this horrible fucker left his fiancée while she was undergoing treatment for stage iii breast cancer, financially screwed her over and kicked her out of their house
Reposted from
alexis simpson
well this might cheer y'all up
Jesus fucking christ why are their motivations always, at base, the most fucking lameass insecure manbaby shit
Yeeeeaaah suuuuuuure
Not only does he ditch his finance when things got hard, but he paid her below poverty level for full time employment. He basically manipulated her to quit her high paying jobs to serve this douche bag. Wow…
i don't know. it seems that way
The devil doesn't need an advocate.
What good is an immortal body when his mind trapped within it has stagnated since age 16?
What can he possibly contribute toward the human path of enlightenment with that stunted limitation?
The cells will begin to divide haphazardly.
Illness will take root.
Meds may help.
Death will follow.
No amount of money will cheat the decline.
No life, hollow excuses for wanting to live longer and emotionally blackmailing his child ( who it seems has taken a gap year to work with dad )
OK - now back to the real social imbalances in America such as rising homelessness, a lack of affordable housing, hungry children, etc.
Die sad bozo, I hope his ex-wife is doing better and sued him.
Another one for the ‘dancing on a grave’ list…
It’s becoming a long list!
Illness along the lines of hoarders. Notice how the more wealthy they become, the more manic in the pursuit of more wealth they become?
“Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst that is unquenchable?” ~Kahlil Gibran
But most of anti aging is just eat good stuff, lay off processed foods, exercise, don't smoke or do drugs, get good sleeps, avoid stress and be happy.
We’ll see how long he lasts.
And, he sent her A FAX to tell her he was leaving her.
I give you Newt Gingrich…Served his first wife with Divorce papers, as she lay in her hospital bed 🛏️ dying of cancer. #ClassActs
I envy whomever takes his money to make him go through all the crap, though. Seems fun.
Eventually you find a lot of gratitude that they're gone.
He's dead now (not related 😁), but I'd sometimes see him in the wild and thanked whatever gods there are for saving me.