It’s increasingly apparent that Tesla marketing is a bunch of misogynists.
Because if you ask a group of young women to come break your car, they’ll show up with an aluminum bat and a crowbar, and break your fucking car.
That's from the CarWow review of the Cybertruck (CarWow is a major car review website). They also put someone in a shopping trolley and rammed the truck with it repeatedly to try to ding it.
(In case you're curious, they rated it a solid "buy")
I absolutely cannot wait for one of these dipshits to shoot their Cybertruck with a shotgun. I can see it in my mind's eye, but I know the actual moment is going to be more glorious.
Just like people did with the Cybertruck prototype getting rescued on the icy hillside, where you can very visibly see that it's on bald tires that probably aren't even roadsafe, let alone suitable for offroading.
LMAO. I’m gonna need them to stop saying indestructible and then very visibly showing destruction! like I would rather they create an AI filter or whatever and LIE than continue whatever this is 😂
Ummm... that would be a reflection, because none of the dorks kicking the truck thought to wear metal spiked golf shoes to scratch it with.
Or- simply carry a hunk of #3 or #4 steel wool to take that reflective surface down a bit. (I am not saying people *should* do that, just that they could.)
I'm not using Twitter, so I haven't seen the video. And, if you read again- I am the one who said something about scratches, and making them. The blob in the middle of the door looks like a reflection of a person, not like a dent. There's no change in the photo to the lines of the door.
But, okay?
It’s also bulletproof!! and it can go off-road!! and it’s only $39k!! and it can go 500 miles per charge!! and tow 11k lbs!! If you really believe anything Tesla is selling atp I’ve got some Corinthian leather I think you’ll love 😍
It seems they get nearly 500 miles Epa - for real life range we have to wait for customers trying it.
The price jump is of course dissapointing and this will likely cost a lot of pre-orders which will get cancelled
They said that some time ago, in a recent video where they shot on the doors however the engineer doing that saud the doors are around 1,8 mm steel.
It's still significantly more than the 0,7 used on other cars but a lot thinner compared what they originally announced.
Course nearly 3 t are much but this is a truck which is 5,7 m long and 2,4 m wide. Other trucks built in a conventional way in this size are not that much different in weight. These are simply huge cars.
You wouldn't! Bodkin arrowheads of the day were absolutely meant to punch through armor, while the hunting broadhead that Rogan used was the worst possible tip for an attempt to penetrate the door.
There’s some kind of poetic irony in the fact that they almost certainly picked the least damaging arrow type on purpose because they were worried about fucking up a demo again
I mean it's probably just the scariest looking one that had. Target arrowheads might fare a little better, but really it's just that nobody has designed a bow or arrow to puncture metal in, like, 400 years.
It's the optics of being safe from gangs. His whole thing with the post-apocolyptic branding isn't just aesthetics, everything from the pedestrian-maiming rigid frame to the bulletproof panels is to sell it as keeping you safe from The Poors when the economy breaks down.
IEDs with a concentrated upward charge, easily built by Poors at home in their hovels, may be concealed in a road and do not have to be very big or powerful to pierce the weak underbelly of [ᴇʟᴇᴄᴛʀɪᴄ ᴠᴇʜɪᴄʟᴇ], compromise the battery, and cause "problems"
Yeahhhh kick that big metal object with your frail human feet! That'll teach it a lesson! But if you mention anything about a small steel ball, you're dead.
Let's hope the Vandels don't realize that breaking that window will cost $2000 for just the part.
*I do not advocate violence against Tesla trucks. But seriously do not buy one. Look at the parts catalog for replacement parts. This is 100% why Elon is flooding the infosphere with garbage like this.
Cybertruck: Paint me like one of your French Caves, Jack.
Jack: ….
Cybertruck: I can briefly be used as a boat.
Jack: Will two people fit on your bed?
Cybertruck: Not if one is that ginger chick. Apparently.
Because if you ask a group of young women to come break your car, they’ll show up with an aluminum bat and a crowbar, and break your fucking car.
treasure him
Dremel Tool.
Battery operated.
(In case you're curious, they rated it a solid "buy")
Great slogan.
Cowards didn't even try the hammer test
*Ed Note: I recently learned what the Loss meme is and felt obligated to use it.
shabbiest tailgate evah!
Or- simply carry a hunk of #3 or #4 steel wool to take that reflective surface down a bit. (I am not saying people *should* do that, just that they could.)
But, okay?
(And no, they didn't damage it).
While I do not have a CT I have steel and there's no way you can dent 2 mm that easily
The price jump is of course dissapointing and this will likely cost a lot of pre-orders which will get cancelled
It's still significantly more than the 0,7 used on other cars but a lot thinner compared what they originally announced.
Regarding the weight, of
Ridiculously big cars.
Fun fact: due to this heavy weight, these trucks are not allowed to ride faster than 50 mph in Germany.
Like how is this a flex at all lol
It has NOTHING going for it!
*I do not advocate violence against Tesla trucks. But seriously do not buy one. Look at the parts catalog for replacement parts. This is 100% why Elon is flooding the infosphere with garbage like this.
Jack: ….
Cybertruck: I can briefly be used as a boat.
Jack: Will two people fit on your bed?
Cybertruck: Not if one is that ginger chick. Apparently.