THis is funny. The democrat's have spent the last 20 years trying to turn the US Military into a Jobs program for every freak in the country but somehow it's Petes fault
The issue is EVERY Democrat should be saying THIS and making statements and talking about this over and over! Schumer shld have said this instead of the milquetoast speech he gave..
This also begs the question, what other screwups like this do we NOT know about? And they were all on the chat congratulating themselves. They all need to go. Pull it up by the roots.
The journalist in question mentioned at least one active intelligence agent whose name or inclusion might mean a breach of security, classification, or confidentiality. He's being very prudent in what he's publicly releasing
By using Signal they thought they were being clever and avoiding being on the Official Record, but it just showed that everything this administration does, they don't want to be held accountable to. No records means it didn't happen in their eyes.
It is jaw-dropping that not even *one* of those very high ranking officials - all of whose work is critical to national defence - questioned the use of Signal for discussions of this magnitude and sensitivity. That any of them is still employed is crazy.
Statement from DNC chair? If they aren’t talking about this call for accountability on the morning news, it’s not really cutting through. They are mostly talking about how GOP would be making a bigger stink if roles were reversed. Dems still acting like GOP would do their own accountability.
My son is in the USMC and this is terrifying. I’m a veteran and I desperately wait for the day my son is discharged - this country is no longer in any position to protect its service members, much less the civilians.
Hopefully the whole damned bunch of them, including 47, are arrested , impeached , and then flown to The Hague , to answer for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
This is legit my answer. They should call for it, but I don't actually want it to happen because I want maximum damage done to relations between Trump and the military. When the illegal orders inevitably come, I want them delivered by people everyone knows are idiots.
It's a start, but they should be going for impeachment. Seems like they can make a case he violated the and is also manifestly unfit for office. Make it about national security and get Repubs on record as supporting a drunk incompetent. Then make that a core message forever.
Yes, they fell asleep in front of wheel of fortune, and the nurses are glad for the free time. Maybe tomorrow. Or next week. Or just before the next midterms. Look, it's a really hard job and they're all tuckered out ok?
Most elected Dems are cowards who are focused on upsetting as few people as possible to remain in power for as long as possible. They're not on our side, they're on the side of money and power.
Is there any possible reason that Republicans shouldn’t be calling for immediate firing. You F’ers pretend to “want to make America great again “ ( I threw up a little in my mouth) prove to the people you have an ounce of integrity
Normally; the person that make the mistake does in order to keep in the job filed. Or the leader would fire him to keep the party happy. It's décor of unity.
They are, not ranchers/hustlers/labors. I don't see them two doing theses steps. (The got the QB mindset "so what I throw 3 picks")
They let a felon into the White House. What makes you think the Democrats care about anything other than sending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to Israel to fund their genocide? They did NOTHING to prevent this shit show. They are doing nothing to stop it. Stop believing Democrats care.
why, no... there isn't any reason that all the democrats immediately demand resignations of Hegseth and the rest of those high level cabinet members...
Because the national democratic leadership is chickenshit?
(Wait, maybe it should be in the form of a question)
"Why is the national Democratic leadership so chickenshit?"
It wasn't just Hegseth. Haley and Vance were there chatting, too. NOBODY on the thing thought 'hey, maybe this isn't stuff we should be going on about in a group chat?'. They should ALL have already resigned. Geezus.
I mean, to be fair, they've probably discussed sensitive intel via Signal many times already, as no one in the chat batted an eye. So you very well could be right!
I’ll be honest, I’m getting tired of this weird little schtick where we pretend like Democrats aren’t doing things they are in fact doing because it’ll make a fun little sardonic clapback
(SEE ALSO: “why can’t we get 15,000 people to protest fascism like Amsterdam?” when Denver had 35,000 show up)
I’m tired of it too. All day long, I felt like I’ve been correcting people on what the dems have been doing. The anger is directed at the wrong people.
Better yet……Is there any reason the full house & full senate can’t immediately demand this. Can it be time for this country to come together against this absolute nonsense that hurts us all.
Is there any reason why every elected Democratic Party representative (at any level), who hasn’t voted against everything and anything the Orange TRump Party has proposed, hasn’t resigned or been removed?
If only it would do some good.... but just in case;
the reason the democratic party has not demanded hegseth's resignation is that they are totally incapable of reacting. totally incapable of governing. totally incapable of taking the initiative rather than ducking and running and pathetically reacting to each and every democracy-destroying act.
I'm unclear what you're writing Ed. There's no fucking way that these arrogant, ignorant, unqualified monkey-ass motherfuckers didn't conduct a highly classified chat over an unsecure app. drug dealers and other criminals use these apps - and now our criminal gov't does also. Totally unacceptable
The reason to not fire Hegseth is it gives the free world peace of mind knowing that this fool will continue to embarrass America , it is comic relief. Hyundai promises to build in USA is a well calculated PR stunt to keep DonVonShitzHizPantz off Hyundai ‘s back … well played Hyundai 👏
They damn well should. Every Democratic Military Veteran and former Intelligence Officer should be at the podium demanding his resignation. Where the hell are they?
They should, but won’t. I am waiting for the party to grow a spine and start acting like they really hate Trump. I have seen it with some individuals, but the party as a whole looks to me like a bunch of Trump enablers.
If we went to voters and said, “Regardless of party- that if a major party’s platform included explicit, obvious language to avoid scrutiny, accountability, transparency and oversight- would you still vote for them?”
Yeah... I spent a few days looking through P2025 and I'm like "There's no way people will vote for Trump now!"
... but still, I can't tell whether I underestimated how ignorant/uncurious folk are, or underestimated how much they would accept a monarch, and in what proportions...
Thundal- I’m currently stuck in the Idiocracy theory. That a larger than normal segment have watched too much reality tv and fake wrestling. They now believe the government should be a reflection of this type of enter-faux-tainment. Of cutthroat winners and losers. E Pluribus Unum is for suckers…
I'm not giving one Thin dime to any Democrat until they grow a pair and if they don't hurry up and stand up for us I may not have one then I'm if they take away our social security I don't care which party it is I'm coming after everybody
No. Might as well ask. Kind of like asking the hot person in the room for a date, they will almost certainly say no but once in a blue moon they may surprise you.
I can see just one. They're afraid of how the GOP will act like schoolyard bullies and they're afraid of how it will blow back on them. Which is yet another reason they need to pack up their offices and go home to work on their book and play with any kids/grandkids they have.
Hegseth and everyone else involved in those communications have displayed a callous disregard for our military and their safety. Also, what other communication has also been compromised?
Wheres the American people monitoring these idiots ? If you dont know no wonder we have bribery in politics and a criminal mobster running the highest office !
None and the repubs should do the same ! This breach warrants immediate dismissal and revocation of all security clearances! Anything less warrants the dismissal of every Repub at the ballot box
Hegsteth, Waltz and Vance (and maybe others) should be FIRED by Trump ("You're FIRED!"). An incredible breach of national security by a bunch of amateurs that have been promoted well beyond their capability.
I contacted both my Dem senators and told them they need to call for resignations, investigations, and criminal charges. I also sent a message to my Rep, but that’s Lauren Boebert, so I expect the message disappeared into the black hole between her ears.
Don't feel bad, my rep is the deplorable Ted Cruz. Contact them anyway just to piss them off and maybe for once they will do their jobs. I doubt it, but at least we tried.
It would really be nice if people made the effort to check their facts before jumping out to accuse other folks of not doing things even a minimum amount of research would have told them they are already doing ...
Doesn’t matter about majority. The Dems need to keep all of this front and center and not normalize any of this crap that is going on. They should be making A LOT of noise about all that’s going on.
The only reason I can think of is because they should be demanding the heads of EVERYONE in that chat. All of those people know better which means they all know that they were bypassing security protocols.
Or maybe he did and we don't know.
comment … lol, joke’s on you, dude.
The current GOP views efforts of cooperation as weakness to be taken advantage of.
Also, both parties are funded by most of the same corporations.
Guessing this was not first time.
Probably to avoid complying with Official Records Act.
Congress should question everyone on that groupchat. Why are you using Signal? How often do you use it?
(But they won't)
Any second now... You better watch out, busters!
Arrogance & his lack of qualifications are not a good mix. He obviously doesn't have a clue how much he doesn't know!
That's going to happen.
Yeah, that's a really good point.
That's the nicest reason I can think of.
They are, not ranchers/hustlers/labors. I don't see them two doing theses steps. (The got the QB mindset "so what I throw 3 picks")
This is not a partisan issue
Is there any reason you're asking questions you know the answer to?
(Wait, maybe it should be in the form of a question)
"Why is the national Democratic leadership so chickenshit?"
Now, do I win? ... Or do we all lose?
I'm done with weak ineffective leadership.
(SEE ALSO: “why can’t we get 15,000 people to protest fascism like Amsterdam?” when Denver had 35,000 show up)
It's getting done, but it ain't finished.
Or it should just be a general bi-partisan decision.
1. They're cowards.
2. They're asleep at the switch.
I posted earlier that exact sentiment. They all KNEW the communication medium they were using to be totally illegal and unguarded. And still did it!
If they cry “ignorance”, then they should be fired for that alone. A gross lack of the most basic NatSec fundamentals|protocols…
If we went to voters and said, “Regardless of party- that if a major party’s platform included explicit, obvious language to avoid scrutiny, accountability, transparency and oversight- would you still vote for them?”
I just can’t imagine the plurality agreeing. Yet…
... but still, I can't tell whether I underestimated how ignorant/uncurious folk are, or underestimated how much they would accept a monarch, and in what proportions...
Gonna be a Lot of These Forms passed around, too.
Become more clear how complicit he was. He’ll have to testify.
The Butcher will sacrifice him.
It would really be nice if people made the effort to check their facts before jumping out to accuse other folks of not doing things even a minimum amount of research would have told them they are already doing ...
Col Lloyd Austin was in hospital for cancer. Trump demanded Biden fire him… ALL CONSERVATIVE MEDIA AGREED W TRUMP!
Oh. You said Democrats, not Trump/MAGA Republicans.
No, the Democrats should do that right away.
would have done to a Dem cabinet member. But noooo Dems play so nice. Makes me sick
Dems are at their best lately when they’re amplifying existing outrage. They never succeed at generating the outrage.
resignation for something as simple as farthing in public!