People gotta get it through their thick skulls: Elon Musk is not actually good at business. Tesla would have died many times over by now, if not for outright fraud. The tactics he is using on government now have destroyed Twitter as an experience and business. His other companies aren't profitable.
2) He had to head off SEC investigations
3) The US government was blocking his truly ludicrous pay package from Tesla
Basically it was take over the government or the jig would likely be up.
Then: buy Ed’s book! 📕
Business, politics, marriage/relationships, fatherhood, EVERYTHING!
He has never not been like this!
I take a few minutes to walk them through the huge accomplishments of Gage and Cocconi, and that they introduced Musk to Tesla's founders who licensed Gage/Cocconi's tech. Musk was just the first rich guy to drive the T-Zero
After his investment he sued Teslas founders to force him to be called one too.
We seem to be beyond that now
TSLA is overvalued, and he is holding it hostage. Without Musk's cult of personality, they have no possible claim to their market valuation, and the stock collapses and the company death spirals.
So he can demand $50B because they literally CANNOT say no. That's fucked!!!
But the second they admit it everything collapses. So they pretend and prop it up a bit longer.
Sadly... people are holding out that Elon wins by hook or by crook
Like Trump, if Musk hadn’t been born rich, white and male, he’d probably be dead or in jail.
No one could have watched in real time what he did on Twitter and still believe he was competent.
Ain't no way otherwise a "let's make us $50B poorer" vote would have been approved by shareholders otherwise.
Why does he need Tesla?
Now it does well because people want a part of the grift.
i am very familiar with the Homer
Of course you can! ♪
Well I couldn't before! ♪
Same day:
it's *horseshit* because the premise is false in multiple ways, but it's not *logically contradictory*
They have not reduced the cost of access to space.