They're worried because Waltz is a real alfa male. The kind of strong male figure that takes care of their community and people love and respect. Not the poser kind that thinks throwing out weird insults and cheating on your spouse makes one macho.
Now when some dork whines about the term "toxic masculinity" and claims that we're saying all masculinity is toxic, we can point to Walz as a handy example of non-toxic masculinity.
Especially how completely fraudulent they all are. JD Vance, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Richard Hanania, etc etc. They all make me want to put on my strongest Joe Pesci voice and ask “you call yourself a man?”
It reminds me of that line from early on in Game of Thrones, when Tyrion tells Joffrey that one of the marks of a true king is that he doesn't need to keep reminding people he's the king.
I’m really hoping that the Democrats win in the US this year, and that non conservative parties in Canada adopt some of their strategies, because right now we don’t have anything going on at a federal level that’s very appealing beyond “not conservative” and I don’t think that’s enough.
He's actually not what they try to cosplay as--they try to cosplay as this wacky John Wayne ripoff.
Walz is much more the High Noon model of masculinity: gentle, dutiful, doing what has to be done and then returning to an absurdly happy mutually respectful domestic life the first chance he gets.
I worded it clunky but imo it’s that they want the respect, the easy comfort in his masculinity, the family, all that stuff, but they don’t realize it comes with being all the things they’ve been conditioned to hate as antithetical to masculinity. They want what he has but hate why he has it.
They are the people who think they should have the kind of social status as someone like Walz, resent that it comes easily to him, and think they deserve to be treated the same becuase they learned the rules for appropriate behavior.
Again, I know this because I’m like that and JD is like me
TIRED: I’m so sophisticated, that’s why I didn’t get a date to prom
STILL TIRED: I need to be a dumb jock like the dumb jocks who get dates to prom, then I’ll get a date to prom (JD and Nate S are here)
INSPIRED: “I just act like myself and people like me” - the Dumb Jocks
Hah yeah this was me in high school and I eventually just managed to become the dumb jock (although me and my dumb jock friends were also at the top of our class despite being verifiably dumb) somehow.
never gonna manage it, but the moment when I realized that other people do it by *literally not giving a shit*, that they weren’t bullshitting me about that, it all made sense
sometimes being someone who wants something means you’re not the one who gets it. This is what being goth is about I think
Correct. No longer able to villainize a Democrat who will tell it like it is and not lie to them. Sense is going to come to those ready to receive the message.
For years they've tried to define masculinity as a bunch of superficial performative acts that aren't what actually being an adult male is about. I don't smell other people's farts or feel the need to belittle women. But I can explain the difference between a deductible and a copay.
This is absolutely it. Walz "reads" like the conservative ideal of the Real Salt of the Earth Man but he's nothing like the weirdos in the cult of universal misery and no matter what they do or say here's Walz over in the corner with a huge grin on his face because somebody just handed him a pig.
Being of the male persuasion I do actually feel threatened by other males confident in their personality. I feel especially threatened if that other male transports their value system to children.
Oh, the humanity!
I want nothing more than absolute freedom from consequences!
Pretty sure the GOP isn’t freaking out at all about the Walz pick at all like they would be over a more moderate Dem like Shapiro. Walz seems normal but he gives them a lot of ammo from a record/policy perspective. Assuming they can stay on message, which is basically impossible.
The ticket could be Ilhan Omar and Chesa Boudin, and Democrats would still be prepared to campaign nationwide on policy, what with Project 2025 on the table.
The GOP strategy is division WITHIN the oppo party recognizing a big coalition showing up to vote D is a Trump loss [see: 2020]. Shapiro would have enabled them to play up negatives alienating a significant number of necessary left voters who may have stayed home. Walz neutralizes a lot of that.
Mmm arguable. I think the base would show up to vote for either (same with most of the Trump critics in the primary for the GOP). Shapiro would have shored up her center flank and made Harris's own left-leaning voting record less of a liability since she wouldn't have to tack to the center herself.
The Walz ammo argument is only viable if there's an event larger chunk of centrists sitting it out still undecided. I'd like to meet all 3 of those people. Despite media continuously claiming they exist, the reality is it's time to shore up the coalition basically under the big tent & turn them out.
That's not Trumpers or centrists swinging to Harris bc Biden isn't there. That's Ds showing up who weren't showing up when an 81yo skeleton doing politics as usual like it's the good old days was @ the helm. Walz is likely even more Ds showing up. That's the calculus & energy they're looking for.
Donnie whining and whinging on Truth Social all the time just helps show who the weak ones who can't cope with their fragile feelings getting hurt too.
Real masculine men love children. That video of Walz being group hugged by a bunch of kids and smiling with genuine delight made my heart feel all warm and tingly.
Conservative white dudes just needed a little bit of positive representation I guess. 45 presidents, the vast majority of congress, and pretty much a majority in every other arena of power just simply wasn’t enough
Yep. You don't have to start Sephiroth posting about the end of the west and the end of men because a Black man was POTUS or the paper towel commercial has a gay couple cleaning up the random liquid, that's what racist weirdos do.
These motherfuckers just want to win. They hate him because he (presumably) decreases their chances of winning. Any other realization they have flows directly downstream from there.
The phrase “toxic masculinity” does not mean that all forms of masculinity or toxic. It is a reference to a particular form that is.
Walz seems to exemplify a particular form of masculinity that is not toxic at all. A form that should be celebrated and embraced as an important form of leadership.
We talked about this last night. He's the guy the right tries to pretend can't exist. He's the opposite of their toxic masculinity wet dream. He actually does the things they pretend about, and he does it while supporting people around him and also being a caregiver. Perfection.
Tim Walz is literally everything the GOP has said people should be...and he's the opposite of all the vile things they want and it's driving them nuts.
Whereas Walz and men like him simply know who they are and thus don’t need to make a big fuss about it
As a childless Cat Man, I approve of this message.
Walz is much more the High Noon model of masculinity: gentle, dutiful, doing what has to be done and then returning to an absurdly happy mutually respectful domestic life the first chance he gets.
Again, I know this because I’m like that and JD is like me
And again, like, there’s a reason that people like Walz more than people like either of us
STILL TIRED: I need to be a dumb jock like the dumb jocks who get dates to prom, then I’ll get a date to prom (JD and Nate S are here)
INSPIRED: “I just act like myself and people like me” - the Dumb Jocks
sometimes being someone who wants something means you’re not the one who gets it. This is what being goth is about I think
And joy drives out fear, and fear is what they run on.
Saying this exact thing to people all day long.
Wait. So you mean you can do something like pheasant hunt regularly and also want trans people to be treated like human beings. What sorcery is this?
Healthy? Hmm.
Yes. Walzic masculinity
Oh, the humanity!
I want nothing more than absolute freedom from consequences!
unlike them
the emotional poverty of these people cannot be underestimated
walz is the kind of guy who would skip dinner if the rest of his men were hungry just so they had a bit more to eat.
It's a strategic coin toss, but in a race this close, I would trust the base's hatred of Trump and shore up the center.
*I don't know why specifically women though, I'm sure men of the same generation had the same thing happen to them?
Manly men can care about people and have feelings without being any less manly. In fact, the other kinds of "men" strike me as whiny little babies.
All the narrative about manliness has been stolen by people who never managed to become adults.
But I really, really hope they recognize it.
Walz seems to exemplify a particular form of masculinity that is not toxic at all. A form that should be celebrated and embraced as an important form of leadership.
Someone reliable and of strong character that lifts up those around him and is at peace with himself.
Alien concept for many it seems, isn't it?
no, hear me out,
is it possible,
it's just a thought but
is Tim Walz
the Good Guy with a Gun?
-Divine, Polyester
Such a feminine thing to offer…