many Americans love Trump more than they love their own family members. When forced to choose, breaking off from Trump is more painful for them.
Reposted from
Matt Novak
"As she has expressed her disappointment over potentially losing her dream job, some members of her mostly conservative family have unfriended her on social media. Others are giving her the silent treatment. Nearly all favor such cuts even if she’s a victim of them."
Either my parents suck, or they were secretly replaced by OPM.
Wired: "I support the leopards' plan to eat my face"
I mean what do you do with that
buying into Trump is propitiating a trickster god to help you spin straw into gold
Wait. Fucking eggs were the emails. Fuck. Fucking NYT shit.
We’re an incel misogyny world superpower.
I'd think that would be obvious to Democratic leadership, but here we are.
Do words mean anything to you people?
It only took 8 years but it seems like the rest of the world is finally catching on.
There is no use pointing out that Trump is extremely vengeful in his politics in the same way he accuses the left of doing and deserving punishment for.
If punishment is all they know, than I guess we all will be subject to it eventually.
Counter-authoritarianism doesn’t feel great.
Is it going to be like with Elvis? People just refuse to believe that he died, and they share stories about seeing him at random truck stops?
Fuck these people... seriously you will be happier without them regardless of any prior relationship
Oh thats grandpa joe and we all just acknowledge he was a lifelong rapist of his children but we are all hush hush about it now because he is so old
Fuck them and their garbage values
We need to all be filling out IRS forms to report their “churches” so we can make sure their “churches” get the fuck taxed out of them.
That type of gratification, allowing your worst parts to run wild rather than having to suppress them is appealing.
I just wrote a letter to my mother (yet to be sent) about how my stepfather loves Trump more than his own family and that is going to make it hard to repair any relationship damage.
Millions of Americans have turned this geriatric weirdo into their personal Jesus, and will abandon all ethics, dignity, and familial bonds for him.
For the love of all things holy, why?
I should have known then that there was a target being pointed at that department and the message had already gone out via conservative channels.
In case you've forgotten: "cult of personality" is one of the defining features of a dictatorship. It's not novel.
You guys seem to have two people in charge with large cults behind them.
Let that sink in