Haven't police and the military sworn an oath to defend the constitution? Law enforcement has to stop the madness and prevent the #luneticInChief to ignore legal principles. Unless everyone is fine with a dictator Americans with a normal moral compass have to step up now and #saveTheUS.
I meannn it's a federal crime to shred/burn all those classified documents and a federal crime to take pictures of all of them before you do. Hmmm, sure would be wild to break the law to do the right thing! Aha, who would want to do that?
Staff need to be told they can be prosecuted. If not now, when the orange dude is no longer in charge…. Seems retired/fired military, cia, & fbi may have a line that if crossed would initiate actions to protect US democracy.
Does anyone really comprehend how damaging these things are to our national security? We are laying bare the nation, destroying the record of the things we have done to protect it. Those systems have taken decades to build and refine.
Please tell me this is not a surprise to anyone still in any government building with an ounce of awareness left? We cannot be this naive. If we are, kiss it all goodbye.
And Mamoud Khalil was detained for WHAT? For a peaceful protest where he SPOKE OUT?
What the fuck will happen to Musk and his minions for THESE ASTONISHING ILLEGAL AND TRAITOROUS ACTS???
Got to DO about this @schumer.senate.gov @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social?
This is a veritable fucking EMERGENCY.
This country is being BULLDOZED down.
YOU fuckers should be out in the streets WITH us!
Why would they think all records need to be shredded? Is there something to hide or simply trying to delete contact or committee information so if usaid comes back they have to start all over again? Am I missing something here?
Backbone to stop gerrymandering. Backbone to not allow a convicted felon into office. And especially backbone by the Dems to stop rolling over. Did some Dems not just vote to approve GOP nominee?? Wearing the same colours at the SOTU as protest? Good grief. Fight ffs
18 U.S.C. § 2071, prohibiting the willful and unlawful destruction, concealment, or mutilation of government records, punishable by imprisonment and fines.
Kel, do you think that since these records involve contracts and projects in other countries, there are other jurisdictions whose laws might have something to say? I have limited faith in our own processes at the moment.
For personnel records? Probably not unless someone overseas is investigating a USAID project. For classified contracts? Maybe, but that would create all sorts of legal issues the foreign country probably wouldn't want to deal with.
Not surprised there is illegal activity. Think about what we don't know. Someone needs to document/copy or they may be liable for destroying these docs.
“Reserve the burn bags for when the shredder needs a break.”
If a shredder gets overheated, it’s because you’re frenetically feeding it without pause. What’s the rush? (Rhetorical question, because I’m guessing this is all illegal).
What I don’t get is he could have eliminated USAID through legislation and carried out audits to find wasteful spending. All the lawlessness was unnecessary unless they wanted to Govern lawlessly.
I'm confused about who's driving this & why. Are these career USAID folks? What's the goal of destroying this information? Who are they trying to keep it from? (Don't just say 'us' unless you have a specific reason to know that's their intent, not just the #POSIWID.)
This admin wants to scorched-earth destroy as much of the programs it doesn't like as it can, as fast as it can, to make it a Herculean task for any future administration to rebuild.
People need to remember that every single person in this administration will be chargeable with multiple federal and state crimes when this is over. Anyone who tells you anything but that is lying to you, or a coward.
Dems need to get it through their thick skulls now that pardons by someone involved in the same criminal conspiracy as you are not to be recognized, no matter what a corrupted federal court system says.
Some people somewhere in history tried the "I was only following orders" when on trial for their crimes against humanity, and it didn't go over so well for them if I recall
The much bigger issue is going to be implicated Republicans and quiescent Democrats, who will claim that corrupt pardons or various statutes of limitation should bar any prosecutions.
Those would be wrong, anti-constitutional, and bad faith, and should be ignored.
Yeah, I'm sure if we're lucky enough to have another election and it's fair that this first priority will be holding all the cowards accountable who were complicit because Dems have such a strong track history of doing so.
I suspect they are trying to hide the names of their in-country informants. USAID helped us keep tabs on local politics. This may be the last pro-USAID insiders trying to keep those people safe before Musk gets his hands in their names. A disaster for all involved. :(
I assume if Musk got ahold of that list, he'd publish it on X and get all those families killed. I have no hope that he's doing anything for the benefit of America.
Destroy all record of the agency. No one can come back in after this administration & rebuild the agency using the outline from the previous records if this administration literally burns them all.
It’s a way to longterm damage the agency in the quickest manner possible before bring stopped.
Jeez, I hope someone has been making electronic copies and squirreling those flash drives out of the building. Without the documentation, we will have no proof of the good that these departments have been doing and will only have the lies being propagated by doge.
Wait… why are they burning documents? Was Elon right, and they’re covering it up? Or is the one ordering this an Elon supporter, and doesn’t want anything to contradict him?
So, how long is it going to take people to realize that the ONLY way to get away from consequences for shit like this in the long run is to DO AWAY WITH ELECTIONS? Wake up folks, you're going to lose the right to vote pretty quickly if you don't start taking immediate action!
Having to face American made Iranian weapons (F-4 fighters and a Harpoon missile fired from the Joshan, an Iranian missile boat April 18, 1988) I kind of stopped looking up to the guy.
Well, yes and no... They have to KNOW it's illegal. Otherwise, they are fine. You have to know what you're doing is illegal in order to not follow illegal orders. I'm willing to bet that the people tasked with this aren't a high enough pay grade to know this.
Sure, but does that training tell them that their superiors aren't the ones to go to with questions? Basically, the people they'd run this by are the ones telling them which to keep and which to dispose of.
If we'd seen any kind of moral behavior from the current administration, I'd be willing to consider it. However, they seem determined to cause as much pain and suffering as possible, so it's past "benefit of the doubt."
As unlikely as it seems, there are legitimate ways to do this. My office did the same thing some months ago, *after* training on records management law and lengthy, detailed instructions to document custodians on how to deal with classified materials.
Here’s the issue though, USAID was a critical State system that performed an essential function. It’s not just saving lives, it’s one off three reasons America was considered the shining city on the hill. It let people know America temps people and that is a critical side benefit.
The doc. destruction should not be happening because #USAID should not be shut down. No system is perfect but ‘let Not the Perfect be the Enemy of the good’. Besides they are not shutting it down because of corruption. Simply want to disrupt governance. That way they can achieve their real goal.
Maybe there are a number of identities in Ukraine/Poland/Belarus/Georgia that USAID would rather shred records of than hand over to Trump and whoever Trump might then share them with.
This was my first thought. Yes, it's against the law, but if it's done to prevent the torture and kidnapping of service sector workers overseas from not one, but two dictators... Unless Erica Yates is a DOGE appointee.
OOOH that's what you meant! My mind didn't go to CIA proxies, I guess I assumed it would be a kind of left leaning Peace Corps anchors in various countries, building ecovillages or solar arrays or something like that 😭
@nationalsecuritylaw.org When those in power operate based off the “Do what you want, damn the consequences” philosophy, but then there’s never any consequences, I guess it’s just “Do what you want”.
Destroying all the files that DOGE already downloaded. What are the chances they plan to literally hold our own information hostage with exorbitant ransoms?
It’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap in a recession.
Tariffs are to extort companies for bribes and break alliances.
Okay this picture cracks me up every time because it looks like Elon's head is in a jar from the reflection, or just a plastic tube 😆 now the Augustus Gloop Nincompoop song is stuck in my head https://youtu.be/MAviyhpn7Lg?feature=shared
My question about preserving records is always: Given the percentage of CEO’s, govt/bus leaders who are actual psychopaths with no moral compass, and another layer who are just plain greedy, why do we think any of them would preserve records even after subpoenaed? Seems so naive
They forgot to mention what part of Ukraine lol.
If it’s even true at all—
I’ll bet you a nickel the part of you coming Ukraine it is coming from is Crimea or some other occupied territory?
#VeteransAgainstTrump 🇺🇸🎖️💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾
...or are they holding this for a breathtaking story to get lots of clicks & eyes on it?
I think I was able to explain why this is an urgent concern.
Two of the people I spoke with said they were going to “walk it” directly to someone when they got off the phone
The third said it would be flagged & passed on
We're SO fucked.
What the fuck will happen to Musk and his minions for THESE ASTONISHING ILLEGAL AND TRAITOROUS ACTS???
let me put it this way: if I wanted to keep anyone from fighting the republicans, what better place to do so then as the supposed opposition party?
Got to DO about this @schumer.senate.gov @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social?
This is a veritable fucking EMERGENCY.
This country is being BULLDOZED down.
YOU fuckers should be out in the streets WITH us!
I’m concerned about some of these records getting into the wrong hands, and also about them being destroyed.
If a shredder gets overheated, it’s because you’re frenetically feeding it without pause. What’s the rush? (Rhetorical question, because I’m guessing this is all illegal).
Covering their consciousness of guilt tracks.
Enjoy "we need to move on and not draw this out" from the next administration.
Chargeable, sure. Actually punished? Doesn't seem like it.
Trump is a convicted felon and didn't even get a fine.
Pushed for a coup, and sold classified documents out of his bathroom, and still got to be president again thanks to judges he appointed.
Those would be wrong, anti-constitutional, and bad faith, and should be ignored.
It’s a way to longterm damage the agency in the quickest manner possible before bring stopped.
“Records disprove that? Delete the records.” is apparently what they are going with
And shot if they resist, right?
Attaboy asshole
Including FOREIGN MEDIAS since americans medias are a total joke
They published project 2026 for all to see.
As unlikely as it seems, there are legitimate ways to do this. My office did the same thing some months ago, *after* training on records management law and lengthy, detailed instructions to document custodians on how to deal with classified materials.
They’ve always shown such careful planning and deliberation before.
"Immediately"? There is no date visible on that. What is the date, please? Thank you?
Maybe they should tip over a garbage can and then Congress would care?
Why tf are you voting for this shit ???????????????????
"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses"
Tariffs are to extort companies for bribes and break alliances.
I know, noone to arrest them. OMG
If it’s even true at all—
I’ll bet you a nickel the part of you coming Ukraine it is coming from is Crimea or some other occupied territory?
#VeteransAgainstTrump 🇺🇸🎖️💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾
“infiltrated from top to bottom with CIA people.”
They may actually have a lot of people in Eastern Europe they need to hide from Trump/SVR/GRU