Cis People: This is so stunning and brave!
Trans people: We're absolutely fucked.
They are already going to push for a national federal bathroom ban and this just greenlit the way.
This will not stop Republicans even if it makes cis people feel good.
Trans people: We're absolutely fucked.
They are already going to push for a national federal bathroom ban and this just greenlit the way.
This will not stop Republicans even if it makes cis people feel good.
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When they come for trans rights, they come for all of us.
Firstly, most ppl in fact do not want bathroom laws and secondly, if we were to adopt this mentality of waiting for complete public support, civili rights or codified gay marriage would have never happened. No step back, fight for our rights
This playbook isn’t working.
This is just to hurt a minority group because they can
I'm a cis guy so I am loath to tell a trans person how they should go about their existence, but I think she really needs to not comply with these rules. This "high road" shit doesn't get any of us anywhere.
If McBride sees this as her safest path, I won’t fault her for survival. Won’t fault others for being disappointed etc. But it wouldn’t amount to ceding ground *if her colleagues defend that ground.*
They are as dangerous for the trans community as the labour party.
I'm done with accepting "the big 2".
In keeping with their motto “Cause as much suffering as we can” they’re just never going to stop.
They will never stop unless made to stop.
We really are fucked.
They were always gunning for this, but she just opened the door for them.
Very needy person who can't tolerate obscurity.
Strategically for the larger issue this may or may not have been the correct play, assuming there can even be a correct play. But hopefully she's also allowed to take her own safety into account? No one is standing up for her. Is she truly being judged for the position she's been put in?
I'm so angry reading this I want to scream.
Years of knowing how many Trans people, especially Trans women restricted their liquids, and put up with UTIs rather than using a public bathroom, and he we go again...QUIETLY?!
Ds: Trans women are women, except if there’s controversy around any particular notion of womanhood, in which case we must reasonably compromise.
Rs: Doesn’t that just mean we should make every expression of womanhood controversial?
Ds: But that’s acting in bad faith!
This is horrible.
They brought her in front of everyone to treat her like a court jester and make laws about what she can or can't do that effect all trans women everywhere in the USA.
It's disrespect & criminalization of potty.
1. She's not the one putting other trans people in danger.
2. Regardless of what she chose here she was not going to be in much of a position to protect them.
3. I am truly asking you: does she have the moral right to act to protect her body from assault or jail, via caution?
You don't have all the information, trust me you don't, but are jumping to cis-splain this.
Okay. Here's what I am trying to parse: there's a tension because on the one side, she has a responsibility to LEAD. On the other, she should absolutely make prudent choices about her physical safety. And then there's the
2. If Rashida Tlaib can defend Palestinians and risk censure, she can defend transgender Americans.
3. Does she have the moral right to fuck every other trans person at the expense of her own safety?
2. She was literally selected to have power. Stop infantilizing her.
3. That's a question you ask so you can say "So if you agree with self defense, you realize that her abandoning the entire trans community was good, right?"
You are making a solid point. I came at this from the perspective of 1. wanting to be a cis ally to McBride; 2. having a trans kid who I want to make safe, prudent choices about her own physical safety, and 3. a pragmatic view of
You are making a good reminder, too--I used to have a much more
May I apologize to you on behalf of all the fucking cis Dems in that chamber? To me, that's the bigger betrayal. No one can successfully make this stand alone.
I quote her “I Know Who I Am” speech when I make decisions guided by my values.
Sarah knows who she is, but is allowing the GOP to define her and use it to enforce SEGREGATION.
Very dangerous
I love the diverse people I meet in life! Especially the incredibly courageous trans and gay people I know.
And those who fight the fight, for justice for me.
Those I don’t know.
And appreciate!
I love you!
I have your back.
Wherever. Whenever.
House representatives are there to serve the people and by that metric, when they fail to do so or actively go out their way to cause harm then car bombings are a solid alternative.
Trans rights are human rights, up the RA.
The only positive I can see is that this will make the GOP look absolutely ridiculous.
Media outlets would love nothing more than for the first openly trans congresswoman to get bogged down by this.
I think more anger should be directed to her colleagues staying silent.
On a certain level I don't even blame the Dems they're constantly caught in "heads you lose tails I win" games.
USE THE FUCKING BATHROOM AND LET THEM RETALIATE. At the very least it will show you’re willing to fight on the issue.
This is a call to violence.
Nancy Mace is a disgusting transphobic piece of shit. Period.
I'm sorry you all have to suffer through this. It ain't right.
By establishing we are not cis men, we are not predators. Also by explaining the damage these laws do to everyone and focusing on the effects of cis women.
Why aren't politicians like Mace treated by their peers like they would be in any other workplace? Ignored and worked around, left out of the process and made invisible, just for being obnoxious, abrasive, and irredeemably annoying to be around.
Standing up for trans rights is standing up for all rights. This shit needs to end!
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IMO the criticism should be levied at her supposed allies in government who are being silent.
We are going backwards. Fast.
They see it and shed a tear, even as the Republicans attack all the more because of it.
So lets see which way they want to go...
Just like Roe, trans rights are only used as a rhetorical prop.
Uhhh... elucidate, please.
With SCOTUS as it is, in what way could the Biden administration had ANY EFFECT on discriminatory state laws?
No, seriously, I ned to know.
Do you think that he can just pass executive orders?
Hence while the Civil Rights Act of 1964 pissed off a lot of states who deeply deserved pissing off.
“Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired”
Some on our side are just as lost to us as the MAGAts are.
Like fuck... come on and fight this shit dont just roll over to try and play high ground this is how yall keep fucking losing ground.
If McBride is going to cave so easily to Johnson and the Republicans' bullshit she should accompany herself with men staffers or security for protection and use the men's restroom and see how those fuckers like it when the script is flipped on their asses.
McBride had two options.
1. Follow the rule, stay in Congress, and vote on policies that are beneficial to the left.
2. Break the rule, get expelled, and lose the ability to vote on policies including those related to LGBT issues
They self-censored, unless I was there to push back.
McBride's response is blanket permission to exclude trans people from public life, with or without explicit laws.
I voted for her to FIGHT FOR Trans Rights, not concede immediately.
This was a taught behavior.
Tbh, that could actually be the best move in this situation.
Same as Caitlyn Jenner, their social and economic status means they don't feel threatened by it, and that it doesn't apply to them.
Gods, we're fucked.
We are so fucking back (like 100 years back)
I'm quite disappointed and surprised that Sarah would back-down from such a fight. Makes me wonder what is going-on behind the scenes, i.e. is she is being pressured to drop it.
But true, her grace won't stop the evil that's taken hold of our country, but i do believe she's our best hope to right the wrong.