I’m thrilled people came here from Twitter but yeah, an unfortunate side effect was recreating some toxic Twitter culture here too.
I was here for a year before the post-election influx when it was small but fun. I find myself getting angry a lot more now & mean as a result. I don’t like that.
I was here for a year before the post-election influx when it was small but fun. I find myself getting angry a lot more now & mean as a result. I don’t like that.
Reposted from
Erin Biba
Remember when Bluesky used to be fun?
Oh, and I *think* one of the other four users is Alex Berenson, but so far he’s just lurking🤞
I wish there was a way to keep crap like this out of (our) feeds.
Keep up your good work and know that you have many here who support you.
I donate as I can to local shelter, often during influx of mother cats and kittens.
Whoever that is doesn't want anything to get better, they just want to be a jerk to people who are trying to make things better.
(I cannot imagine what must be wrong with someone to scold someone for raising money for an animal charity)
I also think that a lot of us who came here recently are still suffering from twin hangovers: the election results and the influx of the truly rude and cruel MAGAts to twitter, which used to be fun too.
I’m sorry this is happening, I hope it stops for you soon! I really enjoy seeing the cats of yore. This behavior is engagement farming at its worst.
I’d keep this one in perspective: someone objected to follower suggestions which, compared to Twitter, is positively civil discourse.
Merry Christmas.
blocking keeps Bluesky fun.
Call this warming up before you go to the mound.
Not that I don't believe it (a little), but I'll cross that bridge when we get there.
It doesn't just improve yr. experience, it really does drive off the garbagios!!!
USE this mighty power to protect your own feed AND, eventually, everyone else's
Also Kevin M. Kruse. I like his takes.
Now, there's been an election.
But I'm still hopeful it will shake out to be more like Twitter circa, say, 2010 than 2020...
Thankfully, this place is pretty good at helping people find hobbyists and whatnot.
I’m not in a popularity contest. I’m interested in updates on how the hell we’re going to survive the next 4 years. I’ll just start muting.
It's a myth. The issue is not 1 platform or another. It's people. Not platform policies, but human dynamics
If Bluesky succeeds that inevitably comes with unsavory people and behaviors
If the growth here had happened more slowly it would have been easier to get folks to assimilate to the culture rather then simply erase it and overwhelm it with Twitter culture.
Learn the vibes before you skeet, you don’t have to constantly fight here
So many boiled frogs.
Moving en masse to take over a place, you gotta expect ruffled feathers.
Hear you chirping on the experience.
You have 100x of it, here, but I have enough time on Twitter to recognize it & feel the cognitive load accumulate, like emotional cruft on a soul.
Hard to build norms, easy to lose.
We haven't started doing character-of-the-day, yet, so it still seems OK.
It was quiet, but I watched a lot of new ppl when I checked in ..
(My Social Media notifications are off, so I only use something if I feel like it)
Problem Solved
It's definitely gotten more political here of late.
I had plateaued at a manageable 80k followers but that number almost quadrupled in a month, with all the complications that come with that.
It’s been … an adjustment.
(And I missed the pupdates.)
I have 200 + followers now, yet almost no more likes or responses?!
They get lost in the river of info.
I could cull my following list. ☠️
That's why they kept me around.
To keep the fuckweasels at bay.
But even my abrasive snark is no match for millions of maggotbrained bigots pouring in like the undead over a barrier at the apex of a film where everyone dies.
Your feed is yours.
If you aren't liking it, you can curate.
Now we can't stand Paddy the whiner and all the officiating preference they get at clutch moments. But you wouldn't trade the rings & leave for anything, would you?
This place has definitely become more combative in a mere six weeks.
But isn’t some of that related to the way the election turned out? The outside world has more despair than it did in October. Some dysfunctional amplified doom-scrolling is a bit expected on any platform.
Also I’m realizing that little posts that I’d throw off for fun now spiral into Discussions because of the reposts
Then I came here and met all sorts of interesting people. Learned things about them, made friends even!
Then this place got popular and I’m back to being a mouse squeak in a cacophony of bullshit.
It's still fun for me, but I'm a very small account and it's easier to control who I interact with.