Question for Comics BlueSky: What's your favorite unfinished work in comics? Either a regular run that was unfairly cut short or a standalone work that was sadly left uncompleted? The one that breaks your heart. The one where you'd KILL for it to see the light of day. I've got a few...
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It really embraced the existence of continuity and legacy, then threw a few curveballs in for good measure.
I can't see how some of those stories would exist the same way outside Marvel.
Macan’s run on Soldier-X.
Casey’s run on Wildcats 3.0.
Southern Bastards.
Baker and Helfer’s Shadow
Ellis and Zezelj’s Desolation Jones
Morrison’s Seaguy
It deserved better.
The DREAD DORMAMMU as villains of the issue.
Here's a link to more info on the issue and the band.
It's a good one though. 👍
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
And also, the revamped Archie title by Waid was handed over to Nick Spencer and canceled mid-storyline during the pandemic
I've always wondered what happened to Donovan Flint and his crew.
It did at least end the major story arc, but there should have been more.
(sadly, only 1 issue to be produced)
This is a desert-island comic mag for me.
If I can only bring a handful of comics/mags - THIS comes with me.
A beautifully written, lavishly illustrated...beginning.
I'd love to see what else Dave Cockrum would have done with the Legion of Super-Heroes if he'd have stayed at DC.
Maybe your fave came in and you got it, maybe it just wasn't in Mr. McGregor's periodical order this week. Or it was cancelled (RIP Secret Society of Super Villains) or another kid got it before you.
endorsed by Tom in comments, Gerry's script was irredeemable tripe. Dick & DC were guilty of trying to foist this travesty upon Marvel - and the fans!
The Black Monday Murders
Dragon Ball Super
Bayou is SO GOOD! I want to know what happens next. 🥺
I understand why Ty won't return to it, but I still long for more.
When Englehart abruptly left Marvel...
i’d love to see Steve Gerber’s unfinished works, like more of the original Howard the Duck run, & i think much of his work was stopped short for this reason or that… & the Superman line he and Frank Miller proposed!
And among the actual never-done Gerber series, the imaginary never-done one i want is DOOM PATROL.
Loved that comic beyond words — always hoped he’d pair with MAJOR BUMMER and they’d go on an infinite downer quest (also is that sword quest as in fireworld earthworld Atari?)
But sure. And add LARK’S KILLER to the list.
There’s a sea serpent of sorts, though, and some collapsing Atlantean ruins.
It's definitely very high on the list of I Need to Write More of That.
2. Five Years Later Legion absent editorial interference from the Superman office.
3. The Heckler.
Otherwise Doug Murray’s run on The Nam, which was covering the length of the war in real time, following one unit. Got dumped for schlocky crap.
And I just saw an old letters page that promised Steve Englehart written stories for Reno Kid, which never happened. That’d have been interesting.
Because I *was* going to reply that Stig's Inferno is my favorite unfinished work in comics.
But as I looked for info to use in my skeet I discover STIG'S INFERNO WAS FINISHED UNDER A DIFFERENT PUBLISHER!
Having the individual issues are a treasured, priceless art I will cherish always.
The biggest teams, the most legendary artist of both…I guess, for me, it’s like a director FINALLY winning an Oscar kind deserved. Would have lived earlier, but glad they accomplished it.
Loved every single issue of this.
Then, in the final issue, there’s an editorial page where the editor says that this comic sold practically zero copies BUT also says the writer Peter B. Gillis had a second saga already written out in a desk drawer that would never see print.
cuz the reveal nobody bought it -SHOOK- me?
How? How could that be?
Will wonder for ever what story it was
He used it to continue his Supergirl under new names
I really enjoyed 's run on War Machine. He delved into family dynamics that I really enjoyed. And the assimilation aspect was neat. Then there was just no next issue.
Nate Bellegarde: artist
(No, Dominic Fortune is NOT The Scorpion!)
(So no extensive knowledge and life experience)
Plus, he ages, which Moro didn’t!
And Dom’s much more sentimental.
Don't see Max Allan Collins' Batman mentioned, that's on my list too.
Southern Bastards
Manhattan Projects
Minx (Which finished, but was tied up quickly due to low sales).
But honestly, Tintin and the Picaros feels like an ending to me, as it brought back lots of characters & plot points from the previous books.
But the middle era of Tintin (From, say, Secret of the Unicorn - The Calculus Affair) is my favorite. Just one banger after another, there.
I'm also interested in how Tom King would have ended his Batman run if it had have still been in Batman and not the separate out of continuity Batman/Catwoman.
Steve Gerber's Doctor Fate.
Which is really, REALLY, relevant today.
Thought it as been like 30 years since I cracked an issue
Sadly, I kept the 4 issues of Skeemer but not the Sonic Disruptors
Xenozoic Tales
More Bill Willingham Elementals.
More Stern/Byrne Cap, since the creatives seemed to still get along.
Whatever Steve Gerber and Mary Skrenes were going to do with Omega and Hard Time.
I think there were plans for another X-Men/Titans
So we never got RoboShadow, bitter fruit indeed.
Nocenti & Art Adams’ Longshot sequel
This is always my #1 response to "desert island comic"/"unfinished masterpiece".
from Alan Moore:
Supreme - yes that Supreme.
Alan Moore took it from being an angry shallow superman
knockoff to a adoring homage of the silver age.
He showed superheroes dont need to have runs lasting years to have history.
In some cases violently so.
Moore's followup to the Watchmen.
Moore and DC had a falling out over Watchmen character rights.
This never saw anything more than a proposal.
The alleged pitch was leaked online
years ago. I dont know if it's true but i found it online and it fits the description i heard about it.
Anyone interested can look through this dense, detailed and engaging outline.
Also, how All-Star Batman and Robin would’ve ended, even with how bizarre it is
Big Numbers by Alan Moore & Bill Sienkiewicz.
Omega the Unknown by Steve Gerber, Mary Skrenes & Jim Mooney.
I could always use more Bloodhound, from Dan Jolley & Leonard Kirk. Whether in or out of the DCU, that book hit the spot.
2. ODY-C
3. Casanova
...but Halo is the one that hurts the most
More Casanova from Fraction and Moon/Ba
Leave It To Chance only got one issue into the new arc by Robinson & Smith
And the Elementals V2 big storyline not getting wrapped up by Willingham and Leeke was a crime.
Thank you for explaining! 🙏😊