Would love to hear your plan for how, exactly, "Democrats should make it cheaper" to live in a state like Massachusetts without turning it into a North Carolina, one of the worst states in the US for healthcare, K-12 education, wage policies, worker protections and the right to organize. Magic wand?
(Or Yugos, if we’re talking Mississippi)
The family that owns the most profitable Chinese restaurant in the history of Chinese restaurants wants to downsize their continually packed establishment to hew off a piece of property to convert it to residential.
The struggling owners of blighted …
MA is a great state for many reasons (good education, low crime, good jobs) but our ability to build housing is ass.
Cambridge has 2 of the best econ departments in the world they can probably shed some light onto how demand and supply interact with each other in order to produce prices
good! good. great. we're doing great.
Don't talk to me about how more people might make the state worse when these are the people that we have now
-Invest in more sustainable transport. A gov cost but proven to save gov money in the longer term.
-Invest in affordable housing. Expensive but needed for the bottom few %.
Just giant apartment complexes 30 stories high every 2 months.
Build more housing and zoning reform
Re-legalize/build triple deckers
Pass more big picture housing bills like the mbta communities act and housing bond bill that reduce obstacles to buy and rent property. Build housing in places that allow old folks to downsize and stay in the community
MA shouldnt neglect housing in central/western mass
I want consistency where the MA Legislature passes big housing bill each session to fix it
Worst case, more people get to live where they want, in a vibrant and attractive place. Oh no.
But a 4-person household can never expand to fill five 1-person houses
Just keep building housing units and it'll reach a limit
Please buy my book, freaky-deaky economics, on sale Q4 2025
"oh no"
If the US adopted it housing abundance would change almost overnight.