If you are visiting the United States, having a negative view of Trump is enough to get you denied entry.
If this was coming out of Russia or China, we would deplore such an authoritarian attack on freedom of expression.
If this was coming out of Russia or China, we would deplore such an authoritarian attack on freedom of expression.
Only user burner devices when travelling to, or returning to authoritarian countries like the United States.
Great article on just this
Turns out the US Is no different: criticise Trump = you may not get in.
Or worse, be detained in a secret site.
#DontGo #USA
If you *must* travel to the US, leave your regular devices at home, curate what you pack.
Well done everyone!
(The other 10% don't have internet.)
FIFA doesn't mind if their host is a dictatorship
FFS. I will never enter the US again.
visa to compete at the 2008 Beijing Paralympics because she had expressed support for a group that complained about Chinese policies. This is exactly what autocrats do.
It's worse than that, acc to the article: any negative view is now considered "terrorism" by US Customs/Border Protection and will get your laptop, phone + all other "prof + personal equip" confiscated.
It's a media critique.
Grilled at the WA border about my “beliefs” after I was asked the routine “what do you for a living?”
I answered honestly: “I’m a journalist.”
To be clear I was just making a Costco run.
Half my family is American.
Crossing the border is out of the question now.
The two of them have ended America. That is their legacy.
I refuse to even get close to the border now. Staying as far away from the US as I can.
I wouldn't be surprised if the same having negative views of Musk.
Official who seized electronics found social posts critical of Trump’s cuts to science.
Apparently this is now considered possible terrorism.
Definitely not going
If we the people don't push back, the authoritarian slide will only continue. Time for mass peaceful protest & leaning on our representatives. #democracy #resist #authoritarian
If you are visiting the United States, don't.
For more context: Is seeing the Grand Canyon worth getting abducted by our illegitimate government and sent to die in a gulag? I would say probably not.
#FreeDOOM of spee…
wait, who the fuck are you guys?? Fuck Off!! Where are you taking me??!? 🙈
Now everyone together!
Who knew, when Trump talked about “shithole countries”, that it was aspirational?
* The feds also read our online data, but that's another story.
Hi, Trump goons reading this. My real name is, in fact, David Dickson, and I have, in fact, said very mean things about you on the social mediases.
Please do try to punish me, with righteous government force. We can’t have free speech in Trumps Grate America, after all.
If democracy’s to survive, though, we need more people willing to sacrifice for freedom. Heck, all I’ve done so far is tweet.
Mind, I wouldn't go back now - but then I wouldn't go back to the States either.
Seems like a targeted attack / attacks. Wonder if she’s on x meta tik tok & keeps accounts open or deeper issue? Encryption is still your friend but, man, stored pws are not.
My devices require a thumb print to open pws.
What am I saying: I'm never coming there anyway.
Any border/customs agent can demand to see you phone when you attempt to enter the country, and they will just do a dump from it to sift through the contents.
Sounds more like this person was targeted beforehand instead just "found" via CBP.
But also looks like there's increasing challenges (judge rullings) to it that it can't be done without a warrant.
9th Circuit, NY & NY Eastern District ...
(2023) https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/05/federal-judge-makes-history-holding-border-searches-cell-phones-require-warrant
My phone is loaded down with Trump jokes, gifs and cartoons.
Having said that I am certainly in no hurry to go back.
I can't imagine what it would be like now, and I'm not planning to find out.
What a nightmare. That was stated prior to the election.
It's unfortunate how neatly that dovetails into right-wing goals.
criticizing trump might now be deemed terrorism. this guy was lucky they just sent him back instead of rightaway to bukele’s slave prison.
"America last"
When the only thing that guarantees your safety and freedom is the caprice of an ICE agent on a power trip you're playing with fire.
Jokes aside: will some players or maybe teams pull out rather than see their squad get detained & jailed? How many pro contract dollars/Euros etc are being put at risk…?
(Also: imagine the hit on betting if key players suddenly get held for ransom er randomly detained )
While they were shocked the first term, they aren't this time.
The US will be a pariah nation with a cratering economy before Trump's supporters figure it out.
Citizens of other countries should not buy this America's products.
Citizens of other countries should not trust this America.
We allowed MAGA Republicans to create this America.
We have earned your contempt & mistrust.
We own this wreckage.
Given that I regularly describe him as a moronic piece of shit, a huge gaping asshole, a crook, Putin's poodle, and worse, should I expect a visit from Seal Team 6 sometime soon?
Australia and New Zealand left wing governments already do it.
I do wonder if other countries will start checking phones for Trump-fandom.