The thing about delaying auto tariffs a month is that, guess what, you're still going to be dealing with the Canadian/Mexican response, and both have significant leverage. Also: delaying a month does nothing to solve the problem of totally integrated supply chains.
about Canada being weak.
it is probably the MOST "owned by billionaires" mainstream media outlet in Canada (as opposed to "owned by flailing media corporations" or "owned by hedge funds")
We've had it WAY too good for FAR too long. Chickens are roosting and all that.
Placating him won’t work b/c he’s just going to demand your lunch money again tomorrow.
You got a punch him in the face and make him understand you can hurt him just as bad.
Despite the multiple contradictory declarations of what is happening, has happened, or will happen.
There is NO adult in the room.
no i think they actively think this will make things better and they're panicking because it isn't
you can’t forecast anything when everything happens on a whim
why on earth would I plan a billion dollar project in an environment where the conditions could change 6-7x before we even break ground?
It's impossible to imagine that being started right now.
Just absolute stupidity and an inability to understand win-win situations.
A greater display of incompetence, unpreparedness, lack of forward planning, inability to strategise, think tactically or behave like rational adults you'd struggle to find.
These people are all fools
Like any of the above
"You should do a better job of stopping our drug lords from smuggling drugs into your country!"
No half measures.
It's like the school bully taking your lunch but giving you back your apple
So my plan becomes assume it’s over for s&p and QQQ dominance when it comes to markets.
Cut personal spending.
Cut my business investments, let inventory wind down, get into a stronger cash position.
Unfortunately it does not make you idiot-in-charge-proof
Unfinished autos are sent back & forth the Mex border during the build. 25% here, 25% there, pretty soon no one can afford a car
He doesn't want to settle into a fair and sustainable relationship. He wants to dominate and keep things boiling. He loves the power of overturning people's lives at a whim. Nations, too. Dominance moves.
If you or your friends have advance knowledge of what the situation is going to be at any given moment you stand to make a lot of money
It's really not more complicated than this. Trump is busting out the USA on behalf of Putin. This is how he gets paid.