The accelerationist belief that if things get bad enough, then things will start to get better is quite something to see in the wild. It’s wrong though. Historically, misery creates more misery and is visited on the most marginalized in ever intensifying cycles of horror.
There are things that can be done, and dems could do a better job, but ultimately it's more that until his approval craters resistance will not turn into real oversight or pushback.
I think about that a lot.
I’m living on fucking sour patch kids and fury. Considering taking up heroin again just to take the edge off
Simple summary: It takes far more work and cost to build something than to tear it down. It takes a long time and funds to build things, but they can be destroyed in in instant, which is why the fight to protect them is so very real.
But that's just a game I play for myself.
For those, who survive.
The sad fact is they usually are not. Mental flexibility and insight are rare.
20 years later they’re still blaming everyone else but themselves.
Accelerationism seems vulnerable to counterrevolution if you can’t fix everything in very short order
Europe 1933-1945.
and again, Europe under Mongol, Hun, Goth, and Ottoman conquest.
Cowboy up motherfucker
But then again these people are psychologically infants, so we shouldn’t expect much in the way of rationality or logic from them.
Always…the weak have no power.
Things get bad.
They get way bad.
When the missing step is something akin to "bloody revolution, cities burning, people dead in ditches, infighting, strongman finally gathers a majority of force and takes over"
What is calling your local politician and marching gonna do THIS TIME that it already failed to do last time yknow?
I feel hopeless in this reality. Gotta be a better way.
I don't think that leaning into the horror to try to speed it up works, though. I've never seen evidence to support that.
-Surely, God will not let us destroy this world before he destroys it as prophesied in the Revelation to John.
-I got mine, getting mine wasn't enough, I want more, and the only way to get more is to take from even those with not enough.
C'mon, now. Life sucks, it always has, but it is better than it was because progress DOES happen.
If you don't like what you're seeing, what is your plan to do something?
Irony ? The one who wrote that was Charles Maurras, a far-right antisemite writer, given a life sentence for collaboration after WW2.
If even THEM do know this...
Worse than dying on a barricade. THINK about that!
I see many people romanticizing the Terror and the guillotine, but in the end it was an abject failure and it just propped up the bourgeoisie.
Meanwhile, it caused the death of real humanists like Condorcet.
Because they ate while we starved.
Tricky spot we’re in…
Atlas Shrugged, Dune, the Day after Tomorrow
Cultural memes; “always darkest before dawn”
And your probably thinking of Roko’s Basilisk which is not /acc related
It will, what motherfucker? You think that Trump voting suburbanites are going to suddenly renounce their whole ideology instead of blaming everyone else?
I think most Trump voters today are lost. They value bigotry over empathy and love.
Feel like we are getting towards the end of Batman Begins
Consulting with the flowers
Shouting at the rain
And Those People I’ll be blaming
From years of fascist framing
‘Cause I lack a working brain…
That's not how it works - as we now see.
I distrust anything that tries to justify Trump
There must be a shift in suburbia away from this level of isolation - we< think that some pain, some education will help, but -
Which kind of sucks. It sucks that it's had to go this far.
Resilience isn't all it's cracked up to be. :/
But Trump also owes his victory to voters who mistakenly thought he would improve their lives, e.g. the "GOP will improve the economy" voters. They are going to be quite disappointed.
This is also more of a "hope" than it is a "plan". Ideally we wouldn't be here.
But when stuff collapses things rarely go smoothly or according to plan, and these people don't think about unintended consequences coming back to bite them.
How do we defeat an enemy that knows everything we are doing, saying, typing? And that has a bulk of the US public working in the Stasi surveillance system
I'm seeing ppl observing that the accelerationism is happening bc thats what the ruling class is doing.
It could also mean the Killing Fields, with a drone upgrade.
And then when I told him when we left he was like "before the bad things happened and there were many" 😬
2. ???
3. Things get better
If they are not terrified for their lives - it wîll not change.
Enjoy Trumpistan!
Heil Cheetoh!