Appreciated! But wouldn't this be better as a native function? The third party developer requires one to submit a bsky password to enable the function... and although they suggest they don't log things on their server, they do suggest folks delete that P/W after using the function.
Oh, that's an interesting idea. This is the first time I've heard a request for this, but it makes sense that someone might want to combine multiple overlapping starter packs or lists into one!
I didn't test what happens when it hits 150 total in the target; I assume there will be errors of some sort, but that the target list will have the 150 as expected.
I can already combine non-SP lists ( Combining SPs would be trivial to implement. Real work is real today, but I'll get to it in a bit.
Good day!
New user here.
I presume you're using the pin to find this in the future with BlueSky lacking bookmarks?
How do you search for your pins?
I have been struggling to figure out how to force the app on Android to reload. If I exit the app and re-enter then it reloads and shows my pins. That was my experience a couple days ago. I haven't actually looked at it since
I'm pre coffee, so brain is still running slow. Is the point of this feature to turn a list someone made into a feed you can follow that *only* gives you posts from that list? Trying to figure out the use case for it
Hi, Norah! A starter pack is a list of suggested accounts to followβthere are built in "follow" buttons. A regular list is more like Discover or other feeds: you click on the tab, read some posts, then go back to your Following feed. You don't have to follow each poster directly.
So the purpose of the tool is to allow you to use the list of accounts in a starter pack as a feed you can check in on without having to follow all the accounts directly
Right! I think it presumes that you think of your Following feed as your main feed, and now that so many more people are joining, you'll want to enjoy all the new posts, but maybe not have every single person in your Following feed
And sometimes it's convenient to read a little politics, then see some gardening posts, then see what the bread bakers are up toβand have that level of control over your experience
They're two different things, but they have some conceptual overlap. A list is simpler: it's the posts produced by a set group of accounts. A feed is any sort of algorithm that shows you posts according to different rules. Some collect posts that contain certain keywords, others are like Discover.
A reasonable concern, as you have no idea who I am (the developer of these tools).
It needs a password because it cannot act on your behalf (i.e. create the list) without authentication as you. Create that app password (, run the tool, delete the app password.
I didn't test what happens when it hits 150 total in the target; I assume there will be errors of some sort, but that the target list will have the 150 as expected.
I'm sure they have bigger fish to fry, but sure would like to organize my lists so that they aren't "last created first on top"!
New user here.
I presume you're using the pin to find this in the future with BlueSky lacking bookmarks?
How do you search for your pins?
It needs a password because it cannot act on your behalf (i.e. create the list) without authentication as you. Create that app password (, run the tool, delete the app password.