It’s almost like the only people who would vote for Trump are so stupid they need a picture book with 3 words to tell them to vote for him… it would be hilarious if it wasn’t utterly terrifying. I mean in America you let these people have guns!!!!
He's been photoshopped as everything from Rocky to, whatever this is (the Angel of America's Death?) which shows that they really don't understand the medium: 'shop a pair of Big Naturals on the guy. It would be considerably less strange.
Why did they make Trump look like a fat flailing blob but made Kamala look like Elizabeth Hurley from the movie Bedazzled? They are so fuckin weird lol even when wanting to shit all over a woman they can’t help but try and sexualize her. Christ.
The picture on the left looks like something out of BIOSHOCK INFINITE... and yeah, the competent woman of color is automatically a satanic commie, yeahhh, suuuuuuuuuure...
I honestly don't understand why people follow politicians as all they do is lie steal and be corrupt, but I'm from the UK so can't say much about the USA political system, but to me every politician is a criminal
I mean, Malificient is the good guy, actually, as I recall? Total bad ass and also the hero. So, um, yep, totes a sick burn on Harris. Definitely do that more, please.
I'm going to be stupid here but isn't this idolatry? Isn't that, like, directly against the second commandment, which these fuckers love and scream from the rooftops whenever it suits them?
In the run up to 2016, the DonOld promised that if Hillary won, we'd all have taco stands on every street corner. Well, i got two new taco stands even before the election. Hillary did win the popular vote. Not sure if this fulfills the prediction or not.
Really big old leather jacket, shirt cut to make you look like you're 2/3 torso, jeans waist line to match. Big ol hat to downplay your head. Hold that phone with both itty bitty hands, you got this.
"looks like", nah, that's him covering himself in ridiculous shit he picked up at the strip mall cowboy outlet because he wrongly imagines it will hyper-masculinize the image of the goofy fucking dweeb we all know he is underneath
This is after he seemingly hired a style consultant. There are some hilarious pictures of him out of costume floating around that are exactly what you’d expect to see.
You know, if there's one thing that says "totally normal" it's "grown ass adult who apparently has quite a high profile in The Very Online Right, who has named himself 'catturd.' On purpose."
And kinda self-defeating, too. A big part of Trump’s appeal is that he’s transgressive. It’s rebellious to like him. You wrap him in god and the flag, and make his opponent a sexy witch, and that goes away.
Have you scrolled his replies in the past few days? There’s a real civil war brewing in the different MAGA factions
Also, a hell of a lot of Bernie bros admit to going Bernie-Trump
Kamala looks fucking badass!! It’s actually making her super dynamic and charismatic in that image which is hilarious because so many Dems have complained she was just boring and merely present. This should help her out! Thanks, idiot Repugnicants!!
Pas sûr. Certains de ces électeurs sont réellement persuadés qu'il y a un bataille du bien contre le mal, surtout depuis que l'autre tordu a réchappé d'un attentat.
D'ailleurs si j'étais croyant, je n'y verrai pas vraiment la main de Dieu.
The idolatry of Trump has me worried for people in a "ypu know I read the instructions and it told me you're not doing it right did YOU read the instructions?" Kinda wsy
A very tiny guy who looks like Elon in a really cheap DJT mask who appears to be melting versus a random lady holding a stair rail standing in front of an antique flag and eerily floating Viking horns? Um, what does Catpuke want us to pick - the weird of the month club winner ?
If this really was Harris, I would be hanging on doors to spread the word of the coming darkness and help lead those to the light that need guidance to it in her name.
But instead, we got reality. And I don't want neither of them.
I also love how Donny would regularly walk out of meetings with Putin with ejaculate on his chin and tie, the Right have consistently been Russian apologists during the invasion of Ukraine, but it is Harris who has the hammer and sickle behind her. Sure, why not.
So, from the picture, good is being played by Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump, and evil is being played by Aubrey Plaza as Baphomet... I think I'll wait till this movie is streaming.
Slightly off topic, but it's incredible how much of the first week of right-wing reactions to Harris being the candidate for president seemed to come down to "Oh no; she's hot."
If could offer one note of criticism, though, it would be better if her horns looked like they were coming out of her head rather than floating behind it. I realize one doesn't want to be overly critical of fan art, but these details matter.
Something is broken in those minds.
Weird feels like a understatement here.
If there’s one thing that’s universally sure to turn people away it’s energetic chicks with slightly goth vibes.
Meanwhile no amount of angelicness makes Trump look like anything more than an orange that started rotting five weeks ago.
Their dependence on gAI is pathetic.
I'm not arguing for secularisation, I'd rather just not have to deal with all this mess marring Christianity...
#ChristianProblems #ThingsThatArentChristian
JEERS: for the Rosario Dawson Maleficent display, and where do those horns attach, exactly?
I stg both these things must be fetish for them or something
Also: fuck AI art, it’s just so terrible in every way
“I’m the meanest hombre West of the Pecos. Who here in Candyfloss Junction wants to tango with the Catturd Kid?”
(Laughter erupts throughout the populace.)
“Shut your pie holes! I mean it. Aw, you folks are mean.”
(Saunters away.)
Always use that vermin's real name.
Tuck in your damn shirt, hippie!
Also definitely not a cult….
Also, a hell of a lot of Bernie bros admit to going Bernie-Trump
Eux ils sont surtout profondément demeurés.
Ces gens n'ont rien à faire en HP
D'ailleurs si j'étais croyant, je n'y verrai pas vraiment la main de Dieu.
MAGAs to be able
to count on 5?
But instead, we got reality. And I don't want neither of them.
like MADAM
Theyre ai generated, that much is obvious to see
Theyre not art at all, just algo-printed slop
just so happens it produced an attractive caricature of a person theyre trying to demonize
It was making me crazy.
I don't think this will have the effect catturd2 hopes it will!
Now I think she's so hot 😍😍😍