I’m voting HELL NO on the Republican CR. It hands Musk and Trump a blank check, turning your tax dollars into a wanna-be dictator’s slush fund. No accountability. Just corruption on autopilot.
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@smith.senate.gov Thank God! Your voices are what we need. I pray you get enough Senators to say No & pressure GOP to offer a better deal. That's the job. Trump is a bully. Don't let him make Dems irrelevant to the Amer ppl. Show you're with & fight for the Amer ppl. @democrats.senate.gov @msnbc.com
When you call other people bullies I can’t help but think about how you have supported and given cover to the genocide in Palestine. You’ve helped slaughter thousands upon thousands of babies, mothers, beloved fathers. You are a bully too, sir.
I appreciate this, but why didn't you ask for unanimous consent and make the vote take a week?
Is this one of those things like Schumer's press conference where you make a big show of acting like you're doing something while making sure you fail?
Thank you for not falling into line behind Schumer. That man is an idiot. My suspicion is that he just wants to vote yes so that he can go start his book tour 🙄
I am one of your Oregon supporters. I agree with you but would add that you can win a war by initially giving ground in a battle. You can win a battle by collapsing your center to encircle your opponent.
My Senator! Thank you. Please withhold unanimous consent on time restrictions to give more time for constituents to convince your colleagues to join you in voting no on cloture. Please move for new leadership in the Senate. It was clear Schumer hadn't met the moment even before his surrender.
Hey Jeff just a quick note, the entire party is over and done for me for good, the leadership are Quisling scum who sold us out to the fascists so it's time to pack it up. Start a new party and tell Chuck Schumer to go fucking dance in a cell at the Hague.
We need better leadership, maybe you should lead us. These people are terrorizing us and it’s past time for impeachment of his whole administration. Also, how’s it legal to purge millions of people from the voting rolls and ignore cyber experts concerns?
Merkley, ten of your fellow senators let the American people and democracy down today, but you stood up to the authoritarian take over and you listened to your constituents.
I was your constituent for many years and voted for you (now live north of Seattle in WA).
I will offer you all the support I can manage if you act to remove Schumer from leadership. Replace him yourself or replace him with another fighter, I'll stand with you as long as you replace him.
So your current leader is handing out your lunch money left and right. I would be in full support of a leadership challenge by someone more capable of meeting the moment and I hope you are too.
My letter regarding both the Republican budget proposal and the cloture vote concerning it, for which I would appreciate your consideration, and a NO vote on both. 🧵
If you're part of the Democratic party, apparently you do give them your lunch money.
You may have voted no, but you failed to speak out against Schumer. It's clear this was a team party effort and all Dems own the shame of betrayal.
We used to tell our kids to ignore the bully and the bully will stop. That was bullshit. When bullies leave the area in an ambulance and in a coma they will think twice about bullying people.
I wrote to you a month ago asking that, in your emails, you tell us what you were doing to stop Trump. You did me one better: you SHOWED me what you are doing! 👍
This is exactly the kind of energy to bring to this! Now let’s get all the dems in line. Chuck Schumer needs to stop going back and forth. He needs to be a strong NO
Thank you Senator - now get out there and do Schumer's job for him. You don't have to be minority leader to whip votes, leave that coward out there by himself.
Thank you Senator for representing Oregon and voting NO. Please do all you can to change Senator Schumer’s mind. Please speak out loudly. With appreciation from Beaverton,OR
Time to replace your cowardly senate leader with someone willing to stand up to the craziness….or at least someone willing to try to negotiate concessions. Surrender is not a strategy!!!
Deny unanimous consent! Please slow this process down, give constituents around the country time to catch up to the news of schumer’s capitulation. Keep folks in DC and give us time to apply pressure!
Thank you Senator Merkley. Please vote NO today. Stay the course. They’ve already destroyed so much. Does Trump really want government to shutdown as Schumer said? Then why pass it in Congress. TU
Jeff, We need you to be a voice for the people. We need a unified front that opposes the damage the republicans are doing to our country and allies. Please vote NO on Cloture. Please vote NO on the republican spending bill.
A yes vote on the CR from the house will embolden TRUMP/MUSK/PUTIN and cement their hold over congress. Capitulation is never the answer to a dictator. This very well maybe the only chance to make a stand, while they are still weak. A YES will only strengthen them and weaken congress.
Thank you! Please knock some courage into your feckless @schumer.senate.gov senate minority leader to VOTE NO! What the hell is wrong with him to say he will vote for that despicable bill!? He’s a traitor to all of us. You should replace him as minority leader!
So, we can expect your call for Chuck Schumer to step down from leadership soon, correct? Otherwise, this is just bloviating, especially if the CR passes.
Seems right to me, but what is the plan during the shutdown? I don’t mean politically. I mean what if he starts ripping apart the state? What do we do next?
Thank you for having a spine & standing w/ your constituents! I'm happy to have voted for you! Time to replace @chuckschumer.com
He voted out of fear and cowardice. Handed this regime more power to continue their fascist agenda.
Plz stand up and get rid of bootlicking Chuck!
Thank you for being a Winston Churchill and not a Neville Chamberlain. Now we need you to convince any of your colleagues who may be wavering on their “No” vote or have been pressured by our sad excuse of a Minority Leader to hold the line against Trump, Musk, & Vance! #DoYourJob #VoteNo
Schumer is failing the country. Schumer is failing the party. Schumer is failing the moment. Democratic Senators need to replace him as minority leader.
Thank you, Senator! I’m so proud of both of you. Vote no on cloture too! I’ve emailed Sen. Schumer but tell him this senior OR couple are prepared for the very tough times ahead. Don’t give a fascist a damn thing! Ever!
No on cloture! Let the government shut down. We must not give an inch! That’s what we’ve done for years, and they embody “if you give an inch they take a mile.” Don’t let them take any more miles.
Thank you Senator Merkley. We need to stand up to Trump. I'm sick of the weak response from our Democratic leadership, Chuck Schumer needs to go. We, the Democratic base, have no patience for his kowtowing to Trump.
Thank you, Jeff. As an Oregon resident least I can feel good about your vote. That’s a lot more than I can say about Chuck S. He should be ashamed. I hope he get primaried.
Please, no on Cloture, as well. A yes for cloture is a yes for the CR. People will be wise to performative needle-threading. Your Oregon constituents are watching closely.
Trumpism is
a slippery slope
of moral decay,
Grifters gone wild.
Profiteering off of
public offices,
ethical rot among
marbled pillars,
no integrity,
honor is for suckers,
unchecked & unbalanced,
a character-less void,
Justice's head sleep,
in a pool of drool on its desk.
I just called Merkley and got a person on the phone. I asked what his stance is on the CR and cloture, and the staffer said they believe he is voting no on both. Keep the calls coming people!
Thank you Sen Merkley. 🙏Please try to convince any dems, including Sen Schumer, to also vote NO with you! We cannot fuel and legitimize the fire-torching of the govt that Musk is engaged in! I implore you, plead with your colleagues to also put up a fight!! 💪
Thank you for your vote. I really hope this wasn’t a ploy that every dem was in on with knowledge they the more secure dem leaders would cave and the principled protest votes would be moot…
Voting no isn't good enough. You need to get Schumer to vote no, and you need to direct your complaints at him. If you don't, then your no vote is a meaningless fig leaf. You're part of the con.
So happy you’re representing many of us.
We have to figure out how TO stop this madness (and we know it isn’t giving the current administration what they want.)
Keep fighting for us, and we’ll help.
Also, Schumer needs to go as Minority Leader.
I am one of your constituents.
Everyone needs to remember that Musk is not running this country. Unless people let him. And those who let him are responsible for what he destroys
She’s not listening to her constituents, maybe she’ll listen to Grandad!
Is this one of those things like Schumer's press conference where you make a big show of acting like you're doing something while making sure you fail?
People are too tuned in to this shit man
Schumer needs to read the room - fast.
Democrats are PISSED.
Current state cannot continue. We need your leadership now.
THANK YOU! Keep it up! We're rooting for you! 💪👍🦅
As I'm sure you already know, Senator.
I will offer you all the support I can manage if you act to remove Schumer from leadership. Replace him yourself or replace him with another fighter, I'll stand with you as long as you replace him.
You may have voted no, but you failed to speak out against Schumer. It's clear this was a team party effort and all Dems own the shame of betrayal.
I wrote to you a month ago asking that, in your emails, you tell us what you were doing to stop Trump. You did me one better: you SHOWED me what you are doing! 👍
What is wrong with him?
Make Chuck break a dem led filibuster if he wants to knuckle under!
Talk to Chuck! Get him on board.
Fight for us all!
And replace Schumer; he’s not serving well or wisely.
Last weekend we went to Cinema 21 to watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Where is that kind of passion and courage??!
Also, here is an annotated compilation of election anomaly links; please investigate swing states from the 2024 election!
I am a constituent.
He voted out of fear and cowardice. Handed this regime more power to continue their fascist agenda.
Plz stand up and get rid of bootlicking Chuck!
Vote no on Cloture
No on the CR
Defend Medicaid and social security
An Oregon voter
No on Cloture!
No mas Musk, trump!
now what do we do about removing @schumer.senate.gov or in a perfect world pressuring him to change his vote today?
What the fuck good is a “no” vote when your “friends” betray us by voting yes?
Jeff didn’t even TRY to stop the #Traitorous10 from passing the CR slashing funds for Medicare, Medicaid & our Vets.
Jeff LET that happen, don’t let him tell you otherwise
We’re going to vote EVERY DEMOCRAT OUT!
#ShutItDown or we will #VoteYouOut !
Thank you for your courage!
a slippery slope
of moral decay,
Grifters gone wild.
Profiteering off of
public offices,
ethical rot among
marbled pillars,
no integrity,
honor is for suckers,
unchecked & unbalanced,
a character-less void,
Justice's head sleep,
in a pool of drool on its desk.
No on cloture too, right?
Can't they pick and choose which agencies to shutter, which workers to furlough, which contracts to cancel or abrogate?
Time for Senate Dems to grow a spine.