Hopefully coalesce with the Liberals and Greens, decide who runs for seats based on good data to stop the vote split and then work towards election reform. I have no appetite for a CPC government.
The NDP needs to quit trying to prove they can govern “just like the big boys,” drop their neoliberalism, and start talking like they are standing up for Canada, for working class Canadians, and become the conscience of Canada again.
So, less John Horgan, more Ed Broadbent, even more Charlie Angus.
If they can do that, as well as commit to real action on climate change, then by the election there’s a chance they can gain some seats - ONLY if they promise to work with the Liberals to defend Canada.
If not, I shall never, ever vote for them again (former steadfast supporter.)
"Do you want a banker to give money to rich people? Or maybe should we use that money to help people hurt by trade war stuff, and do basic public spending as economic stimulus? Vote NDP." (This is hypothetical and not an endorsement.)
jagmeet --as ever-- needs to STEP DOWN and then maybe they can move on to working *with* libs and green (and even bloq) to make helpful suggestions to government
It’s nothing to do with “my guy” and everything to do with how Poilievre hasn’t the brains or the guts to stand up to Trump. If the NDP or Greens were leading I’d be fine with that, but Poilievre and his colleagues are not up to the job of saving this country.
The point is we have to stop saying every election is existential. It's polarizing and untrue. (Except in the case of Trump, but it was so overused, people dismissed it.)
Yup...our blue incumbent retired and they basically voted for a blue child just out of uni - despite strong community business based competitors. They might as well have voted for a blue chicken.
Then you need to vote for whoever is stronger in your riding between the Liberals and the NDP. Just voting Liberal in a strong NDP riding only helps the Cons
exactly, i’m in small town bc and the liberals will never win here because a lot of people regularly confuse provincial and federal politics (we’re at 35% for cons right now with the rest mostly divided between green 24%, ndp 23% and liberals 15%). vote all nicely split to be defeated 😑
We tried that in Ontario. Either enough people didn't get the word or they refused bc there seems to be some moral quandary in voting for Liberal. Even if it means Cons will win
So they parties have to work it out. In Ontario Crombie got in the way of that & federally, Singh will get in the way
I'd like to point out that Trudeau tried to bring in a Ranked Ballot that would have eliminated vote splitting concerns. NDP was so opposed to this that they threatened to "go nuclear", so Trudeau backed off. If a RB was in place now, it would save the NDP's arse. Just saying.
Ranke ballot inherently favours the Liberals because they are second choice for NDP and Con voters. Trudeau ran on bringing in proportional representation and utterly abandoned it to try to push ranked ballot. He betrayed everyone on that.
Ontario NDP ran ghost candidates who weren't running, campaigning or working whatsoever and helped Ford win several extra seats. They didn't even take names of ballots of candidates who quit.
Then vote NDP. The Liberals should not run a candidate in that riding. Similarly, in ridings where the Liberal has the best chance to beat the Conservative, the NDP should not run a candidate.
The NDP is not just its leader. My values align very well with my MP who works hard. Throwing away a vote to a liberal in an NDP writing just helps the Cons.
There are some stand up folks in the NDP like Heather McPherson in Edmonton and Jenny Kwan in Vancouver that consistently step up and speak out in ways I appreciate I just wish Jagmeet would do so as well. He needs to be less afraid of offending people and take a stronger stance.
Right now, its firmly a minority gov. And neither one can pull it off wo a coalition but no one else will work w the cons. If the polling doesnt move (which it will, one way or another) the libs can do it but only w the BQ AND the NDP (possibly the greens but very slim). Its all gonna be about buzz.
(1) Concentrate efforts in the West specifically Urban riddings
(2) Carney will run on a centrist platform so the Left is vacated, while PP will run on an extreme right wing agenda
The NDP will be lucky to retain 10 seats. My riding is one of them, and it’s a battle between NDP and CPC where the LPC hasn’t won since 1974 and haven’t even come 2nd since 2000.
So vote strategically in every riding for LPC, NDP, GPC or Bloc - whoever will win.
As a social democrat I laugh and hope this is the moment where the NDP can be burned to the ground, it’s party leaders shit canned, and a new social democratic party is allowed to form. The NDP did this too themselves and it’s time for nature to let them die so a real party can bloom
I agree that the NDP, and social democratic movements in general, has done a lot of good for Canada, and will continue to do so in the future.
But most political parties in Canada have a life cycle. And the party machinery of the federal NDP is broken and rotten. Let a new doc dem party replace it
I have a feeling that a social Democratic Party would be far less popular than the current NDP, considering the vast majority of Canadians have moved their politics to the right.
I fear that would lead to a 2 party system which is worse. I volunteered for NDP in the Layton years, jumped ship when Mulcair came in. Singh is too aristocratic to appeal to working class, so I voted Trudeau since 2015.
I get that. But the federal PCs died and reformed. Canada has a healthy enough political system that parties can naturally fade away and new ones come in. Maybe there is a new social democratic party that merges with the Greens. You can’t hold on to failure because of fear of the unknown
Call him Petro Carney in a meme and hope people are dumb enough to not do any research, apparently. It's so disappointing to watch the NDP fall into the same loathesome trap the conservatives have and just spin, deceive and complain instead of offering solutions and alternatives.
I used to be an NDP member but left the party in 2018. Part of that was due to what they did to Mulcair at the leadership convention. Not a fan of Singh as I see him as a weak leadership, just as you rightly pointed out.
Mulcair was absolutely the best orator in the Commons. He had fire & brilliance.
Tons of NDP members didn't like him as he was moving the party to the centre. He lost the vote in a leadership review in 2016 which triggered the leadership convention.
Wrong approach. Some ridings are strongly NDP. They have a LOT of support for very capable MPs who have been serving them well. In those ridings voting Liberal will likely result in splitting the vote and handing the riding to the Conservative candidate. Vote FOR Canada.
Check here: https://Smartvoting.ca
🇨🇦Let's use common sense. To STOP PP, voters must vote for the candidate from ANY party with the best chance to defeat the Con in their riding. Country before Party. Splitting the vote amongst the Liberals, Greens and NDP is HOW WE ELECT PP!
You will be able to check your riding here: https://Smartvoting.ca
The ones who are good will retain their ridings. It would be good if the Liberals and NDP's don't run competing candidates in the same ridings. We seen in recent ON election, where an NDP candidate backed out of the race and endorsed the Liberal candidate. That was highly noble.
Fire every single one of the Executive Leadership team immediately. They have proven what their opponents say about them with their complete and utter incompetence. The party needs to return to a social democratic path with an emphasis on the environment. We're in a class war, the NDP lost its way
Singh can’t win. He has failed abysmally despite having wins on pharma/dental.
He has consistently failed on attacking fascism and Poilievre, and has had a childish tone that hasn’t been befitting of some of our more trying times in the last 5 years.
That would only benefit the Conservative party at this point. Any party which doesn't see preventing PP from gaining power as the primary goal deserves what they get.
People do a lot of things they would otherwise hate to do when threatened with fascism. The cons could run 3 beagles in a trenchcoat in my riding and still win, so I have the luxury of voting my conscience and losing like I always do, but people need to be smart.
Fire JS after next election. NDP are broke, have few candidates to run so they should focus their efforts in 10-12 ridings and not split the vote in 75 swing ridings where CPC have a chance to win.
The federal NDP don't align with Canadians. If they ever want to be taken seriously, they need to change their strategy. Otherwise, fringe party forever.
My first choice would be Rachel Notley, but you probably think she's "a Tory" as well.
David Eby is pretty solid too. There are some really great people there.
And once we learn what getting a centrist gov is like, we may want an actual Left government. I know I would.
People said the same about both Notley and Nenshi. Didn't happen. Well, not sure whether Notley will go federal, but Nenshi is the leader of the Alberta NDP now.
His vulnerabilities are too great. Shannon Phillips of AB & Avi Lewis seem like contenders. Rachel Notley of course. The problem is the Venn diagram of the NDP right & Liberals overlap too much. Need more social democratic anti-neoliberal daylight there
They play a weird game of parliamentary roulette where one or two dozen of them get cushy jobs and sometimes get a say in national policy called "The Kingmaker™"
Push Carney to follow through on dental care, pharmacare etc and try to convince Canadians that a strong NDP presence is needed for more similar good stuff.
The problem is — and this comes from a longtime NDP supporter, sort of like being a Leafs fan — there hasn’t been a strong NDP presence for quite some time. Why would the party suddenly change now?
That is what I'm doing. We need a real Team Canada approach.
I will be voting to keep Pee Pee out, and in my riding that means voting for the NDP incumbent. I would vote Liberal if that was the strategic vote in my riding.
I’m in the same riding as you. Like you, I want to keep 🤡 out. I had assumed I would be strategically voting NDP as well, but looking at the last 25 yrs of election results, I’m not sure a Liberal vote would be a bad thing. Are you talking to ppl? I’d love to get a sense of the mood in the riding.
I think that given what is happening with the two party system in the US, folks will want to preserve Canada's multi-party system. Now is the time to have conversations about stuff like this.
🇨🇦 doesnt need an NDP presence
We need to stop CPC from gaining power
🇨🇦 needs a majority Liberal govt to negotiate with Trump, save jobs & economy and provide the stability & environment to attract investment. Liberals & Carney have both committed to supporting all Canadians & address inequality
✅ "Canada doesn't need an NDP presence"
✅ "We need to stop CPC from gaining power"
❌"Canada needs a majority Liberal govt to negotiate with Trump, etc"
Canada needs an authentic left-wing party.
Currently, it does not have one.
I think the Liberals and NDP need to work together in each riding to avoid splitting the vote. The majority of people in my riding did not vote CON last election, but because it split between Lib and NDP, CON won. We need to work together to prevent a CON gov’t
Get pummelled in the next election then elect a leader even further right because that's how clueless they are.
They think because mealy mouthed centrism has worked provincially it will work federally. The difference is when they've won provincially they were not facing another "centrist" party.
In this next election only run candidates in ridings they know they can win. After that some soul searching, a rebuilt from the ground up policy framework, a new leader, and most importantly a completely new executive.
Never voted Liberal, but now I'm in a dilemma- do I not vote for them because they support Nazis (SS division member in Parliament, monument with Nazi names on it) or because they support Zionists?
The same thing they do every night David: propose economically illiterate policy responses and waffle when given any chance of actioning even the tiniest part of their preferred agenda.
They will need to just be themselves. Trudeau ran on the left flank and ate their lunch in 2015. Carney will likely be at least back on the right of them.
They might not do well but then it's time for new leadership/direction.
The Libs didn't disappear after 2011. The Bloc/PQ are still around too.
Hold joint primaries with the Liberals. The NDP has strong local candidates in many of their ridings but need to pull back in places where it is close between them. Only Carney has the nation-wide recognition to beat the Magat-sympathizers.
I mean: plan to win enough seats to hold the balance of power, and continue to ensure that a government run by "competent, strong managers" also follows through on promises to share prosperity? Worked okay for 5 years...
They abandoned that though and started playing the same games as Pierre. I have voted for them before but the lies and populism and feeding into Pierre’s narrative won’t win my vote.
The correct answer is for the New Democrats to *CLEAN HOUSE* from leadership to consultants to comms & strategists - the entire leadership strata have GOT TO GO.
Former federal & provincial NDP leaders have been out there stumping for the Liberal leader Mark Carney. It is time for an absolute purge
In this election, the Liberals and NDP should make a deal not to run against each other in ridings where they just split the vote. Country over party.
I'm glad he's a socially conscious Catholic and we can find common ground on many issues but words have meaning.
So, less John Horgan, more Ed Broadbent, even more Charlie Angus.
If not, I shall never, ever vote for them again (former steadfast supporter.)
Where did you find those stats?
So they parties have to work it out. In Ontario Crombie got in the way of that & federally, Singh will get in the way
Need to pay attention, not blindly vote Liberal.
NDP has worst possible Leader - until @jagmeetsingh.ca leaves, party will go nowhere!!
Help keep CONS out of power - essential!!!
(2) Carney will run on a centrist platform so the Left is vacated, while PP will run on an extreme right wing agenda
So vote strategically in every riding for LPC, NDP, GPC or Bloc - whoever will win.
Unfortunately, it's too late now. For the coming election, anyway.
Vote splitting will continue to happen because of each party’s egos
Jagmeet must step down after this election and the party must go back to its roots
You don't want to see a Canada without it
But most political parties in Canada have a life cycle. And the party machinery of the federal NDP is broken and rotten. Let a new doc dem party replace it
The entire party brass need to go.
The NDP is floundering.
Tons of NDP members didn't like him as he was moving the party to the centre. He lost the vote in a leadership review in 2016 which triggered the leadership convention.
Check here: https://Smartvoting.ca
You will be able to check your riding here: https://Smartvoting.ca
He has consistently failed on attacking fascism and Poilievre, and has had a childish tone that hasn’t been befitting of some of our more trying times in the last 5 years.
There's a narrow path, which I expect them to miss, but Singh could bring populism that contrasts with Carney's technocratic elitism.
They owe no fealty to the Liberal party
Eby represents everything wrong with the NDP.
Almost like the competent version of the Trump-Musk alliance.
My first choice would be Rachel Notley, but you probably think she's "a Tory" as well.
And once we learn what getting a centrist gov is like, we may want an actual Left government. I know I would.
Country over party.
I will be voting to keep Pee Pee out, and in my riding that means voting for the NDP incumbent. I would vote Liberal if that was the strategic vote in my riding.
We need to stop CPC from gaining power
🇨🇦 needs a majority Liberal govt to negotiate with Trump, save jobs & economy and provide the stability & environment to attract investment. Liberals & Carney have both committed to supporting all Canadians & address inequality
✅ "We need to stop CPC from gaining power"
❌"Canada needs a majority Liberal govt to negotiate with Trump, etc"
Canada needs an authentic left-wing party.
Currently, it does not have one.
PS. I will be voting to keep Pee Pee out, and in my riding that is for the NDP incumbent. I would vote Liberal if that was the strategic vote.
Mr. Moscow, how do you feel about starting the NNDP?
They think because mealy mouthed centrism has worked provincially it will work federally. The difference is when they've won provincially they were not facing another "centrist" party.
They might not do well but then it's time for new leadership/direction.
The Libs didn't disappear after 2011. The Bloc/PQ are still around too.
Former federal & provincial NDP leaders have been out there stumping for the Liberal leader Mark Carney. It is time for an absolute purge