I have been blocked by a few of them just by liking posts mocking them, no doubt I'll be on some blocklists too for even liking people suggesting doing anything while a fascist regime is being installed in your country. I feel berated for empathizing with americans with a soul.
You know what I've just realized? I've been voting for dems in basically every election, but you know what I haven't been doing? Donating. And when I think about why, the answer from within tells me that it's because it would be a waste. A bad investment.
The only time they unite, or spend any effort at all, is to stop people from genuinely improving the country. Like they did with Bernie in 2020. They sure "did something" then.
I have been told several times now that criticizing democrats for inaction is the same as supporting republicans because, idk, I guess their feelings will get hurt and they’ll do even less.
I saw a post where someone countered that with "The parents who screamed at Uvalde police to do something weren't somehow supporting the shooter killing their children."
The old logic I got was that criticizing democratic candidates would favor their Republican candidates but like, the election is over. They are not gaining or losing power.
like, they had every opportunity after losing to just quietly slink back into their brunches and not reveal that all their "well AFTER the election we can push her left on gaza/immigration/trans rights" was absolute bullshit by not caring that an unelected chode has access to their shit.
yeah, it would be pretty much the antithesis of the know-nothings, except not weirdly focused on catholicism. However, the tenet of good works + faith could be applied...
during the campaign a LOT of them tried pushing a “caring about Palestinians is anti-black racism” narrative, and they couldn’t be more obvious with their bad faith.
It’s not all of them but I’m pretty sure the majority of them are part of some paid influence operation, if their goal is to make people hate Democrats I would say it’s been pretty successful.
What if they're the smartened up ones in on the kayfabe. What if they're the do nothing's because they already know the Dems won't do anything and they're fine with it
There has never been more conclusive proof of media collusion with the establishment Dems than Bernie being saddled with the rep of having toxic fans but KHive being largely overlooked for sociopathic behavior.
I have never bumped into any group as consistently valueless. Vicious, but not in service of any particular notion other than their own importance. Could pair literally anyone with them for 1 weekend and they'd abandon Democratic politics for a generation.
Amazing how frequently the fate of the labour party mirrors what we face here. Not sure if we should be comforted that the struggle is shared or depressed that neither of us can come up with a real political solution.
The best thing that happened since the election is that Kamala disappeared to lick her wounds and hasn't said a word since. Keep it that way. Don't ever roll that empty suit out again.
blame what on khive? calling people demanding action "do nothings"? that's who started doing it and if you did see it from any leftist they were doing it to mock actual khive libs who were saying that electeds hands were tied (they're not)
But they said it was racist to say she replaced Biden , they’re still saying Biden would win, there support is about his last year of foreign policy imo.
That's the Democrat way. It's how Hillary voters acted when Obama beat her out, too; they voted for Romney in higher numbers than most other candidates' support within the party had done to that point or since. Meanwhile, Bernie's registered Democrat voters were well within normal ranges in 2016.
That's exactly it. They're the vanguard of fascism, fighting off the left so that the right can secure its power base and destroy the institutions that would otherwise contain it.
Sure, but they also understand that all those who did nothing but blame dems for everything and subsequently suppressed election numbers now have handed over all 3 branches to the republicans and there isn't shitall dems can do about it
We laugh, but this time next week Super Bowl parties across the country will be settling for only 1-topping on their pizzas, and Chuck here will make sure they know just who’s to blame...
I’d like to see ol Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THAT jam!
What's wild is my initial opinion of the loss as a far leftist was actually sympathy for Kamala, because the party once again fucked over the black woman they expected to save us??
Like you can make an argument they sabotaged her worse than Bernie how the fuck are you not mad about that instead.
Someone asked her if the Democrats were actually doing it. She told them to read the documents. I pointed out it was a GOP publication, and contained no evidence of Democrats doing anything, while we SAW Democrats brag about cutting a deal to go home early Thursday. She asked if I'd read them. While
I was telling her I had, and that I had ALSO read the CIA's manual for disrupting organizations, which advises the exact opposite of "expedite the enemy's plans so you can go home early", she blocked me. Saved me the trouble.
The month is May 2025. ICE agents are raiding every home in the USA on a weekly basis and soldiers are being drafted into a war to annex Canada. The NYT runs the headline:
"The 'Do-Somethings': The Former Bernie Bros Threatening Democrats to Overstep their Boundaries"
Anxious to see how quickly the talking point flips from "No one can do anything and you're a wrecker if you suggest that they can" to "our hero Dems are taking action and stopping Trump!"
i make fun of Will a lot but I will give him credit on that, he actually does seem to get on some level that the Dem leadership is really not up to par with what we need now
They weaponize their identities and scream racism at the drop of a hat. The amount of vile hate and backstabbing it takes to be a POC and genocide other POC while weaponizing racism for political gain...
I knew someone irl who screamed at me when I said "Harris could run and win if her campaign let's people know who she is even" this was in 2017. I will apologize for being wrong. But will Harris apologize? I doubt it. I hope k hive does a Jim Jones Kool aide party.
the biggest Khive accounts got the most furious I've ever seen them when people suggested that Biden should step down for Harris. Just an insane group of internet freaks
Not only do they exist but many times Democratic Leadership has expressed the fit the profile of their ideal voter they're chasing in the suburbs, knowing full well they'll lose working class voters doing it.
And that feeds their delusions while we lose elections to Trump.
Well, at least it’s durable. In 2028 when Dem insiders make certain the nominee is Amy Klobuchar and she loses to JD Vance, these folks won’t even need to change their cult name. They just can keep right on blaming people for “voting incorrectly.”
Then they are supporters of fascism, trying to make themselves feel good about their inaction. Who will be there to save them when they get rounded up?
As with the "anti woke" people (the bigots), society is generally conforming to their preferences, you have to wonder why they're so mad, the Dems aren't doing anything, so they should be happy.
I would love it the Democrats would actually do something to oppose Trump, but I don't expect much from them since I know both parties are owned by the wealthy and the big corporations.
Oh you lucky, lucky soul. It's one of the most vile groups I've ever run across that I figured would have been dead when Harris couldn't even win her own state in the 2020 primary.
Fuck them
At least we still have our loyal ronin @alsvid.bsky.social
Im game, long as its not more libfash shit.
Not exactly a winning zinger.
They never realise their smug anti-progressive inaction is just the creeping edge of fascism
Trumps tariffs are doing something to cheese prices
-Chuck Schumer
So that's what they're up to these days, eh?
I assume that they are also still carrying on about joy and hope and fweeeeedum?
How adorable!!
Nothing else.
proud of being helpless
Now type it in, but not too fast, okay? Don't want you to hurt yourself.
And when we did what they wanted (vote for Biden), they wouldn't stop screeching at us to sit down and shut up.
So here we are
Living the consequences
I’d like to see ol Donny Trump wriggle his way out of THAT jam!
Like you can make an argument they sabotaged her worse than Bernie how the fuck are you not mad about that instead.
It's just a hive mind thing that happens.
Weird groupthink decisions no one seems to think about before they just manifest
"The 'Do-Somethings': The Former Bernie Bros Threatening Democrats to Overstep their Boundaries"
They weaponize their identities and scream racism at the drop of a hat. The amount of vile hate and backstabbing it takes to be a POC and genocide other POC while weaponizing racism for political gain...
Wouldn't mind seeing a few of them dropped.
The cop lady contributed nothing and actively always made the world a worse place
Gently suggesting one set of rabid fans delusion makes a kind of deranged sense and the other is pathetic
copmala did absolutely fuck all before fucking up everything
And that feeds their delusions while we lose elections to Trump.
i feel better now thank u
These people will be forcibly re-educated and persecuted if they attempt to evade it