Y’all, I truly do love you. But “Harris did [insert hobbyhorse here] wrong” is a truly unhinged reaction to what just happened. This country voluntarily elected a fascist.
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Y’all, I truly do love you. But “Harris did [insert hobbyhorse here] wrong” is a truly unhinged reaction to what just happened. This country voluntarily elected a fascist.
They DID.
A rapist, con man, hate spewing, lying fascist.
Ready to serve the fascist putin in return for some flatter.
Thank you. I am blocking those sorts of replies. There's enough racism and misogyny to explain this. America just elected a fascist rather than have to share power.
Last time I looked, Kamala didn’t vote for Trump. Those who did vote for him put a psychopathic insurrectionist in the chair of the most powerful person in the world. Kamala and Tim ran an excellent grassroots campaign. We know where to point the fingers. Dark Times indeed.
Except for the part where she's not fighting a rigged election. Harris needs to get Biden to step down before he hands our country to Russian agents and those who would replace the Constitution with Project25. They took an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Will they honor it? #Recount
Do I think she ran a perfect campaign? No, of course not because no one does. But even if she was the first person in history to do so she still would’ve lost. This is who and what our country is. They wanted this and nothing she or any candidate did was going to change that.
No Russia elected a fascist by rigging another election for him and that’s what we need to find out. You don’t call and bomb threats in different voting sites, the vice president should not concede they should investigate this whole election every single bit of it!!
How anyone who lived through these last few months could think the Harris campaign was the one that was flawed… this wasn’t about the campaigns this was about who we currently are as a country
This. Only not "we" but "you", as I'm not American — although there's no room for complacency because we're apparently all heading down the fascist slope and gathering speed. My country's just a little behind yours, for now.
This. It is not on Kamala Harris or her campaign to answer for the choices of people who clearly chose the hateful, angry, authoritarian candidate. As someone else said, there’s no “one weird trick” from her that would have magically changed this outcome. Now, a bunch of ppl not showing up to vote?😑
Sure and person charged with defeating that facsit made the calculation that appealing to the party of fascist was a winning political tactic. That she could make such a grave miscalculation indicates that she would not have been a good president
I don't think any Democrat could've won. There's a large portion of the population that is completely separated from reality. Others believe the lies because they hear them so often. Still others just don't pay attention but see all the flags and lawn signs. Plus all of the trashy names for Dems.
Looking at it from across the Atlantic it seems mind boggling. His rallies were barely half full, hers were packed. He was showing up late to events or cancelling and had almost no operation on the ground. Not to mention the MSG. But it feels like none of that matters anymore.
Absolutely. My theory is that Biden would have lost too, considering the very stark choice folks made and the demographic makeup of the swing toward Trump.
My theory, informed by 1980, 2008, 2020, and now 2024, is that there's a floor of economic conditions for getting the incumbent party reelected, and Satan himself could win as the challenger under that.
Median wage is back to where it was before the pandemic, even accounting for inflation. Yes, that doesn't mean it's great for everyone, but, yes, its good.
We were told inflation would cause a red wave in 2022 and it didn’t happen. Voters chose authoritarianism not because of the economy but because they are ok with it (this includes non voters too)
If the basis of the election was the strength of the economy Harris would have won in a landslide. This might be the strongest 4 year economic performance in the postwar era.
Given that the right no longer actually believes the teachings of Jesus, Jesus Christ himself would not have won this election. This is what we are. Our country is now, officially, garbage.
The biggest shock for me is that Harris got 15 million fewer votes than Biden. What happened to record turnout? What happened to the most important election of our lives. How could so many voters sit this one out?
I think her stance on Israeli genocide in Gaza,which was to refuse to promise that the U.S.would stop the flow of weapons,had a big impact. I voted for her, because I thought Trump couldn't be any worse on Gaza but much worse 4 the country. But I was really torn up until the last moment b/c of Gaza
She ran a brilliant campaign with vision and optimism. She could have done everything perfectly and she still would have lost because these results PROVE that we are a deeply racist, misogynist, homophonic, and xenophobic country.
Both are accurate and most appropriate. We are a third world superpower with the largest nuclear arsenal in history. Whatever hope that was created in the past four years has disappeared. Dark days, indeed.
The only thing wrong was that she's a Democrat and she did what Democrats do pandering to the right to try and gain ground in the middle. Again. Any other Democrat would have done the same. Like are we going to get mad at the wind?
I couldn’t agree more. I just hope that his incompetence shines through again but I think he has many smarter sycophants to help him accomplish his dystopian goals this time. The damage may be very long lasting, like a generation or more.
I think it is due to ignorance of American civics and what fascism is all about. The People have the lack of knowledge and voted equipped with that lack.
The best spin I can put on it so far is "many people decided that cries of fascist were overblown" which, you know, I hope they're right, although I know they aren't. It's hard to say how many just decided it's absolutely true and they either don't care or they want it. Too many. Any is too many.
I didn't elect one because I certainly DIDN'T VOTE FOR ONE!!
Somebody screwed up somewhere and we need to find out who!!
We either fix this now before he steps into office or we may never have the chance to fix it at all!!
I dunno - my parents are in their 80s, both were around for World War II, and my dad is a World War II buff - they both voted for Trump and claim to not be fascists.
Sounds like they came of age during the McCarthy era. Ppl who truly understood the stakes during WWII would be in their mid 90s at least. Those who fought no younger than 98.
Yeah - my dad was born in 36 and remembers the fireside chats. My mom definitely McCarthy era. The thing that gets me is my dad is a history buff for World War II. But then, I grew up with Rush Limbaugh and that shit just melts your brain and your heart. Shrug.
Yup, they think the democrats are the fascists and they're the patriots etc, etc. It doesn't matter what Harris's message was, a lot of the country is lied to 24 hours a day every day and no one can counter that in a few weeks.
She and her campaign did everything right, everything there was to do. We can debate the small points but ultimately those aren’t what mattered. Democracy elected itself an anti democratic leader is what happened.
they campaigned on republican-lite to attract republican votes and ignored their base. republicans were all like, "why should i vote for that when i can vote for the real thing."
I'd go further than that. No other Democrat presidential candidate has run a better campaign in my middle-aged lifetime than Harris. She threaded every needle and made perfect strategy choices. In the end, there was no action she could have taken to have changed this outcome.
I don't really think that's the case. You're talking punditry, but it's clear democratic GOTV efforts were lacking, given that we lost 14million votes compared to the last election.
you do not get to lose the election, lose the popular vote, lose the senate, and lose the house and get to say it was a good campaign. y'all need to splash some cold water in your face and wake tf up
He's not fictional enough to be given a nickname like that. I will use the 13 permutations of his actual family name tho because they're all incredibly stupid sounding.
They don't, but reality has a pesky way of intruding. Those sources can say inflation is zero, but people still notice the grocery bill. They can say the health plan is better than the ACA, but people will notice losing coverage to lifetime caps and preexisting conditions.
Harris was not to blame. She was an excellent candidate - not perfect and not for everyone. She is a real leader, not a guy who needs flattery to breathe.
I did my job and voted for Harris so what happens to those who didn't is on me.
This country's been living under a fascist regime for the last four years, complete with groupthink plague denial, the outright criminalization of peaceful protest, and a literal ethnic holocaust on multiple fronts.
Kamala Harris was bragging about de facto closing the border DAYS ago.
I can't even take a lick of comfort out of yalls terrified wails today because I know it will literally take nothing but another fascist with that (D) next to their name for you to completely reverse course and become death cult cheerleaders again.
"how could this country have moved SO FAR RIGHT since 2020????" I sniff despondently while open-mouth hacking in a crowded restaurant and sneering at a meme about Palestinian protestors
Trump didn’t get elected by America so much as Trump was installed by a Supreme Court bought and paid for by his cronies; the Constitution was ignored as much as the will of the people and common fucking sense
She ran the best campaign of my lifetime, he ran the worst. People wanted what he was selling and nothing she could have done would have changed that. And honestly that hurts the most.
Yeah I really want to think that doing something different -- ppl not voting 3rd party, Harris embracing a ceasefire -- would have made a difference, but these vote totals are really just saying that America looked at Trump & decided that is what they wanted. Almost EVERYWHERE slid right.
Either I need to find a different country to live in or I have to believe that a properly run campaign would have prevailed. I’m too old to move to Costa Rica, soooo…
I'm sorry. It feels good to tell ourselves that it’s our own fault when something bad happens because it gives us a feeling of control. Something we can change. But that doesn’t make it true.
The competence of her campaign is one of the things that scares me. What lesson can Dems possibly take away from all this? There’s nothing to do, other than try to recruit Joe Rogan to run in 2028. America wants chaos and hate, how do you campaign around that?
Unfortunately for many the lesson may well be that asking for change from the electoral system is like asking for justice from the legal system.. or hoping that the Do Not Call list will stop scammers.
You can't run around it. It's not an electoral issue to solve. It's cultural, it's political, it's organizing, it's education. We need to become a society that doesn't invite and grow fascism and we need to do it now under fascism. So that's an extra hard level of the game.
It’s what the Dem party did wrong for at least 30 years, and she’s just one part of it, along with SO MANY others. Neoliberalism eventually leads to fascism, because neoliberalism gives the voters table scraps and primes them for a lying, vengeful bully to sweep in …
Biden got 81 million votes in 2020, Harris got ~66 million this year. Courting Republicans who were never going to swap to her over all the people who felt disenfranchised under Trump was a major factor even beyond just how flagrantly racist and misogynistic the US at large is.
It probably IS a bigger factor that the US is just a deeply racist and misogynistic country, but trying a failing strategy year after year and hoping it works this time was foolhardy and anyone who isn't some insular Democrat campaign advisor knew this.
How can you call a campaign flawless if it convinced even less people to vote for them? Whatever she did, it didn't work. Anywhere. Not in swing states, not in deep red states, not in deep blue states. That's an abject failure.
I wanted her to win, but dont be so fucking delusional to think that the campaign that didn't win a single battleground state was perfect. By all metrics it failed. They don't deserve a pat on the head for it.
Absolutely gobsmacks that you're on here claiming to be safe for trans people while talking to my two-spirit ass like that. Have the life you deserve shitstain.
She had good numbers that said a large number of people would be more likely to come out to vote if she openly and clearly supported an arms embargo. Still didn't, and more people didn't come out to vote than switched sides. People said what it took, she just didn't wanna.
Did you just completely miss the part where more than 2million votes were cast for people who shouldn't have even been an option? Less people didn't vote than those who picked fringe candidates. The percentages were sufficient enough for her to not even approach a full 50%.
Sure sounds like supporting a weapons embargo would have helped those numbers then, as that was what people said would make them more likely to vote for her.
No guarantee and speculating on that is pointless. I don't think the folks demanding that understood that as sitting VP she couldn't make a promise like that without compromising whatever background diplomacy was already in process. I'm not agreeing with her or saying ur wrong buy it's not so simple
If there was background diplomacy happening involving an arms embargo demand, she would have said it. If that demand wasn't part of background diplomacy it wasn't doing enough. Either way.
Hey now, misogyny absolutely played a role but her campaign was far from flawless. Sending Bill to MI Muslim voters and having him effectively say "it's Palestinians own fault for forcing Israel to do a genocide". I haven't checked the state level numbers yet but it may have cost her MI
I agree, but there were serious and identifiable mistakes in the campaign. Pretending otherwise does nothing to help us all prepare for whatever comes next.
Yes I did, and we knew how strong his base was. Needlessly alienating voters was a bad idea. Trump is on track to get about 74M votes, the same as in 2020. The change is not more voting for Trump, but less voting for Harris.... At least in part because of campaign failures.
That's fine, tbh for the next little while it doesn't really matter why it happened. All we can do is try to help each other and do what's right over the coming days
I agree wholeheartedly about Kamala Harris’ campaign and I disagree 100% with what Harris said - and didn’t say - about Gaza.
To people who actually care about every human life this complicity is criminal, to say the least.
I think focusing on purely “strategic” mistakes is a distraction though.
I know from living in America that a vast majority of Americans don’t care about Gaza. Trump’s policy will probably be far worse, but trying to imply that the few communities who care should not care, is the best way to make them stray away from the polls.
Some of them live in Minnesota.
Nobody’s saying they shouldn’t care. It’s just that if both candidates have the same policy on Gaza, then the logical thing to do would be to vote on other criteria.
I can't imagine how. He will let Netanyahu do whatever he wants with Gaza - obliterate it. No 2-state solution. His son-in-law wanted to make it beachfront property.
Gaza is already being obliterated in front of the eyes of those who are actually watching. It just takes time. The whole world knows it’s done with American bombs and funding. Who’s deciding? Who has voted for that in congress?
That's very fair. The only thing I was trying to get across was that there were flaws and identifying those (and actually doing something different next time, if there is one) is critical
Denying Ruwa Romman to speak during the Israel Sympathy Fest that was the DNC was the final nail in the coffin for Harris's Muslim support. Pretending this wasn't part of why she lost is delusional.
I'd even say kicking Hasanabi out mid-stream made it even worse for them.
lot of Latinos are white. He got more white women. He gained 2 percent with black men, who are a fraction of the electorate. Regardless, the majority of trump voters are white people.
Even with the increase in Latino male support, that 6% of the electorate. I will continue to blame the 71% of the electorate that put us here. The snark is unnecessary, I am very much hurt already thank you.
69%!!!!!!!!!! so many white women who voted to protect abortion at the state level and also ban it nationally and have no fucking clue because their goddamned bigotry matters more.
fewer people voted for trump than in 2020, harris lost because the democrats lost 15 million people
it's absolutely fair and necessary to talk about the obvious problems of the democratic campaign, because those problems just lost them an easier election than 4 years ago
the harris campaign alienated like, a fifth of its voterbase to appeal to "moderate republicans" that were never even open to voting for harris, as seen by the fact that fewer registered republicans voted for her this time than 2020
progressive policies keep winning polls and elections in states
that she lost, most folks clearly would have voted for a progressive candidate
instead they campaigned on a far right platform with nothing to get excited for, coupled with backing an extremely unpopular conflict that they know polled terribly
They DID.
A rapist, con man, hate spewing, lying fascist.
Ready to serve the fascist putin in return for some flatter.
Excuses were for his first election.
This election was about choices.
White women chose unwisely or chose to stay home.
I am still angry about this so cannot view it with any perspective...I'll leave that to Rutgers.
This is what most American voters wanted.
They helped elect a fascist, so don't give me that crap anymore.
I didn't elect one because I certainly DIDN'T VOTE FOR ONE!!
Somebody screwed up somewhere and we need to find out who!!
We either fix this now before he steps into office or we may never have the chance to fix it at all!!
Harris was a strong candidate who ran a good campaign.
Trump did not get more votes than he did in 2020.
This is a self blame situation.
He who shall not be named.
We need to focus our attention on the root problems and not get sucked into the punditry which helped get us here.
I did my job and voted for Harris so what happens to those who didn't is on me.
Yes I'm angry still.
Kamala Harris was bragging about de facto closing the border DAYS ago.
come on.
It's like watching a football fan yelling about a holding call when their team loses 31-10.
Fact is Trump ran a horrible campaign and still won.
What bothers me is even if she had somehow eked out a narrow victory, it doesn't change the fact that this country is full of deplorables.
Just too much money in the opposite happening.
You expect fascists to be fascists
You have to expect fools to be fooled
You should be able to expect "Democrats" to uphold democracy.
Harris was just the last step.
Except for the step now where USA just acquiesces.
It didn't matter. He could've hung out at his golf club for the last few months and not bothered to go out. None of it mattered.
We needed someone who could physically intimidate Trump in the eyes of the electorate.
Its as base as that.
I question if Gavin Newsome might have won, because of the misogyny, but I think it all came down to a gross misunderstanding of economics.
He's not going to fix anything and they simply don't understand that.
Just because you wanted to vote for her does not make it a good campaign
Courting Republicans for months was predictably fruitless
To people who actually care about every human life this complicity is criminal, to say the least.
I think focusing on purely “strategic” mistakes is a distraction though.
Some of them live in Minnesota.
I'd even say kicking Hasanabi out mid-stream made it even worse for them.
This was not at all about tactics, messaging, and strategy.
The country really wanted it this time and that’s where we need to start.
Don’t do this.
it's absolutely fair and necessary to talk about the obvious problems of the democratic campaign, because those problems just lost them an easier election than 4 years ago
progressive policies keep winning polls and elections in states
instead they campaigned on a far right platform with nothing to get excited for, coupled with backing an extremely unpopular conflict that they know polled terribly