OK people, you need to see the photo of Trump and Cornyn that was straight up shared by Cornyn this morning. Trump's makeup never looks GOOD but this is truly just mask-like, what the hell
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Like honestly, in any other context I'd be checking the count on Trump's fingers, figuring this was a fake photo created by someone to make Trump look bad
Senator John Cornyn shared it! I'm pretty sure this is a real photo!
I have said recently, this year all of Trump's pictures I see on feed the make up looks bad like this picture. I don't know if they are doctored, he is being sabotaged by his make up person, or he just doing it himself and badly. Never understood why he felt he needed a tan.
All his ideas stem from then and he has never updated any of them. Although I don't know if he was pro Russia then, but now Russians have been funding him for years and are willing to flatter him, so🤷
i mean really, though! at the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, this doesn’t even look like him. the hair is wrong, the smile is wrong, he looks healthier than he has lately… like… maybe it’s just the angle or the extra-bad make-up or something but dang, something is off in this pic lol
When Gran was in her dementia era, she drew on her eyebrows, as she’d been doing for decades, but the conflicts between her un-updated self-image file and the input from her eyes meant equally problematic application of cosmetics. Big black arches.
I do, and so do many people, because there’s a history that points to DIY. He uses a product that no reputable artist would use on him, because it oxidizes so badly and it’s totally the wrong shade. And he doesn’t the blending and contouring a professional would use, or any of the normal tools.
And just emotionally? He’s not going to let someone do it because that person could tell on him and humiliate him. And he’s not good at having services done for him, from tailoring to his hair. (He does that himself, too, per Ivanka, including coloring it.)
Plus he’d harass a woman and bash a man.
Not to mention he's a miser so he wouldn't want to pay someone to do the work.
Ugh. If I had cash and were appearing in public a lot, I'd darn well get someone else to do my makeup. (And clothes and hair. While I listen to audiobooks or music, or chat.)
I've heard he does it himself, which seems more plausible. Professional pride must count for SOMETHING. He never even manages to cover the hairline/ear demarcation.
A professional would also know to lighten the shade when your considerably-higher-than-average risk of getting sniped keeps you off the golf course and generally indoors for several weeks
I would bet money that his vision is terrible but he refuses to wear glasses or contact lens. The font on his teleprompters is huge. He doesn't like to read. That would also explain his shuffle walk, because he can't see where he's putting his feet.
anyway "moderate to severe stage" sounds right. Although I've seen experts posit that it's not Alzheimer's, it's some other disorder in the family, I forget the name now. Some different symptoms. Same basic prognosis.
I think this argues that he doesn't have a makeup person. Maybe he had one that was fired to save $$, or he's always done his own to preserve the illusion that he's not made up, and this skill is deteriorating along with his speech/bowel control.
I'm sure he hasn't had one since he was kicked out of the White House. He's a cheap bastard who only had a platoon of "makeup artists," Spanx fitters, hair wranglers, and trouser fluffers (Hope) because We the People were paying for it. No more! Doesn't he look great now?
Because brains find it easier to used stored files than process visual input all the time, so our self-conceptions only update irregularly, and update much less frequently as we age/take hypoxic damage. We interpolate most input. Stored files are usually treated as master files. (this is a metaphor)
And why if you know someone who is having serious issues updating their clothing style for a body change or significant age change/ability change, it might be a good idea to guide them towards a neuro assessment, and sell it as “a baseline is a great thing to have as insurance.”
It’s only today that he could get a PTSD dx (the first 90 days are acute stress, and it’s okay to be freaked out, it’s just that’s the time for coping and processing) but I’d say at the immediate time, he may have allowed others to do the work for him because “I was shot!” That’s proper coddling.
he puts his own makeup on, I believe; at least that's what I read some years ago. His housecleaners hate it because he makes a mess all over the bathroom.
he also hasn't updated his product in years. Just keeps using the same stuff even though as he ages his skin changes. (::looks meaningfully at my own makeup, hmmm::)
i think it’s literally just a spray and they use a circular cut out to protect his beautiful hair.
yes someone could take three minutes and a brush to fill in the gaps. Are we surprised? Everything about him & his is this blatantly shoddy an attempt at bullshitting with image.
It's stuff like this that convinces me his staff absolutely hate him. Why the hell else would they let him in front of a camera looking like a toddler who had a Halloween pumpkin-themed smash-cake for his birthday?
I’ve worked for people like him and one defining characteristic is you never know what will send them into a rage so you learn to just nod and say “yes sir” to everything.
Honestly, I will admit ignorance in this field as I've never needed a fake tan. I just assume someone spray blasts it on his face from a healthy distance
The extent to which the long-time Republican operatives are simultaneously aware that Trumpism is killing their party from the inside, and that breaking with Trump would be political suicide for them personally, would be hilarious if it weren't so grim.
it’s a fraction of what most ordinary citizens feel with little to no of the dire consequences. It’s the very fucking least the universe can do, make the greedy little cowards shit bricks over their pointless careers. They’ll never starve, anyway.
Also that is the most half assed endorsement photo I've seen. Cornyn's thumb isn't fully up, his expression is not fully engaged. This photo is not well suited to his purpose.
His hair also looks screwed up lately. I suspect he can't get good make-up people to work for him anymore because he doesn't pay and is probably horrible to them.
It could be a chemical reaction between a base coat of vitamin C serum and his foundation. That can make it change color after a few minutes. Of course, most people would do something different the next time, especially after being widely ridiculed, so…😹
A friend of mine's dad is a rich Texas GOP donor and a couple of years ago Cornyn invited him to lunch and asked what he thinks they should do about the "Trump Problem" looks like he figured it out!!!
If Vance can afford a stylist to die his beard grey and apply his daily gullies, at the very least Trump can afford a spray tan company that knows how to at least smudge the edges.
I thought it was photoshop until I saw the source.
Either his makeup artists hate him (likely), he refuses to do what they tell him re: blending bc it would mean admitting his hair loss has accelerated (also likely) or it's a black/brownface troll of some kind Stephen Miller finds funny (maybe?).
If he had good makeup and tried to hide it, it might be a "secret" for the news to uncover. Since it's obvious and embarrassing they've chosen to ignore it. Like the fascist rhetoric, I guess.
Senator John Cornyn shared it! I'm pretty sure this is a real photo!
All his ideas stem from then and he has never updated any of them. Although I don't know if he was pro Russia then, but now Russians have been funding him for years and are willing to flatter him, so🤷
When Gran was in her dementia era, she drew on her eyebrows, as she’d been doing for decades, but the conflicts between her un-updated self-image file and the input from her eyes meant equally problematic application of cosmetics. Big black arches.
Plus he’d harass a woman and bash a man.
Ugh. If I had cash and were appearing in public a lot, I'd darn well get someone else to do my makeup. (And clothes and hair. While I listen to audiobooks or music, or chat.)
That said, how does *he* not notice?
No, sir, you look fine. Healthy and well rested.
Self delusion, courtesy of pathological narcissism (now with 45% more dementia).
Hell of a drug.
The walk-maybe eyesight, maybe the whole system's just failing.
And why if you know someone who is having serious issues updating their clothing style for a body change or significant age change/ability change, it might be a good idea to guide them towards a neuro assessment, and sell it as “a baseline is a great thing to have as insurance.”
* they match your shade perfectly, but it’s never in stock.
yes someone could take three minutes and a brush to fill in the gaps. Are we surprised? Everything about him & his is this blatantly shoddy an attempt at bullshitting with image.
Trump insists on following a strict and unvarying protocol for doing his face.
His hair is less fastidious... there's less of it there to sculpt in order to hide the baldness that increases as the hair supply diminishes.
So it's the same cosmetic routine, but the edges no longer join up.
For the best democracy, please re-skeet.
I think the outcome preferred by every GOP senator is a Harris win and a Senate flip.
At best you get chewed out for insinuating he wasn't perfect and the prettiest
wait, he dyes it grey?
I think
“What a worthless sack of garbage 🗑️ he is.”
He does NOTHING for his constituents.
Which is which?
#MAGA #Trump #Cornyn #Idiot
Either his makeup artists hate him (likely), he refuses to do what they tell him re: blending bc it would mean admitting his hair loss has accelerated (also likely) or it's a black/brownface troll of some kind Stephen Miller finds funny (maybe?).