What's the point of lighting up the middle of a road like a stadium anyway ? Aren't car supposed to have headlight ? People and sidewalks need street lights, not cars and stroads.
I'm not going to lie, I do like the yellow street lights more. But this is a very dumb thing to dig your heels in over. If it's safer, or saves energy, who cares?
yeah but the blue-deficient mosty yellow light was better, didn't affect night vision, didn't disrupt sleep patterns in humans and wildlife... You really don't need "color correct" lighting at night. Not sure what's gendered about that...
The best solution we currently have, IMO, is to combine LEDs with non-light-polluting lamps, and make other notorious light-polluters (closed stores, billboards, etc) cut it out. I hate light pollution.
Doesn't need to be at "Daylight" colour temperatures, in fact scientific studies have shown it should not be. In fact the low-pressure sodium lighting was used because it's spectrum could be filtered out by ground-based astronomical telescopes.
It’s absolutely possible to get the energy savings of LED in a warmer light color, and had been long before streetlights started being changed to these bright whites. I’m pretty sure this is a feedback loop from those horrible blue headlights that are popular.
Blue spectrum light is terrible for humans &other species. They definitely disrupt our sleep. Aside from that, LEDs are excessively bright & on brightness alone interrupt sleep cycles. Places need to be dark for many flora/fauna. All of those things could be changed, from color to movement triggers.
I hate the LED 😫 makes it harder for me to see while driving or sleep if the street light gets through my blinds.
I feel like a lot of ppl with ADHD and Autism feel the same way as me 😞
I've also heard LEDs are really bad for nocturnal animals and birds : (
Wait, how do I read the tweet in anything other than a purely satirical way? Is there something I'm missing, or have I lost all ability take people seriously on the Internet?
If there's anything that triggers migraines, it's definitely the steady warm glow of old sodium lamps, and not the barely perceptible flickering of cheap rectifiers in daylight-temperature LEDs wired directly to mains voltage. Famously.
Hella gay. Goes double for headlights. If you wanna be super straight, go drive around in the dark navigating by smell alone. (Preferably on deserted country roads with no street lights making the whole thing gay)
Here in Seattle we have those notorious highway lights that have turned purple and all I can think of is remixes of Prince songs. In other words it's fucking awesome.
I mean he could have at least used a picture where it looked all moody and romantic under the halogen lights against one with those horrible blue-white LEDs glaring. Instead of "uninteresting street, yellow" against "uninteresting street with full definition and color."
Dude could just smoke heavily in his car until the resulting greasy yellow deposits on his windscreen replicate the effect. Plus, it would redouble his nostalgia for the 70s.
Oh, no, low-pressure sodium vapor lamps were the model usually used for streetlights. Those had negative (yes really) CRI, they're so monochromatic even most single-color LEDs aren't as narrow of a spectrum.
i know people struggle to identify objects when color is totally impossible to identify, but im built different, let me keep my low pressure sodium lamps that went totally out of production in 2019
we need to retvrn to warm sodium lighting. These fuckin bright LED street lamps are fucking awful and evil. At least tinge them in a warm hue for fuck's sake, disgusting
The funny thing is, a bunch of the LED street lights in Winnipeg are purple, and the city was like “they aren’t supposed to be purple, tell us where the purple ones are so we can change them” and everyone in Winnipeg was like “no, we refuse, we like the purple ones”
I won’t argue about the aesthetic of warmer light color, but the sodium lights are not only horribly inefficient, but also have way more more light bleed/pollution. LED fixtures are just plain better and for road lighting specifically the color that keeps people more awake is good.
So, yellow lights were used because it puts less strain on your eyes transitioning from dark areas while still having fairly good visibility.
LEDs are more energy efficient but "most light is most good" isn't necessarily right
Screenshot man however has attached some cryptofascist nonsense to this
I think, if I've understood the rant correctly, he's suggesting that the saving from LEDs doesn't matter because the woke environmentalists are wasting energy in unspecified other ways
I shouldn’t be, but I am on a daily basis, continually amazed at how insecure these pathetic “men” are. Who not only thinks this, and thinks it’s legitimate, but then also thinks it’s a good idea to actually say/share this outside of their own mind?
I love how this ignores that adoption of high-pressure sodium street lights was actually because astronomers wanted less light noise messing with Terrestrial Telescopes...
I dunno, I'd argue that having a 50-foot wide asphalt road in the middle of the forest, with 5 ton vehicles travelling faster than any living thing in history, is probably slightly worse for flora and fauna than some lights.
Please, I'm not advocating for car infrastructure here.
I'm speaking of an urban context, and I'm completely opposed to that model of "stroads".
To have a road that wide dedicated to cars in a city is pure madness anyway.
It can go pretty fast if there is actual political will.
And first picture (and maybe even less, idk) is more than enough to drive safely.
Cars shouldn't drive at more than 50km/h in cities, even less by night.
As a man, all I should be looking at on the road at night is two headlights coming toward me. Fast. I have this sudden impulse to turn the wheel quickly, head-on into the oncoming car. I can anticipate the explosion. The sound of shattering glass. The... flames rising out of the flowing gasoline...
I've always wondered how they used to make the lighting in LA look blue or white in older movies. Was it just a simple case of slapping a blue filter on it and calling it a day?
this is the first I've heard of it, I thought the general consensus was that they were sickly ugly lights that we're well rid of. statue av dudes are off in their own world
And it’s so weird. I always associated sodium lamps with a cheap way to make a really bright light while making everything look shit. Nice locations would pay extra and sacrifice some brightness to get some better lighting - so rarely roads. Pining for sodium lamps is like pining for lead pipes.
It depends on the film emulsion, and the light source, and if a color correction filter was used. (And reciprocity failure in long exposures, but not applicable to 24fps motion pictures.)
Mercury vapor lamps will appear green color on film. Low pressure sodium vapor emits light at 589nm, which...
may or may not actually fall into the sensitivity range of the yellow pigment in your particular color film. I think every black and white film is sensitive to that wavelength, but some color films are not. So you only pick up the faint mercury or cadmium spectral output.
Using non-tungston film...
If the film looks very blue-tinted, it was probably shot using tungsten film -- which was frequently used to simulate night scenes while filming in daylight. Anyway, I think low pressure sodium vapor lamps come out looking less yellow with tungsten film, but I need to do some research on this.
Gone is the fine grain of the world captured by 70's cinema! Gone is the blurred beauty of the 1940's! Gone is the America of black & white cinema! Gone is the peace and quite recorded in silent pictures! I do not know how movies or technology works!
There’s a stretch of bicycle path near my old hometown where they specifically put in non‐white light, I forget whether it was green or yellow. They probably did that because the general area is important to birds (though the fact that there’s industry close by defeats the point)
LED lights are too blue-white for me but they could be made more soft with a different phosphor like soft white indoor lights.
(Also I'm curious about the environmental impact of those lights with specific regard to nocturnal critters, if there happen to be any SMEs here.)
Brawny Light Bulbs—putting the Men in Lumen!
If the road is blue then I’m into dudes.
I feel like a lot of ppl with ADHD and Autism feel the same way as me 😞
I've also heard LEDs are really bad for nocturnal animals and birds : (
(Seriously which way I can't see)
o what of our cherished ways of old!
we need to retvrn to warm sodium lighting. These fuckin bright LED street lamps are fucking awful and evil. At least tinge them in a warm hue for fuck's sake, disgusting
The ambiance on a rainy day with the colors reflected on the streets is beautiful...
or it's bait. this is the internet after all.
LEDs are more energy efficient but "most light is most good" isn't necessarily right
Screenshot man however has attached some cryptofascist nonsense to this
(Former director at the American Council for Energy Efficient Economy here!)
We are doomed as a species.
LEDs could be made monochromatic yellow if we really wanted them. But we don't.
I'm speaking of an urban context, and I'm completely opposed to that model of "stroads".
To have a road that wide dedicated to cars in a city is pure madness anyway.
So while we still rely on cars (and humans to drive them), we need safe lighting that allows us to see properly.
And first picture (and maybe even less, idk) is more than enough to drive safely.
Cars shouldn't drive at more than 50km/h in cities, even less by night.
Mercury vapor lamps will appear green color on film. Low pressure sodium vapor emits light at 589nm, which...
Using non-tungston film...