Honestly, there aren't that many accounts to follow and enjoy here yet and you're one of the few that I know and used to follow on twitter before I deleted my acc there last year
Does it have to do with when they were posted as well? Like if people see it on one platform first and like it there, they’re probably less likely to like it when they see it pop up on another one
I think it's a really positive sign on how effective the feeds are here. That you can get seen on the discovery feed but also with the following and "only posts" custom feed, people can much more easily follow the personalities and accounts that are actually interesting to them. Chronologically too.
did hanks old tweets do more numbers than these? like is this caused by him not being pushed as much by twitters algo, or because too much of his twitter follower base moved to bluesky instead
There’s not that many people here, but the ones who are here are very active and very engaged. It also helps that there’s no algorithm to hide your post from people.
I have way less followers here than in those other two places, but there’s way, way more engagement. People see my stuff!!!! On the place I go to post stuff so people can see it!!!
but also
destiny's fans coming under hank's feed and poking him to talk to someone he obviously has very negative opinions, will probably just make things worse imo lol
Because good and fun content like this isn’t buried under swathes of manure on Bluesky and as we keep reminding you Mr Hank, you’re famous and people like you a lot
Twitter appreciates criticism of scammy business practices. Don't put in the newspaper that Twitter doesn't like criticism of scammy business practices.
Highly recommend Slay the Spire for mobile. One time purchase, borderline infinite replayability, never sends notifications. Runs well on my 3 gen old phone.
I am sure there are plenty of reasons for that, but it's worth mentioning one that doesn't get mentioned often: people are consciously engaging more with each other so the user base stays here and doesn't migrate somewhere else.
Omg we get it! You want so badly to enjoy mobile games but the ecosystem they occupy apparently forces them into being annoying to play unless you are constantly purchasing magical coins at bizarre denominations that I refuse to understand. ENOUGH ALREADY!
Apparently you want so badly to enjoy mobile games but the ecosystem they occupy apparently forces them into being annoying to play unless you are constantly purchasing magical coins at bizarre denominations that you refuse to understand. Pretty simple to me. 🤣
We actually get to see your posts here when we ask to, and are not scrolling at top speed trying to get past weird ads so we end up missing them even if they show up
The average bluesky user is probably engaging a lot more than the average X user, plus it's more likely your posts will actually be seen by your followers on bluesky. The joys of a growing platform
Engagement is much higher on bluesky than the others which have become full of bots, trolls and some truly malicious people. The population here is more likely to want to hear what you have to say.
I know right now novelty and attempting to discover people on a fresh account has me engaging with the like button more than I would typically. That could be a factor.
my theory is less user attention gets directed over to inane, nothing posts like the ones on twitter that would inexplicably get like 500k likes, so engagement is more evenly distributed
Yeah, I definitely think people's attention is a lot more concentrated on relevant content that they actually want to engage with. The feed system here helps a lot in that regard.
I suspect that a number of people with more liberal views have been shadow banned on Twitter. I've noticed lately that my For You feed is almost dead, and that I'm not seeing most of the people on it that I would before.
That's crazy especially since it would be by user design with them putting you in their feeds so they see your posts. Goes to show how algorithms keep us from seeing things we want.
He's pointing out that the BlueSky post has close to 4x the likes that he got on other platforms.
Could be his posts are getting throttled on the other sites.
Could be the number of celebrities posting on BS are fewer bringing a concentration of likes
Could be the numbers on this site are bugged
My guesses are that 1) the kind of person who likes Hank's content is more likely to be here than there and 2) this is the shiny new place so it's just more active here for the moment
Ooooh, I get it now. Numbers, engagement, things that (as a fairly old peraon) I don't think about. Look at me, still learning. New project for Hank and John, youtube videos that explain the interests of modern internet users to people of a certain age.
Tbf you almost have 280k followers! And from what I saw with Pirate Software, the people who started joining bsky are people who are craving actual human engagement than just be lost in the fog of algorithm
Lots of other accounts have remarked that there is more activity on Bluesky than they would have on the other site. Potential proof in this experiment you’ve made seems to prove it to a certain degree.
This place feels like social media did 15 years ago. Only cool people and fun content creators who are active and interacting with people, and no wave of vile crap and sponsored content that keeps me from interacting with people I actually want to see.
We will see if this effect is temporary or if it sticks around. Usage stats are starting to stabilize post the election but there is no sign of a decline yet.
Idk if you are actually looking for mobile games but Atomas is fun! As far as I know there aren't any purchases and it's a simple puzzle game about combining elements (I know this is about different platforms and everything but realistically mobile games do kinda suck 90% of the time)
It makes sense, a healthy platform like BlueSky brings out the lurker (like me) to engage and contribute more. I love liking, reposting and commenting on shit here. Wayyyy more than Twitter, and I don’t even think about Threads
That’s a great point. On Twitter, I rarely ever felt comfortable commenting on anything and I would mostly like things. Bluesky is much more welcoming and I comment often here.
A big part is that most of Bluesky's userbase is fairly new to the platform, so even if you have fewer followers a higher percentage of them are still active.
I have learned about the existence of Bluesky from you, Hank. And you are the first person I followed. I came here in search of a wholesome community. I've been on Twitter years ago but was zero motivated to use it lately
I've seen several examples of Mastodon posts getting more engagement than on xhitter, I think it's reflective of how many accounts are just dead over there. If the platform is hostile to the users, the users don't stay.
I don’t want to be a downer, but it might just be the case that given the lower number of creators on here it could be easier to reach an interaction threshold which marks your post as highly engaging for the algorithm, which then distributes it to more users.
Lowkey Apple Arcade (if you have an iPhone) has a lot of high quality stuff, ad free, micro transaction free, and I think the devs get paid well (afaik)
Hank! I follow you on TikTok but I’ve never seen you come up on Twitter or instagram, I think Bluesky is just pushing accounts like yours more, or it’s just so new that somewhat big fish like you appear easily
It doesn't surprise me in the least that Threads has the worst likes to repost ratio, a site that ground people down to just consume engagement bait and not actually share an online space together.
There's lots of good mobile games, but the store fronts don't promote them. You also generally will pay to buy. 10000000, Million Onion Hotel, Card Thief, Super Auto Pets, Ancient Empires Reloaded, Luck Be A Landlord, Atomas, and then Balatro and Vampire Survivors go without saying.
Super Auto Pets is the only odd one out, in which you can buy additional stuff for money. No obfuscation currency though. The rest are either "premium" or free to play but pay to remove ads or timers one time.
i just assumed the one with 45k likes was on twitter and i was like hey thats pretty good for a fraction of the user base! but then i looked again and realized the smaller one was twitter 😭
It would appear you feel very strongly about this to post it on three separate occasions lol.
Dunno what mobile game types you enjoy, but I can point you towards some of the less annoying/predatory ones. If you like swipe fighters, Marvel Contest of Champions. Match 3, I like DC Heroes & Villains.
I play it off and on and have for several years. I’ll go through phases of interest. But I enjoy it enough that I’ve actually put real money into it, which isn’t always the case for me and mobile games. DC Heroes & Villains is my current obsession though.
Nice. I’ll keep it in mind! I never really followed any MCOC stuff outside of just playing the game, tier lists and play style vids on YouTube, and I used to look at Arena final scores but it’s impossible to hit Top 100 anymore, for me at least.
I'm not sure why this is surprising. You're a big fish in a little pond here. This is like your core demo too so it fits like a glove. You're getting more engagement because Bluesky is basically your target audience. You need to reach more than this echo chamber for your greater mission though.
I think it's less to do with daily active users and more to do with the algorithms on the respective sites. Contrary to what some believe BSky has algorithms it just shows people more relevant content than the content Meta/Elon wants to be seen. Just my opinion though.
I've seen similar trends with other content creators. Although they have something like 5x the number of followers on twitter they get 5x the engagement on their posts on bluesky.
I mean listen, it’s a great take. I’ve only ever played two long-term that I couldn’t possibly keep logging on for if I hadn’t made friends I keep up with outside of the game too. Even then we’ve talked about quitting
Games are being sold that actively try to ruin your experience of playing them to sell you the solution. It's ass backwards but somehow it makes these companies zillions. We are idiots and they know it.
While it’s installed on my phone I’ve only played it on my iPad where it’s perfect. My wife recommended it to me after buying and playing on the PlayStation.
Just such a clever concept and extreme replay-ability.
I’ll never forgive him for what he did to it.
I'm not on threads.
I am on Bluesky.
Pretty sure this is my doing.
You're welcome, Hank.
destiny's fans coming under hank's feed and poking him to talk to someone he obviously has very negative opinions, will probably just make things worse imo lol
of what to talk about you can pick up a bunch of internet culture topics, their most brief interaction being online podcasts / influence in politics.
*Backs out slowly*
I like you.
Could be his posts are getting throttled on the other sites.
Could be the number of celebrities posting on BS are fewer bringing a concentration of likes
Could be the numbers on this site are bugged
Adding to that, there algorithms have probably been tweek/changed so much that it no longer functions for its original purpose.
Agreed... it's probably a high 90s number to guess at your statement.
(Emusk would deffo throttle your content.)
That's VERY interesting
Dunno what mobile game types you enjoy, but I can point you towards some of the less annoying/predatory ones. If you like swipe fighters, Marvel Contest of Champions. Match 3, I like DC Heroes & Villains.
Post? Skeet? Sorry I'm new here
now you know how it feels like to be throttled by an algorithm.
Just such a clever concept and extreme replay-ability.