Stop trying to get creative with leftovers. I don’t want goddamn turkey cupcakes or mashed potato spaghetti. I want to put the same food on a plate, microwave it, and eat another delicious meal. Done.
Animal agriculture uses a land area the size of the entire Americas for a tiny fraction of food calories. It is THE largest driver of land theft, so eating your turkey on Thanksgiving is a double celebration of settler-colonialism, on top of all the suffering and environmental destruction it causes.
Hard Disagree. Thanksgiving is perfect timing for New England. It's usually right around the end of stick season, fantastic lead into (more) consistent winter weather
chuseok (harvest festival) in Korea is in september and the last time I was there for it the weather was so insanely hot it made me question our elders for not predicting climate change
Nah. They just need to switch. Halloween needs to move to November. Better chance it might actually be a little cold, so people won't sweat through their costumes like we do nowadays.
I don’t know if it’s even an opinion but we gotta have a discussion about how the build up is to turkey day is incredibly mid. There’s no notable thanksgiving songs or movies. The entire vibe for thanksgiving is basically just autumn leaves, which are fine, but feels lacking
There’s “Planes, Trains and Automobiles“ for Thanksgiving movies but there’s very little about the actual holiday, it’s more about the bleakness of holiday travel and our crumbling infrastructure.
“Alice’s Restaurant “ by Arlo Guthrie is a Thanksgiving song, at least it was always on the radio on TGiving Day. But it’s basically a brief ditty inside of a 20 minute spoken word story about Arlo getting arrested for littering, lol.
Capitalism is the root of white supremacy. If you believe that, a person born with more drive or ambition than another person, deserves to be rewarded for that, the foundation is there to believe that other factors of one's birth outside their control also entitle you to special treatment
Both turkey and mashed potatoes are overrated. Gimme my mama’s baked Mac and Cheese, some canned cran, sweet potato casserole, a green veggie, and some punkin pie and I’m good to go.
At its bones, free from the historical baggage and origin mythos, it's the most multiculturally accessible American holiday- late harvest celebration and gratitude for family and other loved ones. The food should reflect that- grad school foreign exchange student potluck Thanksgiving was the shit.
I think the most liberal thing ever would be if they stopped doing turkey pardons because they faced criticism over it due to carrying out capital punishment.
Appetizers are for another day. For every cracker I eat I lose a spoonful of stuffing or a third piece of pie. Aunt Betsy's stuffed mushrooms or deviled ham with triscuits aren't worth the acreage in my stomach. Thanksgiving is for serious people.
Nah I love a good mashed potato and with all of that included. My issue is that I get plenty of fat, salt, and roasted garlic from the OTHER dishes at Thanksgiving. The potatoes just feel like filler at that point.
ah, too much dish overlap. each dish should have it's own strength that it brings to complement the whole table, but your other dishes are overpowering your potatoes. you need to bring balance to your table ☯️
The only people who make good stuffing is my parents. EVERY OTHER WHITE PERSON EVER makes shit ass stuffing. Most white ppl are just bad at Thanksgiving food. My parents are genuinely amazing cooks so they bang shit out so well every year.
Thanksgiving should be a second Halloween and these loser neighbors of mine shouldn’t care if I’m a grown man trick or treating. “Put the candy in my bucket old bird”
Thanksgiving really reminds you what a terrible thing your family did to you and why you don't speak to them any longer. God damn, what a painful and shitty holiday.
The idea, perpetuated by the story of Thanksgiving, that European settlers and native Americans peacefully coexisted in friendship is North Korean-level propaganda.
There is no such thing as Thanksgiving. It is a fictional creation to increase turkey sales sustained by crappy parents who use it as an excuse to force themselves on their estranged children.
It is not a bad thing to spend a night with family (found or otherwise) feeling thankful for the good things in our lives.
We must extract as much happiness from this wretched world as possible in our brief lives.
People who think that actually, turkey tastes bad actually, feel that way either because they’re too lazy to prepare one correctly, and/or they don’t have anybody in their life who loves them enough to do as much
Idk if this is woke but I needed to speak my truth on this
Based and woke are a matter of perspective, right? To me, a pumpkin pie pancake is a friend, but a waffle, fresh from the iron, might see an enemy rabid for conquest
The crans-gender spectrum (reference points including: canned jellied, canned home style, and home style not from a can)
Tag yourself, I'm that funny-looking spoonful from the area with the several indentations (how did it not roll off the plate? ← That's why it's funny-looking)
True, though Owamni took about a decade to set up.. got to get the support structure up and running so the farms and co-ops that grow your ingredients are stable enough to keep up with your needs.
Still, why don't we see more pre-Columbian places?
all y'all complaining that you don't like turkey? great; my side dishes are phenomenal. i have to triple my dressing recipe because my niblings devour it
Traveling out of town to visit blood relations for most holidays instead of using them to strengthen bonds with your local community is a capitalist ploy to prevent resistance building
Make yourself an American friend. One of my pals does Friendsgiving every year so that we can experience her exotic cultural traditions and strange foods.
She also does a Superbowl party at which we eat too much food and ignore the television except for the halftime show.
Idc if you cook turkey good! It's mid! Stupid mid dinosaur bird! We could have had chicken as the main thing but colonists had to be so fucking stupid! Shit bird. Shit meat. Fuck you fuck you turkeys! I hate those wannabe cassowaries so goddamn much. They are perfectly puntable too but that's illega
Move it to Friday or make Firday a holiday too. Having to go back to work/work remotely/take a day off (when everyone else at work also asks for the day off) just for one day is annoying.
It's simply the best holiday. All you gotta do is show up, eat a bunch of food, watch a bunch of football, start a fight, and go home and sleep. None of the bullshit gift giving from the other ones.
Liberalism and conservatism comprise nearly identical economic and foreign policy positions with slight variation in approaches to social problems.
It encourages gluttony when millions are starving. And who doesn’t have memories of dysfunctional family gatherings?
🇺🇸 = too late
🇰🇷 = too early
🇨🇦 = perfect
Well, maybe not the weed.
( Not joking )
Just kill the turkey. You're either proud of who you are (soulless killers) or you ain't
(I don't know if that counts, I'm bad at these)
We must extract as much happiness from this wretched world as possible in our brief lives.
Idk if this is woke but I needed to speak my truth on this
But I agree that in most situations, raisins are optional. At best.
And oatmeal raisin cookies
A quiet simpler meal at home with immediate family is better for everyone's physical and mental health.
It’s neither and it’s both and it’s the best side
Tag yourself, I'm that funny-looking spoonful from the area with the several indentations (how did it not roll off the plate? ← That's why it's funny-looking)
This is why you're adopted.
Savory sweet potatoes >> savory white potatoes
Still, why don't we see more pre-Columbian places?
(The desire to play Pilgrim might be a New England affliction, idk.)
all y'all complaining that you don't like turkey? great; my side dishes are phenomenal. i have to triple my dressing recipe because my niblings devour it
She also does a Superbowl party at which we eat too much food and ignore the television except for the halftime show.
Fun fact that a lot of people may not know: turkeys were (probably) first domesticated in Mexico.
Which means you have the best hot take!
Rank S hot take
But this turkey breast is the GOAT:
If you don't believe me, Mark Wahlberg.
It’s like greasy duck but also super gamey. And, the texture is difficult to put into words. Spongey?
But also
Fuck the pilgrims.