We are slowly approaching the funniest possible scenario: woke elon
Reposted from
Justin Baragona
Responding to the Dilbert guy, Elon Musk says that his MAGA critics -- which have now expanded WAY past Laura Loomer -- are "contemptible fools" who "must be removed from the Republican Party, root and stem."
But then he opened his mouth and became the weird hypnotism version of Hari Seldon doing a held-back-in-math-class version of psychohistory.
He’s so lucky a Nutralife salesperson never had a 1 on 1 with him, it would take 10 seconds to convert him into your downline.
THe only thing he cares about is himself.
At some point, Trump will jettison him. Apparently, he’s still useful
That will be the standard.
Whoever gives him what he wants is his friend and whoever tells him no is his enemy.
That is always subject to change.
Or, I guess they can just wait for them to catch on fire by themselves, film it, and take credit.
Obsessed with his mother - check
Believes himself genetically superior to regular humans - check
Seeks to control a giant space rock - check
You may be on to something here
eventually he'll remember that the far right hate electric cars
but first they came for the Priuses
ha. ha. ha.
I mean, they ARE disposable tools. But it's funny how long it took for them to realize it
That said, he may join a few other of the billionaires in the Social Liberal Billionaire club that believes oppressed plebs lack moral and dead plebs can't work.
You know, the ones who say, we wouldn't need a minimum wage if we just had universal income and universal health care, and that would make the US far more appealing to investors.
(*I am 56 and have no idea what I'm talking about. Mods: delete if necessary.)
The Muskrumpance, if you prefer
How about that?
Tech Bros VS White Nationalist