Even in the olden days it was all BS because they felt a person was owed the right to a venue. It’s not like they will just let me make a speech in the capital building because it’s public. A university has the right to curate what happens on campus.
Even today, the NYT pretends that their "fondness to the first amendment" was genuine and not just an attempt to move the Overton Window to enable bullies and fascists.
We cannot allow the NYT writers who were heavily complicit in the fall of the republic to wash the blood off their hands.
Reminder: The so-called cancel culture they complained about was a culture thing, a decorum kind of thing to be politically correct & treat People with dignity.
What Trump is doing is cancel laws (censorship), where by force of govt & coercion of govt enforcement the anti-DEI agenda is implemented.
It's so freakin' frustrating that so many people don't acknowledge or outright refuse to admit that almost every conservative these days solely operates under Wilhoit's law.
Yeah, most likely you're right. Might be wishful thinking for me and/or just a gut feeling that at least pre Gingrich there might have been enough with more moderate views to keep it modest
What changed is that there used to be a healthy leftwing that actively balanced and fought the rightwing. Occasionally, they even won some fights. After the neoliberal turn, the leftwing died off. The rightwing never changed tho. They just won.
Yes, conservatism was always stupid, and the people eventually became too class conscious to not see it. So the conservatives had to directly attack the social political development of the lower classes, which is what fascism is: the developmentally stunted victims of conservatism.
People say that his original draft demanded an end to slavery. That’s actually not true. The first draft blamed king George for the slave trade to rebuff English politicians who asked “why do you talk about freedom when you literally own slaves?”
In this context I always have to think about Lacan describing right-wing intellectuals as realist knaves, unmitigated scoundrels that are savvy political operators.
I do not think the rightwing have intellectuals. It’s a very stupid ideology that embraces anti-intellectualism. I don’t think they are savvy, just vicious and brutal. They never have to build anything, just destroy anything that might rival brute strength as an organizing principle.
They do have organic intellectuals, ie people that produce ideas. This thread features a good example: it takes a cerain ingenuity to sell one's desire to make the left shut up as free speech. And yet that is precisely what happened.
Just a reminder “cancel culture,” was never a first amendment issue. Privately, as individuals, groups, and companies, we have a right to respond to speech we don’t like. Criticism, boycotts, firings; that’s not censorship. 1A only applies to government responses to certain kinds of speech
not to bang on the drum too much, but 21st century American punditry as it exists has formed around a core of "commentators who supported the invasion of Iraq in 2003."
which is to say: rubes, opportunists, and opportunistic rubes. people who weren't opportunists or rubes didn't get column inches.
so to this day, maybe they're really this uncritical and credulous that they're believing the justifications and think that they're doing something by pointing out the contradictions, or maybe they know what their job is to keep a spot in the paper of record. the effect is the same either way.
It's honestly the natural path of capitalism. Morals, principles, and the truth get in the way of making money RIGHT NOW, so naturally people without those (like Jeremy) are the first to jump in and fill the space with their brain vomit.
To make a buck many companies departments of Lies and Fabrications (marketing and communications) will say what they want you to believe about their companies and products, with little regard to facts.
I realize the NYT has a lot of journalists, many of which have consistently covered Trump honestly while the paper has helped to usher in fascism by downplaying it as a threat only to focus on the big issue of whether trans people are actually people BUT Peters is the most credulous of all dipshits
This specifically is the paper’s genocidal racism on show. They supported war crimes, ethnic cleansing, extermination, and repressing protests like many liberals, and now they are following that logic home to this McCarthyism and violence against any brown person who antagonized pro Israel deans.
Will the media and centrists learn from this and not take conservative narratives at face value in the future? lol Of course not. Even in the write up by Peters, he assiduously avoids calling conservative hypocrites who ginned up "cancel culture" as an existential threat in a purely bad faith way.
Here’s the thing: “centrism” is a euphemism for conservatism, so the media and the centrists aren’t falling to learn the lesson, they are the conservatives themselves. It’s the rest of us that need to stop taking them at face value.
They'll say anything...and then say the opposite. And then accuse the opposition of saying what they just said. And then try to change the subject. They're a bunch of lazy fools. What do they do all day long now that Musk is doing the "heavy lifting?"
Cancel culture nonsense was most often about private parties not providing the platform of a wingnuts choice. But now the president is denying congressionally allocated funds because of speech he doesn’t like.
They don’t consider other people deserving of rights, so championing freedom of speech for them will always mean championing the supremacy of their speech over others
For no reason at all I keep thinking about the hammering CNN received for claiming they held back on covering atrocities in Iraq during the 90s because they were trying to *save lives.*(Perfectly timed to sell Bush II's war, of course.) https://theclick.news/living-in-an-anonymous-world/
but at least it's more "fun" to cover Trump instead of some boring, competent administration that doesn't purposely destroy every remaining aspect of this country that made it half decent- amirite Jeremy?
The conservatives may have gotten over their fondness for 1A, but it's the dumb reporters, particularly for @nytimes.com that promoted their fake concerns that got us here
Now review the nyt coverage of conservative "concerns" about trans folks
There used to be a time in this country when being a flip-flopper could ruin a career. The only thing conservatives care about is having power over people. That's it!
I wonder how many of them actually just thought right wing assholes actually cared about free speech and are honestly confused that they seem to have lied
Does anyone else find it insane that Americans just accept their media and ruling class being completely detached from the zeitgeist and behind by at least 10 years due to insularity??
Yes, absolutely. But sadly many people within the US don't have the time or energy to be politically active, and that's by design.
Both Dems and the GOP have a long history of upholding capitalism at all costs for decades now, and part of that means making life hard for the workers.
For politicians, don't get your news exclusively from Morning Joe, which they do. For media, keep abreast of sources that are informal or even unverified if they have large following, because it means they are on the pulse of something. Don't hire from mainly Ivy League and upper middle class.
Over 40 years I’ve known great journalists from all walks of life, some who started out with no idea they would ever become journalists. A larger problem now is that the internet & email and social media encourage spoon-feeding. As you say, look to more than the “traditional” sources. The best do.
In fairness the last year would have played out differently if the local DSA chapter had black-bagged Sam Alito at Franciscan University and then human-trafficked him to a central american slave labor camp
If you're on record being that wrong and still have a job, then you're writing obviously is meant to appeal to a very small and specific group of people.
I’ve discovered that anyone’s political opinion at any given time has more to do with their perception that it’ll help or hurt their team, rather than any kind of principled objection.
You mean, when I say "Fuck Trump," that's bad now? Wow. Well, fuck Trump then, and Vance and Elon, too, because if saying "Fuck this illegitimate dictatorship" is wrong, then I've lost the ability to tell right from wrong. Did I ever tell you about the time that Fuck MAGA and Republicans? Oopsie!
You mean to tell me that the people who were only upset about the free speech of right wing freaks and weirdos are suddenly stomping on the speech of people they hate?
That Jeremy W. Peters bloke is one of the thickest twats that ever managed to mash a keyboard. He is the infinite monkey; only instead of Shakespeare its fascist apologia and "they won't be as bad as they show you who they are" garbage. He's a fucking moron.
Total mystery to anyone unaware of power hungry religious cracktivists who’d support Beelzebub if it meant getting whatever broken toilet seat they’ve been guided to as a reward.
Ur joking right? Everyone who knows what conservatism is knew they werent "fighting cancel culture" or "defending free speech." I need yall to stop uncritically accepting right wing framing. Anyone who ever thought conservatives were defenders of free speech needs to sit it out until they learn more
We cannot allow the NYT writers who were heavily complicit in the fall of the republic to wash the blood off their hands.
What Trump is doing is cancel laws (censorship), where by force of govt & coercion of govt enforcement the anti-DEI agenda is implemented.
Years of fighting in the trenches made the idea that the officers were inherently superior seem idiotic to even the most hardened monarchist.
Cue Fascism a generation later.
which is to say: rubes, opportunists, and opportunistic rubes. people who weren't opportunists or rubes didn't get column inches.
Cancel culture nonsense was most often about private parties not providing the platform of a wingnuts choice. But now the president is denying congressionally allocated funds because of speech he doesn’t like.
1st amendment applies to one of these things.
Like how they told us for decades that the 2A was needed to "prevent a tyrannical government" and then they voted for one.
Now review the nyt coverage of conservative "concerns" about trans folks
they wanted free speech for themselves...
silence from anyone else.
Both Dems and the GOP have a long history of upholding capitalism at all costs for decades now, and part of that means making life hard for the workers.
That's all.
Anything else was a tactical smokescreen.
Shocked. SHOCKED.
What they believe in fundamentally is "I should get stuff and you shouldn't"
Everything they say is an excuse for that, because they know it would be unpopular. Its always lies. Manipulation.
They wanted to embolden their base and create a “we’re the victim” narrative that is absolutely bonkers people are STILL falling for
how does he have a job outside of shoveling shit for a living?
oh wait...
Btw, women they sure do like to claim to be “protecting” us
Just remember.
Everything MAGA does is opposite world.
As in "rights for me but not for thee."
And all their accusations are confessions.