get good at practical things that have nothing to do with your job and look for opportunities to do those things out in the world, competence is sexy.
Reposted from
Michael Hobbes
Question for the room: What is some non-toxic dating advice you would give to straight men?
Given how commonly it shows up on these accounts and in the responses, I would suggest not following your romantic interest on social media!
Given how commonly it shows up on these accounts and in the responses, I would suggest not following your romantic interest on social media!
Got it.
I'm so sexy.
I don't give a fuck if you cook, if you leave a mess for me to clean afterwards.
If you know a lot about Y and she asks you about Y, don't tell her in so many words that she's dumb for not already knowing about Y.
But it could be anything. Writing, knitting, baking ...
Dude, obviously she can operate the thing, it didn’t teleport there. Show respect not suspicion.
Also, these weren't corrections per se, just strangers walking up when I was getting gas or something and volunteering everything they thought they knew.
Be creative at something you enjoy, express your higher self. You don't have to be great at it, just passionate.
Be helpful, big things, little things, all things, and enjoy helping. People like people who like to help.
1) If you’re a piece of shit, then no number of practical skills you display are gonna make me want to be anywhere near you.
2) If you’re an awesome person and our values/beliefs match, then I don’t give a fuck if you haven’t got any practical skills.
📸 u+friends
📸 u+hobbies
📸 u+your dog
📸 u at some interesting event
📸 u comfy at home
Give us SOMETHING to like!
✅ makes me feel safe and understood
✅ knows himself
✅ communicates well
✅ smells good
✅ hands do cool things
✅ sees me as a whole-ass human and not his problem-solver/bangmaid/ATM/fantasy fulfilment
✅ has healthy friendships
✅ good at snuggling & kissing
✅ fucks
1 - I knew he liked me because he gave me a chocolate chip cookie. Those are his favorite, yet he saved one for me
2 - he likes to vacuum. It’s always been his chore. He’s never complained or tried to drop it on me.
1. He made me laugh a lot
2. He did something impressive, brave or difficult
*hand hovers over the really spicy chilli bottle and assorted pickled halapenos and fresh peppers*
30 years later, he still does. *mwah*
That was the reason I learned to cook in the first place, but I wound up liking cooking for its own sake. So much so that I cooked Thanksgiving Dinner for any friends who didn’t have local family for ~20 years.
Not saying women don't appreciate a guy that can cook, but it hasn't been my experience.
Lots of hobbies require a big spend with a dedicated space and equipment but with cooking you probably already have everything you need.
See also learning how to get dressed
The less she feels like she is being your parent the happier you both will be
He’s also impeccably clean, interesting, funny, smart as fuck and doesn’t need to be babied, has hobbies.
If you’re a man who doesn’t need to be told what to do, you’re in the top 1%
You get on a 3rd or 4th date and nonchalantly make their favorite nigiri in front of them. Yeah, that works.
14 years together. It works, bros. Be thoughtful!
It was intimate, it showed we both could communicate well and work as a team, and it allowed us time to just be together without anything distracting us
Highly recommend if you're thinking someone is cool to be with forever
Just know you can do things!
I get that sometimes because of my memory. Which I find entertaining because it's so wildly inconsistent. Once took me ~two months to remember a roommate's face beyond "blond ectomorph, blue ball cap."
Gotta love it
Learn how to grow things, how to make things, how to fix things.
You don’t have to be talented (though that’s sexy, too) you just have to know how to do something(s) in the real world.
It looks good and its a bloody handy skill :)
Things that have gotten me: cooking, driving, folding laundry, embroidery, expounding on Hong Kong Cinema, building a parade float, explaining the original costume they sewed.
I was talking to a dude who rescued a rabbit and then when she gave birth to bebe's he would help them latch onto her. Swooooon
1) Nothing impresses my wife more than when I casually say "oh, I know how to fix/make that." (And then do.)
2) Nothing makes her laugh harder than if I hurt myself in a minor way while completing it.
I’ve been an animal care specialist for over 30 years: zookeeper, park handler, shelter worker. Scooping poop & managing behavior isn’t all I know. I have a Bio/Anthro degree; can do some landscaping & assist with construction, taught seminars for years.