No need for a civil war among the Dems. Schumer should take the hint, quickly step down from the leadership without any fuss, and go enjoy retirement after his current term ends. He is in no way irreplaceable and new blood will have a positive impact on the Dem Senate caucus.
Oh I think the evidence for collaborator is much more blatant than his incompetence. His goal is to serve capital and capital doesn't care if fascists take over.
I agree. It’s a good idea to keep shitting the bed and learning zero lessons from it. Repeatedly losing, failing to appreciate the stakes, and ushering in fascism is a recipe for success.
Yes, on, who is feckless and providing cover and support for the autocratic takeover. Fuck that guy. He should resign now. Then maybe we could get a leader that does something about the *actual* thing that matters, but he’s proven his inability to do so ad nauseum.
He didn’t just “screw up.” He does not know how to fight-never has. He leaned on Pelosi for the hard stuff. He’s partly why we are here. He needs to step down NOW.
What the fuck are you talking about? He didn't screw up. He actively and thoughtfully made the shittiest possible decision and continues to stand by that decision. His judgement sucks, he's a horrible leader, and he's afraid of confrontation. All anger focused on him is justified and earned.
We can't even give him a mulligan for being brain-addled like Diane Feinstein. He knowingly sold us out for his Wall Street donors who (like him) are so smart they're stupid. Trump is going to roll over them all. Either they play by his rules and keep their dachas, or... who WAS Jamie Dimon anyway?
With how much is at stake, this seems like the best time for a change in direction. It's the worst possible time to keep a Dem leader who won't actually fight against the right wing. We can't afford that right now.
The Trudeau to Carney transition was one of the best things to happen to the Liberal Party, the Schumer to Anybody Else transition is absolutely needed.
“The party’s base is right to be angry at Chuck Schumer, but the country’s fate hinges on the fight against Donald Trump and Elon Musk.”
This is absolutely correct, which is why Schumer must be removed from leadership so Democrats have a leader who is in the fight against Trump and Musk.
I think the fact that the leader of the opposition to Nazis continues to collaborate with them because his imaginary friends told him to is exactly what matters
If the country’s fate hinges on the fight against Trump and Musk it is the plain duty of every Democrat to set about getting Schumer and company out of there so someone who will actually fight can take over. No need for a civil war, just a nice brisk coup.
This operates on the assumption that Schumer and his ilk can meet the moment in a substantial enough way to make their capitulation worth it in the long run- his plan, notably, is the hope that the mythical Good Republican will emerge from the ether to save us all
Fuck this. When a general proves himself incompetent, you don’t call for unity — you shitcan the useless motherfucker and get new leadership for the battles to come. You don’t send out the same useless dumbshit to lead you into another defeat. Fuck Schumer. He should resign.
It’s the same way I way feel about Netanyahu (who, for the record, I consider worse than Schumer, and less competent). It’s facile to compare war to sports, largely because there’s accountability in sports. A D-III basketball coach would get fired for the hoops equivalent of October 7 but not Bibi
No just no. Weak cowardly dems have been telling progressives to sit down and shut up for a decade now. Their failures led us here, they must be removed from leadership and strategy. They are traitors whoever voted for the gop budget. We are sick of weak cowardly dems like schumer
Fuck no. Burn it all down The Democrats are worthless cowards who are all just waiting around for their turn and cannot be saved. We need something new that actually works for the people and not for billionaires. No more waiting around.
We cannot defeat Trump and the right wing while our leaders refuse to actually fight. Those leaders have to go in order to get our anger focused where it matters most.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off. Establishment dems have done nothing but lose for 30 fucking years. Their strategy is a case study in failure. Accept reality.
Dumb takes like this come from having the least to lose, if anything at all. Step aside Michael, go bird watching or something. Oh and you talk way too much to express something this banal and useless.
List of the worst possible times for a dem civil war according to the Dem establishment:
1. You've won the presidency
2. You've lost the presidency
3. You've won the house
4. You've lost the house
5. You've won the senate
6. You've lost the senate
7. Any point in time between any of these events
If you pay attention the media is trying to hide this or do what this guy did. Why Schumer told them he wouldn't talk to them if not. Likely said the other old guys wouldn't either. Fuck you media
Hey buddy. Real concerned about you, because there's a good chance you're living with a carbon monoxide leak. That's the only possible reason you'd write dogshit like this
You clearly have not come to terms with the gravity of what is actually happening and how having the right leaders right now is essential if we want any hope of averting total annihilation.
The theory on the validity to vote in favour of the CR due to possible risks of a shutdown is not logical. It is simply fear mongering to justify poor judgment.
Schumer is not in government- he is in opposition and he needs to appreciate the role of that position and act accordingly
The argument that worse could happen with a shutdown is delusional.
This week the USIP was forcibly entered with DC police and FBI support despite the Institute being non-executive government independent agency. A funded administration has not protected the public or institutes.
Wanting to get rid of Schumer is not a "civil war." It's a recognition that he is not up to the challenge of opposing the Trump administration, and wanting someone in his place who will actually fight.
MLKjr had a lot to say about liberals like you, Michael Tomasky. Especially about this belief that you can decide what is and is not "the time" for others.
How on earth are we even supposed to keep our anger focused on where it matters when the national-level party is still not acting like anything matters?
I think calling this a Dem "civil war" isn't really a good faith characterization. It's a loaded term - apocalyptic, bloody, avoid at all costs, etc. This is just acknowledging that Schumer isn't the right guy for this essential moment (which seems pretty clear).
To paraphrase an angry GOP senator talking about his conference leader (Bill Frist), right now Chuch Schumer coiuldn't lead a pack of starving wolves to raw meat...
And what will focusing on Trump gain us? Dems campaign on Trump being an existential threat and then Dem leadership fails its first test and runs off to sell books.
Democratic politicians may be acting like republicans, but voters shouldn’t. We should actually hold our leaders to account when they fail to get things done.
Schumer and the Dems voting with republicans and confirming their picks should all be primaried ASAP.
If this current administration, it's lawless and extreme policy by executive order, isn't near rock bottom, what is? How much more loss would be acceptable? How many more gutted agencies, programs, or departments is it going to take? They're flipping off federal judges and doing whatever they want!
I’m generally opposed to the purity tests that prompt Democrats to cannibalize themselves, but I make exceptions for Democrats who are actively aiding the enemy. This isn’t a civil war. This is a largely united opposition party vs. a handful of Vichy cowards that everyone agrees must GTFO.
We are focused on what matters. Fighting like hell to oppose Trump Musk. It’s on to know what the party wants and the country needs and step aside NOW. Didn’t he join in getting Biden to step aside - now it’s your turn Chuck
I agree. This is the worst possible time for a civil war. So Schumer should voluntarily surrender and hand himself over to House Democrats for sentencing.
He gave Musk and Trump power to fuck over whoever they wanted because he thought resisting would be worse for his career, he deserves every bit of the ire he's getting.
Being angry at Schumer and forcing him to resist the fascist regime is the most efficacious method of resisting. It's only a "civil war" if Schumer doesn't back down.
Stop. He should step down. He is not a leader and we desperately need one. It doesn’t have to be a civil war. He should exit. The party has lost confidence in him. And by party I mean those of us who have been donating, protesting, phone banking, calling, writing letters, providing mutual aid.
This whole strategy of Dems—don’t TALK ABOUT ANYTHING. DO NOT SAY ANYTHING NEGATIVE. Has been going on since 2016. I’m sorry but it’s 100% nuts. For an ENTIRE COUNTRY of diverse people? It’s our government we’re talking about. The USA is not Starbucks. Citizens are not employees without a union. this 100%! Even when they have talent they shut it up until it suffocates and goes away. They hate their own stars. That’s a losing team in any world.
No, this is exactly the time. We need Democrats who can strike boldly not tiptoe around in timidity. And we need this fight now, rather than in two years during the midterm.
In two years, we need to be locked down as The Opposition
Counterpoint: This is exactly the right time for a civil war. The party desperately needs new leadership and will only continue to decline under the current one. The time is now—before the coming midterms. The Democrats have little to lose and everything to gain from a major restructuring.
May I also add, it's not just Chuck who needs to step down. Senate Democrats need to take a long, hard look at their entire leadership, including the committees, and reform their archaic seniority rules. That goes for the House as well.
Serving donors over actual voters is why Nancy & Co say “we need a strong GOP”
- they prioritize the billionaires over everyone else: it’s THE common ground of the 2 parties
That's why it's imperative for progressives to act quickly and frame a narrative that accurately summarizes our current situation and offers a path forward. We can't allow these neoliberal ghouls to swoop in and take control. We need very loud voices.
Go read or listen Schumer’s NYT interview. There is no new plan, they just want to sit on their hands and hope. That is not a fucking strategy! Dems need more than anti-Trump positions, they need to fight his illegal acts AND offer something new to voters, not just a return to the status quo.
From Europe, Schumer is a traitor, a Vichy Democrat, if the party is accomplice then it is a Vichy Party. You need a new party. BTW, when Democrats allowed Gaza, they allowed fascism in Israel and war crimes.
Also, since when is anger something to be preserved? People generally don't like being angry, and it's a symptom of something else, in this case non-leadership at an important time.
This is the best possible time for a civil war, we're out of power anyway and need better leadership to a) win it back and b) use it once we have it; having a civil war *after* taking back the House would be way, way worse timing
When exactly is the right time, in your opinion? We’ve been asking nicely for years and it’s been talking to a brick wall. Now is exactly the right time. People across the country realize that it’s time to fight and isn’t up for the task.
Absolutely not! Schumer should resign as minority leader. Tonight would not be to soon. Let someone who understands the crisis America is in and has the courage to take action - and not roll over and play dead. And then Schumer gaslights us about how his was the correct strategy.
Equating a loss in confidence to a civil war is a pretty good summation of why nothing changes in the Democratic party. Other countries' parties replace their leaders all the time! Canada literally just did it! Not everything needs to be a loyalty test.
If not now, when? Ineffective leadership will die in office of old age if we don’t push them out. Quite literally. Schumer should have retired years ago.
Well keeping with the same old gray haired men who are treating this fascist take over as “business as usual” isn’t working out so well, is it? Elon’s meme-gang were 3 federal organizations deep into our private data before the senate dems even began to feign interest.
I think we know that Trump and MAGA are the main focus of opposition but we are going nowhere with the Schumer establishment Dems. In the first Civil War, Lincoln fired McClellan when he wouldn't fight. So don't tell me that our only two options are what we have now.
Our anger should be focused on a despicable man who cared more about making money complaining about antisemitism than actually fighting it.
He, and is apologists are going to burn in hell with the rest of the collaborators.
Folks, please don't share this article. It's disingenuous at worst through its purported contrition to an ethics at odds with the reality of the situation.
Empirical non-sense, Michael. A stratagem to converge on media is missing -- forget the outcome/process of cloture or CR. It's > important how the party fractured because of a lack of foresight in the bicameral and how it all looks and what it communicates to people. Bottoms out, only way is back up
It's not so much a Democratic Civil War as "The entire Democratic base against a small number of officials." When I'm hearing octegenarian centrist Dem voters say Schumer has to go — and I have — his position is untenable.
There is absolute unanimity across the party’s spectrum among those committed to ending the traitors — a group small enough for all their heads to fit on a single pike.
For many like myself it's not our party anymore. Pelosi and Schumer called me, a 20 year US military vet, a foreign asset. Why? Because I protested the genocide they aided and abetted. Fuck Cuck Schumer, fuck Pelosi, and fuck the democrats. They've gone fascist.
Enlighten us oh great one. Where exactly is it supposed to be? Because if you're gonna tell me that we shouldn't be mad at Democrats because we risk the GOP staying in power, let me let you in on a secret. THEY ALREADY ARE IN POWER, AND THE SO-CALLED GOOD GUYS ARE JUST 🤷. But please. Point to where.
I can’t believe there are still people who are democrats after Obama honestly. Imagine watching him normalize and make permanent all the horrors of the Bush junta and then ushering in the horror of the Trump administration. It’s decades past the time people need to get involved in radical politics.
If Schumer had just messed up once, that would be excusable, but he has consistently failed to live up to this moment from day one. We need real leadership and resistance. I can be angry at Trump AND demand more from Democrats at the same time bro, this isn’t an either / or situation.
“Don’t challenge the leadership because that helps Trump win, now is not the time, once we take back the majority, we can talk” is the Dems’ perpetual excuse for every failure. (Along with “the candidate and party didn’t fail, the voters failed the party and the candidate.”
“If we take a stand and take bold legislative action when we are in power, what will happen next time the GOP are in power?” is their related excuse for doing nothing when they do have power.
It's infuriating, especially when leadership ignores the grassroots volunteers instead of working with us. The post-election shock was aggravated by the lack of leadership from my own party.
The last thing we want to do is mimic the GOP intra-party war after Obama’s election, after all it only led to their near-complete control of the government for a decade and counting
So... Do exactly what the Democrats are expecting us to do? Accept the inevitable that they are the only alternative to Trump and the GOP thus they don't have to change, fight or even try to earn our votes because who else will we vote for? Is this what you're getting at? Lose-lose choice. Great!
Thing is, it doesn’t matter what you call the non-GOP party. There’s only room for two parties in our system. Call them Dems or Libs or Socialists, hell call them the Bull Moose Party if you want. It doesn’t matter. Math is math
Exactly. Which is why we have to do something to make the Democratic Party actually function.
The long term goals should be working with everything from ranked-choice voting to campaign finance reform to abolishing the Electoral College to put an end to the two-party system.
That's why we're demanding that the Democrats get better, because they're doing jack shit to help fight the fascists literally taking apart the government. To your ilk, it's *never* appropriate to criticize the Democrats, or to demand that our representatives represent us. You treat it as a game.
Oh, it would, if people complained about Trump and criticised Democrats in a CONSTRUCTIVE WAY OR NOT PUBLICLY.
Y'all haven't tasted enough of a dictatorship obviously.
Strategic communication is essential, yet people are simply not willing to learn.
He isn't.
If you listened to him, you'd understand his motivation.
I'm not saying that he's right, but the verve, with which Americans are eagerly jumping on every bone anyone throws, to crucify Democrats for any on thing, reeks of Russian media psyops.
What makes you think "the Democratic leadership are not reckless, cannot be feckless, and can do no wrong" isn't a psy op? Though this time even Jeffries isn't falling for it.
Please point me to the list of elected Democrats calling for impeachment. I am more than happy to learn that there are a significant number of them. I have been asking them to do it for quite some time.
I have been steadfast in suggesting that Senate Dems should vote no on everything, object to all unanimous consent, and insist on quorum calls until Trump, Vance, and Musk are removed from government and their illegal actions are reversed. I'm trying to help them strategize. I'd love to see action.
Why shouldn't Schumer be the one to comprise his values in order to form a United front against trump? Oh wait, it's because doesn't have values and is not against trump...
The USA famously went through a bunch to find the right one.
You can't meaningfully unify behind either of those things if you actually want to defeat fascism.
they are already disappearing people
they are already illegally cutting funding and laying off people
the democrats as a party have done NOTHING but comply
rolling over on the budget just signals to the administration and their own base that they have no fight
This is absolutely correct, which is why Schumer must be removed from leadership so Democrats have a leader who is in the fight against Trump and Musk.
This is a bad plan
A lot more than two, really.
You don't say you need to keep your anger focused on the enemy.
With hatred, from Canada
It’s now or never. We need fighters now. Step aside, Chuck.
1. You've won the presidency
2. You've lost the presidency
3. You've won the house
4. You've lost the house
5. You've won the senate
6. You've lost the senate
7. Any point in time between any of these events
Appeasement never works, you fool.
Schumer is not in government- he is in opposition and he needs to appreciate the role of that position and act accordingly
This week the USIP was forcibly entered with DC police and FBI support despite the Institute being non-executive government independent agency. A funded administration has not protected the public or institutes.
This needs to be done quickly
Unless, of course, they were Republicans.
Schumer and the Dems voting with republicans and confirming their picks should all be primaried ASAP.
No. Delete this.
If we are going to fight then let’s fight. We don’t need a fifth column like Schumer.
Sign this petiton to make Senate Dems understand who the People’s Choice for minority leader is!
This take reminds me of discussions about Biden in 2019... look how that ended.
No wins exactly the time to fight.
In two years, we need to be locked down as The Opposition
Chuck it all, Dem establishment; or have it chuck you
People building power outside of Ds and Rs have the right idea.
- they prioritize the billionaires over everyone else: it’s THE common ground of the 2 parties
If a member of the Dem party is actively undermining, sabotaging, or fucking up, they need to be held accountable.
He was always a collaborator whose habitual missteps were shielded by partisan devotion.
You lost me at this sentence and discredited yourself. Democrats haven’t stopped having a bad week since I’ve been alive.
So are you, it seems.
F--- SCHUMER! He needs to get gone from leadership.
He, and is apologists are going to burn in hell with the rest of the collaborators.
chuck schumer's right there preventing the party from acting on what matters but you just gotta be conflict-averse on every level from skin to marrow
We know how to win, why are we playing politics as usual?
Yes, let's keep it focused on Schumer, where it matters, because until he retires or is removed NOTHING is going to get fixed!!!
No one is saying ppl shouldn't criticise Dems.
But the massive opera it became is counterproductive.
That's not how it's done.
They aren't and and this is the result. That isn't the base's fault and blaming the base doesn't do anything but piss everyone off.
Get more information.
And yes, voters have responsibilities.
They didn't vote enough.
Now these are the consequences.
And dismissing Dems work and efforts won't get you democracy back.
As long as we don't see this again in the USA, it's all just moaning & complaining.
He can't deliver if no one under him can trust his judgment or his word. He has to go.
Either way, the ONLY two ways to fight Trump are
1 New Leadership
2 New Party
Guys, it’s not a parliamentary system. It’s Democrats or Republicans. Thems the breaks.
The long term goals should be working with everything from ranked-choice voting to campaign finance reform to abolishing the Electoral College to put an end to the two-party system.
I’m sorry it’s too hard for morons like yourself to actually oppose fascism
Also don’t ever use the word “ilk” if you want to be taken seriously, it makes you look like an ass. Sorry, I don’t make the rules 🤷
Y'all haven't tasted enough of a dictatorship obviously.
Strategic communication is essential, yet people are simply not willing to learn.
So do it the hard way.
Food lines incoming.
If you listened to him, you'd understand his motivation.
I'm not saying that he's right, but the verve, with which Americans are eagerly jumping on every bone anyone throws, to crucify Democrats for any on thing, reeks of Russian media psyops.
That's why USA lost democracy.
Because lack of wisdom and media competence.
You're on a brink of a civil war and Stalinism of the worst kind.
But sure, Democrats are reckless.
And it's all their fault.
And you all lived happily ever after
But isn't it funny how you never read about it?