In fairness, they claim to oppose the genocide. They just seem viscerally bitter towards anyone who saw the rape prisons, the firing squads, the bodies hanging from walls, and decided any party promising more of that had not done enough to earn their vote.
Choosing not to decide is still making a choice. And the choices made in November led to Trump being elected.
You can choose not to participate, but if you do you haven't magically absolved yourself of the consequences of that choice.
Why didn't they simply dismantle the trolley and offer an alternative, rather than tell you that you had to put up with it?
Why are you sat here now defending them, arguing that capitulation is a virtue?
their pfps are so cluttered it's hard to tell at a glance
the vote.
Such a stupid, self-entitled way to see it. Who around the world is better off because of Democrats losing ro Republicans? Name them.
So I ask my hypothetical. I'm curious how you choose to answer or whether you will make a choice at all.
Those people look at you and think the same: Why did that rich and powerful person sit around and not help?
This has literally been the overriding question surrounding the Democratic Party since Obama, and it turns out that being forced to apply it to one of the worst atrocities of our age didn't help them to achieve victory, oddly enough.
If more people understood that, we could actually have a better world
Instead, have people like you who just want the (D), and don't care about policy.
I love how it just takes the smallest modicum of pushback for your fash to come out. Is that really all it takes?
But hey, at least you leftists get to jerk off about how moral and righteous you are while we’re all suffocated under jackboots. So that’s a plus for you, I guess.
It doesn’t matter how we got here. What matters is what we do now. Bitch later, fight now
I hope your pure conscience keeps you warm at night while brown people are put in camps and our democracy is dismantled in favor of christianist white nationalism.
In a first past the post system, a two party system is the result. You vote for which one does the less harm - otherwise you are just jerking off.
that's you. that's what you sound like.
Do you know who Warren G Harding was? No one does. And that's your model campaign. You should try placing your forehead in drywall until votes come out of your ears. It will do more for the democratic party.
Maybe you were too busy jerking off to notice you were full of shit
You're probably hard rn. Pervert, jorking it to violence.
Voting is dirty work. Nobody gets to stay feeling clean and succeed, and failure leads to the worst outcomes.
And be real with me, you don't feel dirty or else you wouldn't be asking hypotheticals about "in what situation would you throw millions under the bus to save yourself"
If you can compromise with genocide you have no standards and no humanity.
the universities divested.
why would they continue protesting.
also there are continued protests going on, nationwide now.
you not caring enough to pay attention doesn’t mean they’re not happening.
Who do you want to be fighting?
You’re just too dumb to know it yet.
You fell for a f**king ad campaign and now the people you couldn’t be bothered to care about get to suffer for it.
Stupid ass statement tbph
Nice try fedboy, no free fap material from this ndn 💋
But keep sniffing your own farts online like you’re some sort of hero.
White people are just fucking evil and shouldn't be appeased.
Bc, do you know what we call it when the world let Hitler break the law and invade neighboring countries?
Ignorant shit PLEASE read some history
That's done, musk is president, the issue is...
How can we save as many people from the coming catastrophe as possible.
Would Harris have been this bad, no, but at this point, who cares? She lost.
Could they be much better? Yes. But voting right-wing or withholding a vote is a vote for fascism.
There's a lot of blood, and it's on a lot of hands. Including those which didn't vote.
Both candidates did everything possible to convince them otherwise. This was a campaign that gave up even trying to reassure potential voters.
Did the Dems throw them out?
People need to have at least some rational consequentialism in their decision making or else they are just actively promoting harm by willful inaction.
Part of life is making hard choices
You can see the moral dilemma, right??
Congratulations on your moral superiority.
You keep this up and they'll have to admit to being a stone-cold fascist...
It's quite funny you take offence at the idea of voting only for people who offer you things you want. Yes. That's the point.
Harris could've been reasoned with. Trump can't be.
You're entitled to your beliefs, but this seems like a very confusing perspective to have while going through life
You care more about your pride than other people being hurt.
moral decay such as this must be rooted out from th civic body wholesale
Protest votes don’t count.
Anyone waiting for a candidate who satisfies EVERY metric will never vote.
Any eligible voter suffering under the Trump administration who failed to vote for Harris should shut up & crawl off to die quietly
I could also bring up other issues Democrats have rarely deigned to fight for - healthcare, rent, housing, mass shootings, police brutality, carceral slavery, immigrant concentration camps, etc.
Your lack of a vote for Harris has already lead to an explicitly more pro genocide world, so thanks for that.
also dems didn't "move mountains" they did the bare minimum even with the mandate of heaven
I'm convinced that these people could be swayed to letting Russia have Ukraine, if Joe had said it.
Both groups are filled with so many people who want the same things you and I do. We Americans forget that.
But, like the Russian gov attacked Ukraine, the Israeli gov has been provoking Gaza for decades.
People like you are worse than fucking Musk. Fucking walking tumor you are
you are contradicting yourself here
How do you suggest I describe a political party that armed, funded and provided military aid to an ongoing genocide while in power? What are these actions if not genocidal in nature?
Sometimes the worst action you can take is NO action.
It’s white privilege at its finest.
October 22.
The hint is in the word "evil."
It's. Still. Evil.
Attempting to quantify evil to justify a vote for evil doesn't negate that you're still voting for evil.
Evil wins either way.
I don't owe my vote to any level of evil.
Such black and white thinking is reductive with the poster demonstrating the emotional intelligence of a twelve year old.
In 1860, an avowed white supremacist ran for POTUS on a platform of permitting slavery to remain legal in states which allowed it, while blocking its expansion.
Rather than demanding that Lincoln "earn" their vote by fully opposing slavery, abolitionists rallied support for him.
Unlees you think a comparison is when you say "these two things are exactly the same".
You enslaved yourself by refusing to vote, so the people who don't think you should be allowed to live now are in charge.
So go bitch to them.
Declining to cast a vote to protect reproductive rights, environmental regulation, workplace safety, voting rights, Black families, and marriage equality doesn’t make you a principled hero, it makes you a sell-out.
What’s your goal? To be able to say you didn’t vote for a candidate that perpetuated genocide? Great. You did that.
What your vote didn’t do is cause less genocide.
Which is 100% your right. I just don’t think it helped the lives of Palestinians
Consumerism is a big problem in public life
I suppose it’s also the stupidity that forms the basis of the “I’ll run gvt like a business” comes from
No profit motive in public office UNLESS you’re corrupt
It is absolutely decadence for a voter to waive participation in the system committing the genocide, though.
Was there something I said that confused you?
anything else is just refusing to try because sometimes you lose.
Lack of action does not lessen your culpability, in fact it arguably has done the opposite.
I do not understand this obsession with a tiny group of voters, who likely lived in solid blue states, rightly recognizing the bipartisan foreign policy consensus.
I blame every eligible to vote American who either didn't vote, protest vote or voted gop. Same thing.
It just that the non-voters concerned about warcrimes in Palestine is most vocal about not taking responsibility for their actions.
Like what's your point here man?
Trump is now going to do everything he can to get the war to resume, is pushing the depopulation of Gaza, and will try hard to ensure you can't vote him out.
are you better off?
Most of the worlds governments are leading towards fascism, like they did last time all of this happened. I'll let you guess again, though.