this is all a dominance play, but the problem they're running into is that it's so hamhanded and insulting that they're making it functionally impossible to actually capitulate
even right wing populists in other countries are going to have to get on the Fuck America train out of political necessity
even right wing populists in other countries are going to have to get on the Fuck America train out of political necessity
I genuinely believe we've utterly fucked ourselves outta that one.
That's in the past
Putin nibbling on our borders slowly woke people up and now the public interest in geopolitics is at a peak.
We are still very important, but we aren't as dominant as we used to be.
After pissing off every single ally and trading partner you ever had, the US will be put into the proverbial freezing box for at least the next four years, probably longer.
But, to stick to the train metaphor, they’re all on the train with Trump now and that train has left the station.
As for Trump, as long as his paramour Putin is happy, who cares…
Fu*k those who voted this piece of human garbage back into the WH after he exceeded everyone’s worst expectations the 1st time. I am braced to ride out anything shy of civil war at this pt., but most will be crushed.
Waiting for the “Iran is actually now in our side” conversation to start…
Trade, prosperity and success work with predictability and trust. That's all being torpedoed.
he's cooked as hell. everyone over here smells blood in the water
Second time’s the charm?
And yeah, other countries are going to need to get their heads out for this one.
scary for everyone around when they fight
What Doug could do is cancel that StarLink contract permanently. That he's wobbly on that tells you that this is all still kinda performative.
But he does blow hard, does our Doug. And that's all he does.
and it gives me stupid hope
We'll be truly in black mirror territory when Danielle Smith grows a spine and starts clapping back at Trump.
He can’t do a damn thing until he’s sworn in & has a cabinet. No date set for that yet. Wait & see because history shows he says 1 thing & does another.
(*except US fascism)
no concession, only tariff
All appeasement will be met by more demands
Take to heart the fact that Trump has NOTHING but Evil Intent in ANYTHING he does, and you will start to see the true purpose in EVERYTHING he does.
There is no way to meet the man's requests, because there is no satisfying him. The demands aren't real demands. It's only an excuse.
Doug. Ford.
I wouldn't trust Ford on anything for very long. I mean, he hasn't stopped the Starlink deal.
But to get him to even croak these words out right after re-election is quite something.
It's the only thing that gives me hope about our own political situation.
surrender in this situation isn't just suicide; it makes you look like an utter twit