I think the whole Schumer thing is exposing Clintonite do-nothing libs for what they are.
They were fine 30yrs ago when nazis stayed under the rocks, you could sway public opinion "being more professional", media was unbiased, but now they're just Bipartisan!-ing themselves into being nazis too.
You’ll never admit this but you gave us trump. If you didn’t vote for Harris it was a vote for trump. Yell for help all you want but we warned you. Now we have trump and it’s too late. We begged you to stop your anti Harris rhetoric. We knew Trump would win without your support. And here we are. 🫠
I voted for Harris but she failed to differentiate herself from Biden. Walz was a great attack dog and they muzzled him. They gave their all trying to capture some imaginary 'centrist' voter when a majority are disillusioned with business-as-usual and begging for a new direction.
The only successful Democrat in the last quarter century ran on radical change, and the party leadership said, "Well, I guess that's enough of that." You can't blame people for not voting for you when basically all you offer is "the other guy is worse"
You desperately and reflexively punch left in a thread DEMONSTRATING how popular more-left ideas are, after a DEVASTATING loss when Harris tried to run more centrist. The Republicans have their shit LOCKED DOWN. You aren't going to win many votes through trying to copy them.
That’s great! Bill Kristol is a neocon and a Zionist but I don’t think he wants to dismantle the government, as Trump and his merry band of oligarchs and incels are doing. I think he is pretty much a rule of law kind of guy.
This differentiator is really what we need...I can really disagree with Republicans on a lot of things, but I always thought Democracy was the common denominator.
We need to find the Republicans who still Democracy as the starting point.
I’ve actually watched him talk to historian Timothy Snyder and he genuinely seemed to have had a “my policies and beliefs were wrong and led to fascism” viewpoint. It was quite something to listen to
Back then, I'd have had no trouble believing it. I hoped the majority of Republicans would join forces with Democrats to get rid of Trump and fascism. My illusions have been thoroughly shattered since then.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - one of the greatest shockers of my life has been spending my early twenties as a right winger with Bill Kristol and David Frum, then becoming a socialist and finding myself still somehow shoulder to shoulder with them. It’s mind-blowing.
If you'd told 2008 me that Bill Kristol would be stanning and championing 2 of the most left wing people in Congress against a sitting Republican President I'd have tried to get an involuntary psych hold placed on you because you were obviously a danger to youself and others.
this is real populism, and not that fake knock-off version promised by trumpkin [that sat on a wall]
and in a most theatrical american fashion, despite an existence suspended in dread, we denizens have an opportunity to weave fresh quilt by which to unite upon
This is NOT just going to go away…the courts are not going to save us & Trump is not going to be “voted” out (remember Jan 6?) We must unite! Rally & march & boycott & strike! sort out differences later! Help with Nationwide General Strike! https://generalstrikeus.com/
"The Hillbilly Elegy guy is now the Vice President and also a Nazi, Elon Musk is the shadow President and *also* a Nazi, and the staunchest defenders of embattled American democracy are AOC and the Bulwark's neocons, who now like each other"
We're entering the Age of Authenticity. Dinstinguishing what's real, and what really matters, is the emerging zeitgeist. In this case we have genuine fans of democracy and genuine, obvious Nazi shitbags.
How are you doing? I know you will be amazed to get a text from me but to me its nothing we all are human and I want to use this opportunity to appreciate you and say thanks for being a great fan.🇺🇸❤️
Has Bill Kristol admitted that he helped build this fascism with his decades of dishonest criticism of liberals and embracing of every illegal and immoral action of the right, including lying us into the Iraq war?
If not...eff him.
In 1948, a group of intellectuals—including Albert Einstein (yes, that Einstein) & Hannah Arendt (who coined “the banality of evil”)—sent a letter to The New York Times with a straightforward message: “Hey, maybe let’s not prop up fascists this time?” https://aiwillybillhuman.substack.com/p/when-warnings-go-unheeded-how-to
Popular Front? I thought we were the People's Front?
Anywho, yeah, the battle lines are being drawn along some pretty fundamental sets of values: democracy vs autocracy. Liberty vs tyranny. Justice vs oligarchy.
True conservatives know that what this administration is doing is wrong. The constitution is to be obeyed and revered. If we need to change it, there is a mechanism for that.
True conservatives believe in human rights, fighting fascist and never siding with despots.
Bill Kristol and the other PNAC neocons built the chassis of the trump train, and now feign shock and awe that they lost control of it and got thrown off. I’ll take all the anti trumpers we can get, but there are like .5 mil dead Iraqis and untold human suffering that his people are responsible for.
Yeah . . .
Everyone insists that tRump did all of this. I keep trying to explain that he built none of it!
They built the train and left the keys in it and running!
He just climbed in and took over!
Now . . .
They're pissed!
I'll take the never tRumpers too, but I'll never forget that they did this!
Which is why I'll never trust the "Republicans against Trump" types that STILL TO THIS DAY refuse to examine their own role in creating Trump and want to act like he came out of left field and stole the party out from under them.
I get that they're used to preying on weaker targets. But nope.
Democratic activists (not their leadership) had been against trump for ages but what are these Republicans against trump doing beside grandstanding is beyond me. because if they had done 50% of what they were saying to chip away votes for trump the world wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with
This is "the big tent" we should actually aspire to - welcoming people who want to come in for the right reasons, who can then help us bring along more like them
It’d be surreal to try to convince anyone in 2004 that by 2024 Dick Cheney would be publicly endorsing a half-black liberal California woman for U.S. President.
There’s no way that my 2004 self would ever believe such a preposterous statement
I still don't believe him.
But some of the billionaires are beginning to realize that Felontrump & Emperor Leon Don't work for Them. And maybe Putin's America will reflect Putin's Russia, where some oligarchs wound up losing their wealth to Putin.
If I were the other billionaires, I'd start getting worried about the backlash to their entire class the MAGA and anti-democratic oligarchs are stirring up.
Yes. I think a lot of wealthy people who aren’t at the very tip top of the wealthy people are suddenly starting to ask themselves how Putin became one of the richest men in the world. And the answer is scaring them.
It is very hartening to observe how many formerly dyed in the wool, traditional Republicans offer their sanity and better angels to bear against Trump.
I don’t need to agree with Kristol or AOC on everything. I think those difference voices are a good thing in a Democracy. But if they wish to hit a common enemy I’ll gladly range them
Yeah, the Bulwark neo-cons all have a fanatical belief in democracy. It was to a large extent what led to their awful takes/actions under Bush (any means to bring Democracy to the Middle east is good etc) while currently the reason they seem to be full on resistance members.
If you’re wondering what the USA is heading towards.
Check out Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is seeking a third consecutive term in office in elections in May, marks 20 years in power on Tuesday.
Who thought that Bill Kristol would get there before most elected Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, and all the other worthless do nothing fascist collaborating Dems.
We need a new party. An Alliance against the axis of modern fascism, not in collusion with the donors to it.
Only idiots think that multiplying the number of parties will be either easier or more effective that simply making the Democratic Party do what the fuck we want them to do.
It is the Republican's fault if we swing to the left but if that happens at least we will still have our rights, obey the courts and live for another election.
Unregulated accrual of capital will kill capitalism. Great conglomerations of capital undermine capitalism's necessary foundation, competition. With weak competition, pricing power grows, with that the growth of unearned rents, and hence, further diversion of capital from a healthy distribution.
This twit doesn't know what socialism is. And doesn't realize that capitalism, the right of the investor class to unlimited profit, will always end in plutocracy. ALWAYS.
That would have worked too if he had been able to pass it without the carveouts for Black folks that necessitated much of the civil rights movement and left the threads these doofuses would use to undo it or at least try. It’s the best we’ve ever done and it was a miracle but sabotaged by exclusion.
A couple of good people have handed me a note that I had really meant to add “with social democracy.” They’re right, of course. I will refrain from polisci posting while walking the dog and double check my definitions.
It’s a well-known fact that socialism always bails out capitalism in times of an economic crisis. Think the global financial crisis, think the pandemic.
In the meantime the filthy soviet kolkhoz has crumbled, as expected, Russian economy is the size of Italian, Putin and oligarchs have less and less to steal from their own degenerating society, brain drain is as huge as inflation, the repressions and censorship are like 90 years ago,
Due to sanctions and Ukrainian attack several strategic industries are getting disabled, NATO keeps growing, ru arsenal is neaely depletes, nearly 1m killed or disables. And the West? Just visit Omsk and some random Belgian town.
Corporate authoritarianism is just communism that controls by telling people they are strong rather than equal and celebrating inequality.
It's just communism given there is no free market, freedom at all, and the government is pretending to be corporations. Mafia instead of kgb. Modern Russia.
I am flabbergasted. I remember all the horrible people and nasty ideas he championed for years and years and years. Has he been visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley? I have no other explanation...
Turns out that at least several of the neocons were at least serious about the whole "love for democracy and the American way" thing, which is why they wanted to spread it by force
Bill Kristol has never been a friend of democracy, even outing an active CIA agent (Valerie Plame) out of spite cuz her husband countered Baby Bush's lies with the truth. I guess being part of the neocons isn't serving his needs in a fascist world!
How they believed that the leopards would not eat their faces is beyond me. I am having a very difficult time feeling any pity for ANYONE who voted for Tr卐mp who will suffer as a result of it. Maybe they should've picked up a freaking BOOK about WWll & the nazis rather than ban them!
They live elite, privileged lives.
They've never had to work for things or ever thought that everything they ever needed wouldn't simply be there for them. They have no clue how things actually work.
It never occurred to them that they'd have to face the consequences of their own actions.
It is wild. As a young reporter, I covered the US Department of Education, where Kristol was a chief aide to Secretary Bill Bennett. He was viewed as a Stephen Miller-type character—which in hindsight was patently unfair.
I’ve always liked Bill Kristol even when we were voting for different parties. He stood out because he was never hateful. Happy to be an ally now. Hope we have the luxury of disagreement down the road.
Bill Kristol is still a POS that can eat glass for the gaslighting he's done to well meaning Corp hack centrists to turn them against progressives instead of helping to platform the fact that us progs are always correct and should be deferred to in all ways of messaging and strategy.
Fourteen year old me, who spent days (weeks?) at protests against the Iraq war, is undoubtedly shocked that Mondays on The Bulwark with Tim and Bill are the highlight of my week 😆 I actually love Bill now lol, I find him to be a reassuring voice 🙄
Trump is only the frontman in this attack on the American mind.
The attack is really coming from the anti-democracy movement: JD Vance; and Vance’s and Peter Thiel convinced Trump to make Vance vice president; and from Thiel’s early business partner, Elon Musk. https://www.alternet.org/behind-trump...
It’s why he’s come along more than some hardheaded centrists who hate Bernie and AOC yet don’t realize this is the message of the PEOPLE it’s about time politicians recognize this voice now
We're not saying let him marry one of your kids, or that he should be made SecDef in a hypothetical Democratic administration. But he's welcome to stand on our side of the line while he's throwing darts at the fash. Just keep your eye on him if the Trump crisis passes.
Beware of the republicans and their billionaire media owners choosing who will be our standard bearer.
Don't be manipulated by their choices for us.
Bernie was instrumental is Hillary Clinton's loss to donthecon.
My introduction to the dude was his writing in opposition to reducing coal plant mercury emissions, despite evidence showing the mercury was harming childhood development.
Seeing him pretend to care about things like human rights and rule of law.
To commenters clutching pearls, if you fail to save the republic from autocracy, rejecting the help of folks who would be your opponents in normal times isn’t smart or principled, it’s just braindead. Getting back to Kristol being the opposition is the goal, but there’s a job to do first.
Kristol is exactly the type of opposition which got us here. The only reason he's objecting to anything going on is because he's on the outside of the current scams and cons. Were he profiting directly, we wouldn't hear anything from him, just like Joe Walsh.
No. We end the bullshit when we end the fascism. Otherwise we're just turning the clock back a decade and giving the same bad actors another swing at it with the benefit of hindsight.
Yes. He was pushed out early in Trump's first.campaign and he's been pissy ever since. But he still wants exactly rhe same goals Trump does - no regulations, no taxes, no equality, he just wants that with his usual kickbacks and payoffs.
You're an idiot.
Kristol's work over the past decade is a massive volume of writing and speaking. All of it publicly available and contradictory to what you are saying.
Agreed. All one has to do is read what he has written consistently for years and listen to one podcast with Tim Miller. Liberal purity tests are self defeating in fighting the US becoming a full fascist country. Crush that first because if we don't, the rest doesn't matter
Kristol is even much worse than described here. He is one of the architects of the forever wars. He thinks that Trump is not bloodthirsty ENOUGH and is disappointed he didn’t mass murder all Iranians yet.
He isn't an ally. If Trump offered him a seat, he'd take it in an instant and 180 on his past writing. He's at best someone currently saying what those who actually oppose Trump say. The moment a democratic candidate gets big he'll go back to criticizing them. He shit on Biden, shit on Harris
Honestly Kristol trying to ingratiate himself with AOC/Bernie is a bad thing. The last time Democrats made themselves too welcoming of neocon Republicans, they lost. If Kristol is let into the coaltion he will simply drag it back towards the old establishment.
I seriously doubt that AOC, Sanders, and similar Democrats are going to shift their agendas by accepting Kristol’s moral support in fighting fascism. This is a do-or-die fight, and allies are allies. We can fight over macroeconomic theory after we defeat the Nazis.
It's not that AOC and Bernie will but rather Kristol will try to, and perhaps the non-leftist Dems will listen. To suggest that Kristol won't try to bend the resistance to his interests betrays a naivety about what the neocons are.
I’m still stunned that Liz Cheney believes in America so much that she was willing to give up her job. We need people like AOC, Bernie and Liz to keep our democracy intact!
None of the never Trump republicans like to talk about their role in getting us to this point. They were fine with the bigotry and hatred in their party when it was more obscure and not so blatant.
Barry Goldwater, Robert McNamara, and (gah) Lee Atwater are the only three big names I can recall who acknowledged the vast harm they did and tried to apologize. A didn’t see the light til he was on his deathbed, and G & M were very old.
Some days I still want to burn their corpses at the stake
Yeah I don’t trust them, they are allies of convenience atm that would probably be fine with going back to the neoliberal status quo that got us here. It’s commendable that they seem willing to risk their livelihood and possibly freedom speaking out, I will give them that.
“Dems Fill Stadiums” is headline news,
While GOP town halls are filled with boos.
Pissed off America knows things aren’t right.
Fuck the GOP’s oligarchy bias. Let’s fight!
Y’all’s hypocrisy is something else. Last I checked y’all were upset Harris campaigned with Cheney to warn fascism was coming how TF is this any different? It’s not.
Well I'm not convinced Bernie would even run, and I'm not convinced AOC would loose. I do think presenting anything that looks like republican light might loose. Anyone voting against the insanity you have, probably. We need to motivate new voters.
bernie ain't running at 87...and kinzinger wants a centre right candidate. but...nobody is campaigning now. it's about building up some hope and resistance. and doing something!
The Center is a dried-out husk ideologically. When Clinton yanked the Ds to the right the Center became the opposition instead of what it’s supposed to be: ballast. And it didn’t have the passion or the guts to oppose. No new ideas, no real vision, thus no hill to fight for.
This country needs a Roosevelt right now—Teddy or FDR. A big stick and a chicken in every pot. Trust-busting and fireside chats. Strong alliances and national parks. Goats in the WH and Eleanor on the road. Anti-corruption and anti-despair. Inspiration and fierce wit. And lots of dogs back in the WH
But Bill Fucking Kristol? Wow.
Something is happening to the Democratic/anti-GOP base, and it’s way overdue.
If you think Bill Kristol was a “staunch Hillary supporter”
I’ve got some Magic grandpa bullshit for you… oh wait
They were fine 30yrs ago when nazis stayed under the rocks, you could sway public opinion "being more professional", media was unbiased, but now they're just Bipartisan!-ing themselves into being nazis too.
And no, staunch Hillary people do not think those two are the way forward. In fact we'll lose more seats with them.
We need to find the Republicans who still Democracy as the starting point.
The wise person wants as big of a tent as possible until you get rid of the real enemy. Then we can go back to not liking each other.
No reasonable person wants collaborators in that tent.
That's the problem with big tent stuff, how big until it encompasses so much it becomes a nothing soup.
Stop children what's that sound. Everybody look what's going down.
We live in interesting times.
Persist and resist together
Down the slippery slope Bill K. goes!
Into Super Mega Ultra Bloody Red
Far Left Marxist Communism!
“We will win.”
~Communist Organizer Extraordinaire
Palestinian Senator Chuck Schumer
and in a most theatrical american fashion, despite an existence suspended in dread, we denizens have an opportunity to weave fresh quilt by which to unite upon
Except for Lola
If not...eff him.
Anywho, yeah, the battle lines are being drawn along some pretty fundamental sets of values: democracy vs autocracy. Liberty vs tyranny. Justice vs oligarchy.
I can't believe that this has to be said.
Kristol and the Lincoln Project assholes are trying to put a veneer of respectability on the same miserable policies that Trump stands for.
True conservatives believe in human rights, fighting fascist and never siding with despots.
This Trump regime is not.
Stealing the election for Bush inched society toward oligarchy kleptocracy using racism to control idiots and authoritarian over reach
They are just mad their use is over
Everyone insists that tRump did all of this. I keep trying to explain that he built none of it!
They built the train and left the keys in it and running!
He just climbed in and took over!
Now . . .
They're pissed!
I'll take the never tRumpers too, but I'll never forget that they did this!
I get that they're used to preying on weaker targets. But nope.
There’s no way that my 2004 self would ever believe such a preposterous statement
Find our Léon Blum!
But some of the billionaires are beginning to realize that Felontrump & Emperor Leon Don't work for Them. And maybe Putin's America will reflect Putin's Russia, where some oligarchs wound up losing their wealth to Putin.
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
Check out Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is seeking a third consecutive term in office in elections in May, marks 20 years in power on Tuesday.
We need a new party. An Alliance against the axis of modern fascism, not in collusion with the donors to it.
It's just communism given there is no free market, freedom at all, and the government is pretending to be corporations. Mafia instead of kgb. Modern Russia.
They've never had to work for things or ever thought that everything they ever needed wouldn't simply be there for them. They have no clue how things actually work.
It never occurred to them that they'd have to face the consequences of their own actions.
The attack is really coming from the anti-democracy movement: JD Vance; and Vance’s and Peter Thiel convinced Trump to make Vance vice president; and from Thiel’s early business partner, Elon Musk.
Don't cater to them.
-- Ancient Chinese Curse
Bill helped bring us to where we are now.
Don't be manipulated by their choices for us.
Bernie was instrumental is Hillary Clinton's loss to donthecon.
Seeing him pretend to care about things like human rights and rule of law.
"Is the GOP becoming Hitler party?"
I can't!
This isn't a one off for Kristol.
He writes a daily newsletter for the Bulwark and he is standing on the principles that he believes in. It's been obvious for a while.
Try reading or listening.
Kristol's work over the past decade is a massive volume of writing and speaking. All of it publicly available and contradictory to what you are saying.
Quit pissing on allies.
“Yeah, Communism’s bad and all but the Nazis are even more aggressive and better able to fuck with the world order.”
moet niets zeggen
Bizarro world but any enemy of MAGA is a friend of mine.
Some days I still want to burn their corpses at the stake
Appreciate having him here as a sincere vociferous voice but it's good to remain wary of him.
“Dems Fill Stadiums” is headline news,
While GOP town halls are filled with boos.
Pissed off America knows things aren’t right.
Fuck the GOP’s oligarchy bias. Let’s fight!