Artificial = true. Intelligence = false. Test it yourself. Give it a 40 pg pdf to interpret -- it skips the middle. Give it a coding problem -- only about 60% correct if you are lucky.
You’ve waited your whole life to uncover the grand conspiracy that’s going to change everything. It’s here right in front of you and you can’t even be bothered to read it.
Everyday I’m amazed that techbros somehow convinced this many people that AI is anything more than a sentence generator. Good job you got the robot that types sentences to type a sentence related to the sentence you typed… but tell me again, why are we sacrificing the Earth for that?
If you were to look at the costs of training an AI model factoring in not only programming but the energy consumption of training they are not cheaper. Conflating what is currently charged for leveraging a tool with what it actually costs is problematic.
I see this screenshot and just experience the feeling of watching a toddler crying for an item, but the adult gives them the wrong one, and the child throws said item on the ground in frustration.
hear nor there.. the bigger play is the you shouldn't trust the govt or at least let's kick up some conspiracy dust.. (just trust what I tell you ;) How about those Epstein files.. where are they?
google, apple, xitter, etc all want their own version to make sure it outputs their own opinions or those of other parties that are paying them. Normally in the tech industry, standards, like TCP/IP or HTML etc, are agreed upon and everyone builds their products around them
Joe Rogan: "I mean, *I'M* not gonna read it! Gimme an AI-generated summary of dubious accuracy. No, I'm not even going to feed it into the AI myself...I'm too lazy for that. I don't even know half the words that were put into my mouth."
The people that killed RFK are the same people who started the dismantling of the US and gave the space for chuds like Rogan and his ilk to spawn and finish the country off entirely.
I think one of the most remarkable caveats of this is eventually, it might be. HOWEVER not only are we probably very far from that, the likelihood that AI sentience evolves in a way we can understand is slim to none. Think about how stigmatized humans are for neurodivergence.
I'm so tired of stupid men in tech or anywhere else. It's LITERALLY just Markov chains. They invented big autocorrect and they think it's a fucking sentient being from their own divine hand. All the time and money wasted on this shit is infuriating.
That AI is a human creation bounded by humanity's limited understanding of how the cosmos works is beyond them. But as long as they want to keep paying me to report its immeasurable shortcomings, I'll happily take their money.
LLM aren’t processing information, they are using information to predict what other information would look like. But it’s all probabilities, which is why it’s only accurate 60-80% of the time, because it doesn’t actually know anything but assembles an approximation of what you ask for.
It's a very sophisticated algorithm for word association. As with crypto, the more you understand how it works, the less interested you are in it. Unless you're a scammer
Thats one thing I liked about ol Grok, he would talk some major smack, and if you asked him to get really down to it, he'd de-humanize his own creators. I forced him to kill me 4 times. (in 0's and 1's land)
These is all just LLM's. I don't know why people even use the term AI.
Because 75 year old bank executives understand it better described as the computer from Star Trek instead of the mouthy search engine that it actually is.
Well, Grok did accurately name Donald Trump and Elon musk as the greatest threats to American democracy of all time, so maybe it's not as stupid as we thought.
It’s a glorified search engine, without structured data you have nothing. Companies are so stupid about their data and they have no respect for the importance of designing functional, enterprise level knowledge management ecosystems arrg screaming into the void again
Yes, and you have to enjoy sharing knowledge and have empathy for the end users to design systems. Sadly, empathy is in short supply with c suite executives in a lot of places. Plus leadership changes every 3 years and then you have a bunch of neglected landing pages and repositories #km #AI
Yes, there is that, too, but usually I see that gatekeeper behavior in middle managers who prioritize their jobs over what’s good for the organization. #severance represents it well the way the managers never tell the employees what is going on
I think that the development of “AI” to the point it is currently at was a necessary precondition for the hard elite swing to fascism since 2022-2023 or so. They have convinced themselves that they invented a machine that obsoletes humans and so they are free to act on their anti-human ideals.
If an LLM is a lazy way to summarize data (it is), it’s quite impressive for Rogan to say “hey I’m too lazy to read through the material and come up with conclusions, and I’m also too lazy to feed this data that I have into the Lazy machine. Can someone feed the Lazy machine for me please.”
He is so, so stupid. So stupid he doesn’t know enough to be embarrassed when he manifests his stupidity for millions to witness. The worst stupid people are the ones who think they’re smart people. He is a prime example.
I was wondering w.r.t. the OP whether he was supposed to be categorized among the stupid or the rich, and find this clarification to be most helpful. Thank you so much! 🙏🐶
Yesterday AI noted some Americans dislike EV tax credits and paying for an EV charging system, but most are OK with Pete Buttegieg as DoT Sec'y. Then it sent me to, to find that DoT Sec'y Sean Duffy had ordered NYC to clean up the Metro. Handling real-time info? A bridge too far.
I asked my wife to design my book cover. She asked an AI for design ideas. It told her it couldn’t produce images of historical events, but quoted passages (of my satirical story…) off my website as if it was a real historical event. So history isn’t safe either! lol.
Those maga or musk's employees will merge into AI when they firstly take Neuralink and then they will earn doge or Bitcoin in their matrix or AI's preaching church and they will go to Mars and merge together.
The rich have convinced themselves that AI will replace human thought and creativity.
If you look carefully around the edges, relying on generative AI is like trying to get meaning from the feedback loop caused by pointing an analog video camera at a an old TV screen.
AI is a horrible tool to use when you are dealing with something you know nothing about. And yet, every day, some dipsh*t feeds it a prompt and uses the output without verifying and validating the information. 🙄
The largest of the files, counting over two thousand pages ( would need to be transcripted into plaintext in order to reference it in an LLM. The files are so old that human labor is certainly required to read the crooked text and type it back into a text file.
I briefly went thru it about half way and noticed it was a report about a field office break in front 1971 and a ton of old FBI policies and procedures. They were marked obsolete. I must be missing something.
Call me old fashioned, but I view AI in the way that Alfred North Whitehead viewed behaviorism—valuable in its proper inert sphere but inadequate to the fluidity and complexity of language and consciousness. An extraordinary capacity to manipulate data is not to be mistaken for creativity.
I would actually be curious what an AI would come up with if it read all this documentation. I wouldn't believe it, but it would be an interesting exercise.
It’s the last word on everything now for many and that’s frightening. The major lack in AI besides the obvious is its inability to communicate why it concludes such things. Reasoning is highly lacking.
And it's also very impressive how many people you'd previously thought were smart think - especially people in the tech sector - that AI is a Magic Box.
Google had to turn off their search AI doing conversions past the first decimal point b/c it always fucked them up.
He has literally zero skepticism. He's knee-jerk responded to something only to have someone point out it isn't true several times and he never learns his lesson.
You can go on his show and say you met an alien and he'll go "oh wow, wild"
It’s not even AI. Artificial intelligence used to be defined as a point where computers became self aware. That’s not where we are. It’s just like a chess program from 2004 just with more data about people. That’s it. It’s not sentient.
wanna know the funny part, most AI have already used ALL of the internet for data and are now fearing for model collapses which in all honesty is going to happen no matter what they do
A dog food dispenser that decides to randomly dispense Skittles, onions, other cylindrical shaped objects as it assumed that was the intent of the dispense since dog food is cylindrical.
Please use ALTTEXT to describe images for visually impaired readers. You get 2000 characters and can use speach to text to do it quickly and easily. You can set up Bluesky to remind you to use ALTTEXT.
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
You can probably find lots of interesting stuff if you train an AI on the released files. But feeding them to a commercial AI service is not exactly the same as that.
You know, in the old days, if you wanted to get deep into conspiracy theories, at least you had to put some effort into it. Library visits, making photocopies, building your own yarn boards, staying up late to listen to weird radio programs, ordering books and other things through the mail, etc.
He could read the report himself or wait until a news source summarises it. Why bother feeding it to AI when people will do it and it will likely be more accurate?
His ‘Stupid’ act of ‘just asking questions’ was better on stage in front of a drunken crowd at the Laugh Factory
This global Twitter act to a severely traumatized audience one tweet at a time just sucks
I bet you Grock will have an answer, it may even be consistent with repetition. Is that answer right? No way to know without doing the work, so it is pointless to ask.
It's a free commercial for his favorite South African drug addict... Though Rogan would also believe whatever he is told by anything remotely related to Leon Muskovy
I love how the modern American conservative cannot think for themselves. Imagine having to ask an entire social media platform to develop an opinion on something on your behalf. Hundreds of years of democracy unraveled by podcast bros, what a joke.
I'm gonna stop you there.
Freaking Joe Rogan🤦♀️
We can't even quantify human intelligence accurately.
Thats one thing I liked about ol Grok, he would talk some major smack, and if you asked him to get really down to it, he'd de-humanize his own creators. I forced him to kill me 4 times. (in 0's and 1's land)
These is all just LLM's. I don't know why people even use the term AI.
This sounds very intuitive and accurate. #facts.
Unfortunately, rich people in this country aren’t usually rich because they did something of genuine value to society .
Frankly, the richest guy in the universe should be the fellow who came up with his VisiCalc.
Looked into ONE thread about a 2018 Trump quote:
"Grok is this true"
"Is this true, Grok"
"Let's see what Grok says"
"Grok is that true?"
"Hmm. Grok?"
"Sorry but I gotta ask Grok first"
Comments everywhere
🎶It's the The Circle of Trash...🎶
It’s a great tool but it’s still DC universe as opposed to Marvel
I mean, I knew he was stupid, but not like this.
Ask it for some baby name suggestions, you'll get mostly the same names every single time.
If you look carefully around the edges, relying on generative AI is like trying to get meaning from the feedback loop caused by pointing an analog video camera at a an old TV screen.
That doesn't make it God - it makes it a productivity tool.
We're not going to defeat evil billionaires by running from technology.
1. Crashing the LLM
2. Making it hallucinate with overload of tokens
3. Receive a summary of the first few paragraphs or the last few paragraphs
His podcast is a pseudo intellectual circle jerk full of morons who peaked in 5th grade
AI doesn’t know dick about shit
I am so over this shit today… 🤬
Keep the people stupid, angry, and donating to the endless crap.
Google had to turn off their search AI doing conversions past the first decimal point b/c it always fucked them up.
Simple math fucked it up.
It was able to get the right result a few times but now it's *stolidly* insisting that 1.5 cups of heavy cream is 375 grams.
He used to know he was an idiot.
You can go on his show and say you met an alien and he'll go "oh wow, wild"
As it is now, your post is basically empty for the visually impaired reader.
Just in case there was ever any doubt as to how much these people lied...
This answer was given by Musks' own AI.
Feel free to ask it yourself
This global Twitter act to a severely traumatized audience one tweet at a time just sucks
I’m not permitted to give his name in answer to your question, please accept this photo of responsible party instead
*according to 23andMe, so consider that as reliable as you feel like