I think what's key is to first prepare your excuses so you are composed when people bug you about "are you ever going to be finished with that damn thing?"
When asked for my progress on projects at work, my standard answer used to be “90% and holding.” Then they started getting anal about work packages, earned value, and all that stuff. It took all the fun out of jerking around my project manager.
there's nothing wrong with it except you have that have the attention span to go back and bring the rest of those tasks to 100%, something which based on the model of short-term and long-term memory stores would be difficult to do, and could probably shorten your life
Depends when you create value.
If the value is created at 50% go for the 64% many task.
If you are paid at 100% completion, you better not take that strategy or you will never get money.
And if i'm credible enough, why care at all?? How much i complete a task or am willing to work, or how much "credibility" i want should be up to how much i need to be happy.
no but fr this is actually a valid mindset to have. Half ass is still some ass, and putting in enough effort to get several chores decently completed is way better than exhausting yourself trying to do one thing "perfectly"
I’m going to be honest here, I don’t think The Microwave Time Game™️ is likely included as part of the DSM-5 diagnostic guidelines. However, Dr. Russell Barkley has a book on adult ADHD, which includes a chapter of executive function activities organized by function. Good diagnostic checklist!
I’ve never understood the self imposed limitations on the number of seconds that can be used when microwaving. I never use even multiples of 5 when entering the time. My microwaving is more fine tuned than that. Why not just start out with 27 seconds?
Because then you’d need to press four buttons (time, 2, 7, open) and suffer the resulting beeps. With my system, you press two (30 seconds, open) and avoid beeps.
I like when your progress goes from zero to 95% complete in a couple of days and stays there for weeks. Just like the progress bar on a windows update. Software is extremely difficult to predict because you don’t know what you don’t know.
64% seems like a bit much, why spend so long on it? A 3rd application of the 80-20 rule says you should hit about 50% with about 1/5 of the work needed to get to 64%, so you might as well slack off even more.
Why halfass 2 things when you can wholeass 1.
And also my whole life.
Also: “Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick” - Kevin Malone.
This thread > Masterclass
If the value is created at 50% go for the 64% many task.
If you are paid at 100% completion, you better not take that strategy or you will never get money.
If you can do something today that you can also do tomorrow, do it tomorrow.
And exerting yourself over everything certainly will never bring any happiness
That's 5625% complete!
64% + 64% =128%
it’s just maths baby
Anyway, at 3% all my projects are done.