Folks, I know shit sucks right now, but we’re going to get through this.
I don’t mean to be pessimistic when I say there’s no cavalry coming to save us - I just want folks to be clear-eyed about the fact that we’re going to have to do that ourselves.
Who was the white hat in civil rights? Nobody until people took it in their own hands and their own leaders emerged. Antiwar? Women's right? LGBTQ rights? People. Just like us.
The same way we through over the last tyrant who tried to be our king. We either successfully general strike at some point soon or things will be getting next level. Trump and Musk won’t leave on their own.
Re-read what has been sayed. The answer can be inferred from what is not being said. Read carefully. Then look for loffline sources not publicly posted sources for the rest of the answer.
Oh I know what the inference is. And im well-aware of the not-public discourse happening. But I think it’s a lot of cosplay. The organization this would take is nearly impossible in a country our size and of our diversity of thought
We appreciate you giving up your time with Mini and your dog jog to help us remain sane. Enjoy your weekend, try some Irish Whiskey for St. Patrick's Day 🍀! Cheers! 🥃
We don't know why your opposition has been non-existent since 2016.
In my country, France, wannabe dictators don't last 24 hours. They don't even think about it.
We are aggressive and tough. We love our freedom.
Do the world a favor, start a Revolution. SVP.
non existent my ass troll, you don't live here so you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about, i'm sick of foreigners trying to lecture us on democracy and acting like they are better then us.
How? How do we do it ourselves when our own democratic leaders are toeing the line? Protests don't work anymore, they just ignore them. And calling them certainly doesn't seem to work either.
General strike is a great idea. Honestly, I think people are not signing up because they don’t want their name on a list rn. Even tho General strike says you can hide your email, they need to do better to reassure people their identities are safe or it’s never gonna reach critical mass see my replies above. just my unsolicited $.02. I’m sure you have your reasons that are much more well informed than me, but I really wonder if there’s some other way to do this than requiring people to sign up
Rather than requiring some threshold of sign ups be met they should just pick a date and start getting the word out and organizing around it. IMHO, their sign up threshold is a self imposed obstacle
Protests work. We need to keep it up. Watch Maddow. Everyday she mentions protests and outcries that have worked; that have reversed things. Don't give up.
Toeing the line? Seriously? Musk and Trump were salivating for a shutdown and SAID so. Why? Democracy dies in darkness. Legislators are never the leaders in ANY movement EVER. It's always on us.
She did like st the last minute. I admired what she did in the past. She is a great negotiator. But what she did with AOC and handpicking Jeffries for two things and her complete silence up to this point. Just retire while the democratic governor can replace her and go enjoy her husband
I missed it (tuned out early because it's been a chaos week) . Thank you for these AMAs.
I'm hoping the April special election in Florida gives us Valimont and Weil. Is there hope for that?
I would like to answer any of the 5 requests for funds I get daily with, No donations unless Schumer is replaced.
And, please stop with the, "we can stop Citizens United, but we need your financial support". How many years/terms have we seen this being used as a ploy to cough up more money.
Thank you for telling us what we need to hear. Our democracy is BY the people FOR the people.
We need to stand tall, and together. But most importantly, we need to really research those we are voting for. Sometimes, they’ll lie. But we can vote them out if that happens
Thank you! And know I’ll be fighting alongside you if it comes to that. Every Canadian I’ve ever had the privilege to call a friend has been amazing. You don’t need or deserve any of this.
Appreciate your time and effort more than I can say. Feeling useless 🙁
I’ll continue my calls and emails ~ and as soon as I’m over stupid post-Covid bronchitis, I’m down to protest again.
It certainly does take leadership skills to win elections, but once in office, it is a mistake to call them "leaders," they are our representatives. That word applies also to senators, mayors, governors, legislators, cabinet secretaries, and presidents. All those roles are bestowed by and for us.
Absolutely agree!! You said that perfectly, thank you. We have to be the leaders we are looking for. No real choice. I will, with your permission, use that formulation. It is very clarifying.
Thank you! By all means, feel free.
We need all the help we can get to disabuse our fellow citizens of taking a diminished, hat-in-hand attitude toward elected officials.
It sends exactly the wrong message.
With no disrespect to elected officials, some need reminding. It's public SERVICE.
We also are asking the wrong things of them. We are so used to government kind of being on autopilot with representatives doing the work while we go to dinner that we don't know how to rise to the occasion for ourselves. They have their job. We have ours. We also need to step up.
No, actually, lot's of testimony that Congresspeople, especially junior ones, sit in cubicles with a phone and make calls all day. I'll find some links. It's disgusting.
Come senators, congressmen, Please heed the call, Don't stand in the doorway, Don't block up the hall, For he that gets hurt, Will be he who has stalled, The battle outside ragin', Will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls, For the times they are a-changin'...
Bob Dylan
We the people are going to have to physically remove Trump if this is to ever stop. We will need overwhelming numbers to do it but S. Korea just removed their dictator. I don’t see any other way. No politician will help us. People will die when he siccs the military on us but what’s another way?
Angry, thank you for spending time with us. We appreciate you and your posts. Wishing you and the family a wonderful weekend. I’m a firm believer that we have strength in numbers at the ballot box and will vote blue down ballot to save our democracy.
No. It's revolution or we cease to exist. Mad respect to Angry but that's where we are. "They" will NOT stop. Only "We the People" in masse can stop it.
I really hope there will be midterms and that they won’t be muskrigged. But I’m not feeling hopeful. Maybe we do need paper ballots and in person voting?
They have all the power, you don't think they are going to change voter rights, don't think they will try to make sure they win, By any means? If we couldn't stop them tonight how do we stop them from doing that? What's the difference between the two? That doesn't make any sense angry!
I spent yesterday in tears. I wrote Fetterman, wrote Schumer, also called them both. Not the first time I've picked up the phone or written letters to our lawmakers either! But after this I just think I'm done. I have fought, cried & got back up every time. I just can't anymore, sorry.😢
I totally get it. And friends send me articles and hopeful stuff, it may help others but not me. I'm concerned about you. I hope you get with other people--just hang out with others, distract yourself by being creative; use music, tv, movies so you don't spend every waking hour distressed. Please!
Thanks for your concern but just not built that way unfortunately I have not slept in t
3 days can't turn my head off! I never aspired to be rich, just wanted comfortable, only family left is son & grandson I wanted to leave this world knowing that they're ok. Knowing I can't help them is torment.
Nothing can change until our broken society unbreaks itself and sees the right and wrong of all of this. Our broken society sent Trump and GOP to DC knowing they would wreck it - hoping it would only be wrecked for people they didn’t like. We can only hope reality sets in.
I’m not lifting a finger to help in midterms.
I already did donating, phone banking, and canvassing to help the Dem party, all while Chuck rolls over and collects a fat paycheck & benefits. And losing my 401k without them fighting for me.
I’m out. I’m done. Get new leadership or it’s bye from me.
Their going to make us pay for our own medical care, rob us of our hard-earned Social Security and decimate our retirment investments. They are already staged to do it all and there is nothing stopping them unless we do it. And the courts will tell them "no" but they'll still do it.
The guy, and his mates who also voted for Trump, appear to have done so because they are stupid and racist. I'd prefer the DEI hires being kept, and evil idiots losing their jobs/grants instead.
Instead of arguing they should be fighting. The millions who have been warning them for years, literally years, are exhausted. They need to get their asses in gear and do the work to undo the damage they are responsible for. They have to stop relying on us to fix this shit for them. DO SOMETHING.
He’s not leaving in four years no matter what. The only way he will vacate the Oval Office is in a coffin six or ten years from now and by then the 40% of GOP that want Barron next will have ratified that amendment SO we are officially fcvked and looking to move abroad.
Since everything will be broken + cost a mega-ton to repair, the US can finally adopt other countries; Finland for homelessness, Sweden using trash/recycling for electricity, Norway/Finland taxing the rich, offering universal healthcare/education/childcare, Japan for transportation/cleanliness.
Said after his 1st reign of terror it'd be decades before we found all the shit he broke, stole. Now I don't believe we will find it all but there's so much to fix. Biden kept his head down & did the work, people still complained about him. We need that plus someone to brag about it daily, sadly.
Under Biden, esp 1st 2 yrs, they should have passed much legislation & laws so that a trump couldn't do what he did again. Well, they didn't, so here we are, & he's breaking more laws. Garland is to blame too. They think like they did after Nixon, let's move on for good of the nation. False!
Nope. There won’t be midterms. I can’t believe you’ve become this naive. Trump is pushing like hell for an excuse to declare martial law. Then it’s game over. We can’t wait for the midterms, brother.
We need to assume the elections will still happen and get others in the same mindset. If ppl start getting discouraged about there not being another election or it will be rigged; they might not vote when they do come around. We need to act as though the Constitution still stands...because it does.
It did in Ukraine and Trump holds all the major branches of government. Look, he’s doing the Canada shit for a war. He will declare war, there will never be another election until they all die.
I agree ML can’t stop an election, but it can stop certain people from getting to the polls to cast their ballot. It can prevent ballots from getting counted. Imagine an armed gate keeping force only letting conservatives (and the spineless) in to vote.
Almost every state has local elections this year. And here in Virginia we elect a new governor and state legislature. Need everyone to support non GOP candidates!!
This was my hope, that if we could flip those two seats then Jeffries would get the gavel. Not possible now, as two democratic house members died suddenly the past 2 wks. One in Texas…Sylvester Turner and one from Arizona…Raul Grijalva 😢
Idk. Who are these 45% of Americans who continue to bow down to Agent Orange? Honestly, that’s 1 in every 2 ppl you bump into at a grocery store, at a gas station, at a baseball or football game. What is it that binds them to MAGA?
Hi, I'm from LATAM and, as such, we have *experience* with this. Sort of.
Thing is, y'all can't fix this through any democratic/bureaucratic means anymore. US former democracy is gone, and it must be started anew. Dems (most of) are not going to help: if GOP is the sword, dems are the shield.
And both are against the current democratic regimen you have.
The way out will be long, gruesome and bloody, but it's the only one left: people will have to organize locally, then nationally, and FIGHT. Look for "diretas já" in Brazil, or "Madres de la Plaza de Mayo" in Argentina. Chile. Uruguay.
There may be elections, but that doesn’t mean they will be fair. Between voter suppression, voter intimidation, purging the voter rolls, and throwing out millions of ballots, nothing will stop them from guaranteeing they continue to cheat, I mean win!
"The rules based order which has not done anything of real consequence to stop the rise of the most lawless figure in American politics will surely after a decade kick in now."
No... No one should be Black Pilled ever... But your premise looks incredibly silly given the last 10 years.
There'll be midterms but what will the rules of the game be by then? There are elections in Hungary but the opposition has no chance. It's competitive authoritarianism.
They absolutely can stop an election. I refuse to believe you’re this naive. As long as our party keeps mewling about peaceful protests and abhorring violence, these thugs will bend you over. We are AT WAR, whether you want to believe it or not. Be prepared to water the tree of liberty or lose it
It’s the way our election system worked before. We don’t know what they are going to come up with by then. They aren’t going to give up power. That whack job Vought said it in an interview.
I'm reminded of the recent referenda in eastern Ukraine where the question of secession was put on a ballot – soldiers watched everyone vote, and all the "no" votes got put on a list to visit one of the Russians' many torture basements.
that's dead in the water, never gonna happen, especially since it would hurt conservative women a lot more then liberal women(as the former tend to change their last names way more often then the latter)
The courts. I urge everyone to support outfits like CREW, subscribe to The Contrarian, etc. which fund the lawsuits --at least we're helping people be "rehired" and doing a lot of legal winning...
The reason there are no elections in Ukraine: their laws say it's because they are under martial law, according to my research in response to the JD Vance defense of using dictator to describe Zelenskyy.
I’m not thinking of Ukraine. I’m thinking of Donald Trump. Listen to what he’s saying out loud. Look at what he’s doing and then telling the Judicial that THEY’RE corrupt, that THEY’RE wrong. Agent Orange is inciting martial law so that he can remain in power and put more loyalists in place.
To date, they have achieved all the goals they set for themselves. They are absolutely unrestrained and there is no one on the democratic side to stop them. See Senator Schumer and Co.
We all said this in October: if DJT is elected in 2024 and there are no guardrails in place, what happens? Why are we all here speaking with ? Because we’re afraid that our democracy is under attack.
I wish I had as much confidence. Every single thing he does, the distractions, the chaos is for one goal only: become a dictator. He’s literally following Hitlers playbook
I couldn't agree more. Candidates can start campaigning for midterms & all of us can jump right into canvassing, phone-banking & fundraising while we continue with protests!
Midterms? If Musk rigged the 2024 election, midterms are pointless. If someone would have, oh, I don’t know, SEEN THIS COMING & investigated it, we could have confidence in the Midterms but NO! No one wants to talk about it!! FFFFFS!! 😡
If the people don’t stop this in the street now it is over. That is the message that needs to go out. Elections are over. It’s either actual resistance or a civil war.
BUT GOP cheat- Russia always has elections too & & guess who always wins by 200%? & the fElon is bragging about the cheating he & Elon already did to swing this election.
There will be no consequences for the GOP. There never are.
respectfully, you keep saying there'll be midterms, but with Musk and his team overseeing the voting, them having control of the mail, and their fingers in the electronic voting pie, how do Dems even stand a chance at a fair election?
We need to have a cohesive group of smart, dedicated people from the left and center to create our Project 2027 & Project 2029. Someone tracking ALL the dismantling and pulling back the pieces that are the building blocks to Making the United States United Again #MUSUA (and just US, not Canada...)
Things will never be the same again. Even after Trump’s election interference gets real air time and the election is decertified, the country will never look like it once did, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
I think we will. Once Trump is gone MAGA will slowly fade. It’ll still be there but it’ll fade back to something more like the 80s. Somebody will try to take Trump‘s place but I don’t see anyone that has that con-man skill charisma right now.  Vance doesn’t have it. Musk doesn’t either.
It’s never going to be the same. Trump broke the constitutional order. We’re going to have to find a new way of governance - what comes next isn’t going to resemble what we’ve had so far
No questions, just the overwhelming desire to throw myself off the nearest bridge. There are about five people in Congress that actually give a shit about the people, as evidenced by the past two months. “The people” can’t do anything without it being illegal because our congress is spineless.
If he doesn't have enough gonadal mass to stand up to a threatening letter, he doesn't deserve to be minority leader. He can go cower at home where he can't do any harm.
“They’re scared shitless about death threats and Gestapo-like stuff,” a former member of Trump’s first administration tells me.
According to one source with direct knowledge of the events, North Carolina senator Thom Tillis told people that the FBI warned him about “credible death threats”
Yes, been said often lately that gop reps have said they are seriously afraid for themselves and their families if they don't support him. Not a good way to run a country. If several would band together and come out and say it, could change things.
I honestly think that’s what a lot of Dems in Congress are trying to do. There’s a whole bunch of trying to forge alliances with the GOP congresscritters who don’t like Trump.
Will they ever get any members of the GOP to caucus with Dems? Who knows. I doubt it, but it’s worth a shot.
Appeasement. No. Didn't work for Chamberlain, won't work here.
GOP has a long history of evil. Targeting Black folk, gay folk, trans folk, women, immigrants, on and on. Still do.
No. They don't deserve any grace, at all. Trump is the culmination of all they are. FAFO.
It’s hard to believe any of the invertebrate Republicans will grow spines until/unless their own constituents turn on them. Which may well mean we have to figure out how to keep going until the midterms.
Dems with Schumer blew a chance to make a stand today. Too disheartening
Republicans have had years & a lot of opportunities to break with the party. The few that did were thrown out. No republican will forge an alliance with Dems. When will they get it through their heads
It has been nine years of this shit. Anyone who thinks Repubs are ever going to stand up to Trump isn’t tethered to reality. They’re terrified of angering Trump or Musk.
The only thing that would get thru to them is the voter outrage from a govt shutdown.
If I were an evil goblin politician: I would identify the 7 most likely to go against the rest, then find their weakness, kompramat, secrets/stories they want buried.
That’s how you keep someone in line. Extortion, threats of exposure. I’m sure the proverbial knife has been held to some necks.
That's going to be a lot harder than it used to be. Nowadays, paedophilia, fraud, domestic violence etc just aren't the deal-breakers with Republican voters that they once were.
Just look at all the dirt they have on the POTUS, for example.
The high road is full of bodies and IEDs.
Time to take of the rose coloured classes and put sand in the gears. Get down and dirty, do what is necessary, not what is nice.
They all belong to the white gop Christian Nationalist cult of batshit crazy Christians…. When to dust settles and it’s over .. then we find all the conniving preachers who have caused all this trouble ….Christianity is dead in America afterwards… deprogramming is the only way to save the idiots
I wonder if the voting was done as a secret ballot instead of everyone knowing how each one of them voted, would that change things? It wouldn’t be transparent but maybe it’d be more fair. Takes the intimidation away and peer pressure.
If that’s true, then they really won’t give a crap what dems say. It’s gonna be another term of two face- behind closed doors is one opinion, in public is the opposite opinion.
That’s right. There was a piece a couple of weeks ago where Eric Swallwell was talking about how Congressional Republicans are not just afraid for their own lives, but those of their families. The good guys have to protect them if they stand with the American people.
They put themselves in that position by refusing to get him out of office his first term. They gave him the power. They get not one shred of sympathy from me. I will welcome them if they grow a pair, but otherwise I.D.G.A.F.
I work for DOJ and it is so hard not to feel dejected with everything happening but especially *waves arms* whatever that was today. Will we ever come back from this?
A swing left is happening. People are angry and waking up GOP to lies. Evil is always here. We have to fight it! America's been complacent for too long. The sleeping giant of rage is wakening. New leaders will rise to fight. The decades theft and lies by the greedy must and will be stopped.
This damage will take a generation to fix, both internally to the nation and reputationally with the world. I hope it doesn't, but I hope to live long enough to see America restored.
I already know I won't. This is not how I expected to spend at the last half of my life that's for sure! I thought the struggling was behind me and here it is right in front of me clear to my grave!
That's the way I feel as a 64-year-old cancer "survivor" who may be about to go through another round of cancer treatments. If I die within 5 years I will never find out who won.
Right behind you. I was hoping I get to leave this world not worrying about my son and grandson though. We should be ashamed of ourselves our job as parents are to leave our kids with better than we had, we failed! 💔😢
A lot of the damage will never be repaired. Some allies will never trust America again and most will move on from us. I don't blame them if they do. Why trust a nation that every four years has the potential to spit in your face?
Biden restored so much from Trump 1. If Harris had won, we would have been 90% restored by now. Trump 2, though, is worse. But we'll be on our way back if a Dem Prez is elected in 28. We've got to reach voters though, and Dems didn't do a good enough job of that in 24.
the fatal flaw in your constitution is that it has no emergency exit,every other democracy allows for politicians to step down and new elections. Even if your president steps down, he just gets backfilled by the same ideology,no path to change for years.
No wonder this paralyses dissent and protest.
I’m so concerned about the cyber security people they fired, and the investigations they shut down, especially regarding Russia and election security. Why do you think we’ll have a reliable election?
I’m tired to. And I suppose it’s freeing in the sense that when I decide to end my own life, it will be because it’s that or live penniless on the streets.
Marie, I don’t know your situation, but understand the compulsion. Personally, I hope that I will not give him the benefit of my life. Take good care; stay strong.
These are different times. Who's the cavalry in this situation? Who's going to play the United States' role?? There is nobody waiting in the wings to rescue the world from fascism this time.
The most sickening part of the past two months is just how many people turn a blind eye and deaf ear to all that's going on, and reply with a "yeah..but he's your president" or "MAGA 2025" or some other comment...and think it's cute. The sheer lack of awareness is astounding.
You are way too optimistic about the next *few* election cycles. Schumer & Dem leadership lack strategy, and are not united. The Friday coup Schumer pulled was disgusting. I doubt we will see change in 2026.
You keep asking WHAT do we want Dems do- Fight united. That is a minimum at start.
Re previous warnings, Fall 2024 Project 2025 & current actions, it might be too late if we *wait* for free elections. We own that future result–with all due respect, we, the people, need to act now, otherwise get used to saying "Praise our Leader".
I don't feel we have the luxury of taking free & fair elections for granted. GOP telegraphed their plans in 2016, 2020, and 2024, accusing Democrats of cheating.
Angry informed us earlier that elections are run by the states and Congress. The White House has no say in canceling elections, even if we are under martial law.
I can't believe how out of touch even the most ardent political accounts are...It is over. There will never be a free and fair federal election ever again.
Whether it's as as banal as rigging mail in votes or cancelling the elections, it is over.
There is no reality where MAGA cede power. Ever.
Patrick, if you're a Cubs fan (as I was, most of my life, until I found out the Ricketts guy was a fascist), you know nothing is forever. The odds are great that MAGA will tear itself apart somehow. Something will change; I just won't last that long. Till then I resist.
If we are able to get a Dem majority in the House & Senate in the midterms, and (God willing) the White House in '28, what's the likelihood of being able to impeach the corrupt SCOTUS? The next Dem president needs to have a pitbull for AG, would love to see Jack Smith in that job.
Dick Durbin is up for reelection next year. Start with replacing him. We had the majority and he sent a letter, during the election year, to the most corrupt SCOTUS in American history.
It's got to be so hard. I am so sorry you and others have to endure this. It sucks. Know that we care---not that it solves anything. Just that we care.
Having the next D president add 4 justices to the Supreme Court. When I was in law school, we had 9 appellate districts and that was the rationale for 9 justices. We have 13 now. And this would require a statute not a constitutional amendment
What is Mayor Pete planning? Was hoping he’d run for MI governor or Peters’ senate spot but he announced no. But I consolation I’m happy announced today. She has my vote.
Canada swore in our new prime minister Mark Carney today.
First thing he and his new cabinet did was cancel the consumer price on carbon, that was one of Trudeau's signature policies.
It means Cdns lose our quarterly carbon rebate cheques of $140.
AND previous effective environment min demoted.
I hope that kind of thing breaks through to be widely reported in the media. (Different scenario than here, where it would be buried under the incessant chaos and distraction.)
Thank you for being here Angry! First time caller, long time listener. Do you have any hopeful insights for us this week? I heard one opinion that the budget passing would be helpful because a shutdown would mean fewer people to have their eyes on what Musk is up to. Thoughts?
Dump turns 79 in June. Forgot which day. If he does die, Proj. 2025 will put a broomstick up his butt, dress him in his suit, embalm him and do an AI generated voice so he will continue to rant. Then Elon and the MAGA GOP will continue to screw up the country and the world, with no Allies. around. 🫤
How you doing After today’s vote where do we go next? How do we even combat this? He’s going after anyone and everyone that opposes him. And Musk is still governing unelected.
How is the mood at your workplace? I'm a contractor at a DOC facility and everyone is really stressed and worried here. I'm scared about what the FY26 budget will look like
If it isn’t, then FAIR voting is, because, you know… the guy who owns the satellite is making billions by pushing his own companies and agendas. Why end elections or even court voters when you can just change the votes?
Evening angry. How is he getting away with everything he’s doing? I do realize most are EOs. Why isn’t anyone stopping him or why isn’t anyone doing anything? More importantly, are you stocking up on your Scotch?
I've been wondering what on earth's going on with the CIA since 2017. They HAVE to know what the full truth is behind Trump's Russia connections going back to the 1980s.
And…. I missed it again. 😵💫 (in my defense, the ACC semifinals are on & the Duke v UNC game came down to a real nail biter! Whew… Duke prevailed. My dad’s undergrad alma mater.💙)
Is meanness the real point here? Two people who have no empathy, cold and devoid of caring, slashing people's careers, injuring or killing people with no lifeline?
They are subhuman monsters addicted to cruelty. They ridicule & shun empathy & they have a hive mind of christofascists backing them up. MAGAtBrain & the New Apostolic Reformation crave our suffering & death.
I guess I wasn't born with that gene for sheer greed. Nor the one that craves power. I was raised in an Alaska fisherman's family, youngest of 10. There was friendly competition amongst us kids, but no greed or power trips.
Personally I think it's about the anger stirred up by the lies they tell. I heard many people talk about how bad things were in America prior to both elections that gave us Trump. The fact that so many hear that Liberals and their policies are evil from outlets like Fox keeps their people angry.
Nothing of course, to you and I. But to those who've been fed a steady diet of hatred directed at us for years, no punishment is too harsh for "libs.". They've been made to hate us for a long time.
IMHO, as a constituent, a BIG FAT NEITHER. This Fetterman is not the Fetterman who beat the stuffing out of OZ for the Senate. I don’t know what happened, but he is a huge disappointment and either in over his head, or not right in it. I want Bob Casey to primary his ass.
In the end did Senate Democrats really have a choice but to support this stopgap? Agree Schumer looks stupid for how he handled it, but Republicans would have absolutely loved it if we’d shut the government down. We’d have had to cave eventually and we’d look even weaker than we look now.
That's not true, if it had shut down it would have been a short shutdown. Republican oligarchs would have been screaming for Trump to open it up! The minute Wall Street was crashing! This way Dems look weak and now many will blame them instead of repugs, who would have owned it had we all voted no!
I think that’s accurate. Schumer looks like an idiot (is an idiot?) but they were never going to get any meaningful concessions from the GOP, and shutting the government down indefinitely wasn’t an option.
2/ While a shutdown would give him an oppty to shutter entire depts quickly, they have no plan and would need to refine ASAP. The anger at these town halls is not just from Dems. A total shutdown and elimination of depts would awaken the MAGA LAN to what they have done. betrayed his fellow Democrats in Congress, particularly those in the house, many of whom were in a far more difficult position.He betrayed working Americans.
A shutdown would have forced the GOP to negotiate.
That won't happen now, thanks to Chuck, the Cowardly Collaborator.
It would have forced DOGE to show their cards. They would have had to stop - or would they? Also they already fired a lot of government staff so that argument is gone, if anything it would have stopped that if only temporarily.
The pressure in the cooker was getting hery high and hot for Donald.
Zero reason to willingly release it.
Gives him runway and press clipping momentum at the exact moment that markets and international pressures were instructing the world that he is full of bull.
Schumer needs to stand down because he lost his leadership before this. When his response to the terrible things happening with this Republican administration and him standing there with an avocado in his hand he lost my respect. Be like Bernie go on tour.
I respect your opinion. I just think they look weak. Unlike republicans who have looked (fake) tough and earned respect from voters. It’s always about optics and Schumer and Co don’t have it
Agree. It was an impossible situation. More attention should have been paid in House to bring some R's over. That was the leverage point. Personally, I wouldn't have been willing to risk shutdown with Musk in charge.
When trump congrats you, that's a tell you did the wrong thing!AOC had a good plan to postpone and try further negotiations. Government almost shutdown anyway bc of DOGE. MAGA owns 3 branches, shutdown on them. AND we're in diff times so diff tactics required.
Angry, I seldom disagree with you but I do this time. They gave away their one leverage point and got nothing in return. They were never going to win everything but they got nothing. It's like telling Putin we're giving him everything he wants in Ukraine before we start negotiating.
I get it. I’m right there with you. I don’t agree with the way they handled it, but I do understand
We’ve all seen folks who have to work without knowing when their next check is coming - that shit sucks. We’ve all seen contractors get sent home without pay. Dems didn’t want to be the cause of that
It sucked either way, but NO to cloture would’ve displayed backbone. Now MAGA can legally defund important things, like VA benefits. Belle that, DOGE was doing it illegally. I blame 10 Dems and all Republicans glue that.
With all due respect, people are already losing their paychecks, their jobs and their retirement. Decades of infrastructure and research disassembled. We have given away what leverage we had and further empowered Musk/Trump regime . What exactly did we gain here?
Many many times doing the right thing is hard. This was the time to do the right thing knowing in the end it would give the congress a chance to use the checks and balances we HAD to keep fighting for the good.
They had to choose between bad and worse and choose worse.
Oh really, contractors are the "issue"? Let me tell you something, contractors just got screwed with the CR. How do I know? Contractor speaking here. So, F--- Senate Dems who voted for the fascists.
Doesn't avoiding a shutdown today assume 45 won't shut it down anyway tomorrow? Why give away $1 Trillion plus funding power believing he won't actually use it, now that they've made it LEGAL for him to do so?
Because they allow the gop to message this and don’t effectively message it otherwise. They sit on their hands, shrug, and ask what can be done. SMH. 🤦♀️
If the Senate Democrats had played hard ball from the beginning, GOP would have had to negotiate w them. Instead Johnson sent House home on Wednesday bc he knew Dems would fold.
They didn’t want to be blamed for the shutdown.
But this is not what people care about. Yes, it would have been awful but it will be much more awful when we lose SS, Medicare , etc.
This was the Dems opportunity to use the power of the purse - 10 DINO’s threw it away 😡
They just kicked the pain down the road. it’s like an alcoholic family where someone picks up the pieces and picks up the pieces until finally the alcoholic runs someone over with a car. They should’ve not bailed them out of jail to begin with and maybe they would’ve been able to head it off.
I agree that Dems wouldn’t be the cause, but don’t think that’s how most of the country would see it. We live in an echo chamber here on Bluesky and the Dems messaging to the general public has been pretty terrible.
It's happening anyway . Ds need to channel their inner Mitch McConnell of 2008-2016 and do what he would do. It wouldn't be what the Senate Ds did today. McConnell was effective. We need to do as well
The Dems would not have been the cause of it and current behavior suggests they will do all of that anyhow. And if the Dems couldn't have made that case, we are in more trouble than I thought.
They were not the cause of that. They don't control any of it. Vought promised House Rs that impoundment will continue. People are going to know when their next paycheck is coming now...never. Their units will be destroyed. Their labs will be destroyed.
It was a zero sum game from the start. Vote with GOP, you get creamed. Vote to have the GOP own a govt shutdown, Republicans will be all too happy to say it’s Dems fault for not voting for the CR. At some point, you have to be the driver that doesn’t flinch in “chicken.”
From a Schumer thread…”For sure. I know quite a few of his donors, professionally. It’s been a brutal week on Wall Street. If today they suffered another massive sell-off, the probability of a crash next week was exceedingly high. Still a real possibility. Yet, he chose them over us. Unreal.”
If not now, then when? Because they’ve just shown the gop that they’ll eat literal shit to prevent a shutdown. We gave up the little leverage we had, not just now, but in ANY future budget negotiations. All in the name of preventing a pain we are already feeling. It was wrong & it was cowardly.
600 federal workers already filed for unemployment in the hinterlands of Colorado. People are already losing their jobs all over the country. This vote gives that cover. At least a shutdown is taking a stand against these permanent terminations.
I sort of think it was on purpose since it was lose-lose situation. They have the majority object while the few throw themselves under the bus to keep from shutting down.
I’m tending to agree with folks who think Schumer and Ds in senate holding ‘fire’ till Sept/Oct. We the people need to take to the streets. Also, the terrible effect of Trumpism will be felt by republicans across the country by then. Republicans only care when it affects them personally.
💯 Cong Repubs were banking on Dems to fold. I don't think they’d have indefinitely shut govt down, given how voters generally feel about govt shutdowns.
Now, Repubs will still do unimaginably awful shit, but say it’s w/bipartisan support. And Dems have alienated their base and their colleagues.
I don't know about that. I think that, if there was a shut down, it would just give Trump and Musk carte blanche to do literally whatever the fuck they wanted to do and claim all of the federal government is unnecessary. Terrible choice but I think the right one.
but even more. and yes they are but they would go totally whoop ass on the government with a shut down and yes, they are also doing that now but it would be yet more!
Well rolling over isn't going to get anything, but not consenting to the CR would have left Congress to start negotiating. Is their something in the water in DC that makes everyone unable to function - congress, press, apparently employees like Angry?
Shutting it down for a week or two would have gotten the attention of the many, many Americans who are tuned out and unaware of the extent of the destruction. Instead we have to hope something else shakes them up enough to face this new reality before it’s too late.
Right now, to these people it’s just high egg prices, people they don’t know getting laid off, and the threat to social security they’ve heard so often that it’s as real to them as the threat of Roe felt. They tune out. A shutdown would have made them listen, at least a little bit.
I think you’ve been ‘inside’ too long. Schumer was scared plain and simple and he folded. Even Pelosi publicly broke with him in the end and she NEVER goes public with that kind of statement. She gets other people to do her dirty work when she wants Dem dissent on the record
If the union representing federal workers said vote no that should have settled it! I’m a very pissed off democrat and retired federal employee! Shut it down and start the damn revolution we all know is coming!
I've read R Sens are ecstatic about Schumer & others voting with them in return for nothing. They said Dems won't fight & they can ram whatever they want through the House & Dems in the Senate won't stand up. What about the community people losing jobs now d/t doge cuts affecting the economy?
The House Ds weren’t allowed to have any say in the 1st CR, so it’s highly unlikely that any R would go along with them during a 2nd round. DT would never agree to something that would give the Ds a win.
The courts are our best hope, but they would have been shuttered during a shutdown.
Courts are not our friend anymore. Pussies, those 10 dems need to resign. Soon Elon will eliminate Congress so the king can do everything. Republicans would not have folded.
They should have forced the house to return to DC. 10 Dems were played and they fell right into it like a bunch of lily-livered fools. Schumer led them to the cliff and they, like all good lemmings, jumped. Dump Chuck.
I disagree completely. Dems now look too scared and lazy to fight at all, or maybe they agree with the Republicans. Hard to say if you're a voter like me, all I know is they did absolutely nothing but roll over.
Our government has survived on back-to-back CR's for a while now because Rs refuse to collaborate with Ds to produce a full year budget that can get enough votes. So if this Republican-authored CR failed, the shutdown would be R's fault, not D's.
Absolutely, it’s important to hold out for a better deal when necessary. But it’s always a tough balance between standing firm and ensuring progress. Hopefully, we’ll see more thoughtful solutions moving forward.
Yes they did. No, we wouldn't look weaker than we look now.
More importantly, we wouldn't be weaker than we are now since Democrats like me would still like the party.
This is not true. The Ds needed to show the Rs that they can't predict them anymore and that Ds have the sand to blow it all up. Rs are irresponsible because they rely on Ds being responsible.
Clarifying comment: Meant as why no one was brave enough to confront why Musk wasn’t wearing a suit … but Trump & JD regularly appear & travel together, though you’re correct that it’s not necessarily a routine thing. 👍🏻
Yeah. I thought the same wirh the boy. Poor little girl even made him a picture he doesn’t care two shits about. And their moronic dad sits smiling at it all
Trump probably sees more of little X than he sees his own grandchildren (Whatstheirnames). X keeps Unelected President Elon Musk's bought-and-paid-for figurehead, Donald, busy so that Daddy can keep siphoning money from the Treasury.
fascinating, Dump tripped on the first step. i think it was the other leg that was weak in the golf cart video? Dump can't walk, talk, or chew gum! 😳🙄😳
The front man/baby sitter president, while our tech billionaire president and cronies continue unabated to end American democracy. They’ve written books on their intentions probably thinking, like project 2025, no one will take them seriously. Must stop them.
I might be able to offer insight from a sociological standpoint.
Old concepts: Capitalism = pure greed.
Brain function: We tend toward empathy or punishment. We are capable of both. Guess which way the Repub/fascist brain clings to? Look up “Daddy brain. (Lakeoff)
Thanks! I definitely need the distraction! The first go-round was bad enough, but this time…if I tried to put it into words I’d probably get kicked off Blue Sky.
Correct.. I find him totally and completely responsible for the situation that our country is in right now. Had he done as damn job to begin with. We wouldn't be dealing with this orange son of a bitch.
Senate Dems believed a shutdown would be worse than $1 Trillion Medicaid and SNAP cuts, & new funding powers. Doesn't avoiding a shutdown Monday assume 45 won't shut it down Monday anyway? What guarantee is there he won't shut it down if they gave him broad defunding powers? They gave away power...?
Me. If you listen to my plan for how we’re going to deal with all the traitors, you’re going to want to vote for me. Think… The Reign of Terror. Look it up.😉
What is the best way to message against this administration? I think there should be a place to go to find out what these EOs, etc are, their legality, and their implications. And have non MAGA experts from all sides, explaining.
Well, clearly, not via print. That's been the Republicans strength, they go after them through Fox News and far right radio where they don't have to read anything.
I’m with you! In 2025, it’s clear that America could thrive by prioritizing education. The stark inequality in resources is alarming—so much wealth, yet so many left behind. This isn’t just about policy; it’s about compassion and action.
not to mention the adulterated version of history produced over the past 50 years.. THEN all the AI has been trained on this fake version of world events and refuses to discuss alternative (more accurate) truth. has to go, or NO VOTE FOR DEMS in 2026. He needs to go. NOW! He loves MAGA, he can have his love fest with MAGA on his own terms and out of his own valet, but not from "We, the people", valet.
At this point given the utterly inept shitshow "senior" Dems have presided over, I'm not sure "tenure" should be a factor any more (if at all). Character and demonstrated leadership should weigh more heavily.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren has been fighting Trump ever since 2020. She's got the experience, wisdom, persistence, backbone and mettle to take him on and lead fellow Democrats. She'd be a new order. My vote is for her.
I would gladly take just about anyone over Schumer (as well as his cohorts in today's shenanigans). I can't begin to tell you how angry I am at him. He needs to GO. Immediately.
I agree, Democrats need to stop trying to follow normal protocols. The GOP certainly isn’t following the constitution or nearly 250 years of precedent.
Klobuchar, Warren should be highly considered.
Murphy, Coons, Bennett.
If you want Trump's head to explode make it Schiff.
I'm not sure if rules same as in House, & if so, you can elect someone who is not a Senator, then the only clear choice is AOC.
(Trying to avoid joke a/b her having larger...)
This sentence right here and the fact that it’s accurate is everything wrong with democratic politics and it’s infuriating. Fuck tenure, put the best people in charge.
Experience is not equal and is COMPLETELY overrated in most situations. And considering that NO ONE has experience in fighting a radicalized fascist party in the US, I could give a fuck how long someone has been in office if they can lead. The old people in the party need to sit down. They’re done.
I’m not saying the “old” people with the longest tenure are the best choice but neither would the “young” people with the least experience necessarily be a good choice. Leadership ability and passion are important but it helps to know how law and government work and not just on paper.
If tenure is a major part in why someone should be in charge, your organization is a worthless shit-show run by morons. And I say that as someone that has worked in higher Ed for years. Time alone is ABSOLUTELY NOT an indicator of abilities, that’s all I’m saying.
Pardon my French but F' the tenure. We cannot stand on protocol while the country is burning down to the ground. Return to protocol when the country returns to its senses. Until then, they need to put someone in place who can lead.
And when I say lead, I mean we need someone who carefully thinks they speak. Someone who will not pull a switch after getting so many of us to have their backs. It felt, even if well intended, like a betrayal. We are getting enough of that from Republicans, we don't need that from our own party.
The tenure my ass. The old folks ain’t getting the job done. Pass the torch to someone who isn’t looking at the grave in the next three years and still has some stake in the game.
You were right. Kelly was always the better choice. Trump's entire pitch is wrapped up in immigration. A Senator from a border state as VP would have undercut that
Of course the party would have neutered him too. It probably wouldn't have made a difference.
Didn't vote for several of felon's awful Cabinet nominees? I still like him at times but I now trust him less. My vote would be for or
Sen. Amy Klobuchar! I’m pretty sure I’ve seen her tell Republicans to go f$&?!k themselves in so many words & have rendered them speechless. Aside from Trump, she seems to be the only other person they’re all afraid of, which is a very good thing.
“Doesn’t have the tenure” is part of the problem - Dems always go with “who’s next in line?” when it should be “who is best qualified?” Next in line is usually the very oldest.
In this day and age, we need a leader who is an effective messanger that isn't afraid to be a guest on multiple podcasts every week. Schumer is in the wrong century.
Yes.Chairwoman of the Senate Rules Committee, which ensures fairness, transparency, & efficiency in government & duly elected Secretary of the Senate responsible for financial, administrative, & legislative responsibilities. She makes change happen.
Amy Klobuchar is the one who has been doing the hard work for a long time. She should have had it from the get. Trying to make the new shiny thing happen is what stifles progress in having new leaders. Just a few headlines doesn’t make the political capital to run the Senate or the House.
For 30 years, I worked in a seniority-based system. Those 40 year members seldom have all the answers with their inflated egos to consider younger voices, which more often have a finger on the pulse of worker sentiment, because they aren’t as sheltered from bad policy. AOC is a prime example of bias
He may not have the tenure, it otherwise he has what it takes. He has empathy. He listens. He knows how to work with others. He knows how and when to speak up.
Agree. The smart and well-educated will leave if they can. The Project 2025 goal is K-12 education, preferably at Christian Nationalist private schools which is why they push for state/fed taxpayer funding. Girls should be raised for housewife/reproductive roles, no ambition except to serve men.
With Judge Alsup’s fury over the DOJ hiding Ezell’s testimony leading to 24,000 workers’ reinstatement in California, how can Democrats pressure the Trump admin to expose their illegal mass firing scheme tied to fake performance claims?
Do you know of alternative communication devices to vett & coordinate trusted resistance fighters & leaders for the coming civil war / ww3? I think most social media needs to be altered in terms of action to take & go offline for safety. He continues a hit list. Code words needed. Any thoughts?
My question is, as a non Democrat who votes against MAGA and other thug republicans, how can the Democrats get their act together? Do they need to destroy the old guard and rebuild? Is this the end of the party? This betrayal today by the Vichy MAGA Dem Caucus is appalling.
No. Wrong. The focus on Senate Democrats would give them the microphone to state why they are withholding their approval and what needs to change. The filibuster is there for a reason.
The problem with this attitude on the part of the party Democrats is eventually voters see nothing to vote for, sense they are not heard or considered, and stay home or switch out of frustration. Democrats have to figure out what they stand for beyond “we are not the other guys”.
I guess they didn't take sufficient stand against participating in a genocide, nor a clear message why eggs got expensive, or other economic concerns of absent or defector voters.
preventing this oligarchic chaos by voting out repubs means keeping democracy, social security, medicare, science, research, honoring diversity...the list goes on and on.
Last sentence true, however, not being greedy oligarchs IS taking a stand. Those voters must have blinders on. I personally see everything to vote for *and against* (aka repubs). I felt very heard under Biden. He passed fantastic laws that benefited everyone.
But like RBG he misunderestimated the ravages of time. At great cost. We can’t go back, but if only there had been an open D primary without Biden to get the next generation of leadership in play.
But there wasn't, and too many voters foolishly sat out the election.
We must claw our way out of this sh*tshow.
Protest and get out the vote for 2026.
Okay, I hung
In there calling myself an independent for a long time but realized it's not about what THEY can do. No matter what you call yourself, you need to view these questions as "us". What can WE do.
Yeah man she’s Samoan-American, grew up in Hawaii, and was representing them well until the first Trump term. Things changed after that. So when Hawaii “sent” her, she was good. 😉
Chicago shouted down Hakeem a few weeks ago. Irate crowd kept yelling for him to do something! Our local NBC affiliate WMAQ covered the crowd outside a popular bookstore where he was there for a signing. But I didn’t see the MSN cover it! 😡
Odds that Schumer et al made the right move? I mean, didn’t it seem like they wanted a shutdown, and were salivating at the prospect of inflicting more pain on the federal workforce? Wouldn’t the courts have been hobbled as well?
You've asked before what you wanted Democrats to do since they don't have power and the answer really is: be loud, be assertive, and do everything they can to oppose the fascist coup. Instead we have surrender Schumer.
Join in the economic boycotts that are working all over the country. Target business is down in the billions, walmart and amazon have been effected as well......more to come, it's easy and effective to make your $$$ do the talking.
Why is Schumer minority leader? What are his qualifications? He seems to have handled this CR vote very poorly. Is there a way to replace him? Is there someone who is qualified to replace him?
She's realizing throwing her career away for 4 years of torture is devastating ... now she's basically retired. She should have stayed in the senate where she was one of the best senators there. She should move to NY a d take schumer or gillibrands job
Green card is not equal to citizenship. Anyone who has had a green card for years and never pursued citizenship did not consider the just-in-case scenario that is now currently the case. And heaven help us if Cheeto goes after naturalized citizens.
That has been a worry of mine for the last few years. We have a close relative in our family who is naturalized. I am constantly worried about him. And, he is not white....😬
I am POSITIVE he cheated. You saw the crowds for Kamala and his half-empty stadiums. You heard him say, “I don’t really need more votes,” before the election. Elon fixed the machines so he would win & that’s why Trump lets him do whatever. I will die on this hill.
Agree 200%. He is the biggest chicken out there. NO WAY he'd be out there pumping his fist to the cameras if he thought he was in real danger. He'd be pushing people out of the way to get to his car! Why didn't he allow us to see any medical records on his ear? Totally, one hundred percent fake.
They didn’t fight the appointees. They didn’t fight the spending bill. They’re sure as hell not fighting the erasure of trans people. Or the deportation of citizens. So…when exactly are the Democrats planning on fighting back? Exactly what line is *enough* for them.
To answer my own question first - I don’t think they’ll ever actually do anything. I think some of them are complicit. And the rest are too spineless. I think we’re on our own. But I’d like to hear some kind of answer from inside.
Is there a chance Schumer reads the room and steps down? (🤞🏼) He’s an ineffective leader. He gave away everything and got nothing in return. Who could be a likely replacement? I’m so unbelievably pissed at “leadership” for supporting this BS. They voted for DOGE they own it now
Is Congress ever going to notice or care that they’ve given all of their power to Elon? They’re no better than the Russian Duma. What’s their endgame? They’re merrily ceding the power of the purse every day.
Are we missing something? Is there some long game we can’t see or understand being discussed in back rooms? Threats we don’t know about? Or are we just simply being overrun and we who believe in democracy just totally fucked?
I think we ARE missing something. Why is Trump suddenly interested in annexing Canada & Greenland? I’m reading Musk and the other techbros are behind this. A technomonarchy of a huge country with all kinds of mineral rights to help them do stuff like go to Mars. IMO these guys are scarier than Putin
Dean Obeidallah just said fElon is using eugenics to have all those kids.
He was interviewing Steve Way about Medicaid etc. Dean suggested they want disabled people to die.
My question exactly. "We're going to have to survive until the midterms." Why, so we can live long enough to donate to the "Blue No Matter Who 2026: This Time We Mean It" campaign?
We're going to have to survive, PERIOD. Not for the Democrats to decide to save us, but for us to save our Republic.
Truth is many voters disenfranchised, not even counted? How many votes did Elon purchase or his pamphlets change? Nothing done, no fight,nothing? Democracy's done, it's over! If it wasn't before tonight it is now, Schumer & rest made sure of it. Lots of voters won't bother 2026!
With all due respect, Pelosi trying to micro-manage voters, didn't help. Carville saying, do nothing and let them feel the pain and they'll love us by the election, also doesn't help. We will definitely get them the votes, but we will also need to do some housecleaning, after.
There is. I just wanted to make it clear to folks that there’s not a cavalry coming to save us. There’s a a lot we can do between now and midterms, but realistically, unless cholesterol does us a solid, this is our reality until 2026 at the earliest.
Fair. I just think it’s been “just us” for a while now. And we’ve made some dents (in the courts, Bluesky growth, Tesla stock, polls, etc). The fight will be hard but we need to recognize our power is substantial! Also, they are more fragile and mistake prone than we often recognize
Also we have massive power if we organize as workers/consumers. A general strike or slow down or organized consumption choices can political incentives across the board. Historical struggle is with us. So let’s start making history
I think we’re seeing what needs to happen in town halls, state capitals, protests at Tesla dealerships, etc. I agree, no one is coming to save us. It’s up to us.
What can we do? I’ve been going to protest. I’ve been writing letters. I’ve been writing emails. I’ve been calling representatives. Tell me what more can we do?
You're doing it! You are killing it! Thank you💙🫂 Now, invite others to join you. I made a flyer and posted it on FB and now we have an every Friday protest on an overpass.So now I think I will start a new protest spot. We have to grow. Join Indivisible. If you build it, they will come🫂💙🫂💙🫂💙
It’s going to take us women getting organized and angry. I write this with great sadness because I love men but we are not headed to a fair a free place for women - and they need us.
If Trump openly and continuously violates the law and ignores court judgments is it possible Martials or military can remove him? If he orders an invasion of Greenland or Canada? Something tells me it’s Republicans who finally take him out over something so egregious they can no longer look away!
And even if there are, the tech bros will see to it that no democrat wins. I don’t see a way out of this without well, things that would get me put on a watch list for saying
BS, the leg for Dems to STAND ON to STAND UP, Dems broke it today, themselves. Please do not defend Dems, especially Senators who voted for the CR. Save your integrity while you still have it. Please read this over and over again.
When are people going to open their eyes and realize the election was stolen?? All we are doing is blaming each other when Trump admitted multiple times the election was rigged...
The millions of Americans who chose a lying, bigoted, con-man, whose incompetence and carelessness lost twice as many American lives than we lost in every war since WWII over a competent, supremely qualified black woman.
I’m not buying that. Schumer is spineless, he should have shut it down. Now MAGA has the ball and is running a full court press while we take a fucking water break.
It irritates me that you consistently put this back on the voters while never mentioning the DOJ mess ups. You know they messed up. The voters did the work in 2020 and then the DOJ was up. They failed us.
We need to start registering all the people who got booted off the voter registries. Now not later. Fight fire with fire. Keep your documents handy so they can't remove you.
Dems had 8 years to tackle the threat maga poses to our democracy & the globe. They failed!
If there’s an election in 26, it’s seems in red states, where the Democrat brand is severely toxic, we, the angry people, should 3rd party it with either an Independent or a Forward Party candidate!
America hasn’t always had Repubs & Dems. New parties formed when challenges weren’t met by existing parties. Currently, Reds & Blues break political fundraising records by exploiting growing political divides, all while solving nothing! Competition forces govt to work for Americans, not party power.
The Repubs were very good with propaganda. They won on immigration and inflation and boys in girls sports. The Dems didn't realize how big those issues were. They ignored them too much.
No issue - real or imaginary, big or small - explains millions of people not voting. Imagine if roughly the same third of Congress voted “present” on every single vote, then half of them complained about the outcome.
There's no good reason to defend transphobes or the hateful anti immigrant rhetoric that drove people to vote for an Insurrectionist who mishandled a pandemic.
Senate Dems didn’t have a plan because they thought Johnson would be unable to get the CR through the house without Dems. They expected the fight would happen there and not in the Senate.
Schumer got played by Johnson. It’s a failure of leadership.
I'm angrier at 7+ million blue voters who stayed home from the polls because they didn't like Biden's stance on Israel/Palestine. Never mind that Trump plans to finish the genocide Israel started. I hope those people feel good about their decision now.
i think we DID do it nov 5 but ellen musk and her tech babies manipulated the results. there is NO WAY that he magically won those swing states. anyone get it yet that there aren’t going to BE any more elections??
Recently 2 democrats in the house passed away. In addition to the 3 seats currently running for special elections we will see 12 more we need to win before we match up.
Take with a grain of salt (I’m no expert). But according to my sources the elections in April are NOT winnable and we would be wasting time/money. BUT the Wisconsin SC race is VERY important. Put money and time into that one. Musk is spending money in that one too.
There are no elections that are not winnable. Special elections especially bc R’s typically don’t show up. To me it is even more important to fight for those races. That’s how GA got TWO Dem Senators.
I would happily love to be wrong.I will warn you,the special elections are in Florida. I live in Florida.It’s a cesspool. A beautiful one,but we have difficulty explaining to people why it is not legal to bring an alligator into Walmart.Why it’s not okay to strip and break into a bar after hours.
Yes Florida is lost and yes I am putting my personal time and personal funds in Wisconsin. The SC race and the Superintendent of Education race are winnable! Go Dems!!!
November 2024 & 2016.
He never should have been in the highest seat of power in the 1st place.
The warnings were all sounded, his revolting dangerous history was known.
The choice was always in the hands of Voters alone.
Why wasn’t he tried in the four years between terms? I can’t understand it. The documents case was a slam dunk. It should not take four years. The man incited an insurrection for goodness sake! How can he be allowed to occupy the White House? The CIA absolutely must have known he was compromised.
He was but Garland waited too long to do anything and Jack Smith did as well by not getting Cannon kicked off the bench. The DOJ really failed us before 2024.
1. He was, in New York
2. The Supreme Court gave him enormous powers
3. Aileen Cannon sided him every step of the way
4. Voters had a responsibility to keep him out of the White House.
Yes he was, eventually. It should have happened earlier to ensure he was held accountable and never ran for office again. The clock ran out as a result of the procrastination, if that’s all it was
if the two seats in florida swing dem (1st and 6th) we could make it to 2026. both those seats typically go +30 and +23 R.
Gaetzs old district is in an area with a LOT of federal employees who are super pissed right now. And the 6th is a lot of retirees who are going to lose their medicaid and ss
True. I recently spoke to a former GOP senator from a Midwest state whose brother is in a leading Trump admin position. He’s liquidating all of his assets and exiting the stock market in order to,”get the fuck out of this country.”
The midterms will not save US democracy. The only thing that will save our democracy is exposure of the hacking in November. The Election Truth Alliance is working hard to do so & needs all of our support. Otherwise, the vote tabulation software will just be continually hacked for the fascists...
The Dems aren’t giving me much to vote for right now. If I keep voting for this toothless party, am I complicit too? When does it stop? They need to show us they’re fighting for us, not the status quo.
It's the truth. At the end of the day, we can't put the Democrats into the minority in all 3 branches and then get angry when they can't whip out lightsabers and stop Trump singlehanded.
We are all being forced to endure an incredibly dangerous Find Out period on behalf of MAGA/Rep voter idiocy.
You are all responding as if it’s a given this result was legitimate. I will never believe that. Trump admitted it in his inauguration speech. No way America voted so overwhelmingly for this.
Do you really still believe elections will be fair? Trump actually said out loud last week that the election was rigged and that’s why he was president! Where’s the press on THAT one?
I don’t live in Florida. Floridians on this platform say there is no way in hell to flip those seats. The Dem candidates have plenty of solid new information. I hope they are smart in how they use it.
Maybe it really is just “every man (or woman) for himself” seems so sad to me. Maybe there really is a giant asteroid headed our way and none of these people in government care about 50 years from now. It’s just so weird with a planet this connected to be so selfish.
I don't think that's it. There's no one coming to save us. But there's lots of community building happening. And that's what we will need. Small, tight circles everywhere. That take care of each other and our country and the world.
Romanians took it for years under Ceaușescu, and the people rose up. In one days time, the entire country turned the tide- he and his wife both shot to death. That was when their media was totally muffled but they rose up. Dec 22 1989șescu
I’m reading my own post again and I’m glad I write that we who believe in “democracy” rather than policies. My #1 worry is that we lose our democracy, adherence to the Constitution and fair and free disagreement. Our ability to protest. This is a much bigger worry for me than right vs. left ideas.
You're definitely not alone in believing in that... Or - unfortunately - in worrying that maybe we're just too naive/pollyannaish for believing in better angels.
Regardless, I still refuse to let them destroy all the joy in my life, and I will be on the right side of history when this is done.
Ha! I just posted:
"Are we going to survive the next 4 years?"
I'm trying to think of just one word to describe my emotions and I can't think of just one.
What is the process for removing a Senator from leadership? Is there a process for a vote of no confidence or something? How long will it take to get rid of Schumer?
Trump praised him. And when Trump praises you, you know you're helping the wrong people. (And Tuberville said he thought Fetterman had "come a long way" and "showed common sense", which pretty much says Fetterman is a real sellout.)
When you're helping fascists, you're a fascist.
He explained to Chris Hayes. Said both options horrible. IF we let gov shut down it would be up to trump to either open it ever again or not. He could steal more w/o anyone being able to do anything w/gov shut down. POISON pill either way, lesser of 2 evils. Made sense after I heard him explain.
The “ever again” is the thing. Apparently, Americans have no concept of what the government does, even during a shutdown. Essential workers are forced to work w/o pay. That can’t be sustained indefinitely. When airports,VA hospitals, and emergency response shuts down things would change quickly.
They wanted a shutdown because of the negative press and they knew the media would get off his back and both sides the showdown issue. This taking attention off Trump and Musk which they wanted
Schumer said that Musk indicated that if there was a shutdown, Doge would know who wasn't essential & fire them. We all know Musk would do this. Schumer voted his conscience in a no-win situation.
First, DOGE is already firing whoever they want, regardless of whether or not they are essential or not. Second, "essential" means they still have to go to work even when there is no budget. It does not mean they should be fired. Musk used abusive husband tactics on
There is no way the oligarchs would just limit themselves to one party. It’s clear that many of the Democrats have also been compromised – we saw it even more clearly with Sinema and now Fetterman.
I'm pretty sure Sinema was always a fraud. She was after money and attention, and she got it by cozying up to the "GOP." Fetterman might also have always been a fraud. He comes from money and has an advanced degree in public policy. Not the law degree you usually see.
This NY constituent yelled do not appease, do not collude into both Chuck and Kristen’s voicemail. But I moved my money into a money market account a week after the election
When should I move my money out of the US stock market and into the European markets? I feel like wealth is getting ready to flee the US like it did in Hong Kong.
what was so amazing about this (i saw rachel maddow introduce and do a piece on it), this was the same senator, a few weeks before, who suffered a 'freeze'. he CERTAINLY came back fighting.
THAT is the kind of fire-in-the-belly blood and thunder response that is needed against all those flabby yes-men and women! I don't even know or care which party he belongs to and surely at this stage it hardly matters. Just look after this one please. He will need to watch his back.
Wow, he was calling out My Congress Critter. Which is most of my state outside of the 2 main urban areas. Mr Smith also voted against PA vote by mail on Jan 6, 2021 even though there are whole counties & other rural areas that Only Have That Option in His District. Privatization would be devastating
We are retired, & have been withdrawing for a few years.
We’ve been out of the country since before the inauguration. When it became clear that Project 2025 was being implemented, we called our broker from Egypt & had him move most of our money out of stocks & into T-Bonds.
Indeed, but we retired young. Our calculus is a bit different from that of most folks.
Still, the old adage about not having any money at risk that you’ll need in the next five years applies.
I see, that is certainly atypical. Regardless, the average intra-year drawdown in stocks is *fourteen percent*. A 9% pullback is peanuts. I held (and bought) through 2022, when the market fell 9% in April, then 7% in June, then 9% *again* in September. Simply put, I’m not even close to scared.
Huh? What are your positions? If you simply bought S&P 500 index funds like $SPY, at the pre-Covid PEAK in early 2020 *before the crash began*, you’d be up 64% right now. This is factoring in the recent 9% pullback.
Is that the GOP PLAN to tank everyone’s retirement to destroy the middle class so there’s the oligarchs & the serfs- (non millionaires) & throw middle class to poverty when they take away healthcare, SS, Medicare, Medicaid?
I know they say it is a long-term investment, but I am 73 and not sure how much more long-term I have, so I moved my TSP to 100% G. I won get more than 2%, but I won't be giving anything back.
my sister wasn't allowed to take money out of her 401k but she has stopped putting any in. I have Roth IRA. i took out 75% of it in Nov after they called the election. I might have lost a little gain but right now most of it is still in the bank not losing any money.
You are wrong - it IS losing money, because of inflation. Even a 6-month treasury bill yields a 4% rate. Regardless, there’s little reason to panic. Trump enacted tariffs and a trade war with China during his first term, yet the market during his first term outperformed Bidens’.
No it didn't I had the same IRA during his presidency the first term and my returns sucked. I had 2 yrs of more than 20% return under Biden's term. In the 6 weeks Trump been in I have lost 10%
You can sell your stocks/mutual funds in your 401K and use the money to buy CDs. Without taking any money out of the 401K. That protects it from any further slide in the stock market. CDs are paying 4-4.5% return at present.
I definitely don’t understand the hysteria about a minor 9% pullback in stocks. A 9% pullback happens in more years than it doesn’t. We have much further to fall before confirming a bear market like in 2022, when stocks fell 9% in April, 7.6% in June, then 9% *again* in September.
It’s incredible how partisan this site is - with people conveniently forgetting this, but demonstrating comical amounts of hysteria for a 9% pullback. Especially when the market during Trumps first term outperformed Bidens’ despite tariffs and China trade war
That being said, CDs and treasury bills absolutely are yielding decent rates right now - if you must liquidate your stocks then at least you won’t be hemorrhaging cash to inflation.
I don't think this is just a temporary pullback. I think we are going into a recession. That could turn out to be wrong, but I'm playing it safe. I've sold all of my SPY in my IRAs and replaced it with money CDs.
Even if so, it’s still a tricky call. We entered recession in 2020 and the market went up 18% that year. We only just barely avoided recession in 2022, and the market did experience a bear market that year, but it recovered in 2023.
I can't say flatly whether you're right or wrong, but I'm not willing to risk my retirement account on the US stock market. At least not for the next few months. Trump has induced way too much volatility into the market with his on again, off again tariffs and his deliberate antagonizing our allies.
It gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. Buckle up for 30-40% downward market due to major Trump/Musk inflicted recession that’s coming. Gonna be a pretty dark/grim next 4-5 years.
There are zero indications of this happening, by the way. You are thinking emotionally instead of with logic. I can tell it’s completely partisan, too. In 2022, the market fell by 9% in April, 7.6% in June, then 9% *again* in September. Yet, here you are panicking over a 9% pullback.
I have zero need to panic. I moved from 5 years worth of expenses (TIPS ladder) to 10 years in mid Q4 24. I am sure there will be a significant recession due to Trump’s mind numbing economic incompetence. He will be out on his ass in 2028 and the economy will recover.
are we at the point of no return yet? it sure feels like us frogs are closer to boiling than anyone wants to admit. the CR sure seemed worse than a "typical" shutdown. and seems like it's really gonna let musk go even more wild than before.
All the french media are asking, "Where are the democratic politicians? They lost the election, and now they are divided, lost, don't know what to do, are not a real opposition to Trump, and aren't connected with people."
I wish we could switch countries. We'd have Trump's head for you !
What the actual fuck is wrong with Chuck Schumer? Everyone from the Lincoln Project and Susan Rice to AOC said to hold the line and he tried a bait and switch instead and thinks he and the Senate Dems are gonna get away with it. Never been so disgusted by my own party.
Great freaking sign! Am impressed- in SC so I’m a total victim of the “Straight Party” button on the voting screen. “Straight” which is all kinds of funny given our Senators here. Virtually no one “votes” for Lindsey, and yet...
Huh, I didn’t catch Susan Rice but that’s a banger, as it were.
I hope some of these now-Academics/retireds form a shadow cabinet of sorts.
We need a League.
I did. It was still a pathetic justification because they're ALREADY shutting down the government. He also hung the House Dems out to dry. The Republicans are crowing that now they know they don't have to bother to negotiate. He screwed us. Don't be fooled.
Cr passed, now what do we do? Democratic leadership is not there to serve us. How do we fight back without having the ability to primary most until 2028? Trying not to lose hope!
I still do and want to believe in the American people using our rights to fight against this tyranny. I don’t have hope in the current democratic leadership but would love to know what we do next if those in the positions are not actually with us.
Also, this rationale kinda presumes that most of the 90 million non-voters would have voted Blue. It's a Democratic variation of Nixon's "silent majority".
How sad is that? But that’s years away. What do you think we should do NOW? Because it’s easy to criticize what people are doing, but if you have a better idea, people would welcome it. Remember, postcard writing to voters didn’t exist 12 years ago. Someone had the idea.
There are places where gerrymandering literally goes block by block.
Our problem is that we don’t educate people about how important our vote is.
So, we keep doing that. We never stop.
We think we need to fix this & then be done. We will never be done.
it's a strong point. MANY people came out of the woodwork to vote for the first time in yearrs. We really do need a forensic examination of the last election, but some kind of 'decency' maybe? prevents them from talking about election fraud.
I'm tellin ya, Trump is sweating bullets over a recount.
There were a lot of "purity police" who didn't vote. Young people I know said that the Democrats weren't doing enough for Palestinians. Hadn't forgiven all student debt. Hadn't done enough to protect the environment. So they sat out the election. Fie on them all.
I don’t think anything happened to him. I think he realized they’re were in an untenable position. I really like Schatz. He’s a great communicator, he has a lot of really good ideas, and he’s one of the only ones that takes the climate crisis seriously.
“We shouldn’t be too hard on him.” Hard no. WTF. Acting as if this is normal politics and that we can just fix things in the midterms isn’t reality…sorry but past political maneuvers will not adequately meet this moment of democratic crisis. Govt and society is failing by freezing.
agreed. in his press release on why he voted yes he went on about protecting fed workers in hawaii…blah blah blah. he can have a chat w the ca and virginia senators. ca has the most fed workers, virginia the second most and they all bravely voted no. i have donated to him and no longer will.
Totally disagree. If he's so great at communicating then he should be explaining why he took sides with Fetterman and the GOP against the advice of literally everyone else. We can't just keep making excuses for reps that might be good one one issue, but don't hold the line on the most important vote
If he’s such a good communicator he could be out there explaining how a government shutdown would be worse than what they’re doing right now. Funny how none of them seems to have the words for that.
#DemocratsInDisarray this time feels like "Game Over" until the people start giving their electeds what for regardless of party. It's already happening a bit.
It seems like it was a shit sandwich with all the trimmings. If they kill the bill, there would be (further) widespread suffering and Trump gets even more latitude. And if they vote to pass, then the Democratic ideological split deepens. Win-win for the "Truskies."
He’s my Senator. I’ve been calling frequently. His staff, while polite, has increasingly stonewalled the past few days, not typical for that office. I’d love to know what happened behind the scenes.
I agree. I believe that leadership decided to take one for the group. And that if the gov’t had shut down, they would have NEVER opened it back up. Really, they have wanted to drown it in a tub. Sometimes we don’t know everything. Sadly.
I don't think it was blackmail. I think it was prudence. Many are properly placing blame on the republicans at the moment. We need to keep our fire aimed at them.
BS! They are all on the list! Primary all of them! Do not send contributions to their campaigns! Boycott them. Go to their town halls and call them to the mat! All red hats!
Why lend sanction to what's to come in the next six months, unless he received assurances Maui fire relief and other federal funds would be greenlit during that time? Is he headed to Mar-a-Lago for a nice photo?
This is how we know you're an insider, angry. I mean no disrespect as I like and appreciate you. But the way you defend them is telling. You're inside the bubble and don't see things as we do. These are different times. Calls for different tactics. Different leadership.
Nope, he's also a traitor to the country. He chose trying to appease leadership over his own oath. He trashed everything he supposedly said he believes in and ended his career today. He may not know it yet, but we do.
Yet Trump's assault on NOAA will affect the Mauna Loa Observatory, where they track pollution affecting the climate and removing data scientists - in Schatz's state of HAWAII.
Gave up and got nothing.
What?! Yes, we should be hard on him and all the Dem senators that voted yes today. Their votes were appalling. Appeasement gets us nowhere! Even if the votes were symbolic, we need them to show us they will fight. Their votes today were inexcusable.
Because it relates to something important, the dismantling of the agency with scientists who monitor the volcano, which erupted recently and is likely to erupt again in the next few weeks or months, especially important because the volcano is close to Anchorage, Alaska's largest city.
I get that.
Still disappointing.
She did not discuss the vote today. A pro and con discussion is what I think we expect on her show. An enlightenment of facts because we sometimes miss info in the numerous articles we read.
Just disappointing.
I think we have missed something big! We should learn the businesses owned and partnered by member of the HeritagevFoundation! We can begin with the loyal appointed Cabinet members of that org station and boycott those!
I’m a classmate of Mark at USMMA, and organizing a letter for our classmates and alumni to sign encouraging Mark to run in 2028. We are asking him to answer the call one more time
Kelly-Buttigieg or vice versa. We may have to accept that only white men will get elected for another round or so. If it's white men they want at least we should pick them.
I agree. I have already decided I will never see a woman president in my lifetime, and I’ve seen lots of presidents. I was very happy to see a black man a few years ago ago, and we’ve had two excellent choices of women, but misogyny runs high. If we win, I will gladly take more men
You are young, I think we will see it if not in 2028, then in 32, the backlash against this (If we survive as a country) is going to be huge. He is not going to help anyone except his cronies and it will become obvious by the mid-terms. We need to organize like hell for that.
♡ A rising star in the Democrat Party. I appreciate his strength and support of Ukraine! He should quit X (the far right Nazi platform) though. :) Thank you Senator Kelly!
I disagree with this ticket. Want to see Buttigieg as Sec’y of State or Chief of Staff, preferably the former. Chief of Staff is arguably the most important position in the White House, but I’d really like to see Pete on the international stage.
Knowing early on her political career, I always thought she’d be our first woman resident. 💙 But now I’d be happy if @senmarkkelly can get her to the WH 💙
I am a democrat and proud most days but not really interested in Kelly as POTUS, he's a good guy but there are others out here too. I'm going to keep looking, listening.
How do we reach the R senators that just got elected or re-elected? They’re good for 6 years. Trump is (🙏🏻) out in 4. How can we convince them to grow spines?
As a blue dot in TX, I’ve nearly given up on getting rid of Cancun Ted Cruz, who keeps being re-elected in our gerrymandered state despite allegedly being universally loathed! Smh.
Am I the only one NOT seeing Angry’s replies since he started his weekly’s on Bluesky? I’ve tried switching to his replies and still nothing. I think tonight I only saw a handful of his responses. What gives??
This week is the second time I haven't been able to see his replies. I look under both Posts and Replies and scroll through the entire thread. Maybe you have to be here during the ama instead of after?
No, I’m reading them now, after the event.
It isn’t straightforward.
Go the account, go to replies to his announcement that he’s starting, then you have to open the reply to see the questions and answers.
I think you may have been used to the x answers, which must have filtered replies differently. Blue Sky is new & will get the kinks worked out…have faith! In the meantime, Angry can’t possibly answer as fast as he receives questions. Thanks, Angry, for keeping us informed!
I’ve put him and a few others into a special list. I visit the list several times a day. It helps but still doesn’t pull in all posts. I tend to visit the accounts at least once a day.
It pulls my five favourite accounts together so I don’t have to go through hundreds of posts in Following. I go to lists, open my Must Read list, and there they are. I catch up on what they’ve posted and then go to the Following feed.
I have continually done that. It doesn’t work for me. Last night I only saw 4 of his responses. Maybe he needs to post it on ❌ too because I never had a problem reading him there. I know it’s a cesspool. I rarely peek in, but I’m getting frustrated on Friday nights. 😵💫
When do you think violence will erupt? The pervasive feelings of hopelessness, coupled with financial insecurity are a powder keg just waiting for a spark!
There are a lot of protests going on all over the country, even Montana and S. Carolina. Maddow, MSNBC at 9:00. She shows them every week night and Saturdays.
I watched Fox and they were frothing at the mouth hoping the dems would stop the bill from passing. Was this a fake out for Schumer and others to bite?
The big question: is there enough anger at Schumer to have him replaced as Minority Leader? Is there a precedent for something like that? Could the other Senate Democrats just decide to vote to replace him?
Listen to interview wth Chris Hayes yesterday where Schumer explained, also a video online of Senator Whitehouse explaining the reasoning as well. Neither option good both poison but if the gov shut down only trump could open it back up. WHAT IF HE NEVER DOES?
Trump and Musk have committed impeachable offenses. The bar is so low that they can do absolutely anything they wish. Do you think there is any chance to impeach the corrupt admin?
There's no way to impeach him, it's a MAGA congress. Dems would have to control congress as of 2027, and you'd have to have willing Dems and some MAGA/GOP. That's if we have fair election not rigged for trump. And they saying Dems won't get Senate only House in 2026.
I’ve had to stop too but I have a bottle of Octomore I’m holding JIC. Also have Corryvrecken and Uighdeal on hand. Favorite under the radar is Caol Isla.
Folks, I know shit sucks right now, but we’re going to get through this.
I don’t mean to be pessimistic when I say there’s no cavalry coming to save us - I just want folks to be clear-eyed about the fact that we’re going to have to do that ourselves.
Thank you for your candor
This is a dictatorship. Whole new ball game of American experience.
Why there is shock.
In my country, France, wannabe dictators don't last 24 hours. They don't even think about it.
We are aggressive and tough. We love our freedom.
Do the world a favor, start a Revolution. SVP.
As prices keep rising and rights and the economy keep falling and temps warm up, protests are going to grow
I'm hoping the April special election in Florida gives us Valimont and Weil. Is there hope for that?
And, please stop with the, "we can stop Citizens United, but we need your financial support". How many years/terms have we seen this being used as a ploy to cough up more money.
We need to stand tall, and together. But most importantly, we need to really research those we are voting for. Sometimes, they’ll lie. But we can vote them out if that happens
But no worries. I’m amping up. I’ll be in a new state in about 3 days, and can’t wait to start shit if it isn’t already going
I’ll continue my calls and emails ~ and as soon as I’m over stupid post-Covid bronchitis, I’m down to protest again.
We need all the help we can get to disabuse our fellow citizens of taking a diminished, hat-in-hand attitude toward elected officials.
It sends exactly the wrong message.
With no disrespect to elected officials, some need reminding. It's public SERVICE.
Bob Dylan
It Took Hitler 53 Days to Dismantle the German Democratic Institutions!
Where are the American MEN ?
600,000,000 Guns
170,000,000 Men
2nd Amendment
Tyrannical Govmnt
Day 54 of 53
Not a Shot Fired
March Madness
NFL Free Agency
… on TV though.
Enjoy Fascism!
Their goal seems to be to break as much as possible in the next 2-4 years, knowing that we’re going to have a hell of a time putting it back together.
We need to be planning for the midterms now (yes, there will be midterms) if we want to limit this.
3 days can't turn my head off! I never aspired to be rich, just wanted comfortable, only family left is son & grandson I wanted to leave this world knowing that they're ok. Knowing I can't help them is torment.
I already did donating, phone banking, and canvassing to help the Dem party, all while Chuck rolls over and collects a fat paycheck & benefits. And losing my 401k without them fighting for me.
I’m out. I’m done. Get new leadership or it’s bye from me.
It’s not naïveté, it’s the way our election system works.
I agree with you that I’d much rather NOT wait until midterms, but what’s the solution in the meantime?
We are in crisis now. Waiting for midterms funded by Musk isn’t going to be the answer. Im not sure there is a solution.
Thing is, y'all can't fix this through any democratic/bureaucratic means anymore. US former democracy is gone, and it must be started anew. Dems (most of) are not going to help: if GOP is the sword, dems are the shield.
The way out will be long, gruesome and bloody, but it's the only one left: people will have to organize locally, then nationally, and FIGHT. Look for "diretas já" in Brazil, or "Madres de la Plaza de Mayo" in Argentina. Chile. Uruguay.
We all agree that the current path is untenable, but nobody is offering an alternative.
No... No one should be Black Pilled ever... But your premise looks incredibly silly given the last 10 years.
Respectfully disagree.
I'm reminded of the recent referenda in eastern Ukraine where the question of secession was put on a ballot – soldiers watched everyone vote, and all the "no" votes got put on a list to visit one of the Russians' many torture basements.
You're thinking of Ukraine
And it is.
At this point it is going to take revolution.
Is it easy?
It's a lot easier than the alternative!!
There will be no consequences for the GOP. There never are.
Why did that happen
Was he threatened
And if so
Shame on him
Shame on him
No matter what the circumstance is
Not his brother Alex
Eugene is a newly elected Congressman
While we keep pushing back
And the momentum is inspiring
Could we also extend
A blanket
We forgive you
To elected GOP's
Who stand up
Horrified as we are
But terrified by physical threats
We could stand w/them
Protect them w/security
Hail them as heroes
And change history
“They’re scared shitless about death threats and Gestapo-like stuff,” a former member of Trump’s first administration tells me.
According to one source with direct knowledge of the events, North Carolina senator Thom Tillis told people that the FBI warned him about “credible death threats”
Anyone not voting as ordered
Was given death threats
To them and their families
With detailed information they knew about
Where their family shopped went to school ...
Several GOP's shockingly came out +
Shared text messages emails voicemails
They received because they were going to
Break ranks+not vote for Johnson
Were threatened MAFIA style
We know where your wife gets her hair done
We know where your kids go to school
Will they ever get any members of the GOP to caucus with Dems? Who knows. I doubt it, but it’s worth a shot.
We've seen faces of
Rubio Amy Coney Barrett
And others
Horrified and can't even
Look in his direction
When in his presence
Could not be more blatant
Assume this would best be done
But we would all have to cooperate
+ Welcome them back to sanity
GOP has a long history of evil. Targeting Black folk, gay folk, trans folk, women, immigrants, on and on. Still do.
No. They don't deserve any grace, at all. Trump is the culmination of all they are. FAFO.
For clarity
We're in a most unique time
In our nation's history
A criminal moron on drugs
Has brought in same +
Torched our country
In less than 2 months
FAFO brings us down w/them
Many GOP's being held hostage
If we can harness/utilize that
We all win
Don't know how to escape
No way out
If we give them a way out
WE can all survive
If they don't follow through
We're no worse off than we are now
Dems with Schumer blew a chance to make a stand today. Too disheartening
ARE pushing back
And HAVE turned on them
They are mostly hiding from their
Constituents and refusing to do
Any or in person Town Halls
But numbers seem to be growing
Exponentially every day
The only thing that would get thru to them is the voter outrage from a govt shutdown.
Now, people are angry at Dems.
Started the day
He was named GOP nominee
Stopped being a moderate
Republican that day
Not going back
Am firmly tethered to reality
Also to sanity/humanity
They are losing their base
Now's the time for us to
Swoop in
We need to be a safe haven
Protect them
But will their voters?
That’s how you keep someone in line. Extortion, threats of exposure. I’m sure the proverbial knife has been held to some necks.
DO know some of this
It's why they are redacting
Epstein files
Putin also holds some of this kompromat
Would imagine
People who are being extorted
Live in constant agonizing fear
We need to make them feel safe
Compounding the threats
Won't help us
I mean, look at the depths to which tRUmp is willing to go.
Just look at all the dirt they have on the POTUS, for example.
Time to take of the rose coloured classes and put sand in the gears. Get down and dirty, do what is necessary, not what is nice.
That would be great
But it will never happen
Even if they agree to have a secret vote
FelonRapist et al
Will get hold of the voting record
Not the wisest move!
In line
Not money
Is starting to show on some of them
Living like that for a prolonged period of time
Is not sustainable
But many don't
We've been told by
Highly respected news sources
And Dems currently in office
Told to them in confidence
We've also heard it straight from GOP mouths
When Johnson was running for Speaker
There are many of them
Essentially held hostage
Out of fear for their lives
To remember
Several GOP's shockingly came out +
Shared text messages emails voicemails
They received because they were going to
Break ranks+not vote for Johnson
Were threatened MAFIA style
We know where your wife gets her hair done
We know where your kids go to school
On TV when FelonRapist speaks
They can't look at him and are
Wildly physically uncomfortable
There are more of them than you
We know they/their families
Are being threatened
Plenty of Dems have told us
They confide that privately
GOP's aren't reacting normally
Because they are being threatened
And WE are now collateral damage
Not suggesting this out of
Kind concern for them
It's for our own survival
The best leaders know that
Cutting your nose
To spite your face
Doesn't work
If Trump gets more SCOTUS picks, that gets even worse.
We’ve seen how elections are cyclical in other countries, too. We just picked a bad one to swing right.
And believe me, my father is as stubborn as they come.
No wonder this paralyses dissent and protest.
They're dismantling EVERYTHING!
And when they get their Reichstag fire, society will be shut down, with Trump's goon in the street. The is fascism.
It's a revolution or death.
No election is going to save you.
That's what I'm concerned about.
Numerous cycles, up and down the country, since Sandy Hook and Americans kept voting in politicians who undercut gun safety…
Decades of self proclaimed “beacon of democracy” cries…
experience of trump first term…
…you gave the world trump. Thanks 🙃
You keep asking WHAT do we want Dems do- Fight united. That is a minimum at start.
Whether it's as as banal as rigging mail in votes or cancelling the elections, it is over.
There is no reality where MAGA cede power. Ever.
The truth is P25 MAGA are 10x more enthusiastic and motivated than any dem cause or voting block.
Things aren't just going to change magically and Democrats are incapable and unwilling to fight.
He must go, incl Schumer, Gillibrand.
First thing he and his new cabinet did was cancel the consumer price on carbon, that was one of Trudeau's signature policies.
It means Cdns lose our quarterly carbon rebate cheques of $140.
AND previous effective environment min demoted.
I hope that kind of thing breaks through to be widely reported in the media. (Different scenario than here, where it would be buried under the incessant chaos and distraction.)
Someone start a countdown clock.
In the event they don’t, June means he has even fewer days left. Silver lining.
I imagine Musk with his ‘sense of humour’ would appreciate something happening on that day.
Everyone gets a turn to “fight”, then turn around and collaborates
Fascists = terrorists
They are subhuman monsters addicted to cruelty. They ridicule & shun empathy & they have a hive mind of christofascists backing them up. MAGAtBrain & the New Apostolic Reformation crave our suffering & death.
Prepare & act accordingly.
He's been awful ever since he got in
A shutdown would have forced the GOP to negotiate.
That won't happen now, thanks to Chuck, the Cowardly Collaborator.
Their base would have been more directly affected and it would have peeled some off.
The pressure in the cooker was getting hery high and hot for Donald.
Zero reason to willingly release it.
Gives him runway and press clipping momentum at the exact moment that markets and international pressures were instructing the world that he is full of bull.
They are the majority. Let them pass this mess on their own.
This was a terrible error on Schumer's part.
But once you voted yes for cloture, it's voting yes for the bill. Everyone knew. Even Schumer, with his lying one day and "caving" the next.
If you have leverage and don't use it, what's the point?
And Schumer made it about HIM instead of Yam Tits and Muskolini.
Now GOP Senators are crowing that since they've done this once to Schumer, they can do it again. They know his number.
We’ve all seen folks who have to work without knowing when their next check is coming - that shit sucks. We’ve all seen contractors get sent home without pay. Dems didn’t want to be the cause of that
We all know Dems were shut out by Republicans, who stole their voice, and ability to represent their constituents.
But, they feel it would fall on them. That’s crazy.
We’re trying to help with that.
We believe this is because Dems celebrate diversity.
But diversity can be a double-edged sword.
Dems can’t seem to figure out how to create an authentic overarching campaign for us all, with short repeatable phrases that resonate.
No identity.
They had to choose between bad and worse and choose worse.
But this is not what people care about. Yes, it would have been awful but it will be much more awful when we lose SS, Medicare , etc.
This was the Dems opportunity to use the power of the purse - 10 DINO’s threw it away 😡
Even gov't employees said to vote to shut it down.
They suck.
Now, Repubs will still do unimaginably awful shit, but say it’s w/bipartisan support. And Dems have alienated their base and their colleagues.
There was a choice to fight here and the 10 Dems led by Schumer were too afraid to stand up for democracy
The courts are our best hope, but they would have been shuttered during a shutdown.
Our government has survived on back-to-back CR's for a while now because Rs refuse to collaborate with Ds to produce a full year budget that can get enough votes. So if this Republican-authored CR failed, the shutdown would be R's fault, not D's.
now they can’t hide in the protective shadow govt shutdown chaos.
i honestly believe if the govt was shut down, they planned to never reopen it… in its existing form.
More importantly, we wouldn't be weaker than we are now since Democrats like me would still like the party.
He’s now the official babysitter. He can barely lift ‘Little X.’ He almost falls on Marine One’s short steps.
Elonia is in tow from the White House NOT wearing a suit himself. Followed by potatoes.
Where’s JD this time …
Or orange dipshit is possible dumbing the kid down
did you ever see the pic of the close up of trump's shoe. it was crazy. maybe that is why he can't walk. 😇
If it were anyone else, I'd wish them well. 😃
Old concepts: Capitalism = pure greed.
Brain function: We tend toward empathy or punishment. We are capable of both. Guess which way the Repub/fascist brain clings to? Look up “Daddy brain. (Lakeoff)
Will there be a decent military commander left to oppose this?
I just want someone to believably lie. I will believe them…
You can see it clearly if you test kids from different countries in a side-by-side comparison.
American kids are almost always at a disadvantage!
Murphy, Coons, Bennett.
If you want Trump's head to explode make it Schiff.
I'm not sure if rules same as in House, & if so, you can elect someone who is not a Senator, then the only clear choice is AOC.
(Trying to avoid joke a/b her having larger...)
But I think Sen Amy Klobuchar's got her eye on that chair.
Or leadership.
Of course the party would have neutered him too. It probably wouldn't have made a difference.
Tenure based leadership MUST end. Elevate ONLY fighters. Everyone else either supports the fight or gets out of the way.
She's got both seniority and fight
My question is, as a non Democrat who votes against MAGA and other thug republicans, how can the Democrats get their act together? Do they need to destroy the old guard and rebuild? Is this the end of the party? This betrayal today by the Vichy MAGA Dem Caucus is appalling.
We must claw our way out of this sh*tshow.
Protest and get out the vote for 2026.
In there calling myself an independent for a long time but realized it's not about what THEY can do. No matter what you call yourself, you need to view these questions as "us". What can WE do.
They're ALL retiring!
And I don't believe there was a real assassination attempt.
Fake, like him.
He was interviewing Steve Way about Medicaid etc. Dean suggested they want disabled people to die.
There’s nobody coming to save us. We’re going to have to survive until the midterms and do a much better job than we did in 2024.
I know nobody wants to hear that, but it’s the truth.
We're going to have to survive, PERIOD. Not for the Democrats to decide to save us, but for us to save our Republic.
I’m working to help those campaigns. Anyone else want to help in that fight? #resist It’s not over yet.
We have to think about tomorrow.
The millions of Americans who chose a lying, bigoted, con-man, whose incompetence and carelessness lost twice as many American lives than we lost in every war since WWII over a competent, supremely qualified black woman.
Person blocked post, my reply was we'd not have this problem had we voted Kamala!
It was easier for the House Dems to all vote 'No,' because they knew Repubs had the votes, their 'No' votes would not shut down the government.
Senate Dems knew that if THEY all voted 'No' the government would shut down.
If there’s an election in 26, it’s seems in red states, where the Democrat brand is severely toxic, we, the angry people, should 3rd party it with either an Independent or a Forward Party candidate!
They absolutely need to sit down quietly.
Remember: With Trump destroying our country daily, the Dems are just 20 months away from taking action.
No issue - real or imaginary, big or small - explains millions of people not voting. Imagine if roughly the same third of Congress voted “present” on every single vote, then half of them complained about the outcome.
Schumer got played by Johnson. It’s a failure of leadership.
Kamala wouldn’t have caved to Putin!
November 2024 & 2016.
He never should have been in the highest seat of power in the 1st place.
The warnings were all sounded, his revolting dangerous history was known.
The choice was always in the hands of Voters alone.
2. The Supreme Court gave him enormous powers
3. Aileen Cannon sided him every step of the way
4. Voters had a responsibility to keep him out of the White House.
Gaetzs old district is in an area with a LOT of federal employees who are super pissed right now. And the 6th is a lot of retirees who are going to lose their medicaid and ss
I believe this with my entire being.
We are all being forced to endure an incredibly dangerous Find Out period on behalf of MAGA/Rep voter idiocy.
Trump, Musk, Vance and Johnson
Regardless, I still refuse to let them destroy all the joy in my life, and I will be on the right side of history when this is done.
"Are we going to survive the next 4 years?"
I'm trying to think of just one word to describe my emotions and I can't think of just one.
We need to be aware of these issues.
When you're helping fascists, you're a fascist.
First, DOGE is already firing whoever they want, regardless of whether or not they are essential or not. Second, "essential" means they still have to go to work even when there is no budget. It does not mean they should be fired. Musk used abusive husband tactics on
It is inexcusable for the leader of the resistance, and demonstrates he is not up to the job.
I'm covering my eyes for awhile.
All you have to do is continue to keep them closed, and it’ll be fine.
We’ve been out of the country since before the inauguration. When it became clear that Project 2025 was being implemented, we called our broker from Egypt & had him move most of our money out of stocks & into T-Bonds.
Glad we did.
Still, the old adage about not having any money at risk that you’ll need in the next five years applies.
It’s incredible how partisan this site is - with people conveniently forgetting this, but demonstrating comical amounts of hysteria for a 9% pullback. Especially when the market during Trumps first term outperformed Bidens’ despite tariffs and China trade war
🙏 Everyday
I wish we could switch countries. We'd have Trump's head for you !
I hope some of these now-Academics/retireds form a shadow cabinet of sorts.
We need a League.
Or that she recommended the Senators all vote NO.
We MUST get out the vote. Find out how to help register voters. I do it thru the League of Women Voters.
Then canvass. Talk about voting everywhere you go. Wear tshirts and buttons about voting. It starts conversations. Don’t be afraid. Do it.
Our problem is that we don’t educate people about how important our vote is.
So, we keep doing that. We never stop.
We think we need to fix this & then be done. We will never be done.
We fight forever.
I'm tellin ya, Trump is sweating bullets over a recount.
We shouldn’t be too hard on him.
And that’s not going to work, because by and large we believe in magic, not math.
Schumer has no benefit of doubt on this side.
Schumer has no benefit of doubt on this side.
One would have thought that Sen. Hirono would've been more "conciliatory" as a matter of course.
Pick a side #politician
Gave up and got nothing.
We focus on flipping seats and giving Dems a strong governing majority in both chambers for many terms.
You want to nibble on the edges then, go ahead.
Until then #MathKills
These folk think a gov't shutdown is ever a good thing.
Had you been this fired up in early November this would not be a problem and that is on you.
Man. Been reading you for a while now. Appreciate your insight.
Still disappointing.
She did not discuss the vote today. A pro and con discussion is what I think we expect on her show. An enlightenment of facts because we sometimes miss info in the numerous articles we read.
Just disappointing.
He is credible 🔥
Guy's got genuine talent.
It isn’t straightforward.
Go the account, go to replies to his announcement that he’s starting, then you have to open the reply to see the questions and answers.
10 other Dems voted with him.
Sorry, I can't finish that sentence.
Learned a few lessons from taking Noriega, but there's NO chance US military wants to try a shooting war in the Jungle against locals.
🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇳🇿
He's such a lame ass ignorant grifter. How often do economists have to shout tariffs are taxes on consumers?