🚨BIG SCOOP: Musk’s DOGE Teen Was Fired By Cybersecurity Firm for Leaking Company Secrets
Edward Coristine posted online that he had retained access to the firm’s servers. Now he has access to sensitive government information.
🎁 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-07/musk-s-doge-teen-was-fired-by-cybersecurity-firm-for-leaking-company-secrets?accessToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzb3VyY2UiOiJTdWJzY3JpYmVyR2lmdGVkQXJ0aWNsZSIsImlhdCI6MTczODk1NzQyNCwiZXhwIjoxNzM5NTYyMjI0LCJhcnRpY2xlSWQiOiJTUkJXMTlUMVVNMFcwMCIsImJjb25uZWN0SWQiOiIyQjE3NzFFOTlEODc0QzRDOTY1Njg1RTZBQkJGM0QwRCJ9.vxGv4ncXEbIrUGmUYpTUdxLmCVDwzmEWp-VRWV9otME
Edward Coristine posted online that he had retained access to the firm’s servers. Now he has access to sensitive government information.
🎁 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-07/musk-s-doge-teen-was-fired-by-cybersecurity-firm-for-leaking-company-secrets?accessToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzb3VyY2UiOiJTdWJzY3JpYmVyR2lmdGVkQXJ0aWNsZSIsImlhdCI6MTczODk1NzQyNCwiZXhwIjoxNzM5NTYyMjI0LCJhcnRpY2xlSWQiOiJTUkJXMTlUMVVNMFcwMCIsImJjb25uZWN0SWQiOiIyQjE3NzFFOTlEODc0QzRDOTY1Njg1RTZBQkJGM0QwRCJ9.vxGv4ncXEbIrUGmUYpTUdxLmCVDwzmEWp-VRWV9otME
Does FOIA still exist/function?
Hold them accountable.
Omg, Musk needs to be fired and belongs in jail for pulling that crap.
Trump must be using his imaginary magic wand again.
But we know for sure with Leon and “big balls” and company it most definitely is.
We also have accusations that USAID was investigating Musk over leaking info to Putin regarding Starlink in Ukraine.
It's all Karp/Yarvin/Musk/Thiel.
This is all now being fed into Palantir Gotham.
I can name three sitting in the front row during the inauguration.
So not $1 trillion but more like $5 trillion.
So tell me once again about govt waste.
I smell the corru- pardon, business of the century here.
I miss what I call the "David Bowie era".
Just know you are not alone.
Changes are coming.
And we need to billionaires to pay for it
We need to force them to
The Dunning-Kruger crowd are not ready to govern because they are incapable of governing properly.
But wait? There’s more?
GOP's abdication of their powers & duties prove *complicity* in the greatest cyberhack in US history bordering treason.
@thedemocraticparty.bsky.social @senatedem.bsky.social @housedemocrats.bsky.social
Deport him; I heard ElSalvador will take anyone.
This is why Elon should have been stopped last week!
“A spokesperson for the Arizona-based hosting and data-security firm said Thursday: “I can confirm that Edward Coristine's brief contract was terminated after the conclusion of an internal investigation into the leaking of proprietary company information that coincided with his tenure.”
There’s some things that employees will do to compromise the business that they work for and will do it again if given a second chance or even a similar job:
1) Theft
2) Sexual Harassment or Misconduct
3) Leaking company secrets
this normie journalism is so fucking useless
will eve one person do one thing different because of this ?
What will be done to those accessing our personal private information? Our data is not safe. How about we find an org or agency that can take of this for us? Espionage? Cyber crime? Privacy violations?
What’s next? Giving them the nuclear codes?
And yet, so credible
2. Initially we're told they had "read" only
3. Then we find out they had their own hard drives.
4. Now we find out they had "write" access and this
We are in so much trouble. Multiple generational trouble.
Oh but it’s okay for him to be taking all of this data. WTF 🤬
His reputation is that of a liar & a bully.