Lots of smart people on here need to pump the breaks on the air-to-air collision.
Maybe the chaotic leadership currently placed caused it, but just because that happened prior to this happening, does not mean it is the cause.
Maybe the chaotic leadership currently placed caused it, but just because that happened prior to this happening, does not mean it is the cause.
Trump caused the accident.
If you can't bring yourself to say it in order to destroy these fascist kkklowns, then step aside.
It's an opportunity to underscore what a stone cold idiot Duffy is and how unfit he is for the job.
"Let me stress that it's not good to have aircraft collide."
C'mon! This is almost WKRP turkey drop level stuff.
Donald Trump is not that man.
So those who would hold him accountable must get there first.
here we are! much could have been avoided. If Donald Trump did not want to be blamed for American tragedies, he could have opted not to cut a swath of terror to the one desk in the country where the buck always stops.
trump owns this disaster and everyone needs to loudly be saying so
He also loved to say "we had hundreds of crashes sunder Obama but when I was president nothing happened"
So eh fuck him
You can draw a pretty straight line from Trump’s chaos inducement across all parts of the Federal Government and this
This is information warfare.
Pumping the brakes got us here. And Trump is the executive who is gutting our safety systems. We investigate and we give no quarter.
Im speaking to people who claim the mantel of explaining causes of social/political outcomes. There is not enough evidence to know Trump's actions were the cause, even if they are irresponsible and dangerous
Trump’s fascist derp-spasm cause it.
We can blame Trump. It would be stupid not to.
Meanwhile: https://newrepublic.com/article/170773/republicans-won-east-palestine-ohio-messaging-war
We don't need to act like the bigger person to be better than them. They've lowered the bar for being the better person to "maybe we don't build a concentration camp."
In prospective analysis, Trump's governance *will cause* such events in the fixture.
In pragmatic rhetorical analysis, we *must blame* Trump for this. Especially given the truth of point 2 above, but regardless of it.
Nuance is dead. We live in a land of wolves now.
Your nebbishness and "Erm, actually" approach is borne out of trying to impress the teacher for too long.
We know it takes an overzealous or underzealous decision-maker to create risk, but usually the pilot doesn’t fly into a fucking plane.
But sometimes that’s exactly what happens. Whomever was in command of that training session is under the command of the Pentagon. Period.
Thanks but no thanks. They’re planning a concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay, so everything is on the table.
Which is to say, if Trump 'caused' it, how would we know *besides* extraordinarily unlikely events occurring that the regulatory structures he's dismantling were designed to prevent?
And if there were no crashes during his Presidency, he would take all the credit. You know he would.
What we are not going to do, is treat them with respect they didn’t earn.
Trump did this. He killed those people.
Everybody repeat it in every media hit. Republicans are cold killers.
Yes lets hope for evidence...
I am sure that will work out.
The truth is that Trump was always going to cause an accident like this, and yesterday's event may have been the first, and there *will be others*.
Nobody needs to wait for the facts. Blaming Trump early and loudly is correct and will save lives.
We need to demand those answers to those broader questions
The "small scale" investigation will happen, but we need a "large scale" one too.
It's likely that the post crash analysis not being handled properly is direct result of DT closing offices.
It is quite unlikely that the crash was direct result - safety boards don't run day to day ops.
B) taking a goddamn knife to leadership, forcing out the head of the FAA, sending everyone a "resign now" email, terminating all hiring processes. Definitely didn't have any impact on any of the people involved🙄. Throwing the country into chaos, same again.
Whether the chaotic leadership is ultimately at fault or not, the GOP would’ve had Biden’s head on a pike if this set of events had happened during his tenure, and people are fed up with being told not to politicize failures under GOP leadership.
At any rate, Trump and pals own this now. They have to show how their mass firings and chaotic transition won’t affect the investigation and outcome.
And, as someone pointed out, also dismantling the capacity to properly investigate and report on it.
We use everything when fighting fascists.
We should do likewise.
eg Benghazi
Maybe Trump blowing up every institution involved didn't *directly* cause this specific crash, but it sure as hell didn't help.
This is *exactly* where the left goes wrong with messaging. There’s an opportunity here and it should be taken even if it’s not perfectly right.
Who cares if they caused it? Hang it anyway.
Trump absolutely made an event like this more likely and that message needs to be amplified or more tragedies like this will occur.
and meanwhile the other side just amps emotion with no basis in fact at all and takes over everything.
I think others are fed up and don't give a shit about giving any slack or benefit of the doubt to a person that doesn't deserve either.
Also knowing R's & press would've crucified Biden for this.
We really need to get to the bottom of this question, if Donald Trump and Elon Musk are responsible for the deaths of at least 60 people.
*Wait, I'm getting word that they did.
**Also hearing the GOP won all 3 branches of government with this gameplan of blame the other side.
He REALLY doesn’t care about the Air Traffic Controllers.
I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he fired them all. Because he needs to hire “only the best people.”
Plus he would love to emulate Reagan.