I don’t even live in her district, but this bitch has spammed me with emails for years so seeing her humiliate herself in public like this instead of just in my inbox is… well it’s different.
I don't know enough about politics to know if this is a normal term, but "House minority whip" is a real powerful combination of words that I don't like.
Whips (one for the majority party and one for the minority party, in this case, the minority party is the Democrats) are supposed to “whip” their party into line and make sure they vote the party agenda. As you can see from the state of politics, she is not good at this.
Speaking of which look at a map of the congressional districts representing the greater Boston area and then look at a map of Boston’s black population, and you might notice that they are obviously and deliberately gerrymandered to prevent a majority black district.
Because it's the job of the clowns in this video to steal our attention so that Davids can vote for the Laken Riley Act and more genocide on Gaza without scrutiny.
These motherfuckers are literally telling you that this is a game. Look at them laughing. Hey, remember street fighter? Drop a coin and get beat up and then right-as-rain for round two. Yea, it’s like that: for them no matter how much money you lose or healthcare or housing, they’re going to be ok.
button mashing for random codes like a Midway arcade game and getting Seth Magaziner with a giant head and no CPU support and the game just shuts down and asks for $3 donations
it's for themselves, Grace. they're certainly not doing anything for their constituents except alienating the shit out of them with every fucking thing they do, such as this
Imagine the looks on the faces of the school kids thirty years from now watching a documentary about the end of the US constitutional democracy when this video comes on to illustrate the Democrats' opposition.
This made me go to the weed store. Gonna take a lot of weed and distraction to get this purged from my psyche. I may not make it. Margarita's and taco's may need to get involved.
Whatever, I’m not going to stress about some people spending 20 minutes on something goofy in between hearing. Not like I spend every minutes of my 9-5 intensely staring at Excel spreadsheets.
Hey, yall! Remember when all those celebrities sang "Imagine" at the start of the pandemic? I've been thinking -- what if we did something like that, but less effective and more embarrassing? #Strategery
they're on the same side as Trump, and AOC is one of the biggest turncoats of the lot after she left the Green party to run as a Dem on the Green platform then abandoned that platform to go full Neo-liberal and spread lies about her former comrades.
Sometimes these things come from young interns asking if they can try something new, and the reps go along with it. I wouldn't completely write it off. It's cringe but also means they are not soul crushingly against letting their teams have a say.
Know what... Fair point, we gotta give you that one. It's absolutely not helpful and does literally nothing to inspire confidence, but if some youth was like "hey, can we?"... Sure. Let them have some fun once in a while.
If the current administration fails to kill me in the many ways it seems to want to, I may just die of secondhand embarrassment from the Democrats' social media efforts.
People all over the world and in every state in US are genuinely terrified right now, many already having their lives ruined by Trump et al. But the Democrats think THIS is a suitable response to an actual catastrophe for Democracy?? Who's idea was this? A Republican?
I mean, I get it, you can't be at war all the time or you'll go nuts, but it ain't exactly R & R time. You gotta read the room, comrades. Any other time, this would be entertaining if not cringey, but right now, to the rest of us out here in the hinterlands? It feels like fiddling while Rome burns.
That said, honestly...*SIIIIIIIIIIIIGH* yeah, I'm being kinda nitpicky, aren't I. I know y'all ARE fighting like hell for us, unlike Chuck, Hakeem, and Nancy.
evidence hss emerged today that the deep state has some sort of covert "Hokum Ray" aimed at Congressional Democrats, turning them into what experts are calling "criminally ineffectual corny-asses"
- hates balloons
Don't be a hater Lauren!
What did Drifloon ever do to you!?
I'll not take this Drifloon slander!
It's unmitigated and unwarranted
Leave the lil balloon boi alone
PER THE POKÉDEX WRITTEN BY MAN!!! Man slander I say! To keep a good pokemon down!! He was settup!
Lol but yeah, pokemon lore is wild
I think Drifloon probably has the least disturbing lore compared to other ghost types
My favesies currently is mimkyu, my little eldritch monster. 10/10 would die for
These people are useless.
Oh wait.
Besides this one?
Never mind the fact that you're sticking up for the stupidest and most worthless party to exist in history
You sound just like MAGA. “I might be poor but at least I’m not black.”
Go focus on your own problems, and stop being an indoctrinated human shield for Islamo-Marxist dictators.
This idiot is just a fascist.
I am wondering exactly how you took any of that from what I said, though.
But Trump got the political power to make performance into project.
These people have a capcut account.
[does whatever the fuck this is]
"sir the young gamer demographic has all registered with the American Nazi Party"
+0 to effectiveness.
Today I learned something.
At least Screaming Goat is only seven seconds long
Just...why? We don't have time for this reindeer game shit, y'all!