it reminds me of colors from Vanuatu and South Africa, but I see according to my search, these colors also represent Guinea Bissau, Ghana, and the Pan-African flag - nice tie
From your days on Face the Nation, you often have 'Resting Long Deceased Partner in an Oil Painted Portrait on the Wall in the Firm's Conference Room Face.'
You should get a Super Mario Brothers tie. I have a scrub hat with Mario, Luigi, and the fire flower on it. No extra meaning at all. Just my favorite game from when I was little. I also have a Star Wars one that says rebel and resistance all over it.
I like it! Though I wish anyone would have told me that the glasses I wore around my bar mitzvah would be cool and in style again. I'd have kept those vintage things!
Yassssss! Absolutely love hearing you on the show :) ❤️❤️❤️ your communication of the day to day perception of a crisis was spot on. Also: “full spectrum assault” should be a required descriptor of trumps actions in every report. 👏
Okay you got my attention, what you know what you say, UareWhatUeat, Cape Charles Va 23310,64yo negro farm worker VFW Veteran/ServSafe Food Mgr, I wanna be Rich
Great discussion, and the most salient point made, I thought, was that whatever ppl think a crisis or fascist takeover looks like, it’s not like in the movies. Ppl still go about their lives, but that doesn’t mean a crisis isn’t happening. Very important point that I wish ppl would understand.
You ain’t never seen nobody this… fly.
Not so sure about that suit though.
So proud of you and your good heart, fast mind, outstanding ethics!
Your resting “finna kick some azz” face is appropriately intimidating
I can’t pretend I’m not disappointed
Personally I think it’s a sharp look.
Also me at gym!
#RESIST #FuckFascism
You’re a king.
Guess I'll have to tune in to Hayes tonight for sure
Just happened to turn this on a sec ago
Where can I get one?