Yet you saw the problem immediately, didn't you?
Or are you saying you would have crashed into it too?
If the latter, please stay off the road.
Imbeciles can apparently get Ph.Ds too.
It is a silly thing but I gotta say I saw a garbage can teetering in the wind and changed lanes just in case and a moment later it fell over. I don't know if more advanced systems would've predicted it but cameras-only likely wouldn't have bothered.
If they used LIDAR (which Musk says is pointless) it wouldn't matter if people did.
As a motorcyclist, who knows vehicles which use nothing but cameras don't really see me... this sort of thing putting attention on how defective Cameras Only systems are.
LiDAR sees everything as a wall. Drifting snow. Slush. Blowing leaves. Important signs with messages on them. It doesn't get you out of the need to understand what you see in camera images. And if you understand what you see in camera images, what do you need LiDAR for?
You're confused. It was ultrasonic sensors and radar that were taken out, not LiDAR and radar. Though Tesla has been playing around with high-def radar (conventional radar is too low res to tell if something is in your lane (let alone what it is) more than a few car lengths out)
Musk took lidar out of the cars to save money. ‘It’s useless’ is a classic Musk post justification based on over-estimation of the magic his engineers can achieve.
Yeah look, when you see a Tesla highway driving the dark in driving snow (shades of grey) and it drives straight into a grey car parked on the shoulder st full speed…
There is not enough information in purely RGB cameras for current self driving tech.
Never will be. People struggle with it... motorcycles and bicycles get hit out of proportion to numbers because having only one light makes people think they are MUCH further away.
There people who are only looking for cars and never even perceive Bicycles or motorcycles even when looking straight at them because in some areas they are so uncommon
like the Gorilla test when people are told to count how many times a ball is passed. and never see the gorilla
Yep bikes and motorbikes an even bigger challenge. Where people struggle, self-driving - esp RGB only - will struggle harder.
With lidar, at least you have very heavy depth discontinuity around bikes and any semi reasonable feature detection will catch it.
Yes, there are never billboards right next to roads featuring idyllic landscapes with some sort of text about planning your next vacation overlaid on it or anything of the sort.
Not really. The test is flawed because if it was truly THAT foggy/rainy everywhere, and not just for 10ft in front of the kid, Tesla’s software wouldn’t even engage. At 40mph there’s not enough time for the hardware/software to realize that the sensor signal is degraded.
Autopilot WASN'T engaged for most of those tests. They half-admitted that in the start when talking about AEB (which is only designed to ameliorate crashes, not prevent them, & isn't involved when Autopilot is on). Easy way to see: autopilot drives dead-centre in lanes & doesn't hug lane lines.
In fog that thick, a human driving 40mph would also hit the kid. That’s why we slow down significantly in such situations. If there was fog that thick in a more realistic situation (ie not just right in front of the kid), the Tesla would not have killed the kid.
I say this not in defence of Musk (who I hate) but in defence of good methodology. Believe it or not YouTubers are terrible at designing good tests, but great at selling the results!
You're actually right but elon musk would have thrown a tantrum and kicked you out of the engineering design meeting for suggesting that the car be driven by a human driver Lmfao
Teslas have more than one camera.
Current self driving software is not good enough to be reliable and safe with RGB only.
Tesla’s self driving is L2. This clip illustrates why.
My spatial reasoning neural net is a lot better than Tesla’s, also.
Sure but Humans are notably fallible when estimating spatial elements. Lidar is safer. If you’re looking for parity in safety with a human driver, instead of to make the car even safer, you’re doing it wrong
Autopilot isn’t self driving. Tesla Full Self Driving (FSD) is not the same software. This is FSD, and it’s becoming quite incredible (please don’t assume that my enthusiasm for a generalised autonomous solution in any way reflects that I like Elon):
If you compare the myriad of sensors on a car that is intended to be self-driving by design like a Waymo and the number of sensors on a Tesla, you’ll have a good sense for why trying to do self-driving on a Tesla is a very bad idea. (And the Waymos still suck at navigating human conditions)
It's not that silly. Tesla cars used to have a radar system that would have detected the wall, but they withdrew that and now their cars rely on 'tesla-vision' to detect their surroundings.
Exactly. There’s a single point in space from which the eye sees the illusion. The car’s cameras have a series of dataviews in which the painting is measurably misaligned with its environment. And yet…
They don't. Elon is stuck in not using LIDAR on the cars. They put it on early models and pulled it off, only using it for training data on the computer vision side of things. It's absurd. Computer vision can do a lot but they desperately need more than just that.
We can't criticize the right for believing everything they see on the internet but just uncritically accept everything we see if it happens to agree with our priors.
He says "As a human driver, while that looks sort of convincing, the image processing in our brains is advanced enough that we pick it up on minor visual inconsistencies and we wouldn't hit it," but I would've loved to see that tested, cause honestly, my ass probably would've driven right through it
Some call it driver hypnosis- when your body is driving but your brain is somewhere else, and you "come back" and have no recollection of the distance you just travelled.
So would a chauffeur.
The question is cost added to the vehicle and how to prioritize data between the systems fast enough for them to be reinforcing rather than contradictory.
Reminds me of my very stupid experience driving across the country from Ohio to SF in one go, just napping at gas stations and pepped up on little powdered donuts and Jolt cola.
Also no Tesla fan & I don’t know about how it works everywhere, but here in the Midwest, we routinely have those ridges that jolt you awake at the end of a long road or a country road with a T, so that you don’t mindlessly drive through a stop sign into a ditch/cornfield/tractor.
Yeah. They _used to have_ ultrasonic. But Musk decided that the $5/car ($100 or whatever) for the sensors was too much $$. So, they stopped installing them.
Ultrasonic sensors are used for parking. Radar would be used for something like this. But this is more of a fun goof than something bad that could actually happen in the real world.
It's so fucking stupid. He likes to say it's because vision "is good enough for us" but OUR TECHNOLOGY IS SUPPOSED TO BE BETTER THAN HUMAN CAPABILITY. ITS THE ENTIRE POINT.
I agree with your point, but also... It's not good enough for us either. In most circumstances, our brains integrate multiple sensory inputs. It wouldn't be all that notable that he doesn't get that, except he, ya know, wants to put implants in people's brains.
Yes. The side-looking camera are on the b-pillar looking down. There’s no way the car can see down the road far enough to judge traffic when trying enter when on-coming traffic doesn’t have to stop. Even if the car creeps forward.
I believe in you. the picture is from the exact distance and angle where it blends in perfectly. but as soon as you deviate from that angle and distance, it will be a lot more obvious
The fact that a car equipped with LIDAR and other sensors we don't have in our bodies chose to ignore those, shows up the fault in the neural network training for this type of AI. That is, that you can only rely on it with a degree of probability, not certainty. And not for unusual conditions.
It seems insane that they would miss out on multimodal sensing. Sure our eyes are amazing. And LiDAR does things our eyes can’t! And radar does things LiDAR can’t!
While leaving my new boss’s office the other day, possibly stunned that my former boss had quit an hour earlier so now my vp was my boss, I walked right into a glass window next to the door. Like a bird. There was an obvious frame and door jamb and I had been leaning on it seconds before.
Mark always has great content. I am not surprised at the result. I have heard that engineers have been pointing the safety finger at Elon for years over his choice of the camera over LIDAR, citing safety issues. We know how little Elon thinks of people, so "screw um" shaped his choice.
Plenty of humans would drive through that too.
I don’t think this is the burn you think it is. If anyone was caught building such a thing on a road, they’d go to prison.
I was not commenting whether other tech detected it.My point was there are plenty of humans that would drive through it & secondly it’s not a real world test as a wall placed on the road disguised as a road isn’t realistic. Therefore using this test as a source of ridicule of Tsla is disingenuous
They should at least have facial recognition where, if the driver pulls an "oh shit" face, the car hits the brakes and thinks about what it's even doing.
The full video shows why TeSSla camera only sensors are so much worse than a car with LIDAR. Kid in the road on a foggy day, SPLAT!
because "Only I can fix it Musk" decided, in his supreme authority (sensing a pattern here?) that ONLY cameras will be used in his deathtraps. Not the two other sensing methods used by ... everyone else.
I understand his reasons and that they are childishly stupid. He believes he's on the cusp of unlocking the secrets of human intelligence, and that LIDAR is a "crutch" that will hinder that search.
It looks like a bs, like smth is wrong here. I dont believe that Tesla systems work only on cameras, not on other radars or sensors. I know Tesla that and Tesla this but it seems ridiculous for any car with advanced safety systems
"Someone"? Are you telling me there are people who lived through lockdown who still don't know who Mark Rober is? He's the package-thief-glitter/fart-bomb guy!
Regardless of the Nazi thing , it has a been a while since we have known Teslas are really unsafe EV because autopilot is shit. With so many other options in the market, only an idiot would keep/buy a Tesla these days.
in Phoenix, Waymo was testing ground and they started (5 or more years ago) with Prius (I think), but with camera only. A jaywalking pedestrian was killed at night and the testing stopped.
Waymo is fully operational here now with Jaguars that use radar, lidar and cameras.
but our govt doesn't care about safety. he knows he made a stupid mistake going camera-only. the only country that'll let him have his robo-taxis is the US, where he is defacto POTUS and has removed anyone who will regulate his cars.
private sectors (in all countries) control and award contracts.
no one is US will sign a contract using Tesla.
There're virtually uninsurable in open market - they have their own insurance underwritten by Tesla.
no one like Waymo is going contract, based on liability alone.
Tesla too late. Autonomous taxis are in use, for a couple years.
If there's competition, Tesla will fail. there's no place where they would have no competition.
That's reportedly a signature move of Musk himself, who has this weird obsession about only using regular vision to achieve the goal. Just as if he heard God himself whispering to his ears: "Thou shalt not lidar!"
musk thinks or wishes he was such an incredible genius, that tesla wouldn't have to put the work into self-driving that's actually required to accomplish it. Other companies aren't wasting time & money developing it, they're being far more responsible.
This is why going "camera only" is a mistake. Tesla does it because it's a lot cheaper than developing and integrating ultrasonic or radar based sensors.... You get what you pay for. At least MY car would detect this, and auto-brake - And believe me, it was a LOT cheaper than a swasticar.
I didn’t even realize they’d gone camera only. As someone who’s worked on similar systems, that absolutely blows my mind for how epically stupid it is. Like, I knew it was a shit company making shit cars, but wow. Seriously that’s the dumbest, most obviously dangerous idea.
I have questions about the cameras, too. I bike with a GoPro, and that thing's low-light vision is not great -- videos often look like I am riding into a black void, but human eyeballs do just fine.
But I am sure that Tesla's cameras have better low-light performance than my GoPro, right? I hope?
Which will mistake a Semi-trailer bottom edge or a concrete highway divider for a clear horizon, and drive up the ramp of a flat-bed tow truck, etc. etc..
They now only rely on visual cameras. They took the radar out of the system, and for parking they also took the ultrasound sensors out
People suspect one reason they did it is because they had problems to process data from different sensors in their software, but of course cameras have limits too.
The real test to see if Tesla's self driving cars are evil is when you find you can't cut the power to them because they'll find an alternative power source
The one thing I’ve learned is that if I name someone who some people don’t know, I’ll spend more time explaining who they are than what I’m actually talking about
he gave a direct link to mark rober's videos. chill tf out dude. the 'give credit' thing is for combating free-booting. sharing a link to the source video isn't free-booting. use your brain if you still have one left
Good on you but come on with these people who know and just have to play gotcha. All you have to do is google the key words to find out who’s video it is if you’ve actually been buried in a cave and don’t know Mark Rober.
AI can read our location in real time through walls with cellular technology, and yet these idiots built a self driving car that doesn't use any technology except cameras, not even obstacle detecting IR, nothing;
My Toyota Venza is 20x more sensitive. My dad died of cancer last year. When he was starting on chemo in 2022, he decided to drive & passed out. The Venza stopped him from hitting someone. Tesla’s are garbage.
It isn't made very clear in the video, but he was sometimes testing the emergency self-braking system, and sometimes testing the FSD mode. They each have different thresholds for initiating braking. The point with this test is that it was obviously a wall.
This test is a situation that does not exist and will never exist. You can fool a Lidar by covering a gigantic hole with a tarpaulin (and that won’t prove anything either).
The wall test is obvious clickbait, but the video also showed tests of other very plausible scenarios (fog, rain, darkness, on-coming headlights), and the camera based system failed for some of those, while the lidar passed each one.
Yeah well, no radars in musk's full self (terrifying) driving. And no Lidar either. Which both would REALLY be an asset to achieve level 5 autonomous driving. I think other manufacturers will beat Tesla to this level of autonomous driving.
It's important to note that the other car that was tested in this original video DID manage to stop in time because it uses LiDAR, which Tesla removed and strongly stood against because they wanted a pure vision based system to cut costs.
I thought this was a stupid move back when they did it
Spoiler alert. The tesla is the coyote in this scenario, and I'm more than a little disappointed that they cut a star pattern in the wall to break away instead of a coyote shaped cutout.
It's important to remember that even in situations with perfect visibility, Tesla's FSD still makes insane decisions about lane selection because they decided having it drive like someone seeing a route for the very first time was a good idea. Lidar wouldn't fix it driving like a jackass.
Sadly most engineers expected this to eventually be a problem when they ditched lidar/radar for Teslas. Cost isn’t everything, even Kia uses radar to assist with crash prevention.
This is emblematic of most of the tech bros. They assume because they didn’t come up with it, it’s terrible.
Musk been hiding a lot of crashes - (paying people off + an NDA) where white trucks crossing an intersection just cannot be seen by either FSD or auto steer with the right sunlight condition in the morning
I ran into a weird problem with the radar on my Lexus yesterday. Found that in heavy rain, the spray from traffic renders the radar unable to see the car in front of me. Watched it disappear on the sensor. Cruise kept trying to accelerate into the back of the car in front of me.
I think they just don't care. It's cheaper to use image processing so Musk just prefers that. There aren't a lot of wild e coyote walls or giant floods of water hiding a child out there to make him regret it legally.
Apparently the autopilot feature deactivates itself just before impact so you're technically in control of the vehicle at the moment it hits something so Tesla doesn't have any legal liability.
So yeah they don't care at all, and whatever they should responsible for, they find a way around it.
We were using sonar and laser sensors in robotics club in high school to autonomously drive and detect obstacles. It's definitely not more expensive than image processing. Tesla engineers just suck apparently.
Yeah, most kids will be inside in a downpour, but wildlife like a deer or a fucking moose- absolutely, a fencepost? Always there. Don't drive this car in the rain? Sometimes you don't have the choice
Yeah I'm not condoning destruction of private property however people with Teslas that can't get rid of them probably have really good insurance on those Teslas it would be a shame if the self-driving computer decided when it saw another Tesla and hated it and just crashed into it..
Also, it's important to know that a lot of CyberTrucks are insured by Tesler. If there was an organized campaign to destroy cybertrucks it could severely damage the fiscal prospects of Tesla in a way that no recall or boycott could.
This is why we should specifically not vandalize or destroy C.T's
Now now. We know that property damage is wrong in all cases at every moment.
I didn't give you this information about the wobbly fiscal nature of Tesla and Elon Musk's empire for you to abuse it. In fact, please make sure not to tell any friends of yours -- we don't want this information spreading
Is image processing cheaper than Lidar? Cost of a module perhaps, but the sheer amount of development in image processing and ML model training, including developing a customer chip is anything but cheap.
The idea is that if humans can spot it, cameras and a good ML model could as well.
Have you ever seen the trailers with a monitor of what's in front of it? There will be oddball occurrences that need to be accounted for with self driving. It won't take many for things to get deadly.
I don't think it's that. These people think they are the smartest people in the world and they're the first to think of whatever safety cutting measure they envision. They always have to re-learn what others before them learned because of their ego.
They have been running robocabs taking fares *since 2020*. Musk is years behind that. In the US Cruise (now defunct) and Zoox were/are also ahead of Musk.
Musk has shown a car with no controls in an incredibly limited space. It’s meaningless hype.
The Volkswagen UP! from 2014, a budget car that could be bought brand new for €8,000 at the time, has radar. Cost wasn't and isn't an issue. Tesla are trying to solve an issue that doesn't and never has existed.
The best solution is a combination of computer vision, and LIDAR that covers the whole vehicle.
My sister's Honda has both front and rear radars for collision avoidance and parking assistance. This is technology we've had for years and still use because it *works*.
That someone is Mark Rober. He is a former NASA engineer and he hits home runs. My son loves his content. I feel like that needed to be said, lol. Anyhow, thanks for sharing!
it has ZERO LIDAR, SONAR and/or any other functional redundancy as far as we know.
Wait until someone gets out a high-powered, high-performance video projector and starts doing that same test without having to go through anywhere near the effort to pull off a huge fake wall.
Or, you could be driving in front of a tesla with a projector on your vehicle and cast false driving lanes on the road and ditch the gestapo police if they're using FSD.
There’s no reason tesla stock should sell for 120 times earnings. There’s no reason tesla’s market cap should be more than Toyota, GM, Ford, & Stellantis COMBINED. It’s a $50 stock at best.
literally musk glanced at a field he has never heard of before and decided to just do something made up instead of the established tested and iterated... everything
its his only approach and seems to be both the insane libertarian approach and the venture capital approach. all of them end up "inventing" the original thing that was already there, but worse in every way and belonging to them and with just a ton of fuckassery along the way.
Stop pissing off the real engineers/scientists FElon ….or don’t 🤪 because it’s really funny watching them prove your products are POS! Way to go #Markrober
Every Tezzla driver is being used as a living crash test dummy. They are guinea pigs to enrich the richest nazi cosplaying dumbfuck and his ponzy scheme companies.
It was the Crunch labs guy. He also showed that in heavy rain the Tesla couldn't spot a kid in the middle of the road. Interesting because Tesla's use AI recognition through cameras and not using laser area sensors which proved to be more accurate and reliable in the video
“Someone.” Mark Rober. Ex-JPL engineer (helped put Curiosity on Mars). Glitterbomb inventor. One of the most prominent engineers on YouTube after . Not just “someone”
He has not directly funded or supported Autism Speaks based on the information I could find and I checked multiple sources. Next for Autism however does have some seemingly shady dealings and he has raised funds for them.
Thank you. You beat me to it. In addition to having an impressive CV, Mark Rober has captivated a young generation with his engineering YouTube and mailed STEM boxes for kids (Crunch Labs). My daughter is one of them.
I don’t know much about cars but I know software well. The fact that Musk was asking his twitter people to do code review on printouts tells me all I need to know about how “smart” he is.
Right? Like, what the heck? “Ok, then it calls the a-b-c routine, so flip 504 pages in to find that, oops, pops out of that immediately, skip to page 2167…” 🙄
Can you imagine being the poor intern that had to label and number the pages? 🤣
“But sir, if we could pull it up from the repo…”
“Shut up and find us page 34897!”
Every time I watch Tesla’s under equipped driving system tragically fail I hear Marge Simpson say, “See all that stuff in there, Homer? That’s why your robot didn’t work.”
My thoughts exactly! His videos are awesome. That "someone" also did all of the fantastic anti- porch thief videos with the glitter bomb/fart spray machines.
I actually watched his whole YouTube video. Tesla sucks
That kid died over and over from Tesla hits. The only surprising thing is that it didn't self combust just to make sure that dummy was indeed disposed
It’s all fun and theoretical games until it isn’t
Or are you saying you would have crashed into it too?
If the latter, please stay off the road.
Imbeciles can apparently get Ph.Ds too.
Source: am aware of cameras.
As a motorcyclist, who knows vehicles which use nothing but cameras don't really see me... this sort of thing putting attention on how defective Cameras Only systems are.
(and there are other tests in the video)
Tesla's biggest competitor, MobilEye, also does not use LiDAR.
There is not enough information in purely RGB cameras for current self driving tech.
like the Gorilla test when people are told to count how many times a ball is passed. and never see the gorilla
With lidar, at least you have very heavy depth discontinuity around bikes and any semi reasonable feature detection will catch it.
Pretty, but insanely dangerous.
Current self driving software is not good enough to be reliable and safe with RGB only.
Tesla’s self driving is L2. This clip illustrates why.
My spatial reasoning neural net is a lot better than Tesla’s, also.
Or there is too much rain of fog causing partially obscured vision.
Sure camera only works in all conditions where the image produced by cameras are good enough.
But what about when thats not the case?
you saw it, why didn't the tesla.
that's the point.
proves musk is lying
But shouldn't self-driving be better than people.
Vision-only driving: "See, street is free!"
This is entertainment.
Which is not a crash-prevention system; it's a crash amelioration system.
Mark Rober makes the best
is enough
The question is cost added to the vehicle and how to prioritize data between the systems fast enough for them to be reinforcing rather than contradictory.
Tesla is the only one operating completely on vision mainly because their engineers were overridden by you know who.
It seems insane that they would miss out on multimodal sensing. Sure our eyes are amazing. And LiDAR does things our eyes can’t! And radar does things LiDAR can’t!
She now informs me she is going to Harvard and will move to California to work for NASA.
- some Musk fanboy somewhere
I don’t think this is the burn you think it is. If anyone was caught building such a thing on a road, they’d go to prison.
You kinda missed the whole point of the exercise. This was testing two self driving vehicles with different tech
#2: If it can confuse a wall with a horizon, it can confuse solid near objects with distant objects, unlike LIDAR
yeah it's not this has been a thing for a while
...TBF my YouTube feed is fairly science-heavy
Anyway we've had fun watching him 😊
Nearly any other car with active cruise control or a highway autopilot type feature would’ve hit the brakes hard once radar was in range
Oops. More bullshit.
Waymo is fully operational here now with Jaguars that use radar, lidar and cameras.
no one is US will sign a contract using Tesla.
There're virtually uninsurable in open market - they have their own insurance underwritten by Tesla.
no one like Waymo is going contract, based on liability alone.
so then Tesla will underwrite and run their own taxi service, right?
If there's competition, Tesla will fail. there's no place where they would have no competition.
On reflection, very on-brand for Musk.
But I am sure that Tesla's cameras have better low-light performance than my GoPro, right? I hope?
He markets fsd as truly autonomous driving.
But whenever stuff like this happens, they blame the driver for not paying attention, saying it's a beta etc.
People suspect one reason they did it is because they had problems to process data from different sensors in their software, but of course cameras have limits too.
The parallax would have given you the information you need. It's the reason why head tracking is so important in VR headsets to give a full 3D effect
My name is unimportant
The video I was watching was not taken from the driver’s perspective.
'Someone' did the job
And this artificial intelligence that should be called "RD" for really dumb is the kind of shit DOGE will rely on. Flawed crap.
*orders Trump to harass this ghy*
I think its pretty clear who did this. at least fucking say their name ffs. not "someone", you KNOW exactly who.
I thought this was a stupid move back when they did it
Noteworthy is that graffiti artists have only been vandalizing the Tesla portion of it and not the statue part
Could at least call him "Popular YouTuber"... but even that feels like an understatement.
fr tho tesla is trash
A radar likely would, the camera based vision only system seem to get fooled by the optical illusion.
Sorry Airbus is by far the better manufacturer
Don’t buy a Tesla. Full stop.
This is emblematic of most of the tech bros. They assume because they didn’t come up with it, it’s terrible.
To add insult to injury, they disabled working ultrasonic sensors too. (These are the ones most cars use to beep at you when you are parking)
So yeah they don't care at all, and whatever they should responsible for, they find a way around it.
This is why we should specifically not vandalize or destroy C.T's
I didn't give you this information about the wobbly fiscal nature of Tesla and Elon Musk's empire for you to abuse it. In fact, please make sure not to tell any friends of yours -- we don't want this information spreading
The idea is that if humans can spot it, cameras and a good ML model could as well.
I’m personally skeptical that’s true, but even if it were, building those models by deploying unsafe versions is evil.
See: Twitter
They have been running robocabs taking fares *since 2020*. Musk is years behind that. In the US Cruise (now defunct) and Zoox were/are also ahead of Musk.
Musk has shown a car with no controls in an incredibly limited space. It’s meaningless hype.
My sister's Honda has both front and rear radars for collision avoidance and parking assistance. This is technology we've had for years and still use because it *works*.
Methinks the software maybe needs and update?
it has ZERO LIDAR, SONAR and/or any other functional redundancy as far as we know.
Wait until someone gets out a high-powered, high-performance video projector and starts doing that same test without having to go through anywhere near the effort to pull off a huge fake wall.
To paraphrase: other car companies? 5-10 years away. Tesla? 20.
Then the billions of it used as collateral for the Twitter loan are suddenly no longer collateral...
There's real potential here to do the funniest thing ever.
...How did we get here? Tesla aside, it feels like we've been doing a speedrun into Idiocracy these past few years. It's not even funny anymore.
Constantly switching back and forth between french and english ain't always easy.
Great video. More proof that Tesla's are overrated crap. Buy a car with lidar and save lives.
“But sir, if we could pull it up from the repo…”
“Shut up and find us page 34897!”
I’m pretty sure Autopilot is just a lane-keeping system that isn’t made for this (like most cars).
That kid died over and over from Tesla hits. The only surprising thing is that it didn't self combust just to make sure that dummy was indeed disposed