Bro excitement over “AI” art strikes me as another example of the notion that an “idea” is worth more than execution, as in “I’ll give you my idea, you write it, and we’ll split the proceeds 50/50.”
Ideas are cheap. The execution of ideas is the part that takes skill, & skill that makes great art.
Ideas are cheap. The execution of ideas is the part that takes skill, & skill that makes great art.
The ideas always suck too because they don’t know how little they understand about anything.
why why why why
Like dude, that's a whole ass company, I'm one guy. And God knows you're not gonna help program/do art.
This sounds also like “dude: I’ll gather some sticks and you color some paper. We find someone with some glue, and we’ll make the most awesome multi-level post & beam barn anyone’s made ever!”
Modern MMOs require tremendous resources most people lack.
Even though some of us were artists and programmers, and we did float mechanics, we knew it was too daunting to ever happen
Additionally, execution is the part that requires more time and effort. The overwhelming majority of labor that goes into making something is in the execution, not the ideation.
investors gonna have their eyes go wide and hand them money only for it to crash
we are entering the find out phase of AI and business
I've literally had a dude corner me at a party and beg to partner up because "I can conceptualize"
And yes, this exactly.
then his terrible idea in ny field of expertise failed miserably because he ignored the insights from my 25 years of experience in the field he was trying an ‘innovative’ execution in.
which is patently false.
there are bad ideas.
but in that situation, my experience helped me recognise a shit idea.
which this execution-driven founder simply could not.
Thinks every half-assed idea that today's past his frontal lobes must be pursued to its fullest outcome. Is in desperate need of an editor/a team of people going "Elon this isn't possible OR advisable."
but i’ve seen the focus on execution weaponised to futile/wasteful ends is what i meant. all good.
it’s 99% of startup founders.
Ideas are great. Ideas are fun. Ideas are magical. But no one is going to pay me for my idea for a flying car. Someone has to build the car.
“Bro. Bro! How about if this and that happens and then this happens and then that happens! Brooooooo, instant success!”
“Who’s going to make it?”
“Just run it through some electronic garbage-collector fed on Reddit posts, dude!”
But you don't need the very fanciest tools and supplies to make art. You just need stuff that works for you.
gear fixation is for amateurs.
Poor quality art materials make everything an unnecessary struggle.
Good quality art materials can be easy, fun even, to work with. But they don't do the work, they just don't get in the way of doing the work.
usually the longer they go on, the fewer chops they actually have lol
Unless you’re paid vast sums consider photographing with a camera for someone an expensive luxury gift.
Yes, cell phone cameras have made photography accessible to most! That’s wonderful! 1/2
No, professional photographers aren’t totally gone. That’s a silly claim. 2/2
Photography is priced as an unaffordable luxury item because the volume of hires has been decimated by AI enhanced phone photography.
Not sure if “accessible” is quite the same as “easy mode”.
Personally I do not think so.
It reads:
But but my IDEAS!
More to the point: where are these AIs getting -their- ideas? from us, of course.
"But I have great ideas!"
"That's nice. So does everyone else. No video game company is ever lacking for ideas."
I'm honestly not trying to be a jerk, but I don't think we have the same definition of "idea". This question is meant to clarify, for me, what an "idea" is to other people.
Because to me, "Execution" is like Construction Work, like building a house. The Planning phase is all ideas. You take a simple "Basic Concept" and stick more ideas onto it until it's good and unique. Still ideas, though.
Without a Good Idea, all the technique and effort in the world will turn out the past summer of Flopbusters.
"The Flash" was $300 million of Execution and Skill. :\
Ideas can fuck right off into space. Everybody has them.
Now if you will excuse me. I have to have a good scratch
There are a quintillion bad ideas, and *VERY* few GOOD ideas. The ideas that went into Game of Thrones are literally Billion Dollar ideas. Flash, not so much.
The ideas that went into GoT are all fairly standard epic fantasy ideas. What you’re responding to is Martin’s execution of them, which is a multi stranded process of creation but not “an idea”
Magritte, some freaking Dutch God-tier genius, and Caravaggio all paint apples. They all have a different story. One simple, mundane subject framed in different ways. (See also- “Fortunately the Milk- one errand, and a slew of unlikely adventures!!)
I’ve got more “ideas” than I could hope to develop if I never had to do anything else. Turning an “idea” into an actual creative work is… well… work. A lot of it. And it’s immeasurably harder than just having “an idea”.
I won't name the month of inky prompts for a thousand grudgy reasons but it's amazing to watch what hundreds of people do with the same medium and the same concept. Nobody lands in the same place.
Tell me more about the course?
Ideas are cheap, execution is what matters, agreed.
If so, why isn't the tool that makes execution much easier extremely valuable?