As a sidenote, it's weird trying to do the "buy my book" dance in the middle of everything going on. It's like trying to sell ice cream during a neverending earthquake.
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(Some have interpreted the above post as being about someone else, maybe even the coward Schumer, but it’s just me lamenting that it’s weird *for me* shilling my own books in the midst of the hailstorm of often-bad news.)
Please continue to promote and don’t feel bad. Your upcoming book and the upcoming books of other authors are some of the only things making life bearable in this shitstorm we find ourselves in.
I keep reading this from authors and can only repeat: Please continue shilling. I‘m so grateful for the musicmoviespodcastsbooks keeping me afloat during *gestures wildly*. Thank you for writing. 🧡
Functioning at anything that resembles normalcy requires a healthy amount of disassociation these days. Hope it helps to know that your wares bring joy to others.
I feel your pain. As an indie author, I'm finding it exceedingly difficult to sell any of my books. What with the political situation, and people swearing off Amazon, I feel I'm getting nowhere fast.
Don't feel bad. The distraction is nice. I just bought Wanderers. I like that website too. I'm gonna start getting my books from there and bypassing Amazon altogether
Now, when I try to read a book, I can't get through two paragraphs without my thoughts being stolen by the dangerous insanity going on in the White House. I've been trying to read The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon since February. I'm on page 7.
I only saw the title of your book, so I might ask the obvious thing, but is your book based on stories from people who have reported seeing stairs in the woods (don't climb them - portal)?
It is emblematic of the complete dissociation and contempt senior DNC officials have for their constituents.
He thinks we're too stupid to figure out he sent DNC agents to assure use he was fighting in all the cable news channels, while he betrayed us behind our back.
As one who had to start his book pony dance during inaugural week, I feel your pain. Plus I had the flu! It was surreal. Here's what I did: tightened the blinders, had fun, read it a lot, and took comfort in the bosom of book people. I sold books. The center is going to hold, or not hold. Go sell.
Starting Mar. 17 at Noon Atlantic Time I'm releasing a trilogy as a serial for FREE on my Substack (paid subs will get ebooks at the end.) I can't make enough selling books to continue publishing them, so I might as well give them away so people can enjoy them.
We need the arts to stay sane. I am so thankful for our writers, poets, playwrights, sculptors, singers, painters. Bring it on! Let us know what you’ve got for us. We need our authors! ❤️
Weird, but still need to pay the bills, you’ll be needed on the other side of all this.
Also, found a lot of correlation in Black River Orchard and all of what’s happening these days. I’m sure it’s not by accident. It was surreal reading it the last couple of weeks though.
From Sir Stewart's memoir about how people acted after a military coup:
"But our driver said that to the contrary, people would be fighting to get tickets and enjoy a good night out. It was always that way after a coup, as if describing the most everyday circumstances in the world."
I lead a marketing team for a regional nonprofit theatre. We are currently building and launching a new season for next year and the sense of denial required to do that work is high. Selling art right now feels like playing violin on the Titanic as it sinks. Except it's our country that's sinking.
I don’t work in the arts, but for a nonprofit focused on equitable results for communities and families. The level of compartmentalization and disassociation required to still function will require years of therapy to undo.
I see you, and I see what you're going through. I'm living that life every day. My heart goes out to you, and I hope you find a way to keep going. I don't know how we do that... but trying is the first step.
Jeffries & Schumer both should've cancelled their book tours. And both of them also need to start publicly discussing what the GOP is doing, giving everyone the behind-the-scenes look. They're being closed-mouthed and it's hurting & dividing the party.
My only complaint is that it doesn’t come out until next month and I desperately want the escape your work provides now. 😊 Hearing you promote the book gives me something to look forward to. A reward for going through all of this.
I feel ya. I've got a movie coming out about killer diner food. But I firmly believe people need something ridiculous to temporarily occupy their minds in order to stay sane and I'm here for 'em.
Yes, we’re all dealing with the “how can I do X in light of everything else happening,” but we need to both maintain our sanity, & remind ourselves about what we care about. Why life matters. What we’re fighting for. That there is beauty, and poetry, and brilliance.
Thankfully, I will happily buy both of your books and scream at my friends to do the same in the most loving way possible. Us book goblins are out here, don't worry! <3 I GET it though.
(also I *think* I'm getting a SE of Chuck's book and I'm so excited)
I’m mid draft on a new one, having to act like the world will still be largely the same when it’s scheduled to release because what else can I do but hope?
I have 2 books coming tomorrow (neither from the a to z complicity smile, and neither by the Senate surrender monkey whose book tour starts on the morrow). Yay books
If the onslaught of news demoralizes us, we need something to bring us back up. Think of all the movies Abbott & Costello made in the 40s when the whole world was at war.
If it is a subtle jab at Schumer, the scenario you described would have taken place during a heat wave and your option for either cup or cone is neither, he'd only offer you a preheated metal spoon.
Right? I decided it’s one of my forms of resistance. I have something to say, information to make the lives of aging adults better… I won’t crawl under a rock and wait.
I feel the same, but I keep hearing from readers that they appreciate something warm to escape to. We need art. Always but especially when we’re struggling.
My first Wendig book was Black River Orchard and it was so good, and spooky, and I haven't stopped craving apple-y things since. Highly recommend despite the residual side effects.
I find all celebrations strike me that way. Watched L.A. Marathon coverage and it was very odd to see such joy and normality while my cell phone was spitting notifications about the fall of democracy. Your book looks great! I’ll definitely buy it!
Keep plugging your book title, fiction or non, topic, audible or not, price for versions, and where it's available. Signed, A Fellow Author walking in your shoes
I gave up on professional writing. No way to survive on it without selling your soul to pander to anti-escapist "disabled people don't exist" assholes who think the modern world dying will solve (their) problems (and that's all that matters to them).
If it means anything, I've turned back towards reading books as a way to level my mind out during all of this. So that's a positive spin on...well..*waves hands*
Ngl, I might get a random thought to have some ice cream at least to distract from and at most to feel better about being in the middle of a never ending earth shaking
I'm sure it does feel weird, but remember - it's art and artists that are going to help us keep our shit together while we struggle to stop our world from falling apart. That's a truth that's timeless.
Do that dance without apologies, we need you, we've got you.
My debut came out on the 6th and it DEFINITELY felt then and feels now very VERY weird trying to focus on the good vibe of ‘holy crap it’s finally out’ versus all of the everything. I remind myself a queer trailer park cryptid romp is something the regime would NOT appreciate, and that helps lolsob.
A good friend expressed his severe existential dread. I gave him Magic Skeleton to use in a daily affirmation way. He was over the moon! He and his wife were visiting me and he kept stopping our chat to read another passage. See how you helped in a very direct way? You are the best, man!
During bad times I’ve always clung to my books—esp those by my fave authors—like I was clinging to a life preserver raising me above the shit that zapped my patience & stamina.
We need authors to keep writing their words. It’s through their words expressing their emotions that we will survive this.
Readers: please know what's at stake for your fave writers. The pub'g world has never been harder on us. AI is wiping out our raison d'etre, and current events mean more censorship, fewer voices and visions. Not sure it's worth 1000s of hours of work and my mental health to write books anymore.
You aren’t saying “my book is the only important thing!” You are saying “My book is out, and if you like this kind of thing, you will probably like it!” As others have said, people need distraction and the emotional connections we get from fiction. And you need income to keep writing. All legit.
I hear that, and feel the same when I'm in class, teaching Shakespeare or poetry or creative writing. But this stuff matters, dammit, arguably more than ever.
There was an extremely long line outside the neighborhood bakery during the COVID shutdown. People need treats even when everything is awful. Maybe they need *more* treats.
I've been in an earthquake that lasted nearly a minute, which felt neverending at the time. I'm not sure I would have managed to eat any ice cream while that was going on. It was more "hide under desk waiting for everything to stop now, please." - any chance you would write a five things I learned writing (Jackpot III?) for ‘s site? I think that would be beyond!
I’ve come to the conclusion that my book is really not that important. I will put it out there—I worked hard on it, but I can’t expect people to care right now. Maybe one day, I can remarket under better circumstances. I wish you well though!
Team up with Chuck? Schumer that is, I hear he's thinking about doing a book tour! 😂 He's already planning his next book too, "How to Lose an Election, and Support Autocracy From Across the Aisle."
Natural hazards course instructor here -- arguably this is a good thing, because if you have sellable ice cream, it means you also have an intact "cold chain". Which is a really important thing during a crisis! As is your book!
Lol. It's one of the most late stage capitalism things I've ever seen.
"I'm rich and owned by parasitic equity firm Blackstone, the economy is tanking, in part thanks to me, but please, buy my book, that AIPAC approves of, about how being anti-Israel/anti-zionist is actually antisemitism."
My entire existence as an aspiring performing musician got basically thrown out the window during the 1st lockdowns that cancelled events, and almost buried when Covid and the aftermath royally f'd my body. I get why the violinists on the Titanic kept playing though...
Think of it this way: stress is literally dangerous to physical and mental health. Books are a comfort and a diversion, among other values; even soldiers need down time. To have something left when we get past this awful time, we need for creative people to exist. So do your thing.
If we learned anything from Lockdown, art is important. We need to share the things that make us human, the emotions, the stories, the ideas, and ideals.
I get that. I feel endlessly weird asking people to listen to my podcast or even hosting a podcast right now. But "curling up into a tight ball at the bottom of my closet and crying" is my other - not great choice.
Ok, I know this one.
You don't sell ice cream during an earthquake, you sell jello.
It's more hypnotic and matches the background so people think it's safe to eat, it's not, its still disgusting, but subliminal advertising really works.
Thank god I'm a writer and can escape to visit my characters. It is chaotic and weird and feels selfish on one level ... but it's a Normal thing to do - and that is a gift, too. :)
Books are helping me get through this. It’s getting harder to finds books scarier than real life. Preordered Staircase in the Woods and looking forward to reading it!
Good luck to you!
What are you currently reading?
Neverending earthquake scans to the song from Neverending Story.
Send help.
He thinks we're too stupid to figure out he sent DNC agents to assure use he was fighting in all the cable news channels, while he betrayed us behind our back.
Not one penny till hes gone
before the bottom falls out
Also, found a lot of correlation in Black River Orchard and all of what’s happening these days. I’m sure it’s not by accident. It was surreal reading it the last couple of weeks though.
"But our driver said that to the contrary, people would be fighting to get tickets and enjoy a good night out. It was always that way after a coup, as if describing the most everyday circumstances in the world."
But it's never a bad time for ice cream.
Please keep talking about your books.
(also I *think* I'm getting a SE of Chuck's book and I'm so excited)
why did I sign myself up to do this THREE TIMES this year
well that’s just bullshit
When someone’s job is to stop earthquakes, they should not be out promoting a book instead of stopping the earthquakes.
I’m looking forward to the new book! Love the Book of Accidents. My mom still hasn’t given it back. 😆
I’m a vibe on the dancefloor. I’ll sell your book.
If you’re a bad DJ, it’ll cost 5% more of the book sales made.
(I’ve already preordered it, but carry on with the dancing and may you gain many more orders.
Dance! Dance! Books! Books!)
If I haven't read anything of yours, where should I start?
Do that dance without apologies, we need you, we've got you.
It's hard even for me to summon the appropriate amount of Wahoo, Buy My Book to even pull it off.
Well, I mean, far be it for me to try to dissuade you, y'know?
We need authors to keep writing their words. It’s through their words expressing their emotions that we will survive this.
You save on all the shaky machinery, thus increasing potential profit margins.
Because the "fun" of the chaos wears off pretty quickly. But chaos?
Yeah. Yeah opening up this much chaos is like trying to put out a firestorm. You can't. You just have to let it burn itself out.
shocked we aren’t on a panel together!
I am very excited about your new book and definitely need good fiction while I manage responding to the tide of fascism.
Apt metaphor, really.
And books provide that escape. If they weren’t important, the Nazi types wouldn’t constantly be banning and burning them.
"I'm rich and owned by parasitic equity firm Blackstone, the economy is tanking, in part thanks to me, but please, buy my book, that AIPAC approves of, about how being anti-Israel/anti-zionist is actually antisemitism."
It's not the most financially sound choice I've made, but it's making people happy during the neverending earthquake, so that's nice.
Dance away!
If I could make them big enough that you could crawl inside them and hide, I would
HOWEVER I am glad you are marketing your book because buying books has become my End-Times-Cope
Its always a good time for dessert.
You don't sell ice cream during an earthquake, you sell jello.
It's more hypnotic and matches the background so people think it's safe to eat, it's not, its still disgusting, but subliminal advertising really works.
Radical, militant Librarian