That awkward moment when you get exactly what you voted for.
“You are the DUMBEST smart person I have ever met”
“You are the DUMBEST smart person I have ever met”
1. asking a question about something you observe,
2. doing background research to learn what is already known about the topic,
3.constructing a hypothesis,
4. experimenting to test the hypothesis,
5. analyzing the data and drawing conclusions,
6. communicating the results to others
Or simply put, FAFO.
Are there any examples?
Fuck that insulting nonsense.
Democrats are not Lefties!
Democrats ARE THE TRUE CONSERVATIVES trying to save the Country.
about to face relentless pain from the awakening Democrats.
from the mildly Liberal
to the entirely Lefty and every shade in between.
Fuck their feelings. And hard.
I hope every single MAGA gets exactly what they wanted to have happen to everyone else.
He told people to drink bleach during Covid. He complained about whales not liking wind turbines. Every time he opens his mouth stupidity just 🤮
And you’re telling me a scientist VOTED FOR Trump? I’m not sure I buy it. 🤣🧐
"It was only supposed to be brown people and gays!"
Didn't like DEI? He KNEW what trump was but he preferred a white male world. Fuck him.
Didn't like "wokeness"? Really? Hope you like DICTATORSHIP, jackass.
They end up with a reputation bc grapevine, and this is how they cope.
Too little, too late
This is the basis of the trump movement and it will not change. Ignorance with arrogance is a death sentence for the sciences now. The light is being turned off. Hopefully, you & yours will work to turn the💡back on.
Their primary beef is always not getting laid.
You all suck! Your group, you
You made this bed, you sleep in it!! You did this! No, we do not forget it, no we will not move on! You are a disgrace and the last person needed as a scientist. As you admitted you're biased..
guys your change of opinion doesn't matter to us ONE BIT, because your opinion doesn't matter ONE BIT.
like OP said, you're the dumbest ones. I studied university, plenty fools there
A mark.
Credulous idiot.
All scientists know when we walk in a room, it will be an international experience of great minds.
Very few of my profs or colleagues were white males without accents. 🙄
And he voted to hurt them too. So let's be careful about using disability as a sign that someone isn't aware (or anything else).
It’s why they dislike marginalized groups so much— they see us as lesser and don’t like how we run circles around them.
Mediocre white people HATE learning they need to try harder.
Voting Trump to abolish DEI "overreach" is an emotional decision, imo. The facts are clear, how you feel varies.
So they're not bad people, they don't know any differently.
So anti lgbtq+ bigots feel unwelcome in a space where lgbtq+ people are welcome.
Welcoming everyone means their bigotry is not welcome, by definition.
Crybabies, really.
Regardless im hoping republicans now realise democrats are least worst
Those of us making good money are just going to make popcorn and enjoy saying “i told you so”
To those of you who this will hurt - my heart goes out to you.
To the people in that article: welcome back to the real world.
Who voted for a damn fraud.
Don’t go all socialist on us - don’t apply for unemployment.
That said, DEI on many campuses is out of control. It goes hand-in-hand with the pro-Hamas (anti-"(((colonialist)))") movement. DEI on campuses gave wide opening for Trump to seriously harm the very people DEI was supposed to help.
Also Republicans always rated him high, even in his first term, so that doesn't mean much.
And MAGA said right out loud
So, to him, I say "f*ck off."
Go sit down
Eat a bag of dicks.
Every dutifully yours,
The world
Either they are mediocre and they were worried about being replaced by more qualified people, so they shot those people in the back.
OR they believe, as most bigots do, that anyone hired b/c of DEI couldn't possibly be qualified.
They didn't think the leopard would eat *their* faces
It sounds like there's a lot of that going around
Can someone post the link to the original post?
But he just said out loud what we all already knew: he blew off his own face to wage war on "woke".
They had the option to get information about both candidates from various independent sources, but chose not to.
Face the consequences, idiots.
A supposed brilliant person voting for this crap show did so knowingly and for a bad reason: some group they hate was targeted. By some standards, I am sure many nazi camp scientists were smart or even brilliant. They were still evil
And we were shocked!
I have no sympathies whatsoever. You reap what you sow.
Anger is justified, but may not be useful when applied to individual results.
We need 10% more votes to overcome GOP cheating.
Do not waste anyone that could vote against Trump.
It is simple practicality.
With all due respect, what the actually fuck are they talking about? Is this just people of privilege feeling oppressed at the idea of equality???
My knee jerk response to say FAFO, and to wonder how much finding out it will take before they realize…
Naive as hell
I knew some real jokes back in my lab in grad school who nevertheless defended. A lot of people make it through just because their advisor doesn't want to look bad by letting someone fail or wash out
And that's not getting into the famous cases of "Nobelitis" or just how often very learned people think they're smart in every field because of expertise in one field.
Future ancestry sites will judge their character.
he is not one of us, nor does he want to be.
Diversity IS more WORK—to understand each other, to find ways to work together—but the work-product is significantly improved, with wider applications!!
Idk what an “average “American is anymore, but someone tell these people that a lot of us KNEW destruction was coming if Trump won
Each and every one of these assholes can go fuck themselves straight to hell.
As 'scientists', any research they might be doing should/is being binned. How can they draw any valid conclusions on anything if they thought Trump was any correct answer!
I've met a few white supremacists in my time, they come in all shapes & sizes
2. Whine about scorched face.
I got that right?
As D&D players would say: high INT, but WIS is your dump stat.
and, "Special Government Employee", #Musk
ALL These Voters are Learning The Hard Way!
And, Making *Everyone Else's* Life Miserable!
🇺🇸 🗽
If this person was allowed to continue their research, they'll forget any crocodile tear regrets and be back on the train of hate and cruelty.
Mind-boggling to believe a person trained in the sciences could cast a vote for Trump. This tells me not only are there different types of intelligence, but that intelligence without a high-functioning bullshit detector is insufficient. Apparently one can be a scientific genius & a moral dimwit.
sure he is. at least until next election when your "moderate" leanings have you voting for more Nazis that speak real good. Because leftists are annoying amirite
The MAGA movement has shown there are a lot more of the above type of people than we ever expected
It’s like Stockholm syndrome on a national scale
I’m in west Miami - overwhelmingly both a) Pro-Trump and b) completely believing they won’t be targeted as a minority community
I hope b is wrong - but I doubt it
They burned Einstein's books. They took his cottage and turned it into a Hitler Youth camp.