Shows they used an inexperienced person using Photoshop, who doesn't know how to adjust individual picture images for proper lighting nor does idiot know how to crop properly so everything looks correctly sized. So obviously looks like a 12 year old script kiddie sitting in their mom's basement.
I'll let others decide which song from that album should be converted to the title of "Cover Your Drinks" or "Cover Your Drinks, Ladies" (depending on which meter works better)
Except MAGA cap guy in the upper the row.
Unsurprising absences: Javanka
History repeats it's self
I swear Dickens writes these names. Nothing would make me happier than seeing Rudy serve Miss Ruby Freeman for the rest of his days.
K: Grandpa
SM: no Daddy
K: Grandpa
Sm: no Daddy
K: Nosferatu?
SM: yes! Daddy
Hey Abbbbbooott!